209Transcript: Getting Unstuck from the Past & Crafting a Healthier, Happier You

Heal Yourself Change Your Life

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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life-changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made that changed my health and my entire. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this. Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level.

I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind, and then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind, your emotions, and your. To help you heal your health yourself and your life.

Let's begin.

Hello and welcome. It is so wonderful to connect with you. I just love that you are here, continuing to expand your mind, your energy, your consciousness, your healing. I just love it. And I just love today's episode. You know, Each episode, of course, has different insights, different challenges, and different awarenesses that can help you to radically change your life.

Now, what I love about this episode is just that I think that it's a place where many of us, if we've ever really worked on changing ourselves, Many of us have been in this very place where our volunteer is today, which is a bit stuck, you know, in my own life, going through my injury, I was in a place where, you know, I had been injured and I had an accident and a car accident and a fall accident, both of which weren't quote unquote my fault based on external situations and circumstances.

And, let's be honest, if you feel like your entire life has been turned upside down and injured and you don't have a future, and it wasn't your fault, based on physical circumstances, there's a part of you that, or all of you, at least there was all of me, that wanted to be upset and it's not fair and blame and blame and blame.

And, Based on external circumstances, I could have validated that for years. In fact, let's be honest, most people do. They continue to tell a story as to why they're a victim to circumstances. And I could have. And if I said, Hey, I was injured and it wasn't my fault and all of these things, anybody around me could have had compassion and even sympathy for me.

I didn't want sympathy. I wanted to get better. And so instead of validating all of the reasons and the unfair and the hurt and the victim and the fear, I started doing what most people won't do. And I started saying, that's not valid. I am the power. I'm not going to validate being a victim. I'm going to take back my power.

And I'm not going to say this is on anybody else. I have the power to do this. I have the power to change this. I'm not going to validate my hurt, wounding, upset, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You know, I really wanted to change. Now, I got to be honest with you. There are a lot of people who at the idea of hearing that of invalidating hurt, they immediately say, no, no, no, you should sit with it.

You should validate it. You should just be with it. But let's be honest for a moment. Because that's a new way of thinking where people say, well, just sit with your emotions. Just sit in, just, just feel them. But if we stop and think about it for a moment, our emotions can hurt us. Even if you think about for a moment, the unfortunate example of the widowhood effect, where a senior loses his spouse, they have a much higher rate of death following their loss.

In fact, that rate of death is highest. in the first week. And so when people say, Oh, just sit with your hurt feelings for a while and take them in. We do have to remember that that's not based on science. That's not based on reality. That's not based on how our emotions affect us and what will happen. And I see that all the time is people will validate the wounding.

They'll sit in the wounding and then they'll have pain and illness and problems because of it. And I cannot tell you how many times I've seen people. Who have heard, sit with your emotion, embrace the negative emotions that were then sick from doing that very thing. And so you always wanna be careful. So point being is that if you want a different result, you've gotta make sure to do things in a different way.

And you know, that's what I did my own life. For me to get better, I healed from something that most people never heal from. And it is because I used my mind in a very different way. It wasn't a little bit different, it was a lot different from the norm. And I really worked to change deeper fears and programming.

And by the way, if you think about it for a moment, one of the things that had triggered me and was affecting my physical body had to do with feelings of fear. Now, if you think about it, if I get injured. and I'm injured and now I can't work and now I can't take care of myself fully and now I don't know if I'm ever going to get better and I'm in extreme pain.

Do you think my feelings of fear went up, down, or the same? Well, obviously they went way up and I could have validated that. I could have said, but I can't work and I don't have a future and I'm injured and I'm disabled and all of these things. And anybody around me could have given me understanding. Oh my gosh, it's horrible.

And that could have happened. I mean, I wouldn't be better. I wouldn't have healed, but I could have done that. And so point being is that for you to get results with your mind, it really does take understanding and it really does take working with your mind in a different way than what everybody else is doing.

And by the way, I had tried visualization and meditation and They just, you know, all of those things of relaxation. And actually, one of the things that got me out of that was that somebody very close to me at the time, her aunt died from lung cancer and it was a slow death and it was over a period of time.

And. You know, this, her aunt, unfortunately, was in like a state of, you know, just very, very weak. Laying in bed, half asleep a lot of the times, coming to periodically, but in and out. And part of me, in my own mind. I thought to myself, wow, that kind of looks a little bit like what I'm doing all day, trying to be in theta state and slow my brain and, and just be in a deep state of relaxation to heal.

And I thought, gosh, like she's on her way out. Unfortunately, you know, I had so much compassion, but I started to realize like, okay, I need to do something more. So while relaxation could be helpful, I realized. It wasn't the key because she was in and out of Delta and Theta state all day long for a month, over a month, two months.

I mean, it was quite a long period of time. And I don't remember the exact number of days because I wasn't counting at the time what that was, but just seeing that awareness. And so point being is just simply this, is that if you want to make a real change in your life, you've got to really be willing to change.

And that is one of the insights. that are going to come from today's episode. There are other powerful insights as well that are really helpful. And so I love this episode for that reason. And our volunteer, she's an absolute sweetheart, and she is very stuck. So I push her a bit to help her get unstuck.

But she's very, very stuck. And you know, again, we'll We've all probably been there, at least most of us, at least I know I have, we'll put it that way, but getting unstuck, making that change. And then key insights. And by the way, if you recall, I actually started working with Kate on last week's volunteer episode on episode 208.

And as I was working with her, you'll recall, she had a lot of feelings of. anger and hurt towards people. A lot of anger and also a lot of feelings of feeling unloved. And then when she started looking at things in a different way, she started saying, okay, well, maybe I am loved. But she felt completely unloved and was validating those feelings of feeling completely unloved.

And of course, That can impact your health. And so again, just really wonderful insights. And that's where we're going as we step back in with our beautiful volunteer, Kate, here we go.

Yes. Okay. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And I'm going to say this, that I have absolute compassion. for your situation. Compassion. But I think that you're stronger than your situation. I think that you're bigger than your situation. I think that you're more powerful. I think that we all come in with some type of something or other or blah, blah, blah.

I mean, we've all got our stuff, right? Yeah. Okay. So, Now, it just depends on what you want to do with that, okay? Do you want to spend your life being wounded by it? Actually, no, but I don't know how to take it. So, number one is not validating the problem anymore. Okay. Okay? So, if I ask you, so again, if I ask you, is it true that nobody wants you?

No. No. Good answer. Good answer. Now, is it true that right now, that even after moving here, and how old were you when you moved here? Twenty. Twenty. Okay. So, if I ask you, Yes. If I ask you, if I ask you, could you make a point to call up your sister and your mother and talk to them and laugh with them and connect with them in a positive way?

Okay. On purpose. Could you start connecting in a positive way? Yes. Actually, I try to do that, but they also are hurt, and they have their own wounds that they don't take any kindness or humors or anything, and I don't know how to change them. Okay. And, give me one second. So we're going to change this. So there's a few things.

Yes. Okay. If I ask you to notice, so, if I really, really look at your biggest One of your biggest pieces. So it's kind of like this, let's do this. So in every situation, there's always multiple pieces in the subconscious mind. There's multiple factors that affect the health, okay? Yes. And so when I look at the financial stress of how you're going to support yourself, okay, that is one that comes up the biggest.

Can you see that? Yes. Okay. Even if you were healthy right now, there's a part of you that wouldn't know how to support yourself. Correct? Yes. Okay. So if I ask you, if you were going to get trained to do something, to have something that you could do for work to support yourself, could you start thinking about some ideas of things that you could do to do that?

Yeah. Okay. Now, by the way, if you knew that you could move forward and you were safe financially, if I ask you how much better you would feel in life. A lot. Uh huh. Ninety percent. Exactly. Okay? So, I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe, and I also want you to notice the part of you who feels like you have to have something perfect to move forward.

Can you see that? Yes. Okay. And so, what if it doesn't have to be perfect? I don't, I don't know. I, I struggle with, with it because nothing went right in my life. That's why I'm now more looking toward perfect. Because I made mistakes a lot. I mean, choosing the marriage, moving even here. Okay, now I have a question.

Was it a mistake to move here? I was young. I was 20 years old and I didn't know anything about moving. I just wanted to go out and, and I had to. You know, like any youngster, I had dreams and big dreams, but I didn't know that learning the language, learning the culture, creating the life, it would be very hard.

And even the biggest one was being homesickness. Nobody understood that. Nobody saw my tears. I went through a lot. I hear you. I hear you. Okay. Yeah. Now, I have a question though. Yeah. Bingo. Okay, so obviously you speak the language well now, right? Thank you. Yeah. Uh huh. And I have a question. Yes. Have you ever thought about teaching others the language and learning how to help others who are learning to help them speak the language and, and learn or something like that?

Have you thought about doing that to help others? Actually, I've been doing this for, uh, 17 years that, but now I lost the job. I've been working in ESL classes and helping teachers and, you know, I've been a, even student advocate because I've been through it and I know how it feels. Okay. Yeah. I like that job, but I also had my struggles over there.

Okay, and so, can you see the part of you that felt like nobody liked you there? Can you see that? Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Um, uh. So, notice for a moment, this is the thing. Is it, notice there's that same feeling. So, that's what happens all the time is, is that people will try to move on to a job or move on. Go do something else, and what happens is, those same patterns that started in childhood still follow you.

And so if I say this another way, it means that you moved countries to a different country, to a different place, different culture, different everything, and yet you still found that same pattern where you were working with ESL kids, or ESL people. Can you see that? Yes. Okay. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe.

And noticing that changing those patterns, so instead of making everybody else wrong, and you don't have to make yourself wrong either, so you don't have to make yourself wrong. You don't have to make others wrong. You don't have to make yourself wrong. You don't have to make others wrong, but you do want to realize that there is a pattern.

then in changing the pattern, that that's Then you start attracting, attracting a different relationship, different connections in work also. Does that make sense? Yes. By the way, it's funny if you think about it, when, when we were talking about work, that's exactly what I saw in your energy was teaching other people the language.

That's exactly what I saw. That's why I said you teaching others the language. That's what's very, very present in your energy. So I love that we're on the same page there. Take care. And so the point from that, if I ask you how much you enjoy teaching others the language, what would you say? A lot. Exactly.

So I'm going to ask you to breathe. So if you knew that you could go back to doing that, and that you could teach, and you could enjoy it, and you could be good at it, and that you could change your relationship patterns genuinely. Both in marriage and also in work and all around you, that you could change your relationship patterns.

If you knew that, how much better would life be? Um, a lot, but I never had issues with the adult students. Never. Okay. The issue was with the co workers and the principals. Yeah, my dear. Go ahead, dear. I understand. So watch this, okay? So if I ask you, so you've heard me maybe talk about the example where there's a woman with an abusive father who leaves him and finds the abusive boyfriend, boss, spouse, etc.,

right? Yes. Now, usually, is every single person in her life abusive? No. No. Right? So what happens is, is then, that's what can be tricky, is that the pattern can show up in some relationships, but not others. And then so what people always do is they always blame that person. They say, Oh, well, it's all their fault.

Okay? But notice for a moment, you and I have never spoken or never met before, and immediately I go into your energy and I say, Oh, here's a feeling of feeling like nobody wants you and unwanted and lonely. Right? Yes. Yes. Okay? And notice, you even said, well, it happened in the start of your marriage, and I said, no, no, no, honey, I see it from childhood.

Okay? And you see it, right? Yeah. Okay? So notice what I'm saying is there's a pattern that's in your energy, so number one thing you would need to do is to stop. Identify and say, Oh my gosh, this is a pattern. And then instead of getting upset with the pattern, be excited because like to be able to change this workplace and the husband and the this and all of these things, to change so many things feels hard to do.

But then if you say, Oh, well it's a pattern, I can change a pattern. Now it feels more empowering because it means you have the power too. Does that make sense? Yes. Great. So if you know that you can change your pattern, and you can change patterns, and we can change what we're attracting, and you can change that, then how does your future look?

If you can change your pattern, how does your future look? A lot better and brighter. But Again, Randi, how? Number one is this, is that every time we've gone to change it, you have done what? Validated all of the reasons that it's everybody else, okay? And that's what most people will do. Oh, but no, it's this is how I grew up, and this is, was my country, and then this was my work, and then it was the co workers, and then, so you would need to stop blaming people and take back your power and say, Oh, I'm the power.

Does that make sense? It does, but I still need more examples. Yep. Yep. I don't know how. So, I would say, you're better at listening, okay? That's number one. Okay? Okay. Sorry. So, you would need to take back your power. Number one. Okay? That make sense? Okay. Number two. If I ask you, honestly, do you want to connect with people?

Honestly. Yes. Zero to ten. How much? Ten. I love talking to people. Now, if I ask you, zero to ten, how much you want to blame others for the pattern, what would you say? 70%? Okay. Yep. So I would have said about your 90, but we'll go with your 70, but you still, you see it, right? Yeah. So if you're blaming others, then you're not actually getting out of the pack.

Does that make sense?

All right. So, uh, let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, I love her self awareness and there's a bit of stuckness. And as far as this blame piece about not blaming others, I just want to add in, make sure not to blame self. Okay. either. You know, for a lot of us, our patterns start somewhere in our childhood and not always, but these patterns can start in our childhood and then they're in our subconscious mind.

So we're not even consciously aware of them. And so we don't want to blame self, but instead we want to feel empowered. And so what I like to tell people to do is take 100 percent responsibility for for your 50%. And instead of staying focused or angry or upset or blaming somebody else, take in a sense of empowerment and say, okay, why did I attract this?

What was it in my energy? And obviously, no, not saying, why did I attract this? So you can Beat yourself up, but instead saying, why did this attract so you can empower yourself and transform your lives. And by the way, as far as our lives and patterns, the way I look at it is like, this is, when you think about it, you know, a tree is in this world and a tree keeps growing.

And as the years go by, it continues to grow and to flourish, if it's healthy. And we as human beings, we only have physical growth for so many years, but then beyond that, we have spiritual growth, and awareness, and emotional growth, and energetic growth. growth. And so for us to look at layers and patterns and awareness, that's our version of continuing to grow.

And so if you notice a pattern that you don't like in self, instead of judging it or criticizing it or blaming it, Acknowledge yourself for being willing to identify and grow and transform because it's really a beautiful process and so on that note We're gonna dive back in now One of the things that I want you to notice coming up is I'm trying to move her forward So I mentioned in the beginning she's pretty stuck and every time I'm asking her to do something She interrupts with the word, but now again first and foremost.

I was very stuck at points one and two Also, so, there's no judgment about it, because, let's be honest, most of us have been stuck somewhere in that place of, but, but you don't understand, but can you just understand the past? And of course, the problem with just understanding the past and understanding it and understanding it is it's a lot like a drug.

You know, if somebody's addicted to heroin, if they take heroin, they'll feel better for the moment, but it doesn't change their life. Doesn't make them better. Instead, it just continues to feed the pattern. And so all of the time people go, Oh, but I need somebody to hear my tears, my wounding, my hurts. And it does.

It absolutely will feel better. For the moment, but the pattern continues or the pattern just then shows up in another way because that's how patterns work. And so instead of continuing to validate them and give them attention and fuel, we want to transform them. And that is key. And so, uh, that said, let's go ahead and dive back in.

With our beautiful volunteer, Kate, here we go.

Still have a question. I'm not sure how, just imagine it for how long. I mean, when I will see, how I will see a difference then. So give me one second. So this is what I would do is this is, uh, the honest truth is I want to tell you to get into my video course because there are so many layers that you have.

And also, so there are several layers that you have. So. Number one is that number two. I would say that there is a strong feeling of validating the past and So notice every time we try to move things forward There's that number three I would say that there's a strong feeling of blaming others still and you've really got to be willing to change and So there's there's that and so I just would say that there's a lot of pieces So, can you see the part of you also that?

That when you go to a different country, can you see how, can you see at times where you have a pattern where you kind of pretend like you don't know something when you really do? Like you kind of play like you don't know. Can you see that pattern? Yes. So I would say that's part of the pattern as well.

Okay? And so you want to make sure that when you're showing up for relationships and connections that you're showing up at 100 percent and wanting to, to be 100 percent in relationships. And so what I would say is this, is I would say, decide how you want to be differently in a work environment and, and start seeing yourself in a different way.

And when I look at the patterns, so there's, there's, there's several of them. And I would say part of it is going to take a willingness to change. Part of it's an awareness to change part of it's willing to be a different way. And so when I say to you, your willingness to change is the biggest problem. It is because when I say, Hey, I want you to start getting a picture moving forward, and you've got to stop.

Validating the past. The first thing you said is, but let me tell you about my story growing up. Then when I say, I want you to start getting a picture about moving forward, you say, but let me tell you about my coworkers. And I say, I want you to start getting a picture of this, but let me tell you, they started it, but let me tell you, they started it, but let me tell you, but so notice you've got to start being, start willing to change you.

Does that make sense? Yes. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe and I'm going to start. Asking you with that willingness, right there, beautiful, that, okay? So I want you to decide how you want to be, and I want you to write it down on how you want to be, and I want to invite you to start reading it every day because the biggest thing, so notice, the biggest thing that I'm saying to you is I'm saying that everything I say moving forward, you say but.

I can't even get 10 sentences down the road without you saying but, and interrupting, right? So. So, you're very, very, very stuck towards the but and the past and the reason that it won't work. Does that make sense? So, you've got to start moving it forward. You have to want to. Does that make sense? Yes. How can I, how can I forgive?

How can I forget? It comes up to my vision all the time. And when I go to those places, I remember things. Yes. So I have a question for you. So how do you forget your old language? I haven't. I'm very well at it. And how did you learn English? By rehashing the old language or did you start getting new information in?

I just got the new information in. Okay. So I'm asking you to start getting new information in your mind and you go, but how do I forget the past? And I say, but I need you to start getting new information in your mind. You go, but let me tell you about your childhood. Let me have you start getting new information in your mind, but let me tell you about my coworkers from the past.

The thing of it is, you cannot create a new life and new changes by only stewing in the negative and the old and the problems. You can't, you can't, you have to start getting new information into your brain. Do you understand? You have to decide a new way of being and you have to want to be different.

Brandy, I was going to tell you, when I see that co worker, for example, how can I just see that person, you know, a nice one and just get the new information? How can I forget that previous image with her so I just see her as a new person? That's the issue, you know, I don't mind going back. Lovely. Ha. The issue is not, this is the, okay, so let's do this.

Watch this. Yes. Okay. So I want you to picture just for a moment. There is a woman who feels like she's never, ever, ever, she got cheated on by her ex, and she's never, ever, ever, ever gonna be loved again. Zero to 10. How easy is it for her to let go of the past? Okay, now I want you to picture just for a moment There is a woman who feels like she has a new person that's on the horizon.

She feels like oh my gosh She's having a new relationship and it's gonna be amazing and wonderful and fantastic How easy is it for her to let go of the past maybe four five? Okay? So, notice it's a lot easier for her to start letting go of the past if she feels like there's something new. Does that make sense?

Yes. Great. So, the more you feel like there's something new and to look forward to, the easier it'll be to let go of the past. Watch this. If you feel like you have very, very, very, very little, little, little money, how easy is it to go spend money? Hard. Okay. If you feel like there's plenty of new money coming in, how easy is it to go and spend some money?

Easy. Yes. So the thing of it is, the more you have new coming in and you expect new, the more it is easier to let go of the old. Does that make sense? Yes. Great. Okay. So what I want you to do is I want you to listen to this. Okay? And what I want you to do is I want you to notice how many times your mind only goes to the past.

That every time I tried to, like I've tried to move it forward several times, and every time you interrupt it. With the story, but that's okay, but I tried to move it forward several times in like when I said, okay I want you to start with the vision. You said but but okay, so I never could get very far Into moving forward without you interrupting about the past does that and I adore you.

It's not a criticism It's not but you have to want to move it forward. You have to want you have to want to move it forward Does it make sense? I really do. And it's many years that I am stuck in this. That's probably, that's why, you know, coming out is not.

All right. So let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, first and foremost, I love her self awareness and also notice for a moment, I'm even asking her to move things forward. And the first thing she says is, okay, but let me tell you about Islam. Past. Okay, now let's put this into context for a moment.

If you recall the very beginning of the call, when her and I first began talking last week, she mentioned she's been wanting to die and didn't know if it was the end of her life and all of these things and that sickness and illness and unable to drive and unable to physically do. So her health has been in a really bad place and doctors haven't known what's going on with her.

And we talked about, you know, holding onto this rage and feelings of loneliness and feeling deeply unloved. And we know by the way, I mean, there is one research study after another that will tell you that feelings of loneliness can have a detrimental impact on your body and your health. And there are so many different emotions that can actually lead to increased mortality rate.

And even, you know, if you. Think about the phrase scared to death. I mean, somebody can be so scared that their heart can stop. Now, of course, that's in rare situations and very extreme situations. But point being is it has happened. And when we hold onto negative emotions, they can and do impact our physical body.

So at this point, this is how I feel a lot of times when I'm working with people who are very stuck is I feel like it's a friend who's standing in the middle of the street and the bus is coming and they don't see the bus. So new. You say, Hey, you got to move out of the way. The bus is coming and they are standing there and you say, Hey, you know, the bus is going to hit you and they keep standing there.

And so finally you kind of got to push them out of the way a bit and say, there's a bus, you know? And in this case, the same is true. You know, when we get stuck in patterns and we stuck and stuck in patterns, it can hugely impact our health, our lives. And you can see why this is so impactful that even for two minutes, even for one minute, She's stuck from moving her brain forward and so even if she entertained it, and by the way, you'll notice coming up where we talk about if we move the brain forward and we start moving forward, it's easier to let go of the past and that's ultimately how you want to think of it.

Now, I'll break this down even further, but even if you think about walking for a moment, what you do with walking, what do we do? We take one foot and we move it forward. So we have to take new ground. And then what we're able to do is with our back foot, we let go of old ground. We move it forward. We take more steps forward.

We let go of old ground. Now imagine if somebody's standing in the same spot saying, I need to let go of old ground. I need to let go of old ground. Well, we can't because we're standing on the ground, but if you start moving it forward. And so whatever we're doing in life, if we can start moving things forward, it's easier to start letting go of past stuff.

And so again, we'll unpack this even further. And the patterns around this point being is you can see the stuckness, no matter what I mentioned, she goes right back to the past. And let's be honest. I've been stuck too. So there's no judgment. Now if you've been listening to past episodes, you've probably heard me say that all of the time I'm working with patterns that people have that you may not always see.

So sometimes it seems like I'm working on one thing, but I'm working on five things or seven things. Now that is very true in this case. For example, when you think about it for a moment, her relationships. So part of the problem has been with her. Her relationships have been off, and nobody, feeling like nobody loves her, and feeling like nobody loved her, and having conflict in work.

Now, if you think about it for a moment, she also mentioned that she's got a lot of anger and rage, and we talked about that on last week's episode. Now, imagine for a moment, if somebody is walking around in life who can't let go of the past, and has a lot of anger and rage, how do you think their relationships are?

Not great, right? And so point being is it's not only about her creating a new vision for the future. It's also about the awareness that the way that her mind is working is she's going to have a really hard time being close to anybody, which is her exact scenario. She doesn't have closeness with anybody and feels like a disconnect even trying to talk to her mom and her sister.

If she was better at moving things forward and good at that, that would enable her to have better relationships. So in other words, it feels like I'm asking her in this, as I'm working with her in this session, that it's only for her mind programming, but it's also for her personality. And the way she interacts with people.

And so you'll want to notice in yourself, by the way, if you are somebody who has had a pattern of feeling really upset about the past and really hurt and a lot of anger, it comes out in your being or even when you're with people. And, and a lot of times, by the way, I got to say all of the time. People think they hide their emotions.

They really do. Maybe you've heard this before where somebody says, is something wrong? You seem upset. And the other person says, I'm not mad. And the other person says, okay, well, it kind of seems like you're upset. The other person says, no, I'm not mad. You're like, okay, and you can tell that the person's upset, but they're not admitting it.

Now, this happens all of the time that I see people who think that they're actually hiding their emotions and yet you can see them written on their face or in their being or in their movement. They speak volumes. You know, if you think about it for a moment, a lot of, you know, Research shows that about 70 to 90 percent or somewhere in there, 70 to 93, 95, everybody says a little bit different, of communication is non verbal.

And so all of the time when people have these patterns, and if you recall from last episode, she mentioned, you know, she's got a really high level of anger and rage going on inside of her. And even though at times people can think that they're hiding their emotions, they really come out in unconscious ways.

And so from this, the, the piece that you want to take from this is if you're feeling in a certain way, you'll definitely want to be willing to move it forward and be willing to create change. A genuine change. All right, so that said, let's go ahead and dive back in with Kate. Here we go.

Yes. And so, like you said, there's many years you've been stuck in this, right? Yes. Okay. So I want you to repeat after me. Okay. I have to use my mind in a different way. I have to use my mind in a different way. I have to use my mind in a different way. I have to use my mind in a different way. And Brandy's trying to tell me how to use my mind in a different way.

And Brandy is trying to use how to use my mind in a different way. Tell me how to use my mind in a different way. But I'm quite addicted to my old way. But I am quite my old way. Great. So I'm going to ask you to think in a new way. Does that make sense? Yes. So I want you to write down a vision of you changing, and I want you to write it down.

You're changing, and you're vision changing, and I want you to write it down. You're feeling loved, so you're really, really, really changing towards people 100%, okay? So you're really, really changing, and start seeing that, and I want you to write down all of the reasons. That you're willing to change, that you want to start changing, and I want you to start getting that in every day.

So I would say start there, okay? So you start changing you. That will start changing your energy and start changing people around you, okay? For how long? How many times? If I were you, I would probably read it about 10 times a day. So typically speaking, I'd want people to read it and listen to this recording about it.

At least. three or four times a day. But for you, I would say you're very, very stuck in the past. And so I would say that, and the buts, like all of the reasons that you can't. And so I would say, start changing that. I want to invite you to be different in connections. Okay. Does that make sense? Yes. And I want you to see yourself walking around.

connecting with people. You're feeling a sense of love and connection. And you're not blaming anybody. You're not blaming anybody. And you let the past go. You're actually just fun and connecting with people and hearing them. And you respect them and you love them and you honor them and they love you and you love them and you're not feeling like a victim at all.

You're walking around, you're feeling love, you're connecting with people, you're feeling love, you're feeling fantastic. You're feeling loved, you're connecting with people, it's really, really, really beautiful. Of course. And I'm going to ask you to breathe, and I want you to take that in, what it feels like to connect with people, to connect with people, that you feel loved, you feel wanted.

You feel what? Wanted. And loved. Loved. Yes. Loved and wanted. Great. I'm going to ask you to breathe. Hey, is this a new language for you? You feeling loved and wanted? Totally new. Yes. So, I'm going to ask you to breathe. How important do you think this is for your life? Just as important as learning English?

More than that. Yes. I agree. Learn this. So see yourself walking around, you're feeling loved, you're feeling loved, you're feeling loved, you're smiling, you're smiling, you're glowing, you're smiling, you're feeling loved. You're feeling so loved. How loved? So loved. So loved. And I'm going to ask you to breathe.

So you're walking around, and you're smiling, and you're smiling, and people are around you, and you're feeling how? Loved. So loved. Great. And if I ask you to breathe and take it in, and you're walking around, and you're walking around, and you're smiling, and you're smiling, and you're How much love are you feeling with others?

So loved. So loved. And I'm going to ask you to breathe so you see yourself tomorrow when you're walking around and you're feeling love. And how much rage are you feeling towards people? Zero. Zero. Zero. And I'm going to ask you to breathe and take that in. Zero. Great. Great. So I'm going to ask you to breathe and I'm going to ask you to practice this, taking this in.

Does that make sense? Yes. Great. Great, great, great job with your energy. Beautiful. Do you see how you're hearing me and feeling me right now? Yes. You're doing a much better job, beautiful. Much, much better job, okay? Practice this, feel this every day, many, many, many, many times throughout the day, okay? Of course.

Beautiful. Yes. It has been a pleasure connecting with you. I adore you so, so much. Thank you. I wish you a wonderful rest of your day. Okay? I wish you the same. I appreciate that. Thank you so much. Beautiful. Thank you. I'll see you later.

All right. So let's go ahead and bring this all together. You know, first and foremost, what a beautiful volunteer, just an absolute sweetheart and also A lot of patterns, and a lot of hurt, and a lot of wounding, and I gotta be honest, I have worked with people who have had massive wounding, people who have been raised in Colts as breeders as, and have experienced things beyond what most people can even imagine who have been able to come out on the other side, who have been able to lift themselves and transform and let the past go and, and grow from it.

And it's like, you know, everybody's situation, we all have had our stuff. And at some point we have to be willing to say, you know, ouch, that hurt. I'm going to rise above this. And so, uh, acknowledging it, letting it go, and really being willing to take it to the next level. Because what we also want to understand about us as human beings is that a lot of people have a craving to feel understood.

And it feels better in the moment. And then it doesn't do anything for the pattern. It doesn't change anything. And so what happens instead is the pattern just shows up in a different way. A lot of times in a way that people don't even realize that it's connected to the same pattern. You know, all of the time I've seen people who have even gone through therapy and talked about their problems over and over and over and over again.

And felt understood, and felt heard, and processed it, but they never changed the pattern. And so, lo and behold, that same pattern then shows itself another way. And so, point being, is if you do have a craving to feel that feeling of understood, ask yourself if that's what you really, really want. Because, you know, when you think about it for a moment, a smoker craves a cigarette.

But does it make their life better? And what happens is, of course, they can have a biochemical response from a cigarette. Or heroin. You know, there's all kinds of biochemicals. And even if you think about it, when somebody understands us, so we feel bonding, we can have a biochemical response. So we can have a biochemical response to connecting over negative things.

The problem is, is it just continues the pattern. Our minds can get very miswired in this way. And, you know, when you think about miswired minds, maybe you've heard me use this example in the past, but unfortunately, somebody who engages in self harm, maybe they are cutting themselves, they can experience a feeling of relief or euphoria or control or safety from cutting themselves.

Why? Because that emotional connection got made. And so a lot of times what happens is we feel understood and we go, Oh, it feels great. We feel understood. Oh, it feels great. The problem is, is it doesn't solve the problem and it may solve the immediate one. But the next pattern's on its way, and so it just continues to perpetuate the problem.

And so that said, creating a real transformation is key for getting real, tangible results. And by the way, when you live from that place, it feels so empowering. And by the way, when you live from that place, it feels so empowering. When you start to notice that you're creating real change in your health, in your life, It's a different level of empowerment.

You feel like, okay, I've got this. Like I can do this. It just, it, it, it's a game changer because you feel more empowered in life. So it's an incredible feeling. And so that said, I want to invite you to see how you might be able to apply some of this in your life. And I want to ask you to please do make a point to hit the share button on this episode, you know, share with somebody you love, somebody you care about, or somebody you don't even know, because the more happy and healthy and loved and empowered.

that every single person is in our world, the better this world is for all of us. And so please do make a point to hit the share button on this episode, and please do make a point to have a most wonderful, fantastic rest of your day. And I look forward to connecting with you on the next episode. We'll see you there.

Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself Change. All of the time people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touched their heart, or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness of how amazing we all really are. If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about or those you know who really.

As more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point and the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone what we are all capable of. And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming, to maintain their results.

But the point. For you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life if you really understand how to use your mind. You are incredible. And I do wanna be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own. I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made.

You'll wanna remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people. That said, if you wanna send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website brandygilmore.com/podcast. And if you're cu


About Brandy Gillmore

Meet Brandy Gillmore – World-Renowned Mind-Body Healing Expert

Brandy Gillmore is a best-selling author, award-winning podcast host, and globally recognized expert in mindset and mind-body healing. Celebrated for her groundbreaking approach to healing and life transformation, Brandy’s inspiring journey began with healing herself from disability, freeing herself from reliance on a wheelchair, walker, and cane. 

She then achieved the unprecedented: demonstrating the healing power of the mind in mere minutes, with results verified by thermal medical equipment.

Her pioneering work has been published in the Health Medical Journal and featured in award-winning documentaries, numerous docuseries, and TEDx talks

Today, Brandy inspires audiences across the globe, sharing her breakthrough discoveries with people from all walks of life—including top celebrities, professional athletes, devoted parents, and individuals passionate about personal growth—empowering them to unlock their potential, heal themselves, and transform their lives.

Discover the transformative power of mind-body healing by watching Brandy’s free self-healing online course here —your first step toward unlocking your innate ability to heal and thrive!

Ready to learn how to heal yourself?

From Illness To Wellness: Discover the 4 Easy Steps To Transform Your Health & Life With The GIFT Method™

In this self healing course, Brandy shares the exact things she did to heal (even when doctors told her there was nothing more she could do) so you too can be empowered with tools and techniques to heal yourself and change your life. Click here to learn more…

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Also, please remember that genuine change and follow through are key for self-healing results. If you struggle with negative thoughts or have a chronic health issue or chronic pain, please do not avoid seeing your doctor.

Instead, your goal with self-healing should be to continue to see your doctor as recommended and blow their mind with what you are capable of with your mind and with the power of mind-body healing.  Please enjoy this self-healing podcast!



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