197 Transcript: From Overwhelm to Empowerment: Building a Strong Foundation of Trust and Support

Heal Yourself Change Your Life

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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life-changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made that changed my health and my entire. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this. Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level.

I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind, and then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind, your emotions, and your. To help you heal your health yourself and your life.

Let's begin.

Hello and welcome. It is so wonderful to connect with you. I just love that you are here, continuing to expand your mind, your energy, your consciousness, your healing. I just love it. And I just love, you know, every episode just has its own, Edge and its own insight to it. It's just beautiful. And not only that, but let's be honest, I really feel like we get the best volunteers ever.

And so I love that too. And on today's episode, the topic that comes up has to do with the feeling of being supported or feeling like you need to do everything yourself and feeling overwhelmed, and there's just a lot of really beautiful insights to it. Now, the topic. Has to do with work, however, all of the time I'll see people who are experiencing these same feelings in the area, in relationships or in family dynamics.

And so as we dive into today's episode, I want to invite you to have an open mind because the topic and the insights are so powerful, whether you're working on building a business or, you know, working and loving your job and working on that and also building a family at the same time. And so I just love the divine timing of today's episode.

And I love our volunteer. Her name is Paige and she's such a sweetheart. She's so beautiful and her self awareness and her self honesty, it's just really great. So that said, let's go ahead and dive in with our beautiful volunteer. Hello.

Hello. How are you? I am fabulous. Thank you. How are you? I'm good. I'm so grateful to get to talk to you. I'm such a big fan. I love that. You're so lovely. It's wonderful to connect with you. Thank you. Absolutely. Absolutely. Beautiful. How's your day going? So good so far. I'm doing a big, um, event tonight for my business.

So, uh, you know, got 20 different balls in the air at all different times. Okay. I like it. I like it. A good day. It's a good day. I love it. I love it. I love it. And uh, and how can I help you today? So, There is, I've been having stomach pain for years, like just ignoring it. Sometimes it gets better. Sometimes it's terrible and it's comes on out of nowhere.

I've been to a million doctors, blood work. I thought maybe it was because I like to drink wine. So I cut out the wine that didn't seem to help. Um, and I have like a very clean diet. I work out like an animal six days a week. Um, I think it has to be. something emotional, something other than physical because it just doesn't make any sense to me.

Okay. And, and it will be like, it will come on and I'll have to literally, I'm debilitated for six to eight hours. I can't do anything. Okay. And, uh, and if I ask you the last time that this happened, when was that approximately? Uh, Sunday night. Okay. All right. So, um, give me just one second. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe.

And if I ask you as far as your business, what type of business is it? I have a designer resale company. Okay. And if I ask you, I like it. I like it. So if I ask you zero to 10, how much you can find the feeling of feeling afraid to grow it too big? Zero to 10, how much can you find? 10. Right. So 10, 50, somewhere in there.

Right. Okay. Okay. Yeah. So, and if I ask you why? I have a tendency to get in my own way. It's not lack of opportunity. It's not lack of education. I've been in this business for 10 years. Great. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. We're going to go a little bit of a different direction that anything that doesn't start with making you wrong.

Okay. So hold on one second. So, so great. So I'm going to ask you to think in terms of feeling instead of thinking in terms of, uh, instead of thinking of terms of what you're quote unquote doing wrong. Okay. Um, so in other words, if I ask you, what is the feeling like, if I ask you, Yep. So I'm going to ask you to breathe.

There is a feeling of feeling like a lot of success will equate to failure. Are you familiar with that? Yes. Okay. Unpack that. I love your self awareness. Unpack that for me. That's the part that I like cannot understand. My, my best friend's dad always says to me, you don't have a fear of failure. You have a fear of success.

He and it, the first time he said that to me, I was like, Oh, you're so right. But I. Don't know why, like, I feel confident. I feel, um, totally capable. Okay. So there is a feeling if I ask you zero to 10, how much you like to have control over things, zero to 10, what's your level? Um, a hundred. And so if things get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger, how are you going to get more control or less control?

Less. Less. Okay. So, just for a moment, I want you to think about, so far, control has been your way of keeping everything quote unquote safe. Can you see that? Mm hmm. Yes, totally. Okay. And if I ask you, if you had no control over it, how safe would that feel? Or you had less control, how safe would that feel?

That's giving me a little bit of anxiety. I'm a control freak. So, I want you to notice for a moment, right? Have you ever ordered anything off of Amazon? Okay. And did Jeff Bezos, he delivered it, hand delivered it for you, right? Yeah, correct. But you would tell him, Hey, you're running your business all wrong.

You have to control every aspect of it. Right. I mean, he's obviously doing things wrong. Cause that's the whole reason that business hasn't grown. So just for a moment, I want you to think about your pivot. I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. So I want you to notice for a moment, if I ask you how much you being able to control everything as much as possible got you to where you are now, what would you say?

Uh, that was, well, probably half of it. I think the other half was really just manifesting it and kind of letting go. Okay. So what's interesting is the very thing that got you here won't get you there, so to speak, right? So, in other words, even if, let's say that, let's say that I work with, like, somebody on a 50 million dollar company.

And they want to turn it into a hundred million dollar company. Okay. Anytime, like a lot of times we'll look at the things that even got them to 50 million and then change those because it won't get them to a hundred million. Right. Right. And it depends really on the business and whatnot. But my point is, is it, when you do go to take the business to the next level in some way, shape, or form, you want to make sure that there's going to be a pivot in processes, right?

Right. Right. Okay, so if you felt like you could count on people and trust people, so if I ask you zero to ten, how much you feel like you can count on people, what would you say? I mean, I think I can, I just don't ever give them the opportunity. Okay. Now. I hear you, I hear what you're saying, and I hear what you're not saying, okay?

So Oh shit. Alright, so, uh, alright, so, let's go, I'm gonna take it this way, give me one second. Okay, if I ask you how much you've had a feeling of feeling like you need to do everything yourself. What would you say? Ten. Right? So, imagine for a moment, if you have the same feeling that says you need to do everything yourself and by the way, your business grows 50 times over.

How does that go? When do you sleep? That's right. Right. Never. Never. Okay. So part of your change is also going to be setting up systems and processes that you can count on because the truth of it is you also don't have those. So in other words, part of your change, so a lot of the change actually that you're looking for because you want to keep growing is also then setting the ground floor to be able to do that.

So part of yours is actionable as well. Does that make sense? Yes. Yeah. So it's kind of like this. Let's say that somebody went to go walk upstairs to their house, right? On the second floor. But the second floor didn't have a floor. How much fear would they feel about walking up to the second floor? So much.

Probably a lot because there's no floor, right? Right. So part of the thing of it is, is you have this fierce grow manifest doing it all game on next level. And then there's also the actionable part that says, but don't forget, you want to make sure to set the floor. Does that make sense? Exactly. Yeah.

Beautiful, beautiful. I love your self awareness. So even if you think about it, so I want you to think about where you want your business to the next level. And what that looks like if you're not doing everything. And what that looks like if you set up systems, processes, people, structure, that you don't have to do everything.

What does that look like? I mean, it already feels lighter and a little more hopeful too, maybe. Bingo. A little bit more hopeful or a lot more hopeful? A lot more. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. Now, I know you're not a perfectionist at all in what you do. Oh my God. I'm literally my own worst enemy when it comes to everything.

All right. So I'm going to ask you to breathe now. I want you to notice. That's the other thing. So I want you to notice how there's a part of you continues to go into the, I'm my own worst enemy story, right? When it comes to success, I'm my own worst enemy. Oh, when it comes to this, I'm my own worst enemy.

Oh, when it comes to perfectionist, I'm my own worst enemy. You see that? Yes, totally. So this is the thing. So if I look at this pattern, okay, so there's a, basically there's a pattern on top of a pattern. If I look at this pattern of quote unquote, being my own worst enemy, it comes from age, Transcribed Six.

There's a part of you that likes the singing of it. Are you familiar with that? Did you just say the singing of it? The saying of it. Oh, the saying of it. Um, yeah. So, there's a feeling, give me one second. Okay, if I ask you, when you started to identify as being your own worst enemy, If I ask you how long that's been, what would you say?

Um, well, probably a decade. And so notice for a moment, you're also like this overachieving rock star at the same time. Yeah. Okay. So give me one second. All right, so just kind of pulling the pieces for a moment. Um, one, it says actionable, actionable, actionable. So, uh, it says it really wants you to, uh, take the time and think about the structure.

Then it says perfectionism. So some of this has to do with setting things that you can find people who are good at those things and, and, and manifesting that. And so, uh, so give me one second. So there's that. It says, can you breathe yet? So, uh, no, my breathing is very shallow right now. Yes. So another way to think about it is this.

Imagine somebody who eats. a ton of food and their stomach is really upset, right? So it's basically like there's a doer in you that is trying to take on everything and to continue to expand, expand, expand, expand it without also realizing that you can only expand yourself so far. Does that make sense?

Can you give me your mom's first initial, please? Not that. Give me one second. Uh, you have a sister. Can you give me her initial, please? A. Okay. Okay, now if I ask you how you feel that she feels about your success, what would you say? Um, I think she's happy for me. We've had, we've always, we've worked on our relationship a lot as we got older, but we had a very competitive, rough relationship our entire childhood.

And if I ask you zero to 10, how competitive? Uh, 10, a hundred.

All right. So let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, first and foremost, I love her self awareness. I love her self honesty. I love her big personality, just precious and sweet. And I just love it. And I want to take a moment and unpack the topic of competition because it absolutely can keep you stuck.

And it can also keep you. And that is super confusing. So let's unpack this just for a quick moment. Now, first and foremost, a lot of times when we compete with others, if we're competing against others and we feel like we want them to lose, or we don't want them to win and blah, blah, blah, like that feeling.

Can make it so it creates a lot of mixed emotions regarding your success and it can Depending upon who it's with it. It can definitely create some waves in what you're manifesting but then on the opposite side if we don't have some type of Reach is something to compete for to achieve to then We don't do well with that either.

We either don't grow or we're looking at the wrong things and it can keep us unfocused and so ultimately, first and foremost, what you'll want to do is create a competition with yourself. So you're always creating milestones where you want to be, whatever that is. is because the person then that you're competing against is your past self or your current self of, you know, where you are right now, and that gives you something to strive for, and that can help bring out more in you.

So I strongly recommend competing with yourself, but. in a positive way. And you know, these episodes are always such divine timing and watching everything unfold is just beautiful. But if you think about the last IQ episode, we talked about exactly that, about stretching and being able to grow, but also not overwhelming yourself in a negative way.

So if by chance you missed that episode, then after this episode, I'd strongly recommend Going there, but this one still has so many insights. So not yet. So, but point being is exactly that is setting your competition against yourself. Now there's another piece that I want to bring in and it's this, it's that in our culture, a lot of people are moving towards, you know, anti competition where everybody gets a trophy.

So to speak. Now, there's great things about that, which is where they're not competing against each other. But the problem is, is that in this case, the brain is getting rewarded for everything. And you want to be careful about that as well. Meaning this. Meaning that the way that our brains work is that we can try to achieve something and we could fail a bunch of times, meaning like if you think about a little kid, as they're learning how to read, they're sounding the words out and then they get it right.

And then the brain registers, Hey, this is right. Or even with walking, that's the same thing. Like, you know, a toddler goes to learn how to walk and as they're doing so they fall, but they get back up and they fall and they get back up and their brain records the wins, the successes, and remembers that so that it can continue to do the same thing.

Now, using that same example, imagine what would happen if a toddler fell and it's brain recorded, great job. And then it walked and it's brain recorded, great job. And then it fell and it's brain recorded, great job. And it's, so it's wins on all fronts. That's scrambling for the brain. And so my point is. in saying this is that you'll want to make sure that even as you're competing against yourself, give yourself rewards.

You know, Hey, you made it here. Hey, you made it to this mile marker. And as you give yourself rewards, Make sure you're specific as to what you did do great, because that trains your brain to say, Hey, more of this, please. Hey, more of this. And so it's rewarding the part of your brain with positive feedback that is doing great.

And that's a good thing. So just food for thought on that. And so basically in short, bringing it all together, that if you do compete with somebody, do it from a kind hearted place, have fun. Like I'll go out and even play Pickleball with friends or some type of sport or this, that, the other. And will I compete?

Yes, but in a fun, loving, playful way that when they do great, I'll compliment them. And, you know, so it all just feels really good. And so that energy is fun and fantastic. So that can be great. or competing against yourself and also making sure to reward yourself. So that's just a topic that I know is a little bit of a sidetrack here, but the competition piece, I want you to think about it in your life.

And maybe if there is an area of your life where you're competing against siblings or friends or whatnot, make sure it just feels really good in the energy to do so from a super loving, wonderful place, because that is so key. It is so key. So anytime you're succeeding and taking your life to the next level, it should never mean negative energy.

It should never take anybody, hurt anybody, be harmful to anybody. It should feel really good and come from a really great place in your heart. All right. So that said, let's go ahead and dive back in because there are several more really important key insights from this episode. So let's go ahead and dive back in with beautiful Paige.

Here we go.

So that's the other piece that I see is I see, um, it's almost like there's a part of you who feels like you'll connect better with her if you're not more and more and more successful. Are you familiar with that?

I love your sister. Zero to ten, how much? Ten. I've always felt I kind of squelch her her shine a little. I'm, I'm a big personality, so I think being my younger sister is probably a a rough call. Position to be in sometimes. Yeah. I, I couldn't tell you we're a big personality, but now that you point it out Yeah.

It's a great thing. It's a great thing. Now this is so, so notice for a moment Exactly that. Notice how you're like, I'm a great personality, but ouch. That might not good feel good for my sister, right? Mm-Hmm. . Mm-Hmm. . So that's reflecting in your business, by the way. So that's the, when I look at the energetic piece, it's like, there's a part of you.

Who wants to shine and then if your sister's around say oh, but you know, I'm not that great after all I have this problem and I have this problem and it's like so when you were saying my own worst enemy It's like you want to both be great and then around her It's almost like you want to fault find in yourself to point out But look, I'm not perfect like I have this problem in this but it's like a you want to fault find in yourself If that makes sense, I think I do it with I do it with a lot of people not just I mean I would agree.

Go ahead. I'm constantly aware of, you know, sucking all the air out of the room and kind of minimizing myself in order to make other people comfortable. Okay. Now I have a question for you. So what happens if you are yourself and you just instead invite people to be in that space with you? I love to do that.

Great. So if I ask you instead of, so thinking about when you are, you're being that you're being full of, you're, you're literally in the room being your full self, uh, being a big personality, and you're literally inviting people to be in that space with you, Mm hmm. Yeah. What does that look like? My dream.

Right, right. I think that's where I connect with people. Mm hmm. So how do you get good at that? Instead of, instead of then being big and then making yourself small and then being, trying to relate and connect with people by being self critical and then also big, but then fault finding in self to then relate?

Okay. Very good. Does that make sense? Yes, totally. All right, so I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe, and if I ask you, zero to ten, how much you can find the feeling of feeling like you can't count on people. Zero to ten, what's your level? Um, probably a seven or eight. Bingo, I love your self awareness.

That's what I was said is a level eight. So, I love your self awareness. Now, this is the piece, so that's why earlier when you were saying, That you feel like you can count like there was and I said, I, I see what you're not saying. And that was exactly it. Yeah. Yes. Okay. So if I ask you what age you were when you learned that you could not count on people, what would you say?

I'm very young. We were taught to be fiercely independent. So it wasn't. You know, unless you really had to ask someone for something, you should be learning how to do it on your own. Okay, so great. So i'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe and I want you to think about just for a moment How big you want your company to be honestly?

massive global Global. Okay, great. You're not going to sleep ever, by the way. I don't sleep anyway, so that's nothing new. Okay, so, uh, really though, um, so you want it to be global, right? So I want you to think about global company. And I want you to think about how much you're going to need to learn to count on people and have that structure and really build that out.

Yeah. Okay, so your sabotage pattern is this piece. The reason that you're afraid of success all the way is because of this very pattern of feeling like, like if I told you, look, I want to have a global company and by the way, I also can't count on people. How does that go together? Yeah. No, it doesn't. No.

So what's happening is that after a while, it like, it gets, it gets you. Okay, it's like the the stomach it's like again, like it's like they're trying to take in so much and trying to expand it It's almost like your body's stopping you from you would otherwise be working doing things building and it's right.

It's slow. Yeah Okay, totally. Yeah. Yes. All right. So, uh, so i'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe now I want you to notice just for a moment Uh, how much your dad would be really really really impressed to see you doing everything all on your own How much that impresses him? Yes, ten. Exactly. So, I want you to think about, so I want you to notice, if you are not doing everything on your own, I want you to notice how much that feels less impressive.

Yeah, it feels a lot less impressive. Totally. Right. So I want you to think about that feeling for a moment and that's your programming. Okay. Now, if I told you that I'm talking to somebody who wants to have a global company and they feel like it is most impressive to do everything themselves and it is least impressive to have a company that they can count on, where they have a lot of people who are helping them do everything.

Is that true? Yeah. Is it? No. Is that less impressive? Like if you think about, if we go back to Amazon, and we go, oh my god, it would be so much more impressive if, like, if Bezos was just doing everything himself. That would be impressive. Yes. Like, that's such a stupid way to think. It doesn't even make any sense.

I mean, no, but I mean, how impressed would you be? And it's not so impressive. Yeah. That he's got, like, this big company and he's got, you know, it's just, I mean, not impressive. Yeah. Right. Right? And even, I mean, Oprah. I mean, it would be so much more impressive if she was doing everything herself. Mm hmm.

Right? I mean, right. So I'm going to ask you just one more thing, and I want you to think about, are you sure you want to keep feeling that way? Are you sure you want do not. So, specific thought process that you're needing is this, okay? So, if I said, look, I want to grow huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, and simultaneously I want to do everything myself.

How much is that going to expand my stomach, so to speak, on everything that I would have to swallow? Yeah, by a lot, and be very uncomfortable. That's, so that is that, and it's also like, uh, it's the sabotage pattern. So there's multiple pieces. Now, that's one piece, and so, uh, starting to shift that, so I want to invite you to shift that to start really, I, I think you're, you're fast.

You, I feel like you've already, you can see the perspective shift on doing everything yourself, and it being not impressive. Yes, so I feel like you've got that right and I feel a little less like less anxiety because I can just let that go And the right people will come in and I I will manifest those people and then I can feel a little bit of relief too Exactly, but you're also gonna want to look at what that structure is Uh, and get an idea of what, like, even if you just diagrammed out, okay, this is what I would like it to be, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

So, it's a really good idea. Now, the other thing is, is I want you to picture, just for a moment, that you're, I want you to picture just for a moment that you don't feel bad about being a big personality. What would that look like? My truest, most authentic self. Great, great. So if I ask you from now on moving forward, if you could not feel bad about it at all and instead just embrace you, how does that feel to you?

Amazing. Great. So that's the other piece. And then, uh, as far as your sister goes, If I ask you what it would look like to connect with success, to have success, and to also, um, if I ask you to notice the part of you who used to feel competitive with your sister, how much can you find that feeling? Yeah, like eight.

It's an old feeling, but I remember it well. Yep. So if I ask you your pivot, If I ask you what that might be as far as how you can move forward and what your new way of feeling with her, let's say your company's growing, you're feeling more and more successful. And your success, like you're just feeling extremely successful.

What would it look like to not feel a sense of, of competition at all? In other words, what would it feel like to feel like you were her number one fan and she was your number one fan? I think we are now we've come like such a far way, but the, the turning point was we're not in the same industry anymore, so it lifted a lot of the competition.

Great. And so if I ask you to close your eyes. And if I ask you to picture you and your sister celebrating together, and you guys are both doing fantastic, and you guys are a year from now, three years from now, four years from now, celebrating like crazy, and you guys are both just doing really, really, really fantastic.

Mm hmm. And you guys are both doing fantastic wherever she is. You don't have to compare your success to hers. It's apples and oranges, right? Right. So imagine for a moment, if you went up to an eight year old and you were comparing your success to them, how would that feel to you? Like not even in the ballpark.

It wouldn't even make sense, right? So the thing of it is, is if we even have a mind of comparing, uh, there's going to be people we can compare ourselves against who are, who are less than, and there are people who are more successful, blah, blah, blah, but it doesn't, it doesn't help. It's, it's like you can celebrate the greatness in you, and you can celebrate it in other people, and you can celebrate it in other people, uh, type of feeling, right?

Yeah, great. So, um, that's the other pivot that it wants you to, uh, take in. Give me one second. Okay. So if I ask you your events tonight, right? Yeah. So if I ask you from this event, what if you just grow and grow and grow and grow, what would that look like? Again, like one of my dreams is to just keep growing.

Great. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. And I'm going to ask you just for a moment again to think about your event and then it just goes really, really, really good. Feels amazing. Great. Now, if I ask you, can you count on everybody for the event? Zero to ten, how much do you feel like you can count on everybody?

Zero to ten. Ten. I feel about a level five.

Do you know why that is? Um, no. Okay. So, I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to take in the feeling that of course you know everything is gonna go great and you know you can count on everybody. What does it feel like? Of course, like, of course you can count on everybody, right? Mm hmm. It feels like the way it's supposed to feel when you're running a business or an event.

Great. So I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe. Okay, now if I ask you in the past how much you've had a feeling of feeling like something always goes wrong, what would you say? Maybe like a five. Okay, so it's always worked out though, right? Yes. True? Totally. And it actually always kind of goes really great.

And you always kind of knock it out of the park? Yeah. 99. 9 percent of the time. Yeah. Great. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And that's that other piece. Okay. So when you just said that, so as far as you knocking it out of the park and feeling that and taking in the awareness that it always grows great.

So even if you take that in, that it always does, like it, it actually, even like it always, it always does. I'm going to ask you just for a moment to take that feeling in, that it always goes great, that you've got it, that it always goes great. Mm hmm. And if I ask you how that feels, how does that feel to you?

Incredible. And also, like, really authentic. Mm hmm. Absolutely. Absolutely. All right, so these are the pieces. Uh, that, uh, that you're gonna wanna bring in. And if I ask you, by the way, 0 to 10, how much you're feeling anxiety, what would you say? Um, today, like a 2. Very low. So I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe, and if you knew the feeling, if you knew, if you knew, if you knew 100 percent that your dad would be impressed, If you had people that you could count on.

You have people you can count on, and he's so impressed. He's so impressed. You have people that you can count on, and it's so impressive. It is so impressive. That's all I want. Great. And I want you to think about that pivot for a moment, and I'm gonna ask you to breathe. And you have people you can count on.

You have people, you have amazing, amazing, wonderful people. And your dad is impressed. You don't have to do everything by yourself and it's impressive. And I'm going to ask you to notice your level of anxiety. Zero, right? So that's that other piece when it does go high is it's that mixed feeling of feeling like you can't count on people and it's better not to and do everything yourself.

So there's that. That mix of emotions. Does that make sense? Beautiful. Yes. Great. So I want to invite you to make sure to come back to listen to this recording. And also, so there's some actionables, there's some, cause some of it is going, okay, I can count on people and feeling that and then manifesting that and planning it and designing it to embody it.

So there's, there's a mix of both there. Does that make sense? Yes. A hundred percent. Beautiful. Amazing, amazing, beautiful job with your energy. I love your self awareness and I'm, I'm excited for you and your event. I'm yeah. Thank you. I'm excited. Absolutely. Me too. Do you have any questions? No. You hit pretty much everything on a nail on the head, but I'm definitely going to look at the comparing thing because that's something that I think kicks up the anxiety and then everything kind of falls, the dominoes fall after that.

So that was really insightful. I love your self awareness. Absolutely. Absolutely. And like you said, the dominoes fall after that. Um, just beautiful, just beautiful. It has been such a pleasure connecting with you. Thank you, Brandy. I really, really appreciate it. When this company goes global. Get 5%.

You're so, so, so sweet. And let's cheer you on and let's see you go global. Let's do your thing. Let's see you work your magic, beautiful. Let's see you work your magic.

All right, so let's go ahead and unpack this. And first and foremost, I have to say, I just absolutely adore her. Fantastic job with her energy, fantastic self awareness, really beautiful. And I want to unpack this, not just in the area of business, but also life itself and family. And this is where I want to go, is that all of the time I have seen people feel exactly like Paige, where they're feeling this feeling of overwhelm, you know, there's a lot of things they want to grow and do more and be more, which is great.

The ambition, loving life, living fully, doing what drives you. It's, it's just beautiful. And. Also, it can feel like too much and then you can burn out and that doesn't feel good. And not just again, not just in business, but also in family. And part of it has to do with, of course, the feeling that her and I talked about, which is feeling like it is impressive.

It is wonderful to have people supporting you in your life. It's wonderful to have a supportive wife or husband or anything like that. children, or family, or whatever that is, not in a codependent way, but in a wonderful, expansive, beautiful way. And so that's one part. Now, the second part is this, is that we talked about the actionable a bit, you know, that some of it is actionable.

It's understanding what she really needs. Now, I can't tell you how often I've seen women and worked with women who are overwhelmed. And they said, well, my husband just isn't helping. He's not doing this right. He's not doing that right. And they kind of felt like they were doing it all. And I've said to them, well, have you communicated what needs to be done?

And they'll say this, well, I shouldn't have to tell him. Now, I want to unpack this because this is the key thing is that a lot of times women will start out with the baby, whether it's breastfeeding or caring for a baby, they'll start out those first years, they start so close with the baby, even closer than the man is for obvious reasons, you know, or from closer, one spouse, one partner is closer than the other.

for obvious reasons. And then there's a gap in communication of what needs to happen. In which case I've seen time and time again, where somebody will say, well, I shouldn't have to tell them what to do. I shouldn't have to tell them what to do instead of just being a team and communicating and saying, Hey, this is how the team flows.

And so my point is exactly that, is that if you're in a partnership with somebody, maybe it's business, maybe it's a family partnership. Yep. And there's not the level of communication to feel supported that maybe that is part of the shift. And so obviously there's multiple shifts from this, you know, there's the internal feeling of really wanting support and feeling supported.

And then there's also the actionable and making sure that. That feels good. And maybe that's showing up in your business. Maybe it's showing up in your family dynamics, but this is definitely something that I have seen so often. And so I just wanted to raise awareness about that and invite you to look at this in your own life.

If there's something that you could do or change so it's not impacting your health in any way, because let's be honest, you know, a feeling of overwhelm after a while can, you know, can catch up and, and feeling supported and feeling good in that way is really important. And so that said, just food for thought to see if there's some place that you could apply this for your own life.

All right. So that said, also, I want to ask you to please do make a point to hit subscribe. The share button on this episode, you know, share it with somebody you love, somebody you care about, or somebody you don't even know, because the more happy and loving and empowered that every single person is in this world, the better this world is for all of us.

And so please do make a point to hit the share button. And make a point to have a most wonderful, fantastic rest of your day.

Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself Change. All of the time people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touched their heart, or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness of how amazing we all really are. If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about or those you know who really.

As more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point and the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone what we are all capable of. And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming, to maintain their results.

But the point. For you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life if you really understand how to use your mind. You are incredible. And I do wanna be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own. I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made.

You'll wanna remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people. That said, if you wanna send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website brandygilmore.com/podcast. And if you're cu


About Brandy Gillmore

Meet Brandy Gillmore – World-Renowned Mind-Body Healing Expert

Brandy Gillmore is a best-selling author, award-winning podcast host, and globally recognized expert in mindset and mind-body healing. Celebrated for her groundbreaking approach to healing and life transformation, Brandy’s inspiring journey began with healing herself from disability, freeing herself from reliance on a wheelchair, walker, and cane. 

She then achieved the unprecedented: demonstrating the healing power of the mind in mere minutes, with results verified by thermal medical equipment.

Her pioneering work has been published in the Health Medical Journal and featured in award-winning documentaries, numerous docuseries, and TEDx talks

Today, Brandy inspires audiences across the globe, sharing her breakthrough discoveries with people from all walks of life—including top celebrities, professional athletes, devoted parents, and individuals passionate about personal growth—empowering them to unlock their potential, heal themselves, and transform their lives.

Discover the transformative power of mind-body healing by watching Brandy’s free self-healing online course here —your first step toward unlocking your innate ability to heal and thrive!

Ready to learn how to heal yourself?

From Illness To Wellness: Discover the 4 Easy Steps To Transform Your Health & Life With The GIFT Method™

In this self healing course, Brandy shares the exact things she did to heal (even when doctors told her there was nothing more she could do) so you too can be empowered with tools and techniques to heal yourself and change your life. Click here to learn more…

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Also, please remember that genuine change and follow through are key for self-healing results. If you struggle with negative thoughts or have a chronic health issue or chronic pain, please do not avoid seeing your doctor.

Instead, your goal with self-healing should be to continue to see your doctor as recommended and blow their mind with what you are capable of with your mind and with the power of mind-body healing.  Please enjoy this self-healing podcast!



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