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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made. that changed my health and my entire life. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this.
Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level. I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind. And then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind and body. Your emotions and your energy to help you heal your health, yourself and your life.
Let's begin.
Hello and welcome. It is so wonderful to connect with you. Welcome to this week's quick IQ episode where we talk about insights and questions. And today I want to talk about really finding the opportunity in today and even getting unstuck just because, you know, there are so many people who are feeling this.
underlying lack of motivation, even though there's a feeling of wanting to change your life or wanting to take your life to the next level. There's also for a lot of people this stuckness and this feeling of having a hard time getting themselves to follow through. So I'm seeing a lot of that in my And not only that, but you know, on the last episode, we were talking about living life to its fullest.
And if you recall, on the last episode, I worked with my beautiful cousin, and she had been having a lot of upset and frustration towards her experience with COVID, which was, of course, you know, scary, feeling like she wasn't able to breathe and not knowing where she was and, you know, it just being in the hospital and so many different things.
And I know that a lot of people are experiencing. A variety of different uncertainties at a subconscious level that are impacting them. And just the way that there were many things that had impacted her and she is such a beautiful being. I mean, I can't say how much I just admire and adore her. I mean, she's just truly has a beautiful heart and a great self awareness, but of course, when a person goes through a time of uncertainty and fear, physical fear of not being able to breathe and also, you know, medical drugs with it that are making her hallucinate, you know, it messes with your mind in a particular way.
And so that of course can get a variety of different emotions stuck in your subconscious mind. And so we're going to talk about that. Also, I mentioned that I would share with you what I shared with her daughter, which was all about opportunity In this time and really has to do with also, you know, making the most of this day and what is going on today, because the truth of it is, is that there are so many people who are experiencing a lot of subconscious uncertainty, which is inhibiting motivation to want to live life fully, and it's keeping people feeling like, you know, they want to sit on the couch or just can't get themselves motivated.
And that's what I want to talk about also is being willing to find the opportunity really from all angles. You know, if you've listened to me on past episodes, we talked about that there were more millionaires. created during the Great Depression than any other time in history. And that statement isn't all about money.
What it's really about is that, you know, if you think about the time of the Great Depression, there were a lot of people who who were living in fear and uncertainty and lack and, you know, all, having all of these emotions come up. And there were other people who were looking for the opportunity. Now, of course, it's not about being an opportunist, so to speak, in a negative way, where you're looking for something that's opportune.
only self serving, but if you're looking for the opportunity right now in this time, then typically that opportunity should also be a way of helping others. You know, for example, when I was talking to my cousin's daughter, you know, my second cousin, when I was talking to her, she Is working on going to college for a profession.
I mean, and she's honestly, she's, she's so smart and she's so on top of it. And she's just, I mean, she's 18 or 19, but she's just a brilliant light and she's so smart and she's got her dreams ahead of her. And one of the things that her and I talked about. was how she could make the most of right now, you know.
She's been working on going to college for a certain profession and working, you know, a side job, you know, for a teenager, a side job. And one of the things that I talked to her about was just that the awareness that there are so many jobs open right now that she can begin working in that profession, at least as an assistant in some way, Right now and when you start looking at the opportunities There are so many available for her specific things and I'm not going to share her Specific dream just because I didn't clear it with her ahead of time and also, you know I'm so used to working with people who are entrepreneurs or celebrities who are working on something That's you know, it's their thing And so I always want to keep people's dreams to their self until they're ready to reveal them So i'm just going to leave that in her space, but I'm just seeing this everywhere.
And for example, another person, he is actually wanting to be a holistic vet and he's been working towards that, but he's not yet where he needs to be with all of his schooling. However, There are so many opportunities right now inside of veterinary hospitals and even holistic vet services Just because the amount of people who have adopted pets during COVID I mean you've probably heard before that so many people have adopted pets, myself included.
You know, I rescued a cat who is just unbelievable. He is literally the most loving little being that I could possibly ask for, and he's just so sweet and snuggly. He's this Balinese, and he just has these most beautiful eyes. Beautiful blue eyes, and he's just precious. He actually has a desk right next to mine in my studio room where I record everything.
And typically he lays right here with me as I am broadcasting these and just loves and adds his positive energy to the mix. So just precious. And by the way, speaking of opportunities, he was actually my opportunity during this time, just because. Prior to COVID I had been traveling and speaking and so it wasn't an optimal time to be able to get another animal just because I wanted to make sure that I was home, especially during those younger years, to be able to really bond and connect and train and all of that.
All of those things. And so that was one of the things that I did was take this opportunity to create my bond with my little guy. And he's just precious and just adds so much more love and silliness to my life. He's, he's playful. He's just, he's beautiful. And I love that I've been able to take this opportunity to really bond and connect with him.
So it just, it worked out perfect timing. But the point that I want you to note is just that there are really a lot of opportunities to expand your life in a variety of different ways right now, but a lot of the things that are happening for people is that there's this subconscious uncertainty, you know, there's this feeling.
Like, I don't know what's happening or even this frustration or upset or anger about what's going on in the world or feeling like a victim or, you know, you know, upset about the supply chain or upset about politics or upset about just, you know, so many different things. And unfortunately there are a lot of people who are stuck there either consciously or or subconsciously.
And even the way that I'm seeing it show up subconsciously for people is this feeling of uncertainty in their dreams of what they were going after. For example, you know, there have been a lot of people who maybe they had this vision of life where they wanted to move forward and do this with their life and maybe get married and have a kid or they wanted to move to this country or that country or start this business or whatever it was.
But just a lot of people who have had these ambitions to do things in life have felt like there's this uncertainty. Where are we going to be in a year from now? Where are we going to be two years from now? And, and so it's kind of like many people have put their dreams on hold in one way or another, even again, if it's just at a subconscious level, because, you know, I've seen plenty of people who consciously.
still want to get to their next dream, still want to create this or that or whatever it is, still want to heal, you know, still working towards something, but subconsciously they're feeling what they're describing as quote unquote lazy. And for a lot of people that laziness isn't just about them being quote unquote lazy per se, but really about not feeling a sense of certainty.
In life to move forward, you know, if you're here, you've probably heard the famous quote before by Henry Ford that says whether you believe you can or you believe you can't, either way, you're right. And for a lot of people, because there's that uncertainty. Where, you know, where before you may have thought, maybe I can do this.
And there was a strong feeling that you could possibly, for a lot of people, because of uncertainty, it's like, well, can I really, is it going to really happen? Is it not? And what can happen is because the level of certainty has gone down, the level of. willingness to follow through. And that authentic drive and motivation has gone down for a lot of people also.
And so maybe this message is for you and you've noticed this in your life, or maybe you have kids in your life, maybe your kids, maybe nieces, nephews, or something like that, but maybe you have kids in your life that this message can be applied to where you see that. They're having more uncertainty in their own future because this is impacting younger generations a lot where there's so much uncertainty or unknown in the future that They're kind of, you know, putting their life on pause or they're not sure how to move forward or they're simply missing out on opportunity that they could otherwise be taking advantage of such as, you know, the holistic vet example of, okay, well, let me get my foot in the door here, you know, because there are so many jobs open.
I'd highly recommend that to anybody. looking to get into a particular field to look at what those job openings are and see if you can get a foot in the door because there's just so much opportunity at this time. And again, it's not all about it being just self serving. When you think about the opportunity and you look for it, if you're really filling the opportunity, it's going to help people.
It's going to help everybody. It's going to help those around you in one way or another. And so, it's really a beautiful thing. And, in looking for the opportunity, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's an employment piece. Maybe it's figuring out and having a solution for different things that are going on in our world right now.
Because, if you look around, There are a lot of things that are going on that could use a solution. And so point being is that if your mind is stuck in a feeling of fear or uncertainty or upset or frustration towards everything that's going on, is that you'll want to definitely shift that so you can thrive during this time.
Now I'm going to tell you. There are going to be a lot of people here who hear me saying this, who think to themselves, Yeah, I know I've had feelings of fear or uncertainty or anger towards everything, and they know that it's there, and they know that it's buried in their subconscious mind. You know, because if you can still feel an emotion, It's still inside of you, just like if you open the refrigerator and yesterday's food is sitting inside the refrigerator, you know, you have leftovers or whatever it is, then it's there.
And so, when it comes to the subconscious mind, so many people don't realize that if you can, right now, think to yourself, Oh, gosh, I remember being fearful. Or think to yourself, I remember feeling angry at everything. You know, a lot of people think, Oh, well, yeah, but I'm not doing that today. Right now I'm happy.
And so they leave that there, which would be like walking past the fridge and looking inside and going, yes, there's yesterday's leftovers and it's in the fridge, but it's not bothering me. I'm okay that it's there. Now, of course, yesterday's leftovers in the fridge isn't really a concern, but when you have emotions that, you know, are there.
That you say, Oh, well, it's not bothering me right now. And you keep going. What most people don't realize is that they are showing up in one way or another. Whether you realize it or not. And so you might be thinking to yourself, you know what? Yes, this isn't me. Yeah, I know those are there, but I don't want to deal with them.
I would strongly encourage you to really look at anything that is there and see Transform it and feel empowered, feel excited about this time, feel alive, feel that there's an opportunity, feel that there's an excitement, feel that whatever it is, like, feel like you're going to take your life, your health, your everything to the next level and fully embody Those feelings, because all too often people are overlooking what they really feel, and instead they're sending white light or sending energy or creating a vision for what it is that they want and completely pretending like these other feelings.
that are really here don't matter. And that's what a lot of people believe is that, Oh, well, yeah, those are there, but it doesn't really matter, but they do. That's the thing is they do matter. They do show up. Whether you realize it or not. So you can have these feelings thinking like, oh, yeah, it's a fearful time But I I've let that go and I'm okay and you're going about your day and you're happy go lucky Just like doing whatever and you feel like that emotion that's stuffed down in your subconscious mind isn't bothering you at all and You're just going throughout your day and it could be nice and you're going to do this and that.
And then, oh, there's this fearful flash of something on the news. And then there's this, you know, fearful thing that happens over there or this fearful whatever that happens over there. And you go, God, there's just these things around, but that's okay. I'm going to keep my positivity about me or whatever it is.
But what people don't realize is these are the emotions. These are the feelings that you'll want to change. These are the things that get buried in the subconscious mind that have influence on your life and your energy and your health and your level of motivation and all kinds of things. Your happiness, your love.
I mean all kinds of things. These emotions that get shoved aside or ignored are the things that can impact every part of your life. And so that said, I want to do two things. Number one, I'm going to hold a live free community uplift call where I will get on a zoom call and help people program in positivity on a live call.
So the live call will be about 15 to 20 minutes or so. And it's basically just me. It's about helping you to program positivity into your mind. So just like if you've been listening to other episodes and you've heard me work with people to help them to reprogram their mind, to release pain and all kinds of things on this free live community call.
That's what I'll be doing is helping you to shift your energy and your mindset and helping you to really access even more positive emotion and understand. Programming your mind at a deeper level and you'll get to experience it firsthand. So I want to go ahead and do that. And part of the reason is because I'm seeing so many people who are stuck.
And the other reason is because it is Thanksgiving here in the U S and I wanted to do something to bring in even more positivity and love and just give to you guys in a most wonderful way. You know, when I'm sitting here in my life. Thinking about all of the things that I am grateful for. One of those things is just this connection.
with you, you know, and I would say this connection for me, you know, just being able to feel your energy is just a beautiful connection. And just knowing that our world is waking up to a bigger level of consciousness and expanding positive energy and health and healing and all of that. It's just, it's something that my soul is just so grateful for.
And I just felt like, It's a great way to just expand the love and happiness and joy and health and healing and all of that even more. And so that said, I will have my team leave a link in the show notes and you'll be able to click that if you are somebody who does want to join this free uplifting call, but the URL.
is brandygilmore. com slash thanks 2021. So that's the link for it. And again, I'll have my team leave it in the show notes. And if you want to join, come join me. It will be a ton of positive energy and helping to create that mind shift and get new programming. into your mind and energy. So I love that. And the second thing I want to do is I want to give you a few ideas on how you can also begin to shift this in your life.
If you've noticed yourself feeling a bit more stuck or having a lot less motivation or, you know, trying to get yourself to follow through, but it's not happening and it's, you've noticed that it's specific towards this time with COVID, then What I would do is I would really look at what emotions have come up for you during this time.
You know, if you are somebody who has felt a lot of fear and uncertainty, and you've been feeling that make a list of reasons why you are safe. And you know, This time will pass. And so I would, you know, make a list of reasons, anything you can think of, whether it's big or small, you could literally say I'm safe because I know that the universe, God, divine is keeping me safe.
You could also say something like, you know, I know that there was the pandemic, the Spanish flu a hundred years ago, and we made it on the other side of that. So I know we're going to make it on the other side of this, or you could even say, you know, there's, Always a chicken little story, if you will. You know, the sky is always falling, so to speak.
I mean, there was Y2K, the world was supposed to end in the year 2000, and there was the end of the Mayan calendar when, you know, everything was supposed to end and, you know, there's been many of times during only my lifetime that the world was quote unquote, supposed to end and, We're still here. And so if you are somebody who has been feeling all that uncertainty, I would just make a list of all the reasons that you know you're safe and start getting your mind on board with that.
Or if you are somebody who has been feeling angry and upset about these times going on, I want you to look at it in a different way where you say, look, I could be angry or upset like a lot of people are or are not. I could let that go, and I could look around and realize that the collective feeling angry or upset or, you know, frustrated about something that's going on is not serving them in any way, unfortunately.
It's not helping anything. It's just adding, unfortunately, more negativity to the collective, and instead saying, okay, well, I can find A bunch of reasons why I could feel angry or why I could feel upset or frustrated or uncertain or whatever it is. Sure I could, but it's not serving anything, so instead Let me let that go and start focusing on the opportunity that is going on right now.
And that way, by focusing on the opportunity, I can improve my life, and I can also, in one way or another, serve others in my community, because whatever I'm doing, All right. So that said, I hope that there is something that you're able to take from this to help shift your mind. Whether you come join me on the live call, or you look at maybe a subconscious emotion that has been going on and you shift it because all of the time people don't realize how much these subconscious emotions are going on.
are holding them back or that are keeping them from really following through and feeling excited about life. And so if you are noticing any of those subconscious emotions, the fear or the uncertainty or upset or whatever it is, if you are noticing that, I would strongly recommend shifting it because when you do, you'll notice yourself organically feeling better, feeling happier and showing up for life even more when you do that, which of course can even create more love in your life because when you're happy and when you're feeling good, it's easier to connect with others.
It's also easier to attract more loving beings around you. And so whatever way you want to look at this, I would really encourage you to look within and notice, even if there are any subtleties and begin creating those shifts so you can step into even more of the love, the opportunity, the joy, and the high vibration energy in your life, which of course can help you connect even more with universe, God, divine, and create an even better life.
And so that said, it has been such a pleasure connecting with you. And as always, if you know somebody who can benefit from this episode, please make sure to share it, share it with somebody you love, somebody you care about, or somebody you don't even know. You know, the more. Empowered and uplifted and happy and positive our entire world is, the better it is for all of us.
And so thank you so much for sharing it. Thank you so much for being here. Happy, beautiful day. Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who are in the U S or who celebrate Thanksgiving and happy, beautiful day to everybody else. I wish you a most incredible, fabulous day. rest of your day. And I look forward to connecting with you on the next episode or actually even on the live call.
So either way, I look forward to connecting with you. We'll see you soon. Have an incredible rest of your day.
Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. All of the time, people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touch their heart or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness. Of how amazing we all really are.
If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about, or those, you know, who really need it as more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point. And the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone.
What we are all capable of. And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming, to maintain their results. But the point is for you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life, if you really understand how to use your mind, you're incredible.
And I do want to be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own. I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made. You'll want to remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people realize. That said, if you want to send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website at And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well. Lastly, Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you'll want to continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you're capable of with your mind.
Thank you.