202 Transcript: Liberate Yourself From Guilt & Allow Great Things To Happen

Heal Yourself Change Your Life

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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life-changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made that changed my health and my entire. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this. Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level.

I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind, and then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind, your emotions, and your. To help you heal your health yourself and your life.

Let's begin.

Hello and welcome. It is so wonderful to connect with you. I just love that you are here, continuing to expand your mind, your energy, your consciousness, your healing. I just love it. And I just love you. Each and every episode, you know, each episode just has its own unique insights and awarenesses and perspectives that help you to expand your mind even further to help you uplevel your health, your happiness, your life, and just your Consciousness, you know, and it's just beautiful.

And the same is very true with today's episode. You know, our volunteer today, her name is Jamie. She's just an absolute sweetheart. And some of the things that come up for her are just common things that people experience. And one of the, which has to do with, you know, the feeling of feeling guilt about the past and feeling bad, and that's impacting her.

Another thing that I'll see all the time. Is it, you know, once people get stuck in patterns and patterns repeat themselves and repeat themselves, we can have a hard time getting out of them. It's like, we want to validate the pattern where we say, oh, well, this has happened and it, you get stuck in that mindset of validating the problem.

And so that's another thing that comes up. And there's a few other. insights from today's episode that can really help you to gain more perspective on your own patterns and your own shifts that you're working on making to create real change in your life. And so that said, I'm looking forward to diving in now.

I mentioned our volunteer, her name is Jamie. And when I went ahead and did this session with her, the entire session was just under an hour. And There were so many insights that I wanted to break up the session. So we listened to the first half of her session on episode 201, and today is the second part of her session.

Now, as a reminder from the last episode, 201, on it, we were talking about exactly that, her having guilt patterns and, and feeling undeserving, like she didn't deserve her success. And if you listen to that episode, you'll recall, she even bought this brand new sports car and then it got crashed. And it seemed like every time she was stepping into success, something negative happened.

And so she was just stuck in this pattern of feeling frustrated, of not trusting success. And then you'll notice. Part of what we'll be talking about also is, you know, some patterns of feeling like good things don't happen to her family and, and being raised with that type of belief system and, and it showing up in her life.

And so again, there's just so many key insights, but that's where we're going. And as far as her health issue, you may recall, she was shaking a lot. So she has tremors and she shakes. And so sometimes you'll hear that. She's got a bit of shaking in the background and thumping in the background because of that.

And she's working on that. And the great thing is, is you'll hear her making progress in really starting to shift those tremors. And so that's where we're going today. And where we're going to pick up is exactly that, is her feeling guilt. About the past. And so that said, let's go ahead and dive back in with our beautiful volunteer, Jamie, here we go.

There's a feeling of feeling like, uh, a feeling guilt from the past. Can you see that? Yeah. Mm hmm. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe, and I'm going to ask you just for a moment, if I ask you zero to 10, how high it is, what would you say? The tremors or the guilt? The guilt from the past.

Oh, it's probably 50. Mm hmm. Exactly. It's very, very, very, very high. So part of the feeling of the sports car is also this feeling of feeling like you deserve punish from the past, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, right? Probably. Mm hmm. Now I want you to take in the awareness for the moment that you're the only person in the world who's ever made a mistake in their past.

Just go ahead and take that in. You're the only person in the world who's ever made a mistake in their past. Is that true? No. But your kids have never made a mistake though, right? Everyone makes mistakes. Okay, well then clearly your kids do not deserve a great life. Yes, they do. And yes, I do. What? I said, yes, they deserve a great life, and so do I.

A perfectly healthy, happy life. Great. So I'm going to ask you to breathe. But, I mean, it would be good for them to walk around with guilt, and have a lot of guilt from their past, and just hold on to the guilt from the past, right? No. What? No. Oh. You mean they could let that go, too? Yeah. Great. So, I'm going to ask you to breathe.

If I ask you right now, do you notice different feelings about the sports car? Uh, yeah. I miss it. Okay. So, I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. Well, that's the thing, right? You just get better. You get another one, right? So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe, by the way. Now, out of curiosity, when your kids were learning how to walk, did they fall?

Yeah, lots, lots. But did they get back up? Yep. Okay. Whenever they fell, did you think, Oh my God, my kids are never going to learn to walk. They're going to be 20 years old and they're going to be falling. No. Oh. Did you think, okay, well they're learning and they're growing and they're going to get up and they're going to do it before you know it, they're going to be two years old and getting into everything?

Yeah. And is that what happened? Of course. Of course. And then some. I had twins too, so. And then some. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. That's sweet. That's really, really sweet. I have nephews that are twins. So it's uh, yeah, they're fun. It's just, it's, it's fun to have. Yeah. So, so I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe.

So what happens if, okay, just like your kids learning how to walk, learning how to walk, then they stumble, then they learn how to walk and they fall and they learn how to walk and they fall. And before you know it, they're running, right? Yes. So what happens in life if you've had some hiccups and you had this hiccup, that blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and you change and actually you find yourself back on track and running in life.

Meaning that, okay, you had some hiccups, you had some hiccups, you realized you've got to change some things, change really how you feel and, and really, really, really change that. And that everything is actually going to be smooth and better and better and better and better and better moving forward. How would you feel?

Good. Great, right? Great. So don't do that. It's going to make this whole thing way too easy. Okay. Yeah. Ask you to breathe. Now, by the way, I see people do that all of the time, that they have something go on there, things manifest that are blah, blah, blah, and problems and yada, yada, yada. Then they understand that they need to make change, they understand that they need to change their subconscious programming, whether it's relationships, this, that, the other, they make the changes and then their life gets even better and better and better and better and better.

Right? Okay. So if I ask you, would you be willing to do that? Of course. Of course, great. So I'm going to ask you to breathe. And I want you to picture that very thing happens. That you go, oh, okay, our thoughts help create our lives. Oh, okay, I can see that there's been some glitches. I've been really hard on myself, feeling guilty about the past.

Blah, blah, blah, defensive. You know, protective of light, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, I can see I've got some patterns going on. I can see that, and I'm willing to really, really, really change. And, if you did that, and you really changed, and then everything started going great, like you're changing, you're shifting, and then everything is smooth, and then you can buy the car, and you do buy the sports car, and it actually is safe.

And then you have that, and moving forward, and everything is, you know, And it feels good, and it feels good, and it feels good. What would that even look like in your life? Uh, would be fabulous. How safe And I've had patterns of that. And then something happens and drops me back. Okay, so it is like Sway6, so does it feel like I'm interrupting?

Yes. Great. So, notice your way of thinking and notice mine. So if I ask you, nudge, nudge, nudge, are you willing to change? Yes. Okay. So if I ask you again, moving forward, if everything actually went differently this time, because kind of like this. If I ask you, bingo, if I ask you how long you've had the belief that those good things in life just don't happen to quote unquote us, how long have you had that?

Oh, it's probably been a nagging thing forever. Well, since about age four, right? Yeah. So that would make sense, why every time you then get something that something negative happens, because you feel like you, it just doesn't happen to you. It's bingo, too good to be true. Can you see that? Yeah. Okay, now if I ask you how much you've believed in that thought of too good to be true, what would you say?

Honestly, um, probably a seven. Mm hmm. So, if you're, if one of your kids grew up in life with a feeling of feeling like this is too good to be true, and then every time they had something great happen, somehow it got taken away and taken away, would that make sense to you? Yeah. Yeah. So, either.

Either the universe now if we look around either the universe just that's how it operates anytime somebody gets something great The universe just says haha fooled you now you lose it Okay, so either the universe is just really mean and does that or this is a pattern in your life. What would you say?


All right. So let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, first and foremost, I just, I love her self awareness and also you can see that You know, she's been stuck in this pattern and validating this pattern and feeling like, you know, she just can't get out. Like the pattern feels very, very real.

And that's what you want to know is when you get stuck in a pattern, it can feel very real and it's hard not to validate. the pattern. But the more you can really make the change, the more you can get out of it to get unstuck. And so, of course, I'm pushing her a bit because I want her to start seeing and feeling in a different way, just because she's so deep into this pattern.

And so, you'll notice that coming up as well. So I'm going to push her a bit and That's what you'll want to do is if you've been stuck in a pattern, you want to make sure to get yourself out of it, to liberate yourself, to be able to see and think and feel in a different way. All right. So that said, let's go ahead and step back in with beautiful Jamie.

Here we go.

I would say it's a pattern. Okay. So notice for a moment, when I tried to ask you to take it away and say, what if actually everything worked out? You said, yes, but I've done that before and it didn't work out. So did you reinforce the change or the pattern? The pattern. Okay, great. So you could go ahead and keep the pattern if you want.

No. No, you're the power. I'm not going to force you, but I'm just going to tell you, I wouldn't want it. No, I don't. No, no, no, no. You go ahead and keep it. You want to reinforce it? Go for it. Nope. Nope. Nope. I'm changing. I would strongly recommend that. Strongly recommend that. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe.

So I'm going to ask you that question again. So if moving forward, moving forward, you actually are feeling better and you are doing better and you get the sports car and this time it works and it stays and a year and two years and three years and it feels safe and more great things happen and more great things happen and you feel good and deserving and it feels good and your kids are happy for you and you're happy and they're happy and everybody's happy and it feels really, really good.

What does that look like? Sounds like I just won the lottery. Great. So now, out of curiosity, how realistic for you does it feel like you won, to win the lottery? How realistic does that feel to you? Um, feels absolutely like it's possible. It's possible, okay. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe.

And you don't want to make it sound like winning the lot, like, In a way that sounds like, Oh, I'd like to win the lottery. If it sounds whimsical or impossible, then your brain won't fully be able to embody the change. It doesn't feel real. But if you said, okay, look it, people change their patterns all the time.

And they do. And they change what they're manifesting. And by the way, you can see that this has been a pattern in your life where something, you feel like things are gonna go great, then it falls apart. You feel like they're gonna go great and it falls apart. You can see it's been in a pattern in your life, right?

Yeah. Okay, so change the pattern, right? Yeah. 100%? 100 1000%. 1000%? You got this? I got it. Okay, so if I ask you 0 to 10, how much you're committed to making real change? 100. 100, great. So I'm going to ask you to breathe. Now I want you to think about this for a moment, right? Yeah. Now, you and I have never met and we've never spoke, right?

Not before now, no. Not before now, no. We've never spoken before. So think about these patterns that I'm picking up on that are spot on for you, right? So, if you think about it for a moment, you can see there's a reason that things have been the way they've been, right? There's a reason that they've been the way they've been.

And so I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe. And I'm gonna ask you if you're willing to change genuinely, that you're actually, if I ask you to picture yourself moving forward, and you're changing this pattern, and you're feeling good, and you're feeling good, and, and great things do happen for you, and great things do happen for you, and great things do happen for you, what does that feel like?

What does that feel like? A year, two years, three years, and everything's smooth, and it's safe, and, and it's continuing to grow and expand, what does that even look like? That's what I've been journaling about. That's what the future that I want. So notice for a moment, watch this. So I'm asking you a question.

I said, what does that look like? And I've also asked, what does it feel like? Right? Now, if you said to me, Brandy, what does this look like? What does it feel like? And my response is I have been journaling. Did I answer the question? No. So another

All right, so let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, first and foremost, I love that she's been journaling on it. So that's great. Except for linking up information in your brain is different than journaling. And so I love that she's on this awareness. I love her awareness. I love her heart.

I love her insight. She's just beautiful. She's so beautiful. And also linking up information together means that we need to bring two pieces together. And so it's, if you think about an intersection where things meet, you know, and, or if you think about listening to a song of like a wedding song at the same time as you're at the wedding, you know, two things have to happen at the same time for information to connect.

And so basically in short. There's a reason that I'm asking her certain questions because I want to link up new information in her mind. And so that's when I said, you know, as far as journaling goes, it's great that she's been journaling. But linking up information in your mind, you've really got to bring things together in a specific way.

And so I'll expand on this as we dive back into the session of, you know, but every single thing that I do with the brain is very specific, though it may not seem like it. It's very specific. And so basically in short. I want her to get new neural connections, new connections, new ways of thinking and feeling in the brain and get those linked up.

And so that's part of where we're going moving forward is exactly that is having her think and feel in a different way. And to do so, the information will need to be linked. And so that's where we're going as we step back in with beautiful Jamie. Here we go.

The way that I help people get results is very meticulous. It may not seem like it, it may seem like I'm just like, whoa, let's all think positive. Okay. There is a meticulous order to each piece of each element of each, every, every, every, every, everything. That is beyond what people typically see. So in other words, if we're actually going to change this, I would need you to follow me to the T.

Does that make sense? Perfect sense. You're amazing. I like that. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. I love your awareness. I love your awareness. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe, and I'm going to ask you, number one, if you're tired of these old patterns, if you're ready to get rid of them, if you're ready to get rid of them, a hundred percent, thousand percent, Thousand percent.

I like that. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. Okay, now If I said to you that it takes real change You've just genuinely got to change to feel different to be different to think in a different way. Does that make sense? Yes, great. So i'm going to ask you to think about moving forward. Okay And I want you to picture that everything does work out beautifully that it actually works out And that even a year from now two years from now three years from now You You notice how it feels and you even look around and it's 100 percent safe.

Like there's nothing negative that's going to happen. And even six months after that you realize and you look around. And there's not even a, a shadow of problems and even a year from now to like a year after that, a year after that, there's not even a shadow. You realize, as you look around and you look around and look around, you've really eradicated the pattern and the pattern's gone.

What would that feel like to you? Amazing. Amazing. How would it feel to you? It would feel successful, accomplished, successful, accomplished, safe, free, safe. Yeah, safe, safe, safe, safe, safe. Good. Yes, great. Yeah, so I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe and I want you to picture, how do you think your husband would like that if everything was actually going along smooth and smooth and you guys could continue to grow and build your net worth even and build your success and and that everything was actually smooth and growing and safe and good and easeful and and and what would that would look like and feel like even five years from now, what do you think your husband would think about that?

I think he would think we were heaven on earth. Great, so I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And I'm going to ask you to say that again, but in an even more grounded way. What else would he think, and how would he feel? Safe, happy, fulfilled. Great, so I'm going to, there we go, safe, happy, fulfilled.

So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And I want you to picture exactly that. That you and your husband, you're feeling safe, you're feeling happy, you're feeling fulfilled, and that it feels amazing. It feels amazing that actually good things can happen for you and your kids can see that.

Now, how great would it be for your kids to see that? Yeah. How great would that feel for your kids to see that great things can happen for you and that it does feel good? How good would that be for them? Would be amazing. It would feel. It would be to be that role model to feel that way, right? Yes. Great.

So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. Okay. And I want you to notice a level in your tremors. Zero to 10. What's your level? Probably down to a three. Yeah, about a three. Who's doing that? I am. You are. You've got this. You're changing your way of thinking. You're changing your way of thinking.

So I'm going to ask you to breathe and I'm going to ask you to take a moment and please acknowledge yourself. You're amazing. You're amazing. Yes, you're doing it and you're doing it in the right way. So I'm going to ask you to breathe and acknowledge that. Acknowledge that and I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe and even seeing yourself and seeing your husband and everything Even years from now one years from now two years from now Everything is actually getting better and you guys are growing your net worth and you're growing your success and you're actually doing it and you look Around and it really is safe And your kids, it's so good for them because they can actually see that.

They can see, Hey, we can be successful. Hey, we can do this. And you're amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing role models. And then it feels really, really, really good. And I'm going to ask you just for a moment to take that in. And how would you feel as a mother to be that level of role model to then allow your kids to to see that, to witness it, to observe it, to live it, to enjoy it?

What would that feel like for you? Proud. Happy. I'm excited that I'm able to help my kids live a fulfilled life. Yeah, so I'm going to ask you just for a moment to take that feeling in that you're willing to change, you're excited to change, and by the way, if I ask you how much that that would help them to feel safe in life also and to enjoy life and feel safe and to enjoy life and feel safe and enjoy life, how much would that help them to do exactly that?

Tremendously. Absolutely. Great. And so I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And I'm going to ask you, could you embrace that change inside of you? Yes. Great. So I'm going to ask you to breathe and I want to invite you. Could you change today? Yes. Great. So I'm going to ask you to breathe and I want you to notice your level in your tremors.

Zero to 10. What's your level? A one. A one. Right. And I'm going to ask you to breathe. And I'm going to ask you to take that in for a moment. I'm going to ask you, if I ask you how important this change is for you, what would you say? Utmost. Utmost. Absolutely. Utmost importance. And so I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe.

I'm going to ask you to breathe. And I'm going to ask you, I'm going to push a little bit, okay? And I'm going to say, I want you to think about the power of your mind. And zero to ten, how hard do you want to be on yourself? How much do you want to use this incredible power you have in your mind to be hard on yourself?

Not at all. Zero. Not at all. Zero. I agree. I agree. I agree. And I'm going to ask you to breathe. And I'm going to ask you to take this in and feel it. And breathe. All right, now what I want to do is I actually want to go ahead and stop it here, and the reason being is because the change that you're already making, I want you to reinforce this change because it is quite a change for you, and if you don't keep the change, you'll end up going back into the old.

Does that make sense? Sure. All right, so give me one second. I want you to notice, just for a moment, notice how much more relaxed your body feels. You feel it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Amazing. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome job. So I want to invite you to make sure to listen to this recording to get it in over and over and over.

Does that make sense? Yeah, definitely. Definitely. And if I ask you how much you're willing to change, what would you say? A thousand percent. A thousand percent. A thousand percent. Beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful job with your energy. You got this? I got this. All

right, so let's go ahead and unpack this even more, you know, first and foremost Awesome. Awesome job with her energy to shift this just beautiful. What a beautiful being and by the way I love how much she loves her kids. It's so sweet her heart in talking about them, it just radiates it just in a beautiful, beautiful way.

So I love that. And that's also part of the reason that I asked about her kids, just because the amount of love and just sweet connection that she feels towards them. And so that's really beautiful. And. she's definitely going to need to follow through because as you noticed during this session, there was a lot of pushing that I did, a lot of pushing to help her to create the shift.

And that's the insight that I want to give you is this, is that when you create a change, it does take real change. It's not just about fairy dust. Picturing something lovely and wonderful or imagining it. It's about genuinely feeling differently. That you genuinely take a pattern, a belief, a way that you used to feel or an emotional pattern and you genuinely change it.

So you're not feeling or thinking in the same way anymore at all. And that is key for making the change. Now, another Insight that I want to invite you to take from this is the feeling of just great things don't happen to us, or that's too good to be true. Those beliefs, so many people have those beliefs.

At their core, you know, maybe they were raised with that. I know I was raised with exactly that feeling like, Oh, that's too good to be true. So then if something was good, instead of enjoying it, you kind of watch out for it and think, Oh God, what's going to happen? And, and, you know, and it wasn't a great feeling.

You think, Oh, this is too good to be true. And, you know, I know a lot of people have had those beliefs growing up or have been very stuck with those beliefs. And, you know, actually even right now today, just today I had somebody message in to the email box. My team told me about this, but there's a person who was just over the moon, excited that they're actually healing themselves.

And they're going through the video course and, and this woman, she wrote in and basically in short, she said, I can't believe this is actually working. This is amazing. I have no symptoms. I'm feeling incredible. And she was just, it was so sweet and genuine, but several times in her email, she said, you know, I can't believe this stuff actually works.

It's amazing. And it was, it was sweet. And my point is, is even I felt the same way. Like, like the brain can actually work and it can actually heal us. And, and, and that's also the reason that. You know, I do this podcast is because, you know, being able to release pain or release some type of health issue that's going on with your mind is still mind blowing that we have this ability, that we can do this, that we can change our lives, that we can heal our bodies.

I mean, yes, if you're here, you know, that on some level, you, you know it, you've heard it, But actually really being able to do it and experience it and feel it and live it. is another thing. And so that's the other insight that I want to bring to you is exactly that, is that if you have grown up with a belief that says, this is too good to be true, or good things don't happen to us, or, you know, something along those lines, I want to invite you.

to really look at that belief and be willing to change it. That good things do happen to you and they can happen for you. And yes, it does take real change. And yes, it does really take thinking in a different way and feeling in a different way and reprogramming your subconscious mind fully. So you're really creating change.

But yes, great things can happen for all of us. And, and by the way, you know, even in my own life, after I got better, I was just, I was like, I can't, this is amazing. Like, I really actually got my life back. I really, like, I can do this and, you know, and just going to run and running for no reason and every reason and, and jogging and hiking.

And it was like, I wanted to literally just go do. Everything. And it was funny, you know, actually right after I got better and was healthy and pain free and a hundred percent healed, what I did is I signed up for this email newsletter that promoted different type of adventures, like one was riding in a hot air balloon and another one was parasailing.

And, you know, and so basically what I said was, I was like, I want to do everything. So anything that came through this email signup thing, I just started doing. I was like, I want to do this. I want to do this. Because it feels so good to just feel alive and that you can do it. And. to live life to its fullest.

And so just taking that in that great things can happen to you and they do happen and it is safe and it is wonderful and you can live a better life and you can feel incredible. And yes, it does take change. It really does. But it's so. And so those are the insights from today is just taking that in. And if you do have these beliefs that things can't happen for you, then, you know, just looking at that, being willing to change, that great things can happen for you and I'm living proof because great things happened to me when I was told that there was no way for me to get better.

And so for all of us, we're more capable and we have more influence over our lives than we realize. But it does, again, it takes real change. So that said, embrace change, enjoy your day. And I do want to ask you to please do make a point to hit the share button on this episode. You know, share it with somebody you love, somebody you care about, or somebody you don't even know, because the more happy and healthy and empowered that every single person is in our world.

the better this world is for all of us. And so please do make a point to have a freaking fantastic rest of your day. And I look forward to connecting with you on the next episode. We'll see you there.

Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself Change. All of the time people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touched their heart, or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness of how amazing we all really are. If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about or those you know who really.

As more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point and the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone what we are all capable of. And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming, to maintain their results.

But the point. For you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life if you really understand how to use your mind. You are incredible. And I do wanna be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own. I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made.

You'll wanna remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people. That said, if you wanna send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website brandygilmore.com/podcast. And if you're cu


About Brandy Gillmore

Meet Brandy Gillmore – World-Renowned Mind-Body Healing Expert

Brandy Gillmore is a best-selling author, award-winning podcast host, and globally recognized expert in mindset and mind-body healing. Celebrated for her groundbreaking approach to healing and life transformation, Brandy’s inspiring journey began with healing herself from disability, freeing herself from reliance on a wheelchair, walker, and cane. 

She then achieved the unprecedented: demonstrating the healing power of the mind in mere minutes, with results verified by thermal medical equipment.

Her pioneering work has been published in the Health Medical Journal and featured in award-winning documentaries, numerous docuseries, and TEDx talks

Today, Brandy inspires audiences across the globe, sharing her breakthrough discoveries with people from all walks of life—including top celebrities, professional athletes, devoted parents, and individuals passionate about personal growth—empowering them to unlock their potential, heal themselves, and transform their lives.

Discover the transformative power of mind-body healing by watching Brandy’s free self-healing online course here —your first step toward unlocking your innate ability to heal and thrive!

Ready to learn how to heal yourself?

From Illness To Wellness: Discover the 4 Easy Steps To Transform Your Health & Life With The GIFT Method™

In this self healing course, Brandy shares the exact things she did to heal (even when doctors told her there was nothing more she could do) so you too can be empowered with tools and techniques to heal yourself and change your life. Click here to learn more…

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Also, please remember that genuine change and follow through are key for self-healing results. If you struggle with negative thoughts or have a chronic health issue or chronic pain, please do not avoid seeing your doctor.

Instead, your goal with self-healing should be to continue to see your doctor as recommended and blow their mind with what you are capable of with your mind and with the power of mind-body healing.  Please enjoy this self-healing podcast!



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