Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life
My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life-changing injury, it’s become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made that changed my health and my entire life. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this.
Each week, I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level. I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind. And then I’ll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind, your body, your emotions, and your energy to help you heal your health, yourself, and your life.
Let’s begin.
Insights from Today’s Episode with Kelly
Hello and happy yet beautiful day to you. Welcome back. On today’s episode, I’m going to be working again with our beautiful volunteer, Kelly. And before we dive in, I just have to say, you know, the insights that come from today’s episode are very profound in multiple ways, just in ways where we can see how the subconscious mind can impact you, even when we don’t realize it.
And that happened in my own injury, you know, during my healing, trying to figure it out, trying to understand it. And yet feeling like that counterintuitive mind can still impact you. And for example, in her case, there’s this feeling of feeling guilt, even though she shouldn’t feel guilty. And by the way, we’ve all heard that before, where somebody maybe says the phrase, they say something like, you know, they’ll say, “I feel guilty, but I know I shouldn’t, but I do.”
The Complexities of Guilt
And that is very true in this situation. There is a part of her who knows that she shouldn’t feel guilty and yet simultaneously feels very guilty on the inside. And so, you know, you’ll notice there’s a part of her who feels like she’s doing something wrong or getting away with something. And by the way, I just have to say, before we dive in with Kelly, she’s an absolute heart.
I mean, this woman does so much for the community and care and kindness, and there is so much she does for people and the world. And it’s, she, she’s a walking heart. And so she’s just such a beautiful being for her to feel all this guilt is, is crazy. And also I get it, you know, and so that’s what you’ll notice coming up is there’s some counterintuitive insights and also stored emotions in the subconscious mind that are affecting her.
Balancing Joy and Guilt
And again, where she is in her life right now. She’s like, she feels like all of her dreams are coming true, which she deserves it. She, this woman just, she deserves it. Her, it’s like all of her dreams are coming true. And simultaneously, she’s got guilt about it. And one of the things that I love, and you’ll notice we’ll talk about this diving in, is that that’s part of the thing about health issues though, is they are here to give us a message, if you will.
You know, we’ve all heard the phrase, “Listen to your body.” And when something’s going on with our body, with our health, it is literally God, universe, divine energy, mother nature, whatever you want to call it. It’s like our body is giving us the most important message. We need to know to change. We need to change.
And so that’s the insight that you’ll notice coming up is that yes, everything’s great in her life. But there’s some key things to change. So I just, I love the awarenesses that come from this. And I also, I just love her heart. I love her heart. I love who she is and I love her laughter. Just, you know, as, as we go through this, she laughs, she’s just got such a beautiful sense of humor.
Part Two of Kelly’s Session
So that’s where we’re going. Now, as you recall, this is part two of her session, meaning that we had a session that was about an hour long. And by the time I add insights, it would make a two-hour podcast episode. And so instead of two hours, I just, I cut it in half. So we listened to half of the segment, half of her session last week on last week’s episode.
And now today we are going to dive into the second part of her session. And as you’ll recall, she started with a level five of pain. So that’s where she initially started in there, around a level five. And then as we started talking about this sensitive topic, her pain actually went up instead of down because it triggered some guilt inside of her.
So her pain went up instead of down. And then it has now come down, and so that’s where we’re going—noticing what happens as she starts processing this information. And so that’s where we’re going as we step in with our beautiful volunteer, Kelly. Here we go.
Diving Into the Session
Brandy: So if I ask you what your level of pain is right now, zero to ten, what’s your level?
Kelly: Um, probably like three, four.
Brandy: Bingo! That’s what I’d say. So we’re at about a level—bingo, I got about a 3.2, right in there. Okay, so it’s going down. Great. So, so it’s going down. Okay. So I’m going to ask you to breathe. And I want you to picture what it looks like if your dad is completely accepting of all of it. Like, just time goes by, it’s easy, it’s in flow, it’s easy, he’s gotten used to it, he accepts it, he trusts your boyfriend, and he’s just—and it just is, and everything’s safe, and everything’s good. What does that look like?
Kelly: I think it’s what it is right now.
Brandy: So how dangerous would you say that is exactly?
Kelly: It’s not, it’s not.
Brandy: So I’m going to ask you to breathe. So how much is your dad criticizing the situation?
Kelly: He’s not criticizing it, but he’s made hints like about getting married. He’s not criticizing like, “you are bad.” He made hints…
Brandy: Oh, he’s made some hints. Are you okay?
Kelly: You know, he actually made a hint about tithing and it literally broke me. I was—because I’m like, you know, just trying to be perfect for him. But I had a good conversation with him. I said, “Dad, I don’t want your advice. I don’t want you to tell me what to do or how to do it. All I want is your love and support.”
Brandy: That—what you’re saying is you can stand up against tithing but not for your boyfriend?
Kelly: (Laughs) That’s funny.
Brandy: Yes, but you could do it differently right now. That’s the whole point. Remember earlier was perfect, yeah. But don’t, don’t judge. Don’t judge. No self-judgment. Uh, okay. Excitement about the awareness that you can stand up to him.
Kelly: (Laughs) Yeah.
Brandy: And earlier we were talking about that very thing when we said, could you stand behind it a thousand percent?
Kelly: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Brandy: So what would happen, by the way, after the whole tithing conversation? Your relationship exploded. He’s never talking to you again. He disowned you and it’s horrible, right?
Kelly: (Laughs) No.
Brandy: No. How did it go?
Kelly: Uh, it went good.
Brandy: It went good. And you guys are still good?
Kelly: Yeah.
Brandy: And he still calls you his daughter?
Kelly: Yeah. He loves me.
Brandy: So you can stand up for what it is that you believe in and he’s going to be okay with it, even if he doesn’t align with it, is what you’re saying to me.
Kelly: Yes.
Brandy: Oh, well, gosh, that’s freedom, isn’t it?
Kelly: Yeah, that is.
Brandy: Great. So I’m going to ask you to breathe and can you just take that in that you can actually stand up for what you believe in, even if it’s different and your dad is still going to love you. Now, how big is that for you?
Kelly: Big.
Brandy: Yeah. And if you really got that all of the way?
Kelly: Yeah.
Brandy: What would that look like?
Kelly: Yeah.
Brandy: All of the way. You can stand up for what you believe in.
Kelly: Yeah.
Brandy: And your dad’s still going to love you.
Kelly: Mm-hmm.
Brandy: Okay. So what’s the issue? Someone asked you to breathe.
Kelly: (Laughs)
Brandy: No, you’re not the issue. You are not. You are the, you are the beautiful solution in this. You are the solution. You’re not the issue. You’re the solution. Someone asked you to breathe. Someone asked you to breathe. You’re the beautiful, beautiful, beautiful solution. You’re not the issue. So I’m going to ask you to breathe and notice that it is safe to stand up for what you believe in, even if it’s different from what your dad says.
Recognizing and Releasing Stored Emotions
Brandy: How amazing is that, that you can do that and it’s okay?
Kelly: Great.
Brandy: So I’m going to ask you to breathe and notice your level of pain. What’s your level?
Kelly: Bingo. Maybe, maybe like, oh, it just depends on the movements, but like if I’m just standing there like a two, three, but if I bend my back, it goes.
Brandy: Okay, so I’m going to ask you to breathe. And I want you to notice. So number one.
Pausing for a Key Insight
All right, so let’s go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, first and foremost, there’s progress. So it’s about a two, three down from about a seven. So that’s good. It’s progress. And of course, as she moves around, there’s still some pain that comes up, but let’s look at the bigger picture for a moment.
So just a reminder, if we look at the big picture of the story of what’s going on is that there’s a part of her who feels very guilty for moving in with her boyfriend. She’s been with him for seven years, but with her religion, she felt like she was supposed to be married before they moved in together.
And yet in his case, he’s been married before and he’s got some, you know, some over that, so to speak, or you know, some, he’s got some, some things going on with the whole marriage thing. So, so even though he’s committed and they’re committed, the whole thing scares him. And so they’re just, and so it’s just—it’s beautiful that she’s moving forward and that she’s, she’s doing, she’s working through her things because she’s had a lot of, of course, stress regarding this whole topic.
And so what I love about her is that she’s got this awareness. She’s working on it. She’s willing to look at herself. She’s willing to really change herself and, and be willing to notice these deeper level patterns, these deeper emotions. And so I just, I love that. I love her heart. And of course, there’s still some emotions going on at a deeper level where in some cases she doesn’t see the emotion initially, but then she’ll notice a deeper awareness.
And so, which may sound a little bit confusing at this point, but you’ll see what I mean coming up because that’s how the mind can work. You know, it’s the subconscious mind. So sometimes we don’t see information and then when we look at it a little bit in a different way, we can gain even more clarity.
Brandy: There we go. So notice how you could stand up against tithing.
Kelly: Mm-hmm.
Brandy: But not for your boyfriend. And I put that in a silly way. But think about that for a moment. Not from a judgment place. When it comes to tithing and your rules and your approach to tithing, you can see how you feel like your approach and the way you’re doing it is the right way. It’s what’s best for you, right?
Kelly: Okay.
Brandy: So notice that, and you feel that, right? Now I want you to notice the part of you who has always felt like it was very wrong to live with your boyfriend. So notice the difference between tithing and between living with your boyfriend is that there’s not a—with tithing you feel strongly that what you’re doing is right.
The way you’re handling it is right for you. It is right. You feel that. You feel like you’re in the right. Does that make sense?
Kelly: Yeah, because I like question, I’m just doing it my way right now. Not what the way the church is telling me to do it. And so I’m, I’m good with that. I’m like, I’m good with me not knowing and just figuring it out and trying to pay my 10 percent different ways.
Brandy: Okay, so, so notice for a moment, someone asked you to breathe. And you feel good with that, right?
Kelly: Yeah. So I told my dad, I’m like, “Dad, I get to pay anything the way I want.”
Brandy: There you go, right? Now notice for a moment that you were able to speak to it and say, “I’m going to pay the way that I want to pay, and this is how I’m going to do it,” and you have that—you were able to stand up for that, right?
Kelly: Yeah.
Brandy: And if I ask you zero to ten, how much you feel like you’re deserving of that and you’re in the right, what would you say?
Kelly: Yeah, I get to choose.
Brandy: Great. So as far as living with your boyfriend, zero to ten, how much you feel 100 percent certain you are in the right?
Kelly: I do. I feel I’m in the right. It’s the best thing for me and I know it.
Brandy: Okay, so I’m going to ask you to breathe. And in the past, how much would you have felt like you were in the right?
Releasing Old Judgments
Let’s go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. There’s a really powerful insight here, and it’s this: Notice in the past she had all of these judgments regarding, you know, somebody living together without being married and how it wasn’t right. Now, she sees it differently, but those old judgments are still affecting her.
And so that is part of where we’re going as we step back in with our beautiful volunteer, Kelly. Here we go.
Even if we set this topic aside for a moment, I have seen people who are very, very happy in life, who maybe had a lot of judgments toward money in the past. Where they had all of these judgments about people with money, and then they start making more and more money. And they start feeling guilty or bad or self-punishment for that very reason also.
The Subconscious Connection
And so my point is exactly that—that when we have a judgment toward something from the past, we really have to clear it all the way from the subconscious mind to create that shift. And what you’ll notice is, again, we mentioned, I mentioned previously that as we go deeper into this topic, more things start to emerge where she can see that the feelings really are all around her, and yet she’s been suppressing them.
And by the way, most people do that. I did that. Most people do that. That we have some type of emotion that we don’t want to feel. And instead of really releasing it, we’ll justify it, argue with it, or even suppress it. And we don’t realize we’re still feeling it.
And so that’s another thing that I just love about this episode—you can really see how much she’s tried really hard to suppress these feelings instead of release them, which is ultimately what you want to do to be able to heal.
Brandy: So that’s where we’re going as we step back in with a beautiful Kelly. Here we go.
Brandy: So I’m going to ask you to breathe. So notice how much you judged it as being wrong.
Kelly: Yes.
Brandy: Now I want you to notice how much you were righteous over the idea of anybody else. “It was wrong.” Can you see that?
Kelly: I was the worst.
Brandy: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait. No, you don’t get to say, “I was the worst.”
Kelly: Okay.
Brandy: “I have opportunities for improvement.”
Kelly: (Laughs) Okay, great.
Brandy: I told a friend that. I said, “I think that’s a horrible idea to move in with your boyfriend. And he’s never going to marry you.” And I had to go apologize to her several years ago. I’m so sorry I was so judgmental and such a bad friend. So, yes, I was very righteous, and it was very wrong.
Brandy: Okay, so I’m going to ask you to breathe. Notice how that felt, by the way, to let that go. Even as you said that, did you notice the difference?
Kelly: Bingo.
Brandy: Great. So notice your level of pain. Zero to ten, what’s your level?
Kelly: I feel a little better.
Brandy: Yeah.
Kelly: Yep.
Brandy: What’s your level?
Kelly: Um…uh…yeah, I’m feeling quite a bit better.
Brandy: Uh-huh. What’s your level?
Kelly: Maybe like a one, two?
Brandy: What do you get?
Kelly: I would get about a…but, uh, so right under a one is what I have. But, but wait, stand up for a second.