120 Transcript: The Importance Of *Cool* In Your Energy

Heal Yourself Change Your Life

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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life-changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made that changed my health and my entire. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this. Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level.

I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind, and then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind, your emotions, and your. To help you heal your health yourself and your life.

Let's begin.

Hello and welcome. It is so wonderful to connect with you. I just love that you are here, expanding your mind, your heart, your consciousness, your energy. I just love it. And I just love today's episode. It's beautiful and expansive, and I just love our volunteers. So I'm very excited about today's episode.

And one of the things that I'm excited about beyond how amazing and wonderful our volunteer is, is just the lift in energy at the end. It's just beautiful. the way she lifts it and starts feeling it just as, as she steps into it, you'll notice it and you'll, you'll feel it also. So it's really beautiful.

The other thing that I also love is that there are so many misconceptions when it comes to healing. And as you probably know, if you're here that a lot of people feel like, you know, if there's an ailment that it usually has to do with some type of illness, trauma that happened that created negative emotions in the subconscious mind.

But all of the time, I'll see people who have patterns that are linked up for a variety of different reasons that are not necessarily linked to trauma. And that is part of the case for Mary. So there's a couple different things going on as typical, but if you remember She was our volunteer from the last episode and, by the way, so many people messaged in and they said, Oh my God, I love Mary.

She's so sweet. She's so cool. Which is great because part of what we are actually talking about even more today is that feeling of cool. And how cool can link to actually patterns that can be hard on the physical body and actually lead to problems. And if you think about where we left off last week with Mary, when we were on the first half, of this session with Mary, we left off with her talking about that feeling of aggravation.

So if you remember, she didn't initially see the aggravation feeling, but then when she saw it, she saw it with even more clarity and then said, Oh my gosh, I see now that She feels like it's cool. Like, her and her friends, you know, it's like this feeling of it's cool to be aggravated. And that was linked up in her subconscious mind, and she didn't even consciously realize it was there.

And, I do want to be clear that she is definitely not the only person that I have seen different links with things, too. I mean, I have seen people who link up all kinds of emotional patterns to cool. And, of course, they don't do it intentionally, but When it gets linked up, it can affect their physical body, which is what we're seeing here.

And so we're going to dive in and unpack this even more. And as we do step in, you'll notice that Mary has a really great sense of humor. And that of course is really cool. And part of what we're talking about, so we're pushing a little bit on the Feeling of cool and you'll notice she's laughing. She's playful with it.

And that is so great So you want to note that when you're working with yourself and doing self work And I have to tell you all of the time when I'm working with people we're laughing about things We'll see a pattern. We'll laugh. We'll be playful We'll be ridiculous or silly or whatever it is, you know outside of the box.

You want to have fun with it and You'll notice that You'll notice that as we step in, I'm kind of pushing a bit with the oval. If that's cooler, if that's cool. And she's laughing and it's playful and it's so sweet. And again, you're just going to love this woman. She's, she's precious and fun and beautiful.

And that said, let's go ahead and dive back in. And just again, to remind you. where we left off from last episode is that Mary's been having a lot of numbness going on and had in the past had some major health issues. And so she's looking at what that could possibly be with the numbness and looking at transforming her emotional patterns around, you know, what's going on in the subconscious mind.

So I love that. And so that's what we're working on specifically. is that numbness and then the aggravation came up in the last episode really setting yourself up for success. So some important changes to make there and really being willing to be determined to make a change and to really look at the pattern.

So that's where we left off with the last episode and I'll see you Let's go ahead and step back in with Mary. Here we go.

But the great thing is you are so strong. You are, right? Like if I ask you your level of, we'll call it, like, determination or perseverance in your life. If I ask you what's your average level, zero to ten, what would you say? Hmm, I'm very determined. Yeah, like somewhere between a 50 and a 60. In a beautiful, beautiful way.

I love, I love it. I love it. And so am I, like for me to get better, I had to be like, all right, I am determined. I'm going to do this. I'm going to figure this out. And so I love that. And could you really get determined to change this pattern? Yeah, absolutely. For sure. Great. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe.

And by the way, if I was like aggravated with people all the time, if I was like, so aggravated with this person and oh my God, that person, and I was so aggravated, would you think I was like more cool? No. Okay. And uh, by the way, when your mom was aggravated more often, Did that look cooler to you? No, not at all.

Okay, uh, but how cool was Monday when you were aggravated with cleanup and whatnot? How cool was that? That was cool because I was doing it. So it's only cool if you're doing it.

Okay, and so, uh, bingo. Bingo. Which by the way, it's so funny. And I love that you said exactly that is all of the time I have seen people before where it's like they're doing something and they feel like it's cool. And I said, okay, well, if somebody else did that, what would you think? What would you think of them?

And they would be like, Oh my God. And they have a completely different look. And I go, so if you're doing it, it's cool. But if somebody, and it just, it's a different thing. So by the way, if I ask you how cool your husband thinks it is when you're aggravated, Hmm. Not at all.

Okay, and uh, bingo. And if I ask you, bingo. It's kind of like this. If I ask you, bingo, is Star Wars cool? Mm hmm. Zero to ten, how much? Like a hundred. Like a hundred, okay. Yeah. Now by the way, are there people who think Star Wars is really geeky out of a hundred? Yeah, for sure. Okay, so notice that cool is relative to your belief system.

Right? Yeah.

All right. So let's go ahead and pause it just for a really quick moment because we're going to unpack this even more as we continue on. But I want to bring to your awareness again, this isn't just Mary getting cool linked up to something. Everybody has a variety of different links of what is cool in the subconscious mind.

And if you think about cool for a moment and you go beyond the word of cool. If you think about cool, cool is connection with others or acceptance, like feeling loved, feeling embraced. So if you think about the underlying word of cool, you can really also associate it with feeling loved and connected with others.

And so it is something that is important for your being. If you're somebody who associates cool with love, which of course, Mary does, and a lot of people do. It's the way that you fit in. If you're cool, you fit in. And of course, there are plenty of people who would feel like it's cool to not be cool. You know, it feels better to not fit in.

So, it can be linked up in a variety of different ways in the mind. And so, that's the exact point here, is you'll want to notice that. I mean, personally, I do. I was raised that Star Wars was for geeks, so, which doesn't make any sense, but that's what got linked up in my brain. And I've never seen a single Star Wars before.

And it was funny because several years ago there was this Star Wars movie coming out and a friend asked me about going and she was like, you want to go see the new Star Wars? And I had to tell her I had never seen a Star Wars before and she was like, what? It's the coolest thing ever. And I mean, again, to this day, I've never seen one and not because it's not cool or cool, just because I haven't actually seen one and haven't taken the time to go do so.

But of course, a movie doesn't mean you're cool or not cool. It just means that, you know, so many people have beliefs about it, or feelings about it one way or another, and so that's the reason I commonly use Star Wars, is because it's something that is so divided. It's like people are either, Oh my god, it's the coolest thing ever, usually, or, Oh my god, it's the geekiest thing ever, and it's so funny how people are divided.

But the point that you want to note from that is exactly that, is that People have such differences about what's cool and what's not. And even you'll hear me talk about coming up, you know, some people think that sagging your pants or wearing your pants really low is so cool. And other people think it makes you look uneducated and blah, blah, blah, or whatever else.

And it's just a very different perspective. And I have also worked with people who before felt like it was really cool. to be bored with life. To be like, yeah, you know, whatever. Just like, yeah, whatever. Now, the problem is, is a lot of those people that I've worked with have had major health issues or different things or problems or depression or a variety of different issues in life and some that were even suicidal because they felt like Life was boring.

So they didn't have a lot of attachment to life, and they couldn't figure out why other people were loving life or passionate about life. Meanwhile, in their subconscious mind, they had that feeling, a feeling like it was cool to feel like life was boring and to not be so interested in life. So if you think about it for a moment, these deeper feelings of what's cool and what's not cool Can ultimately impact multiple areas of your life and the way you feel about life or relationships or any of those things.

And so I just want you to realize that this topic where somebody might think, Oh, well, what's cool or not cool. Isn't that big of a deal, but it can be a huge deal and make it impossible to really feel happy and healthy, and it just can affect you in multiple ways. And so for that reason, we're going to continue unpacking this even more.

And I just want you to kind of note that, and we'll go ahead and unpack even further as we continue with Mary. Here we go.

Yeah. Bingo. For sure. Bingo. So just for a moment if you stop and think about that That there are people that think Star Wars is the coolest thing ever and there are other people who think Star Wars is the geekiest Thing ever. Right? There are people who walk around who think that having your pants Like, below, way below your rear is the coolest thing ever, and then there are other people who think it is so uncool, can you not pull up your pants?

On both sides, right? So, bingo. And so, with every different way of being or dressing, like there are some people who think tattoos are the coolest thing ever, and other people who think, oh my god, they're hideous, right? And so, you can see how everybody's got a different definition of cool, right? Yeah. Okay.

And so if I ask you on your spiritual journey, and your expanded journey of awareness and healing and transformation and all that, I ask you how cool it is. So how the aggravation is part of your, uh, cool factor. Yeah. What do you think? No. Not at all. Bingo. And, go ahead. No, I was just going to say, I think that feeling of, you know, showing the annoyance of getting aggravated kind of makes things happen, like, you know, if I get annoyed that this isn't done, then it will happen.

And it sort of makes me feel like, okay. I'll be heard if this is done, if I'm annoyed. There you go. I love your awareness. Now I got to ask you, I have this thing where all of the time people always open the door for me. It's the sweetest thing ever. And so if I have to get annoyed at something, I would say my energy is off.

Like if I even start, I would be like, Oh, what, what, what, what's happening? Like, you know, something's off, right? So if you think about it, okay. So watch this. Let's say, uh, Let's use a better example. Let's say that, um, so let's say, um, bingo, let's do that. Who's your favorite musician or actor, actress, or, um, or one that you like?

It doesn't have to be your favorite, but one that you like. Yeah. I love, I love Cindy Crawford. Okay. So Cindy Crawford. Okay. So if she walks into a restaurant, And they just do things for her. That's great, right? They get everything for her and they take care of her and all of that. Now, if she has to get aggravated at them, is that more cool?

No. Or is it more cool for her to just walk in and have a wonderful, pleasant meal? No, for sure. Okay. And so what's more cool? So, oh wait, she would be cooler if she had to get aggravated at them? No. Why not? No, that just, that's not cool at all. Okay, so what would happen if you just went to go get a meal, and it was just harmonious and great, and they were nice and sweet and wonderful to you, and you were nice and sweet and wonderful to them, and it was just this thing?

Yeah, it feels really good, and it's, it just, it's a good vibe as well. Yeah, so I want you to picture just for a moment that you go to eat somewhere and you walk in and they're like hey How's it going? Good to see you. We have your favorite table for you here. And yeah, let me get you a menu Do you want the this or that or what can we do?

Yeah, it's so great to see you blah blah blah blah blah Now, how cool is that? No, that's really great. Okay, or if you walk in and they're like, Oh, this is the one that gets aggravated about everything. Here we go. Yeah, no. Which one's more cool? No, for sure the first. Okay, and uh, bingo. Yes. So if Cindy Crawford walks in and they're like, Oh, this is the one that gets angry with everything or she walks in and everybody's like, Oh, hey, it's Cindy Crawford.

Okay, cool. Let's get her favorite blah, blah, blah. It's good to see her. Blah, blah, blah. And everything's really sweet. Which one's more cool. Yeah. Great. So I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe. Yeah. And I want you to think about even with Cindy Crawford, somebody who you feel like is cool, this aggravation pattern does not look cool on her at all.

No. looks inferior, right? For sure, yeah. Okay, so I'm going to ask you to breathe,

and what if you're just that cool, where kindness, kindness is so wonderful. For sure. Right? Mm hmm. And by the way, have you ever done that before where you've gone into a restaurant and they say, oh it's good to see you, here's your table, oh let's get you to whatever. Have you ever done that before? Yeah.

Yeah, and how does that feel? No, it's amazing. And how cool is that? Of course, it is. Yeah, and did you get them to do that by being aggravated with them? No, no, or did you get it that connection by being kind and nice and connecting with them? No, for sure. Right. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe, right?

So let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, first and foremost, I just love her. She's so great, great awareness. And remember a few minutes ago when she said she just has this feeling that getting aggravated makes things happen. Okay, so she noticed that in her mind that she has that feeling.

And so that's what we're looking at shifting here is saying, wait a second, not only is it not cool, so we're helping to shift that, but it doesn't make things happen better. Instead, what happens is that it's great when people want to do great things for you and want to be kindness. And so of course, logically she's saying, you know, I get this, I get this.

And, and she sees that. And to make that real shift, she's going to need to really feel different. And so that's why I'm pushing a bit and we're going to unpack this a bit more coming up because you'll notice there's another part coming up where she says, but logically if I know it, and that's one of those key pieces that needs to be shifted.

So, and by the way, on another note, you may notice as we continue on how her energy is, is really, you know, laid back and kind of like, okay, okay, okay. Notice as she's more laid back and just, okay, okay, okay. Kind of like relaxed. You'll notice that I'm more into it. I'm going, okay, like this, because the reason I'm more into it and speaking faster and doing that is because I need her to feel something to help create that shift.

And so that's what you'll notice is that, you know, I'm pushing a bit and speaking a little louder, speaking a little faster because you've got to feel it. And so. In your shifts that you're making, you'll want to make sure that you're emotionally engaged in it and that you're really feeling that change and passionate about that change.

And by the way, coming up again, when she starts really bringing in that shift of cool near the end, you'll notice her energy just opens up in a really beautiful way. So, I love that, but that's what you'll want to note here is that really just creating that emotional shift. so much. is key to really creating that transformation.

All right. So that said, let's go ahead and dive back in with Mary.

And what if kindness is cool? Of course it is. I would never say the other is. Yeah. Great, so I'm going to ask you to breathe, and by the way, let's say you're out with these two friends, right? And let's say you guys go to a restaurant. And they say, oh, hey Mary, how's it going? It's so good to see you. I got your table.

How cool does that feel? Compared to if they go, oh no, it's Mary. Alright, who wants to, who wants to help Cedar?

Which one's more cool with your, you got your two friends, they say, Hey Mary, it's great to see you. Let's get your table set up. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Or they say like, they're like, Oh, it's Mary. Oh God. I don't want to take her. Do you? Yeah. All right. I'll go see her. Yeah. I get it. All right, so I'm going to ask you to breathe, bingo, and uh, bingo.

And by the way, that restaurant that you went to, where you went and they said, Oh, hey Mary, how's it going? Or hey, you know, maybe they remember your name, maybe they don't, but either way, they recognize your face. They recognize who you are, right? Yeah. Okay, how does that feel? It just feels, it feels, it feels great.

Just feels loving and kind and all the nice feelings for sure. Right. Now imagine for a moment, you're so kind in your life and nice to people that that happens like everywhere you go. Yeah. How cool is that? Yeah. Yeah. I think I'm usually a kind person. I think it's just I hear you. I hear people with people just with people that you love.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Mm hmm. So hold on one second. So did you love that doctor? So notice there's that feeling that the agoraphy it shows up at the subconscious Also and towards people you love and I got to tell you so this is the thing So if you think about it, you've noticed a big difference before your health issue Mm hmm compared to now right?

Yeah now out of curiosity. Let me ask you honestly You Mm hmm. Do you think there's any chance that if you don't truly transform this that it could let's say in a year or two or Three or four get out of control and go back to where it used to be years ago

Yeah, I definitely want to improve myself and that's why I'm here exactly and I love that I want to be aware and this is great. Yeah. Totally. So this is, so this is what I would love from you is this. Okay. So when you start to think about it in a different way, so I want you to notice, notice how we just made it uncool and we made the opposite cool, right?

Yeah. Great. So I ask you to breathe. And and I I think that you you are wonderful and you are fabulous and you are You're just beautiful You're a beautiful being and by all the way If I was going to sit here in your energy and describe all of the wonderful amazing things about you And that was the goal of this call we could do that, too So I don't want you to feel like oh you're a mess and you have all these things and blah blah blah blah Not at all, but we want to work on something right for sure.

Yeah, great. So you're beautiful inside and out and Also, there's this thing and so what you want to do is You is you want to flip what's cool and you want to change your cool. Yeah. Okay. For real. In your being. So you go, yeah, it's cool. It's cool to be harmonious. It's cool to be kind. It's cool to be connect.

That is so cool. Yeah. Right. Now when you, if you had the programming that it was so cool to be happy and positive and loving and kind with people and not cool at all to be aggro, Yeah. Your nervous system would automatically want to go there. Does that make sense? It does, yeah. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe, and if I ask you, are you willing to change this?

Yes, for sure. Great. Great. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. Bingo. All right, so Let's say that we look at manifesting, so taking cool to the next level and all, taking the next step, not the next level, the next step, kind of shifting gears. If I feel like it's cool to be aggravated, right, does that mean that things have to go my way, or does that mean there has to be a lot of problems?

Like, what would happen if everything was just smooth? What would I be aggravated about? That'd be amazing, for sure. That'd be the best scenario. But then I can't be aggravated, because everything's just smooth. Yeah. That's great. Yeah. So patterns breed more of the same, right? Yeah. Yeah. So moving forward, what would happen if you had nothing to be aggravated about?

What if everything was just smooth and amazing and loving and sweet and you and your husband were so connected and it was so loving and life felt beautiful and like a love fest? What would that look like? Yeah. Let's see, what your old programming says is it says then you would be uncool, you wouldn't have anything to be cool about, so you'd have to, there would be a problem.

Does that make sense? Yeah. No, I was just thinking about stuff that my friends and I would talk about, we'd be complaining about our husbands and our kids, but yeah, that's just not, Where I want to go at all. Um, no, there you go. And by the way, exactly that I can tell you That literally I have taken women and said look you you are complaining about men all the time So you're experiencing that all of the time Yeah, right.

Yeah, that's true. So I have a question What would happen if you stopped complaining about your husband and just started having only good things? Yeah, that's that's exactly what i'm working on and I can see I can see The changes. Okay. So, on that note, so you, you can see the changes already starting, right?

Yes. Exactly. But. I guess that was the, the stuck thing was the whole, I didn't know I was that annoyed, I guess you've kind of brought it up that in my subconscious, I'm probably more annoyed than I thought I was. All

right. So let's go ahead and pause it just for two really quick insights. And one is just a side note really quickly. You know, she mentioned that women complaining about men and kids and all of that, and you'll notice when she did, there was a laughing there. As you can see, she's got some energy going on there still, and so I'm going to push a bit more.

And the thing that you'll want to note in your life is that if you are somebody who has been complaining about men and kids and whatnot, I cannot tell you how often I see this energy, unfortunately, creating more and more and more problems in relationships or even with single women. who are wanting to get into a relationship that the more that they're really in this energy of complaining about men, it's creating more and more of the problem.

And I'll share even more about this at the very end, because there's an important story I have for you that will really make you want to think about things in a completely different way. But I don't want to get sidetracked from where we are right now with Mary. So I will unpack this at the end, because it's very important for Mary.

relationships and really having a healthy relationship. So that is key. And we'll again, unpack that a bit more. And the second insight I want to share with you is really how the mind works. So, you know, previously we had talked about if somebody feels like it's cool, that everything is boring. then they'll really feel that way and it's like they don't have this strong connection with life and that things can show up that way.

Now, in Mary's case, if you recall, the issue that she's been having in her physical body is numbness. And what can happen is a person just kind of wants to go numb to everything where they kind of don't want to see things. And, of course, it depends on where it shows up and, and sometimes when a person doesn't want to see things.

It shows up in their eyesight or it can show up in a variety of different ways. But in her case, The way it's showing up is this feeling of numbness and numbness doesn't always have to do with that specifically. It depends on, again, how it's situated in the mind. But what you'll want to note about this is that you want to be willing to see patterns of negativity or whatnot, whatever it is, and truly feel it.

transform the feeling. And so really think about life. And I want to just invite you that if you notice that there's an area in life that you might have some complaints about, then you'll want to maybe even ask yourself, What you can do to truly transform that and I want to tell you I have multiple people that I worked with I mean tons large amounts of people women or men that I've worked with but mostly women who Haven't been so happy with their spouse, you know had a lot of complaints about their spouse and They've transformed something within themselves And their relationship changed, their relationship got sweeter, or better, or thoughtful, or whatever it was that they were looking for, because of the transformation, and the genuine transformation in themselves.

And so, just kind of food for thought on that, and of course, you don't want to blame yourself, but you also want to make sure that you're not feeling powerless, because the transformations that I see all of the time really are powerful. Truly incredible, even in relationships where people initially felt powerless.

So just something to keep in mind on this relationship note. And with that said, let's go ahead and dive back in with Mary.

And not only that, but it's not only that you're more annoyed than you think you are, so that is part of it. Yes. The other part is that you're, notice there's a part of you. Can you see the part of you that's kind of like even afraid to be in a negative way of thinking? Can you see that? Yes. So what's happening and that's part of the reason that it's feeling very sensitive is because it's like your brain is afraid to see.

It's almost like, um, imagine somebody is terrified of chemicals, right? And they go, Oh my God, I'm terrified of chemicals. Like, what if they hurt me? And so there's a part of you that's really terrified of negative thinking. And so what's happening. Is that you're both feeling like it's cool on one side and that it's cool.

And that's how you connect with your friends. And that's what's cool. And then on the other side, you're like, Oh my God, my health. I can't even think of negative thought. I can't see it. Do you see it? Yeah. Yeah. Um, I guess this, this difference in opposing thoughts or opposing beliefs, I think, I don't know.

Bingo. So what's happening. Is that you're going numb to that. So there's this part of you that connects with your friends in that way. And that's the way you've been connecting and what's cool and blah, blah, blah. And then you're like, but I can't because my health and I have to really, really think positive and oh my God, and it's terrible and it's terrifying to think negative and so it's like, you're doing both, you're having it and then going numb to it and having it and going numb to it.

Does that make sense? Yeah, it does. Yeah. Okay. So if I ask you, um, this is what I'm going to do is, is actually like, I want you to, I don't want to push any more on this because I, again, I don't want to terrify you to think about it. So what I'd love for you to do is I'm, I'm actually gonna, I want to wrap up here because this is the thing is, um, Is I want you to switch your cool and then part of the thing is, is I don't want to push too much.

Um, and yeah, I feel like right here is where I want to actually leave it and what I want you to do. Because the thing is, is if we push it, you're, you're a very, you're a very, um, strong thinker and you're very analytical and you kind of have to think and digest things. Can you, you're, you're, you're very strong minded.

Would you agree with that? Yes. So what I want to do is actually have you listen to this recording and have you think about it and then really be willing to, to digest it and to look at it. Does that make sense? and be willing to change. Okay. Okay. So, um, bingo because you can't, um, it's kind of like this as if somebody said, I only drink with my friends and I go out and hang out and get hammered with my friends, but around my family, I'm sober.

Um, it'd be like, uh, and then you said, but I can't drink for my health. But I only do it around my friends. But then, it's like there's, it's compartmentalized in your mind. Does that, you can see that, right? Yeah, yeah. Bingo. So, um, bingo. There's um, that. Yes. Bingo. Bingo. Give me one second. Bingo. Okay, so, um, bingo.

So the thing of it is, is I could push at this point, which I do it, you know, in some episode, like in some sessions, that's what I'll do is I'll push. It's just, uh, I don't, I don't, um, bingo. That, because this is the thing, is that the more it feels uncool, the more there's a part of you that's going to feel like it's squashing your, you.

You know what I mean? Like, it's kind of like it's belittling you, and I don't want to do that. Does that make sense? But if I logically feel like it's okay, like I, as in, I'm okay with it. I, I do, I get where you're, where you're going with it. Bingo. Um, okay. So watch this. Let's say somebody sat there and told me all of the reasons that I was uncool.

How would I feel? It depends on if you have some awareness and I feel like I have that awareness and I'm ready to do whatever it takes to just. Okay. So um, bingo. Give me one second. Bingo.

All right, so let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment because I want to highlight something that is key that she said that a lot of people will make this mistake and myself included when I first started working with my mind and energy and all of that. And what she said was this, she said, what if I logically know that it's okay when we were talking about, you know, squishing that old cool and really making that change.

And it's a great question, but It doesn't work, because how she emotionally feels is key. That's what's shifting the energy itself. And so all of the time, people will have something linked up that they logically know is right, or logically know is different, but their emotional patterns are different.

Take him in a completely different direction, you know, even if you think about somebody who maybe has some major anger issues, you know, like anger issues where they're breaking down the walls or, you know, punching the walls or whatever, so, you know, beyond, way beyond where Mary is, just feeling it, but somebody who has some major anger issues.

Now, in their mind, There's a part of them that absolutely, logically knows that it's not okay, and yet their emotional response and their programming in their subconscious mind is still linked up. And so, just the logical part. is not the part that we're after. That's not the part that's going to make the real change.

Instead, you'll want to make this shift in the feelings themselves, so you radically feel differently. And so that's what I'm going to ask her to do coming up. And on that note, of course, you don't ever want to squish your cool. And so for that reason, I'm going to ask Mary, coming up, to bring in the feeling that she is cool.

And I don't know if you can feel it or not, but she does. She has this absolutely cool vibe to her. So I'm just going to ask her to bring it up even more and get her energy more focused there because ultimately that's what we want to do is we want to keep the feeling of cool and embody that shift, but get rid of this old one that she no longer needs to create that shift.

And also what you'll notice, by the way, is she's asking me to push a bit more and you'll notice, you can see the universe doesn't want me to push anymore at all. And so I stopped, you know, and said, this is where we need to stop. And she's like, but can we go a bit more? And you'll notice, even when I start to try to speak to that with her, I start losing my voice because the universe is like, Nope, this is where we're stopping.

It's time to create that shift. So all of the time when I'm working with people, I'm definitely following the specific things that the mind is wanting to do specifically. And then we change different directions when that's ready. And so that's where we are now is it's really time to shift that and have Mary bring in even more of those cool feelings, which she does at a really amazing job.

And so that's where we're headed as we dive back in with Mary.

Um, you know, honestly, bingo. Give me one second. Yes. Bingo.

Bingo. Yes. That's, you know, honestly, that's the directions it's asking me to do is exactly that it says, uh, it says, um, bingo, kind of like this, um, bingo. Bingo. Bingo. If I ask you, and even, notice the universe is even taking my voice right now. It's um, give me one second, yeah, it's um, bingo. Bingo. It's, yeah, it won't let me, um, bingo, give me one second.

I'm just asking around, but no, it's um,

That. Bingo. That's what it says. Uh uh. Bingo. This is, this is exactly what it wants to do. It says this. It says, um, number one, if you could, um, be willing to look at this from the other direction and be really willing to see cool in a different light. Okay. So specifically see cool in a different light. So that's number one.

Okay. Number two is this is. If I ask you to think about all of the things that actually are cool about you, that you are sweet, that you are fun, that you are beautiful, that you are empowered, that you are kind also, and that, um, bingo. So there are so many cool things about you and for you to take that in.

Bingo. Can you take that in? Yeah. Take it in even more. I got, like, you're feeling it right now at about a level four. Even more. You are cool. Take that in. Even more. Bingo. Bingo. Bingo. If I ask you to notice how that feels when you take that back in, how would you say that is? It feels great. Yeah, it feels Exactly.

Right? And so that's the reason I'm not being asked to to push this one. More so what you want to do is exactly, is take in the feeling that you are cool and empowered. Like, so notice, notice how much just bringing that back in up leveled your energy. Can you see that? Yeah, like your energy. If I ask you how much better your energy feels just by bringing that in, what would you say?

You know, it feels great. Right? So on this, this isn't one that universe wants me to push on at all. So instead, um, I'm going to ask you to breathe. And I'm gonna ask you to take in the awareness you are cool. You are cool for so many other reasons. You're cool.

You are absolutely cool for so many other reasons. Take that in. Bingo. Good. There we go. Bingo. Great job with your energy. Great job with your energy. Beautiful. I'm asking you to breathe. Good. Good. And I'm gonna ask you to breathe and take that in. And even the feeling of feeling cool for so many more reasons.

There's so many reasons that you're cool. You are cool. There's so many reasons and it's nothing to do with this aggravation thing. That's not even, that's not even, that's not helping at all, at all, at all, at all. Right? Great. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. Bingo. All right. And if I ask you how your energy feels right now, how would you say that is?

Yeah, it feels good. It is so good, right? Yes. Okay, so that's what we want you to do. Okay, so remember, all change starts from within, right? So if we squash, or if we push, and you feel squashed, and you feel horrible, how's that gonna go? Yeah, not good. Not good. Okay, so if your goal is to listen to this, is to flip the perspective on what's cool, and also bring in the awareness that you are cool for so many other reasons, and, and feel strong in that.

If I ask you how much that will expand your energy even more? I would. Yeah, you see the difference compared to just pushing and squashing, right? Huge difference, right? Bingo. Great. So ask you to breathe. Good. Good job with your energy. This feels so good.

Bingo. All right. So if that is your shift is to both embody the cool, embody this feeling. Okay. And by the way, if I ask you, could you embody this feeling every day for the next week? Totally. Yes. Yes. Could you do it multiple times every day for the next week? Yes, I can. Great. And bingo. Could you make it your new norm?

I can. Beautiful. And could you simultaneously get rid of the aggro cool look at that and go, wait, that's not even cool. And get rid of that while owning your cool. Absolutely. I can. Great. If you did that, let's say you made that your new norm for the next month, for the next five months, for the next year, for the next 10 years, how empowering would that feel?

So great. How much would that uplevel your energy? It would definitely raise my energy. I definitely think it would. Great. And if I ask you, how much more happy you feel like you would be? Yeah, I think it would just glow like you said. Right? For sure it would. Bingo. Bingo. That's the thing is that you can't be aggravated and happy at the same time.

So that's, so imagine if I said, I'm, I, I'm really, really, really happy. And by the way, I feel like it's, it's cool to be aggravated. How easy is it for me to be happy? No, it's like, it's like the very pattern that feels quote unquote cool is squashing your happiness. Does that make sense? Yeah, it's opposing for sure.

Exactly, exactly. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. So that's exactly what I want you to do and be kind and loving and gentle to yourself. Does that make sense? Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. All right. Bingo. And um, um, you're beautiful. You're beautiful. Bingo. Aw, your heart is glowing more. Everything is glowing more.

Do you feel it? Yeah, I think you make me cry now. Yeah, it's beautiful. Ah, it's giving me chills. Beautiful. All right. Bingo. Awesome. Awesome. All right. So beautiful, beautiful job with your energy. And, um, and again, the goal is to make this your new norm. Okay. Can you do that? Yes, I can. For sure. I can.

Beautiful. You're amazing. You're amazing. It has been so wonderful connecting with you. Great job with your energy and really, really great self awareness. Very impressive. Thank you. Absolutely. You are so, you're so welcome. I wish you a wonderful, wonderful rest of your day. Thank you very much. Thank you so much for your time and, and your, your knowledge.

It's just, it's really opened up a lot of, um, things that I didn't, I wasn't aware of. So thank you. Absolutely. You are absolutely so, so welcome. I adore you so much. Have a blessed day. Bye. Thank you. Bye. Thanks.

All right, so let's go ahead and unpack this even more because there are two really powerful insights that I want to provide you. of ways that you can implement this in your own life. And so before I do, of course, I do want to acknowledge Mary. I mean, what a sweetheart. I just love her. I went precious and cool vibe and beautiful, just beautiful inside and out.

Love her self awareness, her self honesty, just so impressive. So I love that. And let's go ahead and unpack this even more. So insight number one is the most obvious and it's this, it's that I would strongly encourage you to take inventory of your cool and kind of notice some things that are cool. And I have to say, you know, all of the time I see people who have linked up things in their subconscious mind that mess up their life.

Kind of on an extreme note, there are people who have had things like drugs are cool. linked up in their subconscious mind that have lost themselves to drugs in a major way. Or drinking is cool. And I've worked with people before who have sabotaged their whole life to drinking, only to wake up and lose everything and go, Wow, I had it really linked up that alcohol was so cool.

And they did, in their subconscious mind, and so they couldn't get themselves to stop doing it. Because of that subconscious programming, or other things like anger, or we talked about bored, or treating people poorly, you know, bullying people. There's some people who have that linked up. And of course, we talked about recently, on that episode, we used Steve Jobs as an example about How you treat people does matter and can affect your health.

And so if you happen to miss that episode, then I'd strongly recommend going back and really listening to that and taking it in. So that is something that I'd strongly recommend is just kind of taking inventory of your cool and making sure that it's really sending you in the direction that your conscious mind is wanting.

Because all of the time, I see people have things that are linked up in this area that don't serve them and actually create a lot of stress. In fact, one woman that I worked with had it so linked up that spending money like crazy was super cool, so much so that she was in huge amounts of debt and anytime she had money coming in, it was gone before she even got it.

It created a huge amount of stress for her and she had it so linked up that if she wasn't shopping and buying all of the latest and greatest things that she was going to be left out, left behind, and so uncool that it's like it became this drive that Ended her in a really bad place, both physically, mentally, emotionally.

It was really hard on her because it was so ingrained that, again, her debt amount was insane. She would stop at nothing to go get material objects and it was, it was beyond her control. income amount. So anyway, so that is something that I would definitely recommend looking at. And the second insight is really profound and it has to do with the relationship piece where we're talking about, you know, complaining about your spouse.

And again, it's really profound. If you can follow along with me here for a moment, all of the time, I'll see women who have been complaining about men complaining about men. So they have that pattern of complaining about men. Right? Then I see men who, as being part of that pattern, are being the problem and being the problem and, you know, they're doing silly or ridiculous or immature things.

And so it's like a right hand and a left hand. They fit together perfectly. And so the woman, you know, keeps complaining about him and the man keeps doing things to complain about. And again, it unfortunately fits together perfect. Then what I see happen is that They end up splitting up and the man ends up really changing and transforming and finding a woman who doesn't have that complain energy towards men because now they've become a much better man and so now they work out great because in that relationship you have a woman who appreciates men and thinks they're wonderful so she attracts a wonderful man and at this point he is being wonderful, wonderful.

And so, it becomes a perfect combination. Now, of course, I'm not saying every man is suddenly going to become perfect at all. All I'm saying, though, is that I see this all of the time. And typically, what will happen is this. Is the woman who was the ex wife, or ex partner, says, that's not even fair, when he was with me, he was a mess, and he was irresponsible, and what?

Now, he's this great, wonderful guy, So I see that all the time and even recently I talked to a guy who said, you know, my current wife ought to thank my ex wife because my ex wife was complaining about all of these things and once we split up I listened to those things and really changed and now I'm a different person and then, you know, they're in a beautiful relationship together.

So point being is this, is that if you are a woman or anybody, a man, a woman, anybody who is constantly complaining about your spouse, then you really want to transform that because if that's your energy and your manifestation, and they do get better to where they are transforming themselves, then you you'll no longer fit together and they'll have to go somewhere else.

Meaning that if you have a lot of complaining energy and now they're becoming this amazing being, well, that's not a good fit. And so then they'll need to manifest a different partner. And so you want to make sure that you are a great vibrational match and If there is something that you're complaining about, you'll want to really look at transforming it with love and with kindness.

And, of course, there are extremes, where if there's a man who's abusive, it's not like, Oh, okay, well, you should just transform. You should really leave. That relationship and so that's of course something you want to look at is it if it's terrible Then you will want to change it also and that means changing it by leaving that relationship safely, of course But if there's something that you're in the relationship and you're complaining about Then you'll want to see how you can just really transform that or even just transform your energy around that and That really does create a huge shift and I can tell you again I can't emphasize enough all of the time I see people who really think that their whole problem is their partner is their spouse and it's not them It's the other person And when they change the energy on the inside, it's beautiful.

And I know it sounds impossible, but it's beautiful that they end up changing. And it's just loving. And I just did this with a couple recently where there was some abrasiveness in their relationship. And I just asked her to be even more loving. And as she was even more loving and sweet and kind. He completely met her there, and it's like their relationship transformed.

And I see that all of the time, and I can tell you that happened recently, and there's probably a hundred times that happened recently. I mean, it's all of the time. And so, ultimately, you won't want to feel disempowered in a relationship. And, if you notice yourself complaining, instead of giving it all of that energy, that's not what you'll want to manifest in life.

You'll want to truly transform that. In one way or another, because the reality of it is, is that you deserve a great life. You deserve a wonderful life to be happy, healthy, harmonious, beautiful, loved, and celebrating life. We all do. Right. And so on that note, as always, Please do make a point to hit the share button on this episode.

Share it with somebody you love, somebody you care about, or somebody you don't even know. You know, the more empowered and happy and healthy and loving that every person is in our world, the better this place will be for all of us. So, please share it. And on that note, please Make sure to have a most wonderful, fabulous, happy, loving day.

And I look forward to taking it to the next level on the next episode. I look forward to seeing you there.

Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself Change. All of the time people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touched their heart, or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness of how amazing we all really are. If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about or those you know who really.

As more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point and the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone what we are all capable of. And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming, to maintain their results.

But the point. For you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life if you really understand how to use your mind. You are incredible. And I do wanna be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own. I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made.

You'll wanna remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people. That said, if you wanna send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website brandygilmore.com/podcast. And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well.

Lastly, Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you'll wanna continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you are capable of with your mind. Thank you.

About Brandy Gillmore

Meet Brandy Gillmore – World-Renowned Mind-Body Healing Expert

Brandy Gillmore is a best-selling author, award-winning podcast host, and globally recognized expert in mindset and mind-body healing. Celebrated for her groundbreaking approach to healing and life transformation, Brandy’s inspiring journey began with healing herself from disability, freeing herself from reliance on a wheelchair, walker, and cane. 

She then achieved the unprecedented: demonstrating the healing power of the mind in mere minutes, with results verified by thermal medical equipment.

Her pioneering work has been published in the Health Medical Journal and featured in award-winning documentaries, numerous docuseries, and TEDx talks

Today, Brandy inspires audiences across the globe, sharing her breakthrough discoveries with people from all walks of life—including top celebrities, professional athletes, devoted parents, and individuals passionate about personal growth—empowering them to unlock their potential, heal themselves, and transform their lives.

Discover the transformative power of mind-body healing by watching Brandy’s free self-healing online course here —your first step toward unlocking your innate ability to heal and thrive!

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From Illness To Wellness: Discover the 4 Easy Steps To Transform Your Health & Life With The GIFT Method™

In this self healing course, Brandy shares the exact things she did to heal (even when doctors told her there was nothing more she could do) so you too can be empowered with tools and techniques to heal yourself and change your life. Click here to learn more…

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Also, please remember that genuine change and follow through are key for self-healing results. If you struggle with negative thoughts or have a chronic health issue or chronic pain, please do not avoid seeing your doctor.

Instead, your goal with self-healing should be to continue to see your doctor as recommended and blow their mind with what you are capable of with your mind and with the power of mind-body healing.  Please enjoy this self-healing podcast!



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