Brandy Gillmore, PhD. ~ TEDx Speaker ~ #1 Radical Results Healing Coach

Don't Let Your Life Pass You By...

Step into YOUR Power and Learn to Heal Yourself Today!  

All of the time people have spent 10, 20+ years or more trying to heal. Despite tons of effort, they have not been able to figure it out. (The mind works MUCH different than most people realize.)

 Learn to master YOUR mind today! 

Remember, you have to DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT to get a different result!

…its time to learn how to get real results!) 😊

Are You Ready To Heal?

Are you ready to feel better today?! 

ALL of the time people who go through the course are able to: 

  • Successfully heal themselves!
  • Improve LOVE and relationships
  • Increase happiness and joy!!
  • Feel differently – and great about their own LIFE!
  • Have more energy and excitement for LIFE
  • Feel empowered AND more connected to God/the Universe.
  • Understand how to work with their mind to create a REAL change! 
  • Financial gains (which helps to relieve stress).
  • Feel more confidence and safer in LIFE!!

…and more

Remember, only YOU can take the steps to change YOUR life! Are you ready? 

Proven Tools & Techniques To Heal Yourself

Under thermal medical equipment, the results of this technique is mind-blowing!

This process is different when you are implementing this on yourself. However, this course was created to help you get these same results by:

  • Simple tools and techniques that are easy to implement into your daily life. 
  • Gain eye-opening insights and a deeper understanding of what IS happening to align with healing. (Much of the process is counterintuitive.)
  • Helping you gain clarity on the specific things you will want to change in your mind to get rapid and lasting results. 

Use Simple But Powerful, Advanced Mind-Programming Techniques to Help You Get Radical Results

✅  Access the mind-body database to get information about YOUR SPECIFIC ailment 

✅ Identify & Transform the 5 Factors For Mind-Body Healing

✅ Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Mind-Energy Release Technique

✅ The “4 MBS Needs” (Mind-Body-Soul Needs for Healing)

✅ Fast Track Mind-Programming Integrations  

✅ 180 Shift”

✅  Mind-Body-Energy Release Technique

✅  Stress Interrupt & Freedom Technique 

We are ALL more amazing than we realize! 

The placebo is PROOF of that. And even if you DON'T “believe”…that's ok. IT CAN STILL WORK!
These people (below) were amazed and SURPRISED at what THEY were able to do (and so were their doctors!)
Remember Zhena? Her doctor canceled her surgery after she healed her own tumor using these exact methods. (And there are others below)

From this POWERFUL 60 second VIDEO You can SEE:

Zhena is standing outside the hospital on the day she was scheduled to get a tumor removed from her throat. 
  • She worked with her mind to release energy blocks and old patterns and the next day could no longer feel the tumor.
  • Her doctor canceled the surgery. He said “I can't operate on something that's no longer there“.
  • Zhena got back her $1,200 Copay!

1 INCREDIBLE Video Course PLUS 6 additional BONUSES


 Item #1: 


Get real, tangible results!

👉 Learn How to Master YOUR mind (the placebo is proof that our minds are amazing). Learn how to access YOUR abilities!

👉 Implement key insights most people overlook (when you understand your mind, you will see why so many people are stuck and what YOU'LL want to do instead!)

👉  Immediately begin shifting (and lifting) your mindset to start healing YOURSELF! 

👉  As you change your mind, and your health, it becomes life-changing. (On my journey, my goal was to heal myself. I wanted to get my life back. But as we genuinely change ourselves, it changes our lives! And it changed my entire life in the best way. And I see that all of the time with people). 

👉 Gain feelings of happiness, confidence, lightness and joy.

👉  Release hurtful negative emotions/programming buried deep in your subconscious mind. (Many people don't realize that they have negative programming in their subconscious minds that is weighing them down. I didn't!  BUT, then I learned how to use my mind and, not ONLY did I heal! I also experienced a whole new level of lightness and feeling empowered. So much so that my injury turned into a life-changing gift. That is my hope for you. 

This is not a course to simply meditate or just send energy or merely “think positive”… It is set up with a database so you can focus on what you need for YOUR specific ailment(s) to help you heal and transform your life today!!

4 EASY But Powerful Steps To Learn to Get The GIFT In Healing. 

The GIFT Method™ 
STEP 1 ~ “G”: Get New Mind Programming & Expand Your Mindset 

This step contains a series of instructional videos to help you: 

  • Gain clarity and a solid understanding of how the mind/body connection works for healing and life transformation.  
  •  Understand how to keep it simple so you can focus on radical results.
  • Avoid common mistakes. Many people let their minds get caught up in the information and never achieve the transformation. 
  • Begin programming your subconscious mind for a healthy, happy, loving, and successful life! 
  • Use simple, but powerful tools and techniques to program the energy so it emanates throughout your body, allowing you to move to the next step with a solid foundation for healing.
  • Program new positive neural pathways to support your happiness and healing. 
  • Address the first factor for self-healing. (There are 5 Hidden Factors for Self-Healing)


The GIFT Method™

STEP 2 ~ “I”: Identify The Specific Emotional-Energetic Connections

This step contains a series of instructional videos to help you: 

  • Identify the specific energy (both positive AND negative) that is linked in your mind to the ailment. (Access the mind-body database to get specific information for your particular ailment(s). 

  •  Clarify the specific information you need to program into your mind (and also what to let go of) to get rapid results. 

  • Every ailment has specific energies and emotions connected to it, so Brandy has set up this course so that YOU can get clarity on this information and heal yourself. 

  • Understand the importance of “core energy” vs “transmission energy” and the key to getting tangible, lasting results.

     This step feels PROFOUND! And full of ah-ha moments!!  

    It is common for pretty much everyone to have a profound WOW moment! 

The GIFT Method™

STEP 3 ~ “F”: Free Yourself From Negative Mind Programming 

This step contains a series of instructional videos to help you: 

This step is FREEING!

  •  Learn powerful tools and techniques that you can use to free yourself from negative energy and emotions.

  • Discover the different ways the brain stores information and utilize them to release different emotions and energy with ease so you can transform your health & life.
  • Address and clear up mis-wired emotions and negative energetic/emotional Associations to transform them into healthy, positive mind programming.
  • Expand your consciousness and embrace new paradigm shifts.
  • Address the 3, 4, and 5 Hidden Factor for Self-Healing.

This step helps you feel: free, light, empowered, and truly embodying transformation! 

The GIFT Method™

STEP 4 ~ “T”: Transform It!

This step contains a series of instructional videos to help you: 

  • Free yourself fron negative mind programming  (both positive to create lasting changes 

  •  Learn the Energy H.E.A.L diet for lasting change.

  •  Uncover hidden patterns of disconnect that lead to disease and how to transform them.

  •  Learn to step into your new self-identity to transform multiple areas of your life. 

** Personally, I would not have been able to heal myself ~nor be able to help others heal themselves ~ without these 4 critical steps of G.I.F.T.  

They are KEY for getting real, tangible results! 

Item #2:

Bonus Course:
7 Steps to Learn to Get Answers from Your Body! ...and Your Energy!

7 Steps to Learn to Get Answers From Your Own Body & Energy

Learn how to start getting answers from your own energy and body today.  Many people at one point or another feel called to learn more about how the energy of the body works in order to get more in touch with their own body for insights.
learn to get answers from your own body and energy



Item #3:

Morning Self-Healing Activator



This powerful mind and energy activation combines brain entrainment, subliminal, audibles, binaural beats, and energetic frequencies to help you self-heal. 

Item #4:

Stress Release & Empowerment Mind Activator



A unique blend of audible mind exercises combined with subliminal, brain entrainment binaural beats and energetic frequencies. 

Item #5:

Authentic Love Mind Activator



A powerful and expansive MP3 to help you open your heart, mind and your energy to attract more love into your life and to let go of hurt and negative blocks.  The recording includes a special blend of subliminals, brain entrainment, binaural beats, and energetic frequencies. 

Item #6:

Peaceful Sleep Mind Activator



As we all know, lack of sleep can result in increased irritability, stress, and frustration, which can make it hard or nearly impossible to maintain happiness, optimal energy levels and an authentic zest for life. 

This sleep activator powerfully combines brain entrainment, subliminal binaural beats, and energetic frequencies, as well as helps get the body in a state for optimal self-healing to take place. 

Item #7:


Join From Illness To Wellness

Get access to exclusive self-healing tools and skills not available anywhere else.

1 Payment Option:
From Illness To Wellness
Course + Bonuses

ONLY $197

*One simple payment

$502 value

The complete online video course that walks you, step-by-step, through the self-healing process! 

3 Payment Option:
From Illness To Wellness
Course + Bonuses


*3 Simple Payments

$502 value

The complete online video course that walks you, step-by-step, through the self-healing process!

100% Money Back Risk-Free Guarantee

You can sign up today and begin the course RISK-FREE. If you go through the program, follow the steps and use the techniques to create authentic change, you should be able to heal your body! I have seen consistent results! However, nobody can ever provide you with a guarantee when it comes to your health. That would be against the United States law. So, the next best thing I can do is offer you a guarantee on the course itself.

If you are skeptical or unsure if this is for you, I want to offer you a 7-day money-back guarantee.

Simply sign up now, follow through with the simple process that is outlined for you, and if you are not completely 100% satisfied then just email us within the first 7-days and get your full money back. It’s that easy.

OUR MINDS are incredible!! 

Yes! That includes YOU! We are all incredible beings!
Look at what our members have been able to achieve! (This and soo much more!)

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Simply Amazing”.
“I can't say enough wonderful things about Brandy and her entire support team. She is the most giving, loving person and she's truthful when she says she wants to help others heal. I have witnessed first hand what her work can do to help others accomplish their goals. She helped my sister heal herself from having multiple autoimmune diagnoses and being bedridden for six or more years. Yes, she went back to her doctor afterwards and has been undiagnosed and is living the most fantastic life now! I am now also working with Brandy to manifest the changes I want for my life and I'm so excited. I KNOW THIS WORKS, I just have to do the work! For those that are feeling hopeless and scared I really really recommend at least starting with the video series. I am only through week one and am already feeling changes within myself and my perception of the world.” – Meg S.  

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ My shoulder has completely healed
”I was going to have surgery on my shoulder for a torn rotator cuff and a tear on my labrum. I had these tears for some time but the pain had become unbearable and the doctors said surgery was the only option. My pain level was a 10 and my left arm was basically useless. She talked to me about the power to heal with our thoughts. I believe in positive thinking but was very skeptical… Brandy suggested I try using the power of my thoughts to relieve the pain… Since implementing the process (which she taught me in a very short time) my shoulder has completely healed. I have been literally pain free and have full use of my arm. If on the occasion, I ever get pain somewhere else in my body I am able to work through a thought process and alleviate the pain by myself. It is truly amazing, empowering and life changing! ~ Theresa S., CA


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Now I’m drug-free and pain-free. 
“Brandy, in less than two weeks of working with you, I was pain free. The detox from all the narcotics was very hard, but now I’m drug-free and pain-free! The nerve numbness is also just a memory. I’m going to send someone special to you soon. But really, I wanted to be completely pain/drug free, and make music, and listen to my Angels give me divine guidance like never before, so that I could send you complete love and gracious thanks for your energy and “persistence” in seeing me into this new life. Words are not enough, but thank you, thank you, thank you!” – Daniel


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️  After so many years in pain, I am astonished
“After so many years in pain, I am astonished that after one appointment my arms feel so much better. You definitely have a way of teaching how using the mind to take away pain and amazing insight. Thank you!” – C.F


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I was supine for 6 years. I got my life back.
”…Where I was this time last year was so different. I was so sick. I had been supine for 6 years. I was in crazy pains and I had so many different allergies and things… But, I got my ENTIRE life back, all of it… I am walking and running and playing and travelling all over the country, doing fun things with my kids and being a mom…” – Andrea


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I just really loved it!
”…My neck pain is gone. I feel so safe. I feel like, everything is gonna be good! I experienced it and I just really loved it” – Henriette Novack


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I tried to express the intensity of this moment but words fail me.
“Listening to the power activator today, I had a huge release of energy! I can’t even describe it!!! Like time was folding on top of itself! I have so much excitement. Someday, I want to be like you. I can’t even express how grateful I am you came into my life. Your program is amazing and you just get it!! I tried to express the intensity of this moment but words fail me. It was just amazing, a moment I’ll never ever forget.” – Andrea J.


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ After our first group call, I feel without pain.
“Today, after our first group call, I feel without pain. How amazing is this? I am on the journey to being confident, healthy and amazing thanks to you. Cannot wait til next session. Doing my homework. May you be blessed for what you are doing for all of us.” – Monique


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ At 73 years of age, I have energy and physical endurance to spare,
“When I first met with Brandy about one year ago, I was pretty healthy, but wanted to optimize, and wanted Brandy to do mostly energy work for me around emotional issues. Brandy not only zeroed in on emotional activity going on in me. Today, thanks to Brandy, I am amazingly much happier, more confident, and outgoing. At 73 years of age, I have energy and physical endurance to spare, AND…I lost 20 pounds, going from a size 10 to a size 4 without even intending that to happen. Life has new potential and meaning for me, and I’m not stopping here!”– Joanne Davis

When people transform their health using their mind, it doesn't just change your health, it can change multiple areas of your life!

People commonly experience:

  • Success at healing your own physical body.
  • More money & improved finances.
  • Feeling deeper connections & a sense of love in your relationships. 
  • Feeling more strength and vitality in your body.
  • Positive transformation in multiple areas of your life (money, career, etc.).
  • Watching more and more of your goals and desires manifest effortlessly.
  •  And so much more…

Questions About the Course?

Explore the FAQ and find your a

The great thing about doing the course online is that you can go at your own pace, which will be important because everybody is coming with a different issue.

Some people might have what are considered to be more minor issues while others, as you can see from our testimonials, have been bedridden and had lifetime illnesses that they've overcome.

So again, the first thing to know is that you can take your time, and decide how quickly you move through the course. Now for the average person, it may take about 2-3 weeks to go through the course. However, we encourage you to take your time as Brandy always says, the bigger the shift, the bigger the gift. As you go through the course it is truly transformational.

And not only will you learn new information, insights, and techniques, but even just by following through with each step, you will radically feel differently.

And so we encourage you to take your time and embrace the transformation fully. Go at whatever pace feels best for you.

Once you purchase the course, it does not expire, you will have unlimited viewing access in your account. Simply log in to enjoy unlimited viewing access to the video course.

The great thing about doing the course online is that you can go at your own pace, which will be important because everybody is coming with a different issue.

Some people might have what are considered to be more minor issues while others, as you can see from our testimonials, have been bedridden and had lifetime illnesses that they've overcome.

So again, the first thing to know is that you can take your time, and decide how quickly you move through the course. Now for the average person, it may take about 2-3 weeks to go through the course. However, we encourage you to take your time as Brandy always says, the bigger the shift, the bigger the gift. As you go through the course it is truly transformational.

And not only will you learn new information, insights, and techniques, but even just by following through with each step, you will radically feel differently.

And so we encourage you to take your time and embrace the transformation fully. Go at whatever pace feels best for you.

Once you purchase the course, it does not expire, you will have unlimited viewing access in your account. Simply log in to enjoy unlimited viewing access to the video course.

This is a question that we get all of the time, and what's incredible about this process is it really has to do with your body healing itself. And so far knock on wood, we've never seen anybody who's created the real change and not be able to get their body to heal themselves from all types of things. So it's not us who's doing the healing – it is your body.

And what we have found is when we use the mind in the correct way, the body has an innate ability to heal itself, and we see people do this from “incurable” illnesses all of the time. In fact, it's the norm, just like Brandy.


Most people who have gone through this course have been told there's no form of healing that can help their particular ailment. That's the very reason that they turned to this specific method, so that is the norm and we truly do truly believe that when your mind-body-soul is in alignment, your body will use its ability to heal itself.

We have seen people achieve REAL healing results with all kinds of ailments:

ALL types of pain

Injuries: ligaments, rotator cuffs, etc.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

POTS – Tachycardia





Chronic Migraines



Blood Sugar/Diabetes











Kidney issues



People unable to lose weight

Life-threatening illnesses




High blood pressure

And MANY more…

Please Note: We know that there are over 10,000 different illnesses. The above is just a short list as we would not be able to list 10,000 here.

But what we can say is we do have a specific mind-body ailment database that you have access to inside the course that helps provide information that is specific to your particular issue.

Our database is very complete and has information listed for every ailment that we've ever worked with. And if you don’t find your ailment inside the database, you can simply reach out to us and we will make sure to add your specific ailment to the database.

Please note: access to the MBApp does not include access for friends or family, or all kinds of additional ailments or health issues. This database is set up to directly address any ailments that you have as of right now coming into the course.

In fact, you can check out some of our testimonials.

Here's the link:

If you've seen a demonstration where Brandy demonstrates radical healing results, even under thermal medical equipment, it's quite amazing.


But what you want to keep in mind is that even when she demonstrates that with the person, they need to follow through to re-program to continue to make sure to get that programming and to further make a real change.


What's also important to note is that Brandy has been using the discoveries that are in the video set to actually get these real results. And so she makes it look easier than it really is.


And so the point being much like Michael Jordan makes it look really very easy to make a slam dunk in basketball, it took years and years of training to be able to do that.


And so, in short, yes, you will learn the keys behind what Brandy is really doing to create these radical healing results so you can implement them on yourself.

Likely you won't get results in 10 minutes. But of course, you can. 

We've seen people go through the course and release their pain even in the first week of going through the steps.

But what you want to do is change those key hidden components that Brandy discusses in the key five factors of mind-body-healing in the course, as those specific keys make all of the difference to create that radical change.

It is Brandy's heartfelt desire for everyone to have access to healing. She understand what it’s like to struggle financially. In addition to offering a payment plan for the course, you can also earn additional money by sharing her work as an affiliate partner

Some people take the course then share the links as they make progress to recoup their investment.

Others share the information and then use their commission to pay for the course. We support whatever is most comfortable for you. 

Actually, about 90% of the people who come through our course have actually been on the healing journey for many, many years.

Just like in Brandy's case where she had been trying all of the conventional treatments and “things”: supplements, diet, homeopathic treatments, meditation, visualization, theta states, binaural beats, frequencies, acupuncture, trauma healing – nothing worked. 

And that’s what we see all of the time from others entering the course. We’ve seen it all, and that’s our normal person who comes here and is able to get radical results. Again, you can see our testimonials:

So we would say yes, definitely. Brandy’s technique is unique and so too are the results that she’s been able to get from this course. 

About Brandy

Bettering life through self-healing

Brandy Gillmore, PhD.

Brandy Gillmore, Ph.D.  #1 Rapid Results Healing Coach, is a world-renowned mind/body energy expert who is most well-known for her discoveries in self-healing and working with the power of the mind to get tangible results. She has been able to demonstrate back-to-back physical healing results (even under thermal medical equipment) which is something that has never been done before. Her breakthrough work has been featured in an award-winning documentary and various docuseries. Brandy speaks on stages around the world and has also given a mind-expanding TEDx talk.

Brandy’s expertise in self-healing originated from her own devastating accident that left her disabled and living in excruciating pain despite being on multiple medications including morphine.

Brandy spent years of trial and error and was able to make incredible discoveries with the mind that ultimately enabled her to heal herself. Today she uses these same discoveries to help others also get radical life-changing results.

Today Brandy works with top celebrities, Olympic athletes, CEOs, entrepreneurs, and groups worldwide sharing her cutting-edge discoveries. She is also currently working with conventional establishments to help advance traditional research and help bridge the gap between science and spirituality.

FREE 2-Hour Master Training Class

Heal Yourself, Change Your Life