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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life-changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made that changed my health and my entire. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this. Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level.
I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind, and then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind, your emotions, and your. To help you heal your health yourself and your life.
Let's begin.
Hello and welcome. It is so wonderful to connect with you. I just love that you are here continuing to expand your mind and your energy, your heart, your healing, your consciousness. I just love it. And you know, I love every single episode. Every episode is just different in a way, as is today's episode. And it is such Divine timing, as always.
Now, one thing that is different about this episode is that normally when I work with a volunteer, it is somebody that I've never met before, and I've never spoken to before at all, but today's volunteer, I have actually spoken with her before, not at length and not about her health. But I always just like to be very transparent in saying I know today's volunteer and she is such a beautiful beautiful being so I just I love that she is here on this journey of expansion and healing and That's how I met her is because her sister had actually been bedridden for several years and her sister went through my program and is now happy and healthy and traveling and doing amazing and a clean bill of health and all of that.
So she's been healthy and great and fabulous and just wonderful. I just love her sister so much. And she's been better for several, several years now. And, our volunteer today, her name is MJ, she watched her sister heal herself, and so basically she's got some health issues that have come up for her. And so she reached out and said, Hey, can I be a podcast volunteer?
I want to learn how this works and, and all of that. So I just love that. And I have so much respect for this woman. I mean, she is just a beautiful, loving being. And of course there are some things that have come up for her and I'm excited for her to have this journey of. growth and expansion in her own life, just because she's seen what her sister's done and it's beautiful.
And we're going to talk about that a bit as we're going through today's episode. So it's just beautiful. And, you know, you may have heard me talk about some clients before who were bedridden and, you know, now doing amazing things and it's just beautiful. And I love that. And so that said, I just love that we have.
Today's volunteer, MJ. And, you know, by the way, just hearing about some of the ways that she operated in her sister's sickness and all of that. And just, she's just a beautiful, beautiful being. So I love that. Just beautiful in the way she showed up and, and, you know, of course she's got some of her own stuff.
And I love that she is here looking at that and transforming that now. It's just beautiful. So that said. Let's go ahead and dive in with our beautiful volunteer, MJ. Here we go.
Hello, MJ. Hey. Hey. Oh, Hey. Hey. Hello. Hey. Oh, it's going to be fun. I can already tell. All right. Yeah, I love that. How are you doing? Beautiful. I'm doing so well. It's a beautiful day. I love that. It is a beautiful day, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. It's a pretty incredible day. I love that. And, uh, what can I help you with?
Um, well, I've had this weird, like, reoccurring, uh, pain or soreness. I don't even know really how to describe it. Um, It is in my left chest, breast, I don't know, apex of my heart, um. It just is kind of like this weird soreness that will show up and then disappear and then show up and I would say that I usually always can kind of sense it, um.
It'll vary from like a, you know, almost to like a 0. 5 to between a 1 and a 2, and then, um, some days it'll be upwards of like a 5 where it's really uncomfortable, um, and kind of scary, you can tell, like, already in my energy, I'm sure, that it can be. It definitely brings, like, a lot of fear. Anxiety, yep, I see it.
Yeah, because of my, my family history, so it gets me a little stressed out. But, um, I know deep down that it's more related to how I feel. So, I would like some clarity as to how I can kind of get rid of this, because I don't want it to get any worse. Okay. All right. And, uh, and by the way, what have your doctors said, said about it?
Um, well, I, I got an EKG. Um, my doctor actually noticed a heart murmur. And so I went and, uh, got an EKG done and they said that I have some, um, mitral valve valve prolapse. So basically, um, my mitral valve regurgitates a little bit of blood. Um, and he says, it's really not anything that I need to worry about, but he doesn't like, if I were going to have anything wrong, I guess that would be like the best thing to have.
Right. Um, but I don't know, it's just kind of weird. I don't feel like that's what's causing my, my soreness. I don't feel like it's related. Personally, but I have no idea, obviously. I'm not a doctor. So, okay. So, um, bingo. All right. Let's, uh, bingo. Let's dive in and see what the energy connected to that is.
And if I ask you right now, zero to 10, how much you are, um, how much you can feel that right now? What would you say? It's pretty light. I would say the last, uh, week or so it would be around like a one, but I can tell you that, um, maybe even a two right now. Uh, I would say like a few weeks ago though, I had a direct trigger in my physiology class learning about the heart and all of that stuff.
Like I was getting like, Physically nauseous and sick and like lots of nasty, like, and that was all from like fear, like just totally falling into the fear. Um, and I know it has a weird connection with, uh, food and like my beliefs around food, because I will be eating some things and I won't even like really be consciously thinking like negative stuff in my head, but I'll start feeling things in my heart because I think I'm like, I don't know if it's like self punishment or guilt, um, but I feel like, oh, I can feel it right now.
It's coming up. I feel guilty about not taking care of my body. Okay. Okay. That's always a good idea. I tell people, don't worry about your emotions. Feel a ton of guilt about not eating perfect. That's yeah. That's some, you're ahead of the game on that. Sometimes I don't like it. All right. I'm playing. I'm asking to breathe.
I'm asking to breathe. Yeah. Okay, so first and foremost, I want you to notice the part of you that has tears underneath it all. Can you see that? Mm hmm. Mm hmm. There's one or two there. You see it? Lots. Uh huh. Lots. Okay, so I'm gonna ask you to breathe. Okay, and I'm gonna ask you just for a moment. Bingo. All right, so I'm gonna ask you to breathe.
All right, so let's go ahead and pause it just for a really quick moment. You know, I just want to be very clear. Okay, That I was being a bit sarcastic and playful right there because I wanted to help shift her energy. And I know that sometimes between different cultures, just because we are in so many different countries that, you know, I want to make sure that the, the, the humor or sarcasm or playfulness doesn't always translate to different languages so well.
And so I just want to be clear when I said, you know, don't worry about your emotions, just make sure to, you know, eat healthy and just. You know, I just want to make sure that it was clear that I was being playful. And part of the reason that is, is because notice she was talking about where I said, there's a bit of feeling of wanting to cry.
Well, there's a big feeling, which we're going to talk about coming up. But you know, if you heard what she mentioned, she said, especially because of my family history. Now in the beginning, I mentioned that her sister had been bedridden for several years, so more than four years even, longer than that. And it was actually due to heart issues.
And so that's the reason that she's feeling so much fear, you know, she said, especially Because of my family history, you know, so she's got all this fear and wanting to cry. So that's the reason that I'm just being silly and playful is for that very reason. And by the way, if you listened to episode number five, there is a woman on that episode who had the exact same illnesses and things going on with her health as I did.
As MJ's sister did to the T and she was bedridden for over six years. And so, you know, there are multiple people who have worked with, with, uh, tachycardia or POTS syndrome, uh, you know, or bedridden or, you know, Paralyzed or, you know, just a variety of different things of people who just do amazing, incredible things.
You know, we're all just such amazing beings, but just pointing it out, you know, that, that woman on episode number five had literally the exact type of situation as her sister did. So, but either way, point being is I just want to be clear that I am being playful and there's a reason for that. It's just because I want to ease that feeling of wanting to cry.
So that we can really work on what we need to work on. And so we're kind of moving through it. And that's, uh, basically what I, why I'm being playful right now with her is just because I need to be able to get to the core of the issue of what is going on. And so it just kind of helps that part of the brain to relax a bit so we can, uh, really get to the underlying issue or issues rather that are connected to that for her and what she needs to really shift in her energy.
And so that's where we're going as we dive back in with MJ. Here we go.
And I'm going to ask you just for a moment to notice the feeling of inside of just wanting to cry. I'm asking you to just acknowledge the feeling and just acknowledge it. Don't, you don't have to fight it. Just acknowledge it and just notice that feeling. It's a feeling. Right? Yep. Just a feeling. Right.
Okay? So I'm going to ask you to breathe. Just keep breathing. Just keep breathing. It's just a feeling. Okay. And we've acknowledged it. We're going to acknowledge it. Then we're going to look at what else we, we've got here. Is that okay? Great. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. And we've acknowledged that feeling of wanting to cry.
We're just acknowledging it. And then, uh, would it be okay if we just start checking into the energy and see what else is there? Yes, please. Great. So I'm going to ask you to breathe. And so, bingo. What if nothing terrifying is there? What if? What if? Then we're golden. Then we're golden. Then we're golden. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe.
And I'm just going to say that again. What if nothing terrifying is there? Like, what if there's nothing? What if you're going to be okay? I'm going to ask you to breathe.
Good. Good, good, good. If I ask you the feeling of needing to cry, feeling like you want to cry, what's your level? Um, it's still probably pretty high, like a 4. Mm hmm. Totally. I should have it about a 4, where it was about a 40. So I feel like It's a lot better, right? Yes. It's going in the right direction.
Good thing. Good, good. That's the right direction. I'm going to ask you to breathe. Okay. And did you ever hear that song growing up? Like it's my party. I can cry if I want to. Oh yeah, for sure. Okay. You could, you could tell, I mean, if you want, you go for it. I don't really love it. It's, it's not fun. I I'm with you.
I'm with you. Great. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. I'm gonna ask you to go ahead and acknowledge the feeling and acknowledge the fear under that. So there's a lot of fear driven. Totally. Right. Yeah. Yeah, and so, if I ask you, zero to ten, how much would you say fear is good for your health? It's like a zero, big fat zero.
Okay, great. So I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe, and you can let the fear go. It's not a good plan. And by the way, so if I ask you, How's your sister's health? Amazing. You know that. Amazing. She makes me jelly all the time. But wait a sec, wait a sec, wait a sec. But wait a sec. All right. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe and do you need to be jealous or do you need to just go, wait a second?
Hey, I could do this. Yeah, no, I know I can. Great. So out of curiosity. I said I'm stoked for her. Like, I love that she's amazing. Like, ugh. Right. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. And if I ask you, is fear the feeling you want to have right now or even excitement to be willing to embrace change? What do you think feels like the appropriate emotion to have right now?
Fear or excited to change? No, excitement. Okay. Now I want you to picture just for a moment that somebody's walking around in there in fear. Right? Or even, let's say that there's a, a woman who's really, really, really upset and you try to reason with her. How does it go? Doesn't work very well because they're just like irrational.
Yeah, right. Totally irrational. So, now let's say that there's a woman who's in a lot of fear. How well is she? Able to think clearly. She's not, because that fear is like controlling. Exactly. So I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe. I'm gonna ask you, is fear the feeling you really feeling right now, or would you say you could relax and smile and enjoy?
And wonder, curiosity, what could come up and what could you change that will change your life? I definitely want to be excited. Okay, great. So I'm going to ask you to breathe. And I'm going to ask you to take that in. Like, this is fun. This is fun. And by the way, would you say that your sister's life is even better now than it was before?
Way better. It's like fireworks. Okay, so way better fireworks. And So, if you knew that changing something in your life, changing something, that we're going to identify something for you to be able to change that would make your life even better, would you want to be sitting here in fear and upset or excited to change and embrace the change?
Excited. Great. Excited, right? So ready. So ready. I love that. All right. So, I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. All right, if I ask you, zero to ten, how much would you say that you're a bit sensitive?
I'm a ten. I would have said twenty, but we'll go with your ten. I would like to blame my mother, but I feel like it runs in the family. Okay, wait a sec. So what you're saying is you guys all had this in past lives and so you all ended up in the same circle in this lifetime? I have no idea how it works. I just know that, like, my mom's super sensitive and, like, my grandpa is super sensitive, her father, and it's funny because I feel just like them and, like, my grandfather's so cute, like, he'll just be talking about stuff and He'll just become emotional and I'm like, Oh God, am I headed towards that?
Because I love it. I love being emotional, you know, like getting excited about things, but I, I don't like being so reactive and sensitive and ugh. Okay, so I want you to notice for a moment. If I ask you zero to 10, how much you would say you easily get your emotions hurt? What would you say? Oh, definitely.
High. Like, okay. So I'm gonna ask you just for a moment. Totally. So I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe.
All right. So let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, first and foremost, I just love her self honesty, her self awareness. I mean, just a beautiful, beautiful being. So I love that. And what I also want you to notice is this topic of being sensitive. Is it's actually pretty common that it comes up.
And so I love that it's coming up here and of course her level of self awareness around it. But as you noticed, she mentioned she loved being sensitive and then she also mentioned that her family is sensitive and that, you know, it just runs in the family. And then also when we start to unpack the feeling of also feeling sensitive.
She gets her feelings hurt a lot, which of course doesn't feel good. And that can relate to and connect with health issues or problems or manifesting negative things and et cetera, et cetera. So it's definitely something that she's going to want to really change. Because, you know, if you think about it, if it's easy to get hurt and not only that, but as you'll see, a lot of the hurt is then old wounding.
Which of course attracts more of the same and more of the same and can also be very connected to health issues. And so we're gonna go ahead and unpack this further. But if you are somebody who identifies as being sensitive, you're going to want to note this. Just because being sensitive has kind of got a label lately in our culture, like it's a good thing.
And so what will happen is people will want To be sensitive at a subconscious level. So feeling more hurt, feeling more upset, kind of becomes a quote unquote, good thing in the subconscious mind. And I see that all of the time. And if you think about it for a moment, as far as being tuned in, you know, I'm very tuned in to emotions and energy and what people are feeling and what I'm feeling.
And, and so I'm very, very aware. And so that's what we want to look at as being a great thing is saying, you know what, the more emotional awareness and emotional intelligence and energetic intelligence, that's a good thing. That's really cool. That's a superpower. But a lot of times people will get this feeling of, you know, feeling sensitive and feeling hurt a lot.
And part of the problem, is that it gets linked up under the umbrella of being a good thing, that then their mind doesn't want to get rid of it. So it's almost like your mind will want to get rid of the hurt, but it also wants to keep it as well, because then It means that you're sensitive and, you know, when we try to release anything in life and anything that's programmed into our subconscious minds, if there's part of you who wants it and the other part of you wants to get rid of it, it feels like a struggle.
I mean, it literally feels like trying to hold on to something with your right hand and trying to push it away with your left hand. And it feels so hard to do and it feels like a struggle. And so on that note, you want to be really careful with the label of sensitive and saying, you know, Oh, I like being sensitive.
You want to really be consciously really clear on how you define that, because I can tell you, this is a growing problem where people go, Oh my God, it's great to be sensitive. And unfortunately, they end up holding on to more and more hurt and actually feeling more reactive to hurt because That's what their brain links up as being good, as being sensitive.
And so instead, you just want to make sure that it's super clear to your mind the definition of being sensitive and just say, tuned in, we're connected, we're really aware, we're having emotional awareness or energetic awareness. That would be a better wording than sensitive just because this is what I see that gets linked up in the subconscious mind.
And then people aren't able to shift it. because part of their mind wants it. So just something to watch out for. And of course, there are other pieces. And on that note. Let's go ahead and dive back in with MJ. Here we go.
And I want you to picture that, picture yourself walking around and then you're not really ever getting your emotions hurt anymore. Like you're walking around, you're feeling incredible, full of love, happy, healthy, all of that. And you're not getting your emotions hurt at all. Like it's just not even happening.
What would that look like? Be so awesome. Great. So I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe. To like, be in my own world. Go ahead. To what? I said just to like, be in my own world in my head. Well, wait a second. Wait a sec. Now, if I told you that I'm gonna walk around and be in my own world in my own head, okay, are you willing to let some other people in your world?
Well, yeah. Okay. So notice you went from feeling sensitive and hurt to now being in your own world in your own head. It's just like, do you get to be in the world with other people?
All right. So let's go ahead and pause it just for a really quick moment. What I want you to notice here is as soon as the idea of not having this sensitivity and reactiveness and hurt. As soon as that concept even comes up, it doesn't feel like a reality. So then, you know, she said exactly what it was.
Oh, let me just be in my head, alone in my head. And that's how it shows up for her, the idea of not being hurt. And so I just want you to note that. Because we're going to be creating some shifts coming up and I just want you to notice the way that her mind was Immediately thinking and that that will need to change for her to really change this pattern So we'll unpack this even more as we go, but let's go ahead and dive back in with MJ.
Here we go
Bingo that bingo if I ask you how often would you say your dad gets his feelings hurt? Um, I don't know, cause he's hard to read, but I would say he's a little bit more sensitive to sometimes than he puts off. If I ask you how often your bingo, your partner gets his feelings hurt. Oh, geez. He's cool as a cucumber.
He's who I want to be like. Okay. Now, is that because he's living somewhere in his head? No. Not at all. No. Okay. How often would you say How many times in the past week would you say he's been in tears over hurt feelings? Zero. Okay. How many times in the past month? What do you say? I don't feel like he ever gets like, Oh, because it's because he lives in his head, right?
No He's super present. He's super with people. He's just very Confident and comfortable with himself Great. So now I want you to picture you guys are walking around as two people that are just cool as a cucumber Like you guys are two cool cucumbers walking around
What would that look like to feel that way be awesome? Great. So I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe.
Bingo. And if I ask you, zero to ten, if I ask you in your inner being, zero to ten, how much you would you say that you have a past, bingo, zero to ten, how much would you say you have a fear of rejection? Oh, that's a big one. Mm hmm. Probably on the ten side. Ten, fifty, somewhere in there, right? So I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe.
And if I ask you, if you knew that you weren't going to be rejected, if you knew that for sure, a hundred percent, You knew you weren't going to, you weren't going to have any rejection. None. You weren't going to have any. I'm going to ask you to breathe. I want you to picture, you knew, you're not going to have any rejection.
You're not going to.
If I ask you, does your feeling of feeling emotionally sensitive go up, down, or stay the same? I think it would go down for sure. I'm having a hard time connecting with the feeling a little bit, but. Right? I know it would go down. Okay, so I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe, and it would go down.
Right? So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. Bingo. And if I ask you to notice the part of you that expects to be rejected, can you see that? Yeah. Yeah. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment. Bingo. If I ask you why you expect to be rejected, why would you say that is? Don't you know by now you're supposed to expect positive things?
Yeah, I do know it on a mental level because of my past experiences. Okay. Oh, that's, that's right. Because of your, because of your past experiences, right? Yeah. So I have a question. How many times? How many more times do you feel like you're going to go to first grade? Never, but your past experiences, you were in first grade.
So clearly you're going to go to first grade again. Right? I mean, that makes sense. Totally doesn't make sense. Great. Totally doesn't make sense. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe and how many times do you think you're going to go through potty training again? Just kidding. Oh God, I hope none. Well, maybe when I get really old.
Don't. Delete, delete, delete. Delete, delete. Delete, delete. Yeah. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe.
Okay. And so notice that just because something happened in the past doesn't mean it's in the future, right? Right. Okay. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. Bingo. All right. There's bingo. There's a layer. Here we go. All right.
Alright, so let's go ahead and actually pause the session right here, just because the things that are coming up for MJ are things that come up for a lot of people. And again, I just really love her self awareness, her self honesty, I mean, just beautiful. And let's look at this for a moment. You know, when we stop and think about it.
Heart issues are the number one health issue that people have had for years and years and years and years. I mean, it's been number one health issue for many, many years. And these are matters of the heart, if you will, that a lot of times people will bury or try to avoid or, you know, try to just avoid people in general or All of the time when people get into things like meditation and spirituality and consciousness and all of these things, instead of really healing their wounds.
A lot of times people kind of retreat into spirituality or retreat into their head or, you know, meditation or disconnect even more from people instead of really healing their wounds and just because these patterns are so common and they're things that I see all of the time, I do want to go ahead and pause the session right here and actually just give everybody time to really.
Process some of the information and see if you can integrate some part of this into your life. Now, the two main pieces that I would invite you to integrate into your life is, first and foremost, with relationships. And looking at your future with relationships. And if you do have a negative expectation of being hurt, or abandoned, or rejected, or any of those things, then I want to invite you To reset your expectation, to start creating a new vision moving forward for what it is that you do want your relationships to look like.
So that's number one. And number two goes back to the topic of being sensitive. And if you are identifying as being sensitive, I want to invite you to change that and to even get a new picture in your mind to instead be somebody who is just spiritually aware or connected to the positive specifically, like very elated, very happy, very connected to the positive or whatever that is for you.
But I want to invite you to kind of reassess. the word sensitive and see if you can look at how that would show up in your life in an optimal way. So those are the two things that I want to invite you to look at and next week we're gonna go ahead and continue with the next part of the session with MJ.
But again, I just want to give you a moment to digest these in your life before we moved on. And so that said, please do take a moment and reflect and also please do make sure to hit the share button on this episode. You know, share it with somebody you love, somebody you care about, or somebody you don't even know, or, you know, even on topic, share it with a sister or a family member.
You know, the more happy and healthy that every person is. In this world, the better this world will be for all of us. And so on that note, please do make sure to have a wonderful, fabulous rest of your day, and I look forward to connecting with you on the next episode. We'll see you there.
Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself Change. All of the time people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touched their heart, or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness of how amazing we all really are. If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your [00:34:00] mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about or those you know who really.
As more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point and the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone what we are all capable of. And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming, to maintain their results.
But the point. For you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life if you really understand how to use your mind. You are incredible. And I do wanna be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own. I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made.
You'll wanna remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people. That said, if you wanna send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well.
Lastly, Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you'll wanna continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you are capable of with your mind. Thank you.