146 Transcript: Take Back Your Power (Relationship & Healing Transformation)

Heal Yourself Change Your Life

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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life-changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made that changed my health and my entire. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this. Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level.

I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind, and then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind, your emotions, and your. To help you heal your health yourself and your life.

Let's begin.

It is so wonderful to connect with you. I just love that you are here. continuing to expand your mind, your energy, your consciousness, and your healing. And I just absolutely love This episode, it is about love and healing and transformation and success also, because there's a combination of things that have come up and I love it.

It's just divine timing in so many ways. And so you're absolutely going to love the takeaways, the insights from today's episode. And before we dive into the session, there's a quick. message that I want to share with you from a past volunteer that I think is just, I mean, it's literally just divine timing in so many ways.

And so the episode that I want to share this from is episode, if you think back to episode one 14, and there's just this beautiful being Vicky, who unfortunately had a lot of health issues going on, um, you know, stage four breast cancer that had metastasized and spread bones and liver and lymph and, you know, just all kinds of things going on.

Now. there was an update. So she messaged in and she said, wow, you know, I'm feeling really good. Like a couple of weeks later, Hey, I have no pain. And I'm feeling like your pain stayed gone from the episode and she was feeling amazing. And then on episode one 21, she messaged in and she said that she had gone to go see her doctors to see where her progress was and When they did a check in with her, her tumor had shrunk from seven centimeters to one centimeter, which they had felt like was impossible.

You know, like they were just mind blown, which is so great. And of course, Vicki was doing this. I mean, I got to say, I just want to emphasize, Vicki is awesome at follow through. She's doing this and it's so beautiful. So that's what was happening, you know, episode 121. So Vicki just messaged in and she sent in this sweet message.

So anyway, she, by the way, she, did jump in the video course. So she was following through with the video course and just being a rockstar. I mean, she sent in like a message when she sent in that she hadn't had any pain back and all of that. She even sent in a message and her message, let me just read it.

Just a little short piece of it. She said, um, I had an issue I had been trying to figure out with a relationship and I thought I'd need help with that too. But, I used the techniques, identified my own pattern, and worked my way through that as well. It felt so good. So, I love that. So, she was going through the course, and she was like, Oh, I thought I need, oh, never mind.

I've got this. Like, just following through, showing up, doing, like, doing the work, and She continued, you know, following through and seeing her doctors and her doctors said well Let's you know be safe and let's do radiation and chemo and all that so that she did continue you know seeing her conventional doctors and all of that, but she's just been following through and and showing up and and And just beautiful and you know and cancer free all of that her blood looks amazing and and she's she's doing it She's just she's a rock star following through amazing and she periodically sends in you know updates And she just sent in an update that was just the sweetest thing.

And it basically, you know, I'm going to just read a short, a couple of short parts of it, but she just wrote in and she said, you know, it's with profound love and heartfelt gratitude that I'm writing this note today. You know, last fall, I found myself unable to work and in pain with stage four metastasitic.

breast cancer that had spread to the lymph, liver, and bone, throwing out all past inhibitions, fear, and shyness to the wind. I reached out to work with you on my December podcast episode, working together. I was able to eliminate the pain and move forward with more understanding of how to heal yourself, change your life course could work for me.

Back then I was lost on how to feel what it would be like to create things that I wanted. I have been overflowing with excitement and joy as I place a check mark beside the things on my first vision statement. I am so happy and filled with so much love as I create the life I want because I have the power.

Who knew? Ha ha. And she goes on and she says, your mission to share this work and change what is possible in healthcare is divinely guided. I am excited about the study at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. So for anybody who may not know, I'm doing some, some studies coming up with the Institute of Noetic Sciences on healing and consciousness and mind expanding and all of that.

So, and by the way, on that note, If you are ever wanting to be a part of it, we do have some more coming up. So you can email my team if you're wanting information for that. So anyway, just quick side note, which goes on to say, um, I have been involved in energy healing for many years. And while some issues were identified, your work provided the missing pieces for me, mainly the empowerment of self reprogramming the mind and continued support with feeling in through the uplift calls has been vital.

So I love that. So just, you know, just stuff going through the course, but she says, I'm surprised to be saying this as I had planned to retire, but I'm returning to work tomorrow in a new part time position that I had proposed to my employer and they agreed to create it for me. I feel so great, excited and joyful for every day now.

And then she goes on to say, you know, she felt compelled to write it. Put something beautiful in its place, like it was just a phrase that she had felt, you know, put something beautiful in his place, put something beautiful in his place. That was a feeling that was coming through her. And she says, you know, now I know what that phrase meant.

And it meant that all anger and fear and frustration and victim, victim and blame and all of that, that she put something in its place and that something beautiful is love. Just that she got rid of. all fear, anger, frustration, guilt, blah, blah, blah, all of that stuff. And it just, it's so beautiful. It's just, it just, you know, it just, uh, what a beautiful, beautiful being and kudos to her.

She's amazing. And she did it. And, and I just love it. Like all of her visions, like I love the part. She put a check mark next to all of her visions that she was wanting, that she has been pain free and that her blood work is amazing. And then there's no cancer in her body. I mean, just amazing. And. She's amazing.

And then she's going back to work with love and excitement and a new position. And it's just, it's just so, so beautiful. So just celebrating Vicki and her amazingness, and she's just an incredible being and she did it and just incredible. And so I love that. And I love her share and it's just so beautiful.

And she had just sent this in and it's divine timing. not only because of last week's session, but also as we step into working with today's volunteer, who is also a very, very beautiful being. And we're going to talk about transforming patterns to do with love and relationships and really transforming that.

So again, just beautiful, beautiful being and just divine timing. I just love it. And that said, let's go ahead and dive in with today's volunteer. Her name is Elena, and she's just a beautiful, beautiful being. And here we go.

Hello. Hello, Elena. I'm fine. How are you? I'm doing fabulous. Thank you. It's wonderful to meet you. You too. I'm, uh, I had a bit of stress trying to connect. So, um, very, very happy to, uh, hear your voice. I love that you were able to connect and I'm sorry to hear you had a little bit of stress, but you're good to go now?

I am good to go. The children are in bed, hopefully, um, asleep and, um, I'm here and present. So, all good. Beautiful. Beautiful. I love that. Um, bingo. I love that. All right. So, uh, on that note, let's just go ahead and dive in. Does that sound good? Sounds fabulous. Beautiful. Beautiful. And you must have young children for them to be asleep at this time.

Yeah, I'm, I mean, I'm in the UK, but, uh, yes, they are six and three, so pretty young. Beautiful, beautiful. I love that. Beautiful. All right. So, uh, bingo. So on that note, um, let's, let's do go ahead and dive in. And what can I assist you with today? I have been suffering with very low pelvic pain, um, that started just over five years ago.

Um, and it started with a urinary tract infection, which has, still continue to this day, so sort of five years on. And, um, yeah, it's just sort of, you know, overwhelming pain. Um, and it sort of impacts on every part of my life. Um, and I'm quite stuck with this pain. Um, it just, every time I have a, another urine test, it comes back with another infection.

Um, and the pain has been debilitating for me, um, so just trying to stay positive all the time is, is difficult with two young children working and with your, you know, so yeah, pissed off at the moment, feeling very pissed off like with life. Okay, and so I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe, and I'm going to ask you just for a moment to actually notice There's an inner part, um, there's a pattern, uh, there's a, there's a feeling of feeling vengeful.

Can you find that feeling? Yeah. Mm hmm. And if I ask you, what age was that, that you first remember it starting? Ooh, um, probably around 16, 17. Okay. So, I want you to notice for a moment, so when I look at your energy, I see about age 3. Oh, wow. Okay. Okay. But the reason that I'm going there quickly. Is because I want you to notice That there's a part of you who's feeling very pissed off at life and feeling very much like it's everybody else Can you see that?

Yeah, definitely. Okay. Mm hmm. And if I ask you to notice the part of you that is adamant that it's everybody else and that blame feeling and that vengeful feeling, can you see that? Yeah, definitely. Mm hmm. So I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe. All

right, so let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment, you know, I first and foremost I just love her awareness just beautiful just beautiful that she can see that it's a pattern and you know That's exactly what happens sometimes you know, you can get caught up in feelings of frustration or upset or vengeful or anger, all of those things.

But if you can take a moment and realize that it's a pattern, then it becomes empowering because then You can say, wait a second. Okay, let me change the pattern. And so I just love that and so beautiful and it, it literally, instead of going from feeling like somebody's taking away your power or you're powerless in a situation where you feel like, oh my god, I'm so frustrated and this is happening and this is happening.

It is a way to take back your power. And what's also kind of interesting to note is Vicki, actually, in the very beginning when I read her email where she said self empowerment, this is absolutely a part of, absolutely exactly that, is taking back your power, when again, you start to realize that it's a bigger picture pattern.

It's not just the situation. So I love her awareness. And that said, let's go ahead and dive back in with beautiful Elena. Here we go.

Bingo. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And if I ask you, if I ask you how much feeling, how many feelings, how much you've been feeling, the feeling of feeling pissed off towards the kids, Uh, father. How much would you say that is? Ten plus. Mm hmm. Ten plus. Now, if I ask you Mm hmm. If I ask you to notice how much it feels like you're really, really upset at him because he's not helping enough, and all of these things, and all of that.

Can you see that? Oh, yeah. Definitely. Mm hmm. Now, if I ask you, when you guys were still together, how much were you pissed off at him during that time also? Very pissed off. So, I'm going to ask you to notice something for a moment, and no matter what he does, notice. Mm hmm. You've been pissed off at him anyway.

Yeah. So the thing of it is, is that what you want to realize is that your pissed offness, like, imagine if, no matter what you do, somebody's going to be pissed off at you anyway. Yeah. There's no win, right? So while you're blaming him, you're creating it. Does that make sense? Yes, it does. Yeah. Okay. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe.

All right. So let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, first and foremost, I love her self awareness and her self honesty and that she can see These patterns, these patterns of blame and vengefulness and, and attack, the type feeling and anger and all that. I love that she's seeing that.

Now, this part's a little tricky. So I want to help you to look at it and, and see it for the big picture. So what can happen is while one person is feeling exactly like she's feeling, where she's feeling angry and vengeful and like a victim and pissed off and all of these feelings, On the other side, what the person says is, Wow, this person is toxic.

This person is toxic. Let me get this person out of my life. And what happens is that there's two very different situations going on. It's kind of like if somebody in California is saying, oh my gosh, the weather's sunny in December. It's beautiful out. It's wonderful. And somebody in New York is saying, but it's snowing out.

What do you mean? It's, it's so cold and it's snowing. And somebody in California is like, no, it's, it's sunny. You know, it's like each person has a very different vision when they look out the window. Okay. And so what can happen, especially because these patterns have been going on since childhood, the window that she's looking out of is creating this behavior that's making her upset and upset and vengeful and attack.

And as you'll see coming up, it's even coming out on her kids who are, you know, I think six and three. She's that, you know, just very, very young kids. And so, and we'll come up with that, you know, the passive aggressive anger and all that, which of course will then end up creating even more of it in her life and more of those feelings.

And so we're going to talk about that coming up, but the thing that you'll want to notice here, Is this is a few things is that if you have a pattern of feeling vengeful or attack or anything like that towards people It can show up back in your life, you know in many not great ways So we're gonna talk about that but it's like you have a hard time seeing out of it and it's like the very actions that you have perpetuate the problem and this is an indicator also what you can look at in life is it sometimes What if you ever catch yourself saying something like this So and so is nice to everybody else but me.

Or so and so treats everybody else respect with respect or this or that or blah blah blah except for me. That is an indicator also that there might be something that you're doing, some type of pattern that you can't see around. That is perpetuating the problem. So what can happen is, let's say in this scenario, there's a guy who says, Oh my God, all women are crazy.

And then she has these feelings of feeling angry, upset and hurt and victim. And she's got that pattern. And he goes, Oh my God, I'm right. See, all women are crazy and angry. And she says, Oh my God, I'm right. Men are this and that, and you know, people don't, you know, the victim pattern and angry and upset and vengeful, and it's like they can both have their very patterns that they're seeing.

So it can be tricky when you're looking through patterns in relationships, and that's why the most important thing that you always want to do is to make sure to calm your own emotions and be willing to see with an open perspective, and see Is it that other person? Are there things that you are doing to perpetuate the problem?

And have an open mind because, again, the biggest thing you want to note is that when you have intense emotions, even consciously or subconsciously, It will control your perspective and so you won't be able to see clearly and that is what is key for making that shift. And so that's where we're going as we step back in with beautiful Elena.

Here we go.

And I want you to picture just for a moment that you're trying to do something good for somebody or trying to love somebody and no matter what you do, they're pissed off at you. Mm hmm. How easy is it to love them? Impossible. Impossible. Impossible. So I'm gonna ask you to just for a moment picture that let's say your kids grow up.

Let's say one of them grows up and has this exact pattern, which will, unfortunately, there's a chance that could happen if you don't change the pattern, cause they'll grow up and want to be like mom and different things like that. Right now, if they're pissed off, no matter what happens one way or another, they're pissed off or they're pissed off or they're pissed off no matter what, how easy is it going to be to love your kid?

Again, very impossible, really. Very impossible, really. Okay. And if I ask you to notice how much you've been pissed off, no matter one reason or another or another or another, you've been pissed off. Can you see that? Oh, yeah. I just, I just feel that anger and just feeling pissed off all the time at the moment.

It's uh, yeah, it's, it's, it's very strong. Mm hmm. Okay. So it's very strong. Even before your relationship dissolved with their father, notice how pissed off you were about other things all the time. Yeah. Okay, so the thing is Feeling like the victim a bit. Okay, and which if you think about it, it's the exact same thing.

Feeling like the victim and feeling pissed off. Yeah. Okay, but the circumstances continue to change on to why it is, but notice this pattern, like you said you've seen it since age 16, right? Mm hmm. Yeah. So, how are you going to successfully get love with this pattern always going on? How are you going to It's not going to happen.

It's not going to happen. No, it's not going to happen. Yeah, I hadn't thought of it that way. Mm hmm. Bingo. And I also want you to notice the part of you that's also, if I ask you, zero to 10, how much there's a part of you you can see who gets angry and feels like the victim with people. And then is a bit passive aggressive with the jabs.

Yeah, particularly the children, which I, I don't like. Because I'm feeling pissed off with life and then I can react back, you know. in a way I don't want to because I'm feeling frustrated and pissed off with not having any help. So yeah, it goes the other way with them. Totally. So how's this going to go for you?

Not well. I've got to change the pattern. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And I want you to picture, you know, another 10 years, 20 years goes by. You know, why not keep it another 30, 40 years? You can be pissed off all the time and the passive aggressive and the jabs and all of that.

And you could do that if you want. I mean, you're the power, but how do you think that's going to go when it comes to love and relationships and even with your kids and all like, how is that going to go? Yeah. It's going to be very destructive and negative. Yeah. Honey, you deserve a better life than that, but you've got to remember that it's hard to love somebody when they're pissed off and frustrated and blaming and passive aggressive and angry.

Yeah. Can you see that? Definitely see it. Okay, so I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe and take that in. And if I ask you, do you want to change? I definitely want to change. Okay. When? Now. No time like the present, as the British say. Uh huh. Yeah. So I'm going to ask you to breathe and I want you to notice how much your brain has been so busy blaming and hating.

and attacking others. Can you see that? Yes. Yeah. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe.

All right. So let's go ahead and pause the session right here. You know, first and foremost, she is just a beautiful, beautiful being with a beautiful heart, great self awareness and great self honesty and As you can tell, also a lot of hurt going on from a very, very young age. And so when you stop and think about it for a moment, having patterns of feeling like the victim and anger and vengeful and upset from a young age, it starts a certain perspective and a certain perception and a certain awareness as you come into this life.

And so, Ultimately, you know, what she's going to want to do, of course, is to take her power back and then not buy into the patterns. Because when you have really intense patterns like that, it's so easy to get sucked into them and to get sucked into them and then believe them and, and not only that, but then see it towards one person and another person and another person and another person.

It's like, once you really feel these intense patterns. They can go from one person to another and show up everywhere. And so really creating that change on the inside is so important. Now there's some key things that you're going to want to note here where she even mentions that the passive aggressive and the upset are even coming out at her kids at a young age.

Now if you think about it, when they grow up, how much do you think that they're going to like their mom with these patterns? Unfortunately, chances are what will end up happening is as they grow up. They'll have very fractured relationships with her. And she'll find that same thing going on, the victim, the upset, that all of those things, you know, just because it's so intense.

And so of course, what she's going to want to do is really transform this. Now, this is another important piece is this, is that. In life, it's going to be hard for her to get love. And as we've talked about on past episodes, I mean, love is such an important need. Like we need food as human beings. We need water.

We need air, you know, we need oxygen and we need love in life. You know, there are certain emotional needs that we have also, and love is one of those. And this pattern of course, will keep her from really having the loving relationships. This she wants in her life and you know all of the time I'll see people who have patterns who end up You know not in a place of feeling love and so for that reason I'm actually gonna go ahead and pause the episode right here and we'll pick up with the next half of the session on next week's episode But what I want to invite you to do is notice if there are patterns That are keeping you from love and by the way how they can show up is they can show up like this where you know where your your actions can perpetuate the same pattern and it shows up and it shows up and it you know And it keeps going or of course you can keep attracting them meaning that sometimes in relationships people will attract somebody who's critical and critical and critical over and over and over again, where they keep attracting the same type of person.

You know, you've heard me say before, of course, you know, the woman with the abusive father leaves him and finds the abusive boyfriend, boss, spouse, you know, relationship, whatnot. Like, you can continue to attract that same pattern over and over and over again. Or, You can also continue to show up with so many wounds that you also kind of create that pattern over and over and over again as well because it's really hard to love somebody who is so angry and vengeful and upset.

It makes it really hard to do. So that can perpetuate the problem as well. And, An indicator of that, if you've ever said to yourself, why is so and so nice to everybody else but me? Or so and so treats everybody else better than me. So and so treats everybody else nice, but me. Or if you notice that you have a certain pattern that's showing up also with kids, and it's towards kids, that can be another indicator also.

And again, of course, noticing if the pattern's been going on for a really long time. And I just want to emphasize over and over and over again. Everybody deserves to be loved, to feel good, to feel happy. And relationship patterns can feel really tricky. They can feel disempowering. You can feel like there's no way to change it.

You can feel like you're stuck or no matter what you do. And you get stuck in that feeling of blame and pissed off or angry at other people, and it will keep you very, very, very stuck. And especially if you keep feeling that and keep feeling that. You'll keep being stuck. And so for this specific type of pattern and this specific thing going on, one of the best things that you can do for yourself is to stop blaming the other person and to notice if it's a pattern.

And by just by noticing that it's a pattern. You take your power back, you know, then you can feel back and go, wait a second. Okay. I see this as a pattern. This is a pattern. So I'm going to just stop blaming them or being angry or being upset or being frustrated or being this or being that. And instead I'm going to take back the power and remember that I have.

The choice to make the change that I can see it's been a, you know, so that feeling of feeling like, okay, I'm going to stop being upset and instead I'm going to identify the pattern. I'm going to understand why it's there and really wholeheartedly make that change. And by the way, you know, kind of circling back to the very beginning with Vicki, beautiful, beautiful being.

And if you recall back to her episode, She had a lot of different emotions going on and, and I mean, just a beautiful, beautiful being and she did it. She followed through. She changed and nobody could make her change without wanting to. She did it. She's beautiful. And even if you think about her email and she mentioned, you know, that she's been checking off all of her visions that she'd wanted, that it's actually all happening where she said, you know, I had the power, who knew, haha, you know, and it's just, I love her sense of humor.

Just a beautiful, beautiful being. What she did is she took back her power and so that's the message that I really want to bring forth with today's episode is exactly that is that relationship patterns can feel frustrating or upsetting or you know, just struggle and it can feel hard and you want to make sure to take back your power.

And so that's what I want to invite you to do with this episode. Because, you know, even if you think about, for example, let's say there's somebody who is got really, really, really needy energy, you know, very, very, very needy, needy energy. Now, of course, from a compassionate standpoint, you go, wait a sec, this person needs love.

Like, just like we need food and oxygen and water, we need love. And so when somebody is really needy. They're needing love. And so when you look at it from that awareness, you just have absolute compassion for this being because they need it. Human connection, we need that. But let's also be honest, if somebody's really, really, really needy, a lot of times what can happen is they drive people away and then they feel like nobody loves me, nobody's doing this, they're all just this, they're all, and the blame goes out to other people.

And it's a hard situation, you know, and so point being is that. That person's actions in coming off needy can perpetuate the very problem that they're trying to overcome. So in that example, if somebody's being needy, needy, needy, needy, needy, and then other people kind of like back away. And then that person gets angry then at those people.

Well, this person does this and this person does this and this person does this and this person and they don't love me and they're not paying attention and why don't they love me and why aren't they blah, blah, blah. And they're just this and this, and so they'll go into a spiral. of blame without ever noticing that their actions and the way that they're being and their energy and, you know, that it's actually perpetuating the problem.

They don't even see that. And so that's my point is exactly that is, is there something in your beingness that perpetuates it? Or even if we look at this situation with Elena, you know, if you're always mad at somebody and always mad at somebody and always, you know, angry and also. On top of it, vengeful towards somebody, a lot of times people are going to be like, pfft, I'm not doing that for you.

I'm not, like, people, people will do less for you. You know, it's kind of like if somebody treats you really mean and you really vengeful and they're attacking and they're angry at you and they do that over and over and over again, you know, how much would you want to do for them? Would you want to go the extra mile and do all these wonderful, fabulous, amazing, kind things for them?

Well, probably not. He's just human nature. And obviously Elena deserves to be loved. She should be loved. She needs to be loved. We all need that. And so, That's what I want to invite you and even her with her life. That's, that's like looking at it going, okay, well, let me change. Now, let me not be angry. Let me be more loving to then attract more love, more kindness, more support, more connectedness, you know?

And so that's really what I want to invite you to look at in this is, is there something in your actions? That are unfortunately perpetuating the problem. And if so, don't judge yourself. Don't criticize yourself. Don't beat yourself up. Just look at how you might want to change that in your life. All right, so that is the goal.

And also if you can notice if there's some type of pattern, maybe your very action is just looking at it and noticing that it's a pattern so you can take back your power. So you can look at it and say, ah, I could get caught up in this over and over and over again, or I can recognize. It's a pattern and I'm willing to take back my power and change this pattern.

Right? So that's the other way to go. And so on that note, as far as power and being empowered and all of that, I want to invite you to please do make a point to share this episode, share it with somebody you love, somebody you care about, somebody you don't even know, somebody who's struggling, health, love, any of that, please do make a point to share it.

The more lifted and empowered and happy and healthy that that every person is in this world, the better this world is for all of us, you know, just the more blissful and beautiful and positive and, and all of that. And so on that note, please do make it a wonderful, happy, happy, beautiful day, spread love, and I look forward to connecting with you on the next episode. We'll see you there.

Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself Change. All of the time people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touched their heart, or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness of how amazing we all really are. If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your [00:34:00] mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about or those you know who really.

As more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point and the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone what we are all capable of. And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming, to maintain their results.

But the point. For you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life if you really understand how to use your mind. You are incredible. And I do wanna be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own. I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made.

You'll wanna remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people. That said, if you wanna send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website brandygilmore.com/podcast. And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well.

Lastly, Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you'll wanna continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you are capable of with your mind. Thank you.

About Brandy Gillmore

Meet Brandy Gillmore – World-Renowned Mind-Body Healing Expert

Brandy Gillmore is a best-selling author, award-winning podcast host, and globally recognized expert in mindset and mind-body healing. Celebrated for her groundbreaking approach to healing and life transformation, Brandy’s inspiring journey began with healing herself from disability, freeing herself from reliance on a wheelchair, walker, and cane. 

She then achieved the unprecedented: demonstrating the healing power of the mind in mere minutes, with results verified by thermal medical equipment.

Her pioneering work has been published in the Health Medical Journal and featured in award-winning documentaries, numerous docuseries, and TEDx talks

Today, Brandy inspires audiences across the globe, sharing her breakthrough discoveries with people from all walks of life—including top celebrities, professional athletes, devoted parents, and individuals passionate about personal growth—empowering them to unlock their potential, heal themselves, and transform their lives.

Discover the transformative power of mind-body healing by watching Brandy’s free self-healing online course here —your first step toward unlocking your innate ability to heal and thrive!

Ready to learn how to heal yourself?

From Illness To Wellness: Discover the 4 Easy Steps To Transform Your Health & Life With The GIFT Method™

In this self healing course, Brandy shares the exact things she did to heal (even when doctors told her there was nothing more she could do) so you too can be empowered with tools and techniques to heal yourself and change your life. Click here to learn more…

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Note: If you are hearing or sight impaired or have any other medical issues that would inhibit you from fully accessing the podcast, please reach out to our team at support@brandygillmore.com and we will be happy to assist you.  

Also, please remember that genuine change and follow through are key for self-healing results. If you struggle with negative thoughts or have a chronic health issue or chronic pain, please do not avoid seeing your doctor.

Instead, your goal with self-healing should be to continue to see your doctor as recommended and blow their mind with what you are capable of with your mind and with the power of mind-body healing.  Please enjoy this self-healing podcast!



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