128 Transcript: Overcoming Relationship Hurts And Finding Your Confidence & Safety Within

Heal Yourself Change Your Life

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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life-changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made that changed my health and my entire. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this. Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level.

I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind, and then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind, your emotions, and your. To help you heal your health yourself and your life.

Let's begin.

Hello and welcome. It is so wonderful to connect with you. I just love that you are somebody who is here, who's continuing to expand your mind and your heart, your consciousness, your healing. I just love it. And, I love today's episode. You know, every episode is just so unique and each volunteer having their own challenges and insights and things going on and, and different transformations needed within, and also just really profound insights from.

And I love that about today's episode and today's volunteer. I mean, she's just a sweetheart. And if you recall from last week's volunteer episode, we were working with Rita. And if you recall on that episode, we went to go work with her stomach issues that she'd been having for years. And right before her and I connected, like, Five minutes, 10 minutes before her and I connected, her boyfriend ended their relationship with her.

And initially, because that happened, if you recall, I was going to say, you know, let's go ahead and reschedule. But when we started to kind of just take a moment and look at what was going on, it was, of course, really all divine timing, you know, and kind of when I started asking Rita about her relationship.

You know, she was just saying it wasn't that great and it was a lot of anger and, and upset and, and even just pressure sexually and just in a variety of different ways. So it just, he wasn't the guy for her. She definitely, definitely. deserves a better relationship and so that's where we left off with Rita was actually starting to look at those patterns, but also Looking at the awareness that the universe is always supporting us whether we realize it or not now I say that but Um, some people interpret that as meaning, you know, you can just sit there and do nothing and everything's going to go great in your life, but that's not how it all goes.

You know, even if you think about my injury, you know, where I was injured for many, many years, ultimately it turned into an amazing gift and it wasn't the injury. that did it, of course. It was the recovery. It was the fact that I grew and that I changed. And so, of course, I always make sure to mention that you don't need to have hardship or illness or injury to have that gift.

You can just proactively change and grow and transform because that is really where the gift is. Now, of course, If there is some type of health issue or challenge or problem or whatever it is, of course, the way to dissolve it is to grow, to outgrow it, to overcome it. That is key and ultimately, if we're willing to really change, then it becomes life changing, which is really beautiful.

Now, another thing that we had talked about on last week's episode is the awareness of That the universe is supporting us universe God divine, whatever you want to call it and I referred to the phrase You know, God helps those who help themselves kind of meaning that when we're willing to really start helping ourselves It's funny how More of the answers show up or more support shows up when we're really willing to do that and we're gonna unpack that a bit further because sometimes what happens is people will want to lean on others and want to lean on others to Too much, you know, leaning on others for safety and whatnot.

And ultimately, of course, even as we were talking about the last episode, you know, your journey should feel empowering. And so we are going to unpack that even more as well, because it comes up in a major way, Even as we continue to unfold with today's session, and by the way, just a quick side note, you know, after the last episode, somebody asked me and said, you know, where can I find that quote from the Bible?

You know, God helps those who help themselves. And I do want to be clear that that phrase is not scripture in the Bible. It's just a very common phrase. And since it's well known, it was just something that I used to kind of bring about the point of awareness. But that is what I see energetically is just that support can show up.

In our lives in the most beautiful ways and so I'm not gonna dive back into that since we talked about that on last Week's episode and if you did happen to miss last week's episode with Rita Then I would strongly recommend going back and listening to it and then diving into the next part of the session with Rita Which is where we're going today is we are going to pick up where we left off You know after her boyfriend just broke up with her.

We were starting to look at Some of the ways that the relationship was going and as I just of course mentioned, you know There's a lot of anger and a lot of pressure and he was criticizing her all of the time And so that's where we're going as we dive back in is really picking up at that part where we were talking about that He criticizes her all of the time and that was something that she experienced a lot of in her relationship with him.

And it was also a pattern that her mom had. And so we're going to go ahead and unpack that and how counterintuitive the mind can be. And so that's where we're going as we dive back in with Rita. Here we go.

So I'm going to ask you to breathe. Bingo. Now, There's a thing, um, bingo. That. Okay, so this is going to sound really counterintuitive, but there's a part of you that doesn't always trust that you are. are doing the right thing. So there's a part of you that actually likes the criticism and feels like it keeps you, uh, safe.

Can you see that? Okay. Well, I, I'm, I think I, um, uh, I don't, I don't think that I make everything right all the time, but I'm not aware that I like criticism. Okay. But okay. It could be that I'm not aware of a lot of things. That's okay. Okay. So I'm And if I ask you, Bingo, how often did you ask his opinion about things?

From my ex boyfriend, um,

I don't, sometimes I know that I ask my friends a lot about their opinion. I don't know if I do this with my Okay. That's okay. We can go right there. Okay. So I'm going to ask you to breathe. And if I ask you 0 to 10, how much do you notice asking, you asking your friends about their opinion? A lot. Mm hmm.

I'm going to ask you to breathe, and I'm gonna ask you just for a moment. What if your own opinion was good? What if your own opinion was great? Yeah, I think I'm not sure about that

All right, so I want to go ahead and pause it just for a really quick moment You know, I want to be clear as far as getting others opinions, you know There's a way that you can do it that still feels empowering and then You There's some situations where people don't trust their opinion at all, which is a problem, and it lacks confidence, and then it doesn't feel safe to even have your own opinion.

And even notice, as I was talking to her, when I said, what if you had your own opinion? And she's kind of like, I don't know, I don't know if I can do that. You know, there was this, you could tell in her voice, there was a lot of uncertainty about having her own opinion. And so that's the thing that she'll want to shift is ultimately being able to feel empowered and feel strong in herself and trust her opinion.

Now, the reason that I'm adding clarity to this is just because Getting others opinions isn't a bad thing. You know, when you stop and look at it for a moment, even a president has advisors and every business has a board and advisors and all of the time, even with very high level businesses, I'll go into brainstorming sessions with them and, you know, and, and we'll do shifting energy, but we're also, you know, You know, brainstorm different things they could do with very confident, very successful people running multi hundred million dollar companies and, and major leaders and, and, you know, celebrities and all kinds of people.

And so I want to be clear that I'm not saying that it's bad to get somebody else's input or advice or opinion. I'm not saying that at all. What I'm saying though, is the issue is that she doesn't trust her own as well. And actually. deeply distrusts her own, like it's not good enough, and she can't trust her own self, which makes it really hard to feel safe in life, to enjoy life.

And so that is key, and even when working with people all over the world and, and boards and all of these things, a lot of times, even if people gather others opinions, They'll make that final decision. So they might say, what's your opinion? What's your opinion? What's your opinion? And then they go, you know what?

This is my decision and they'll decide from that because still They have an opinion about it, and ultimately, you want to be able to trust yourself to get opinions if you want, if that's helpful. Absolutely, and then do what makes sense to you. You know, everything should make logical sense to you. That's ultimately what you want to do, and how you want to feel To feel empowered.

And so that's key for, of course, safety and for feeling good in life. So either way, I just wanted to take a moment and clarify that. And we're going to go ahead and unpack this piece with fear and empowerment and a few other key insights moving forward. As we dive back in with Rita, here we go.

Okay. Great. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. And I'm going to ask you, what if your own opinion is actually really, really great and the one that matters the most is your own opinion? What if the opinion that matters the most is your own? Now by the way, watch this. All right, so I want you to picture there's somebody going through life who they know what they want and they're clear on what they want, right?

And they feel really strong about it, okay? And then there's somebody else who's pretty uncertain, who's unsure and is always asking opinion like zero to 10, like a 10.

Which person feels more confident? The first one. The first one. And so if I ask you, the one who's always asking everybody else's opinion, how much does that woman feel confident in herself and her own opinion? Uh, not a lot. Not a lot. Okay. Can you see that? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe.

And what if you could feel really confident in your opinion? What if your opinion is the only one that matters for, for running your life? And I'm not saying it's something where you can't get advice or get information from others or anything like that, but what if you had that sense of confidence in yourself that you, you had that in you and you felt that in you?

What would that even look like? Uh, I think that this would feel amazing. Great. So I'm going to ask you to breathe.

And I'm going to ask you to take that in. That would feel amazing, right? Yeah. Great. And if I ask you how scary it feels to not have everybody else's opinion, how would that feel? Um, yeah, it feels scary. It feels scary. Okay. So I'm going to ask you to breathe. And do you remember when I said, there's a feeling of feeling like the constant criticism, the opinions are what makes you feel more safe and more assured.

Can you see that? Yeah, I think I can see it now, yeah. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe, and I'm gonna ask you to close your eyes, and I want you to picture you're walking around, and you have this level of confidence in you, where you make a decision, and, and you love, you love it, and you're, you feel solid in it, you feel strong in your own opinion.

You feel really, really, really strong in your own opinion. Let me ask you to notice what that would feel like. Uh, it would feel, uh, like a, like a big rock is falling from my shoulders, or from my heart. Okay, so I'm gonna ask you to breathe, and I want you to picture that instead, You're 75 years old, and you're still asking everybody's opinion.

You want everybody's opinion because you don't trust your own opinion. You have to ask everybody else's opinion all the time. Not good. Okay. So if I ask you what you would want? I would like, I like to be, uh, confident with my own opinion. Okay. Great. So I'm going to ask you to breathe.

All right. So I want to go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, I love that she made that statement where she said, you know, I really want to feel strong in my own opinion, which I love. And of course we're working it in that direction. But the thing that you want to note from this is that let's be honest, you know, a lot of people tend to spend more time criticizing what they're not.

You know, I'm not this, or I'm not good enough, or I'm not that, or not whatever it is. And either criticizing it or feeling bad about it on the inside. And of course, that just attracts even more criticism and even more feeling bad. It doesn't solve the problem. And so of course, ultimately, it's all about deciding how you want to be And then really being willing to create that change, to really embrace.

that transformation in yourself. And so that's where we're going with Rita is we're going to really unpack even more about embracing that transformation and some changes she would need to make to really embrace that transformation. So that said, let's go ahead and dive back in with beautiful Rita. Here we go.

And I'm going to ask you, what would you think it would look like to go the next two weeks without asking anybody else for their opinion? A little bit scary. Okay. But could you also start developing a trust for yourself? Like if you think about it, watch this. What do you think is going to happen in the next two weeks?

Oh, there was something really loud there. You there? Sorry, it was my chair. Sorry. That's okay. Okay. What do you think? What bad thing do you think could happen in the next two weeks if you don't get somebody's opinion? What's scary? Maybe the world could stop turning. I know, it's just a joke. I did nothing.

Yeah, maybe that could happen. Do you think?

Well, you know, maybe nothing. Maybe, well I know, I mean, but what do you think?

You have a fun sense of humor, you're fun, you're beautiful. Alright, so I'm going to ask you to breathe. I mean, what do you think? Do you think you could eat?

I could try. Okay. Do you think you could still go to sleep at night? Yeah, I think so. Okay, that's good. Then, maybe it would be safe to not get anybody else's opinion for like two weeks, do you think? Yeah, yeah, I think so. Yes. Okay. What do you think? What percentage of chance do you think that the world is going to stop turning if you don't?

Well, I think zero.

That was a great answer, by the way. Love your sense of humor. You're fun. You're fun. You're beautiful. All right, so I'm gonna ask you to breathe. And if I ask you to notice how much fear you've had about not even getting somebody's opinion, can you see that now? Yeah. Yeah. I can see it. Yes. Okay. Great. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe.

And I want you to picture what it would look like walking around feeling really confident. Walking around feeling really, really, really confident. And you're walking around just feeling really, really confident. You love who you are. You feel super confident. Yeah. That would be amazing. Great. And if I ask you, so you're walking around, you see yourself really super confident, right?

Mm hmm. How do you think your next relationship goes? Well, hopefully better. What do you think? If you're walking around and you're feeling confident, you feel good about yourself, what kind of guy do you think you attract? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think I would attract a guy who thinks I'm great. Yeah, because why?

Because I think I'm great. Yeah, I like your opinion. Great answer. Great, so I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And take that in. And I'm going to say, don't do that. It's going to make this all way too easy, okay? So, um,

I'm joking. So, what if you start doing that? What if you really, really, really were willing to change? And by the way, if I ask you, are you willing to transform yourself? Yes, yes, absolutely. I, I try for so many time. I would absolutely love to.

All right. So let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, notice what she just said. She said that she would love to transform and that she's tried so many times. And I want to unpack this a bit because so often people do this exact thing where they have tried to transform their lives and they really want to make that change.

And yet. It doesn't happen. And so I want to just add a few really quick insights and it's this, it's that one, you'll want to remember that your subconscious mind controls 90 to 95. percent of your brain. And so anytime you're trying to make a change, if you don't really get it into your subconscious mind, then chances are that you're going to fail.

You know, you might change for five minutes. You might change for five days. You might change for 15 days, but if it's not really programmed in to your subconscious mind, then Then chances are you're not going to get the lasting results that you really want in your health and your life and your happiness or any of those things.

And so we're going to go ahead and unpack this even more as we continue. But I just really want to emphasize that because This is something that a lot of people overlook and really they're just trying to make that change only with their conscious mind. And so they keep filling their conscious mind with all kinds of information, but they never fill it with transformation.

And that's what is key for, of course, getting those results in your life. And we'll go ahead and unpack this even more as we dive back in with beautiful Rita. Here we go.

Okay, so I'm going to ask you to breathe, and if I ask you honestly, remember I can see your energy, if I ask you honestly, how much you would trust yourself to not ask for anybody's opinion for the next two weeks? Uh, I would say I, I try, but there is for sure a part of me that wants to ask. Okay. So, the thing of is, with transformation, is that when you transform something, it means you have to give up something old to take on something new.

Yeah. Right? Mm hmm. So, if you're willing to transform, then you would really be willing to give up that old completely. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. What do you think about that? Yeah.

When do you think you'd like, what? I think I have to absolutely work on this. Okay. So when do you think that you'd be ready to really give that up? I want to give it up right now. Okay. Okay. Now, out of curiosity. If there was an alcoholic who said they want to give it up, but they don't really want to give it up, but they want to get it up, but it's going to be really hard.

And by the way, you know, what would you think? He's not really giving it up. Okay. It's not really giving it up. Okay. So if I ask you, do you really want transformation? Yes. Yes, I want it. Okay. And, uh, in your opinion, when do you think you should begin transforming? I think I should begin right now. I think today's a great day, isn't it?

Yeah, I think today is an awesome day to do that and I'm gonna ask you to breathe

bingo I'm gonna ask you to breathe and I'm gonna ask you bingo. Yes, I'm gonna ask you if you want to I mean You don't have to it's all up to you. Yes. I want to absolutely Okay, so if you said that You're going to be conscious through this. So in other words, kind of like this. My doctors told me that I wasn't going to get better, right?

Yeah. And I could have believed them and just stayed and, and did that, or what I did is I said, you know what? I am too going to get better. I'm going to do this. I'm going to figure it out. And I got determined. Right? Yes. Okay. So if you said, all right, this happens, this whole thing happened with your boyfriend and you said, you know what?

That's it. Like, I'm gonna, I'm gonna do this even better. I'm gonna find a better relationship than a one or two, and I'm gonna become my best self, and I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna change. That's it. Yes, I want this. Great. So I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe. What if you did exactly that? What if you said, you know what, this is kind of something, you know, like, this is what I learned.

Basically, after my injury, I had two, two by four lessons, what I call two by four lessons. I had my injury and then another thing. And basically what happened, like after my injury, I thought, you know what, if my injury that I went through could turn into a gift, if I just change, then that means Anything could turn into a gift if I just change, right?

Cause the problem isn't the gift, but the change is the gift, right? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So if you don't change, it's going to feel like you lost something and not only that, but you're not going to feel your confidence. You're going to feel less confident. You're going to want everybody's opinion. And you're never, you're not going to step into the transformation you've been wanting for so long, right?

Yeah, that's true. But if you look at it and you say, okay, ouch. Yeah. This hurt, and you know what? I'm gonna change. Like, that's it. I'm gonna change because I don't want to ever have a relationship like this again. I don't want to have a relationship that, that is a one or two. I don't want to have a relationship where I feel criticized every day.

I don't want to have a relationship that ends this way. I don't want to, none of this. Nuh uh. Never, never, never again. And you said, you know what? I'm going to change. That's it. I'm going to change and I am going to turn this into a gift instead of what most people would do is they would sit in it and they would hurt and then it becomes a wound and a problem and it's painful and all of that and then they listen to breakup songs and then they hurt and they sit in the negative and they cry for however long, right?

So let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment, you know, first and foremost, if you are somebody who has done a breakup. in that very way. Please know that I am not judging you at all. I have done that exact same thing. And I remember there was this one breakup that I had when I was like I don't know, 20 somewhere in there that I listened to probably every sad breakup song that I could find.

And it was It's horrible, but either way, point being is that if that is something you have done or you are doing, make sure not to judge yourself and know also that I'm not judging it either, but ultimately what I of course want her to do is make sure that she is not going to do that, but instead that she is going to step into her power and take her life to the next level because I have to say, I learned a lot.

Also, to do that, my following breakup after that was completely different. And I want to say that was like 2008 or somewhere in there, you know, about 14 years ago. But it was, again, it was just completely different where I was like, You know what? I am going to step into my best self. And of course, that's exactly what happened.

What I'm wanting her to do is find that power and that strength in her to really step into her best self and take her life to the next level. And by the way, I can tell you that I've worked with many, many people who have gone through breakups and helped them to really use that to take their life to the next level to say, okay, that's it.

I'm doing it. And I have a woman right now who's doing that very thing. You know, she went through a breakup and felt really upset and hurt and lost and everything else. And was like, you know what, it's time to tap into my best self and fuel herself. And she's doing exactly that. And it is beautiful. And so on that note, that of course is exactly where we're wanting Rita to go.

And, but I just wanted to add in this side note that if you're somebody who has done it the other way, I get it. I understand it. And I'm not judging, but I do want to invite you to do it in a different way. And so that's where we're going as we step back in with Rita. Here we go. But.

What other people do is they say, okay, that's it. I'm gonna change. I'm gonna get a picture. I'm gonna like that I'm that's it right because this is the thing is if you said, oh He was the most amazing guy ever and he treated me so wonderful And it was we were crazy in love and it was fabulous and it was so amazing and he was just amazing Treated me so well and my son loved him.

I would be like, oh man, let's figure out why that happened Right? But you're like, he didn't treat my son so great, and he wasn't great to me, and he was pressuring me sexually, and this and that, and criticism, and wrong every day, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and I'm like, okay, whew, the gift on this one's easy to see.

Let's do this. Right? Yes. Okay, it wasn't like the relationship was a ten, right? No, it wasn't. No, and it wasn't like everything was your fault, right? Uh, yeah, yes. What? Yes. Are you, your confidence is cutting out there. What, what, what? Yeah, I just thought, yeah, if you ask him, he would say it was my fault. But the thing of it is, I'm asking your opinion.

I'm not asking his opinion. Yeah. What is your opinion? Now, my opinion is, but not everything was my fault, and I think I'm not that bad person. Okay, great. I like your opinion. Okay, I agree with you. Okay, and so I would say that if I looked at the bigger picture, yes, I would say that you attracted somebody that was like your mom, and I would say with every relationship, there's, each person has their own things.

Okay, great. Right? And that your goal is to clean up your baggage so you don't have it in your next one, right? And then you find somebody else with less baggage too. Um, and, uh, and that it's a even more amazing relationship, right? Yeah. Yeah. That would be amazing. Great. And by the way, have you ever had a breakup in the past before?

Yes, I have. Okay. And at the time, were you really upset about the breakup? Yeah. Most times. Yes. Yep. And did it all work out and you find somebody else? Yes. Yes. Right. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And I'm going to ask you to notice all of your feelings of upset and devastation and all those things.

And in your opinion, do you think you should keep them or get rid of them? Get rid. Okay. I think so too. In your opinion, thinking about the past, how you've had breakups before and they hurt at the time and then you found somebody else. In your opinion, do you think you're going to find somebody else? Yes, I think so.

I think so too. And in your opinion, Do you think you're going to find somebody even better if you change your patterns and you really step into even more of your confidence and feeling great about you? Do you think you're going to find somebody even better and somebody who treats you even better? Yeah, I think so.

I like your opinion. And by the way, if I ask you, Bingo. If I ask you, so you've heard me, like, maybe on, and you've probably heard this before in psychology, you know, if, uh, where there's a stereotype where unfortunately a woman who has the abusive father and leaves him and finds an abusive boyfriend, boss, spouse, etc, etc.

Like, you know, the pattern can continue, and of course it's not every situation, but it depends on how it goes in the mind, but you've heard of that before, right? Yeah. Okay. Now let's say the woman completely heals the pattern. Completely. So she's had that pattern. That pattern's been going on. That pattern's been going on.

She heals it completely. Does she attract the same old thing or does she attract something new? She attracts something new. Okay. She attracts something new, right? Yeah. So out of curiosity, if you completely heal this pattern, do you attract the same thing or do you attract something new and better? I attract something new and better.

Okay, great. So in your opinion, do you think you should do that or just Want the old thing old relationship back or do you want to see things clearly and in your opinion? Create a new even better relationship. What do you think? Yeah, I think I want An amazing relationship. Great. So in your opinion, what do you think you should do?

Change. Great I like that good answer change. I like that. So I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe Bingo. And if I ask you your next relationship, because, you know, you've been through breakups before and then they hurt and then you get into another one, like, right? So if I ask you right now, the next relationship that you're going to be in, right?

The next one, what do you want it to look like?

I wanted, I want to feel so loved and saved and harmony. Yeah. Okay. Love and, love and what? Loved and safe. Okay. Now, if I ask you, if I ask you, are you trying to get safety from the guy? Yes. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And I want you to picture that you are feeling confident at a level 10.

Yeah. How much are you wanting safety from him now?


Um, in other words, not that, not that much . Yeah. If I ask you, are you in danger right now? Yeah. Um, no. Okay. Then are you safe? Yeah.

Yes, yes, yes. Okay, so I'm gonna ask you to breathe. Let me ask you again. Right now, are you in danger? No. Is your phone gonna attack you? No. Your computer, is it gonna It's chair, you're good? Nothing? You're safe? Yes, I'm safe. Great. You're what? I'm safe. Yeah. Take that in. And out of curiosity, do you think that you're going to be in danger tomorrow?

Well, I hope not. Or? I assume I'm, I will not be, no. Do you think you're going to be safe tomorrow? Yes, I think I will. So, how much do you think you need to find a guy to come save you tomorrow? If you're already safe?

Yeah, I think there's something inside me that That thinks I need some guy to save me. I don't know why. It's strange. Yes. Now, out of curiosity, how old's your son? How old? Uh huh. My son? Uh huh. He's 15 years old. 15. Uh huh. Now, out of curiosity, what are the chances he's going to run up to you later today and say, Mom, come save me?

He never did this, so I think he will not be in the future. Okay, is your son safe? Yes, yes he is. Imagine if he was running around feeling like he needs to have somebody come save him. Hmm, strange, yeah. Strange. Right, so I'm asking you. Yes, and out of curiosity, how many times have you been in physical danger over the past week, would you say?

I haven't been. Okay, what about the past month? I haven't been. No, I haven't been. Someone ask you to breathe. Someone ask you to breathe. What if you're safe? Someone ask you to breathe. And could you imagine your son walking around feeling like he was in fear? But he actually wasn't. At all. No, no, that would be sad.

All right. So let's go ahead and pause it right here. You know, first and foremost, I have to say, she's just so beautiful. She has such a sweet, fun personality and fun sense of humor. And I mean, she's just precious. And could you imagine? What she would be like if she had this sweet fun Personality and she also felt more confidence in herself.

I mean that would just be Magnetic. I mean she's already so sweet and charming and fun and funny and and just precious that that confidence It would just be beautiful in her and of course, that's what I want her to bring in and notice for a moment though, there's so much fear and part of the problem is right here.

You know, you could tell by her beliefs that her goal was to have that feeling of safety from a man. Now imagine for a moment when you stop and think about it. If somebody has a patterned feeling in love, where they have a pattern wanting to feel safe from a man, they have that programming, and then they also have a pattern of rejection in relationships, what happens?

Well, clearly, in that case, you know, it's like if somebody's relationship ends, it's not only love, it's also their safety, it's also their well being, I mean, literally, it can feel catastrophic, instead of just feeling like a relationship, instead it's safety, and you know, not just a small layer of safety, but really, one's whole being and the whole world.

And so that's something that I want to invite you to look at for a moment is, you know, I want to unpack this, no matter where you are, I want you to be able to take something from this to be able to incorporate this into your life. And so kind of the three main touch points that I really want to look at right here is number one is looking at if there is something that is causing you fear in life.

How would you address it? You know, what could you change on the inside and or on the outside? But so often people will live their lives with a certain level of fear. For some it's higher, for some it's lower. Sometimes it's fear of people, sometimes it's fear of life or others or safety in the world or all kinds of things.

And a lot of times when they stop and look at it. It doesn't even necessarily make logical sense. You know, even when you think about when I asked her if her son was safe She started laughing. Of course, he's safe, but her being Doesn't feel safe and a lot of times people will go through life Experiencing, you know that feeling of not feeling safe.

And by the way when you stop and look at your programming around where you're supposed to get safety. That is something that can set somebody up for success or for failure. You know, it's kind of like this is imagine if somebody was supposed to feel a sense of stability and by the way, they're standing on a tight rope.

A thousand feet in the air on a windy day, you know, and as you can imagine, having a tight rope, a thousand feet in the air, windy day, that's not going to feel so safe. It's going to be hard to really, you know, maintain your balance. And similarly, if you're always supposed to feel safety in somebody else and safety in somebody else, I mean, it's literally like one disagreement.

Can start to rock your safety and then you feel less safe, and then you feel more upset. I mean, it just puts you in a negative spiral of not feeling safe and not feeling in control, and feeling insecure in life. And so I wanna invite you to take a look at this in your life and see if you can expand on.

No matter where you are, see if there's something that is causing that fear that you could really honestly look at and change. And by the way, you know, I have worked with guys who were making, you know, millions of dollars every year who then had fear because of something in their business or this, that, the other.

The. Instead of burying it when we really looked at it and looked at how to transform it and where it was coming from and what the answer was that it became life changing for them to be able to look at that and make that real change. And so point being is that that's probably not your issue, though it might be.

But it's really about just looking at things and facing them or growing and really transforming that inside of you. I mean, during my own injury, I was in a lot of fear. And I had to let that go completely and really start transforming and getting that new vision and deciding how I want to feel and programming that in.

And I had to follow through to make it stick and I had to get it in my subconscious mind. And just like I talked about with Rita, there were things that I had to be willing to get rid of. And so even, you know, as I was talking to her about stepping outside of her comfort zone, being willing to actually start feeling good about her opinion and her decisions on things and starting to, to build that trust in herself.

And so whatever that is for you, I want to invite you to look at this because just so often people live. with underlying fear that robs them of their happiness in life. And so I know we talked about that in like the bigger picture of life a few episodes ago. That, you know, that topic came up. But in this episode, you may want to look at it as it pertains to relationships or even just your feeling of security in life.

In general and see what comes up for you. And if there's something that you can transform. So that's number one. Number two, we had talked about defining who you want it to become and then committing to it, you know, so her being somebody who is. Feeling confident and not judging herself or criticizing herself for what she's not being but instead Deciding how she wants to be and we also talked about making sure to get it in the subconscious mind Which really does require follow through and really feeling radically different.

You know, that is key. So there's that. And also number three is I want to invite you to evaluate your relationship a bit, you know, notice on the first half of this session last week, we had talked about Her relationship zero to ten. She graded it about level one to two and said there was you know a lot of anger and upset and criticism and different things like that going on in her relationship and It had been there for many years And so I want to invite you to really just kind of maybe take a glance at your relationship and see If it's where you want it to be or see if there's something that you could do to add even more love to it or more kindness or more thoughtfulness or whatever that might be on your side because all too often people are saying, well, I want this in a relationship and they're wanting this and that, and they're really demanding.

But I want to invite you. And I'm going to ask yourself if there's something that you could add to the relationship even more, that would just up level that much more. So that's what I want to invite you to look at. And of course, if you notice that your feeling of safety in life is dependent upon your partner, then I want to encourage you To start really transforming that so you feel even more of a sense of safety inside yourself.

It can actually make even more room for more love, and more intimacy, and more connection, and more playfulness, and even more depth of bonding. if you're doing it in a way where you're just being conscious of exactly that. And so again, I want to invite you to just kind of take a look at this and see what comes up for you.

And also I would strongly recommend just taking one of these things or maybe two, but not all of them. Just, I wanted to make sure that everybody had Some insight from this just because there's so many things here and and of course on that note We will wrap up with the rest of the insights from this incredible session on next week's volunteer episode I just wanted to make sure to break it down to be able to take some powerful insights as we go To be able to implement this in your life.

So that said, I'm going to ask you, of course, to please make a point to hit the share button, you know, share it with somebody you love, somebody you care about, or somebody you don't even know. You know, the more empowered and aware and conscious and safe and happy and loving that everybody is in our world.

the better the world will be for all of us. And so please do make a point to hit the share button and also please do make a point to have an incredible rest of your day, to feel loving, to feel empowered, to feel safe inside of you, to really enjoy and love today to its fullest. And so that said, I love that you are here and I look forward to connecting with you on the next episode.

We'll see you there.

Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself Change. All of the time people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touched their heart, or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness of how amazing we all really are. If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about or those you know who really.

As more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point and the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone what we are all capable of. And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming, to maintain their results.

But the point. For you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life if you really understand how to use your mind. You are incredible. And I do wanna be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own. I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made.

You'll wanna remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people. That said, if you wanna send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website brandygilmore.com/podcast. And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well.

Lastly, Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you'll wanna continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you are capable of with your mind. Thank you.

About Brandy Gillmore

Meet Brandy Gillmore – World-Renowned Mind-Body Healing Expert

Brandy Gillmore is a best-selling author, award-winning podcast host, and globally recognized expert in mindset and mind-body healing. Celebrated for her groundbreaking approach to healing and life transformation, Brandy’s inspiring journey began with healing herself from disability, freeing herself from reliance on a wheelchair, walker, and cane. 

She then achieved the unprecedented: demonstrating the healing power of the mind in mere minutes, with results verified by thermal medical equipment.

Her pioneering work has been published in the Health Medical Journal and featured in award-winning documentaries, numerous docuseries, and TEDx talks

Today, Brandy inspires audiences across the globe, sharing her breakthrough discoveries with people from all walks of life—including top celebrities, professional athletes, devoted parents, and individuals passionate about personal growth—empowering them to unlock their potential, heal themselves, and transform their lives.

Discover the transformative power of mind-body healing by watching Brandy’s free self-healing online course here —your first step toward unlocking your innate ability to heal and thrive!

Ready to learn how to heal yourself?

From Illness To Wellness: Discover the 4 Easy Steps To Transform Your Health & Life With The GIFT Method™

In this self healing course, Brandy shares the exact things she did to heal (even when doctors told her there was nothing more she could do) so you too can be empowered with tools and techniques to heal yourself and change your life. Click here to learn more…

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Note: If you are hearing or sight impaired or have any other medical issues that would inhibit you from fully accessing the podcast, please reach out to our team at support@brandygillmore.com and we will be happy to assist you.  

Also, please remember that genuine change and follow through are key for self-healing results. If you struggle with negative thoughts or have a chronic health issue or chronic pain, please do not avoid seeing your doctor.

Instead, your goal with self-healing should be to continue to see your doctor as recommended and blow their mind with what you are capable of with your mind and with the power of mind-body healing.  Please enjoy this self-healing podcast!



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