Frequently Asked Questions
Why Is Mind Programming So Hard?
What Is The Importance Of Biophotons?
Why Is It Important To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind?
What Is The Gift In Healing?
“Thank you, Brandy, for showing me how to relieve my pain so quickly! After suffering from intense leg pain for over two years, I met one of your clients who recommended you highly as the one person who could help me. My pain was growing more intense every month, and at moments was reaching a level of 10. I had been to my Primary Care Physician, as well as the Endocrinologist, both of whom couldn’t find the problem through lab tests. I spent hundreds of dollars visiting other practitioners, all without any relief. Then I found you. What you did for me that day was a miracle. With your special techniques you helped me discover the source of the pain through a mind/body connection, and within twenty minutes, yes just 20 minutes, ALL of my pain was gone. Since then, when the stressors in life begin to cause me physical pain, I use the same techniques you taught me, and within seconds all of the pain goes away.”
~ S. J. P.
“I’d been experiencing extreme neck pain for years. I was referred to Brandy, not really thinking what she did would work, but desperate to try anything. Somehow, she was able to immediately identify the stress that was affecting my body. She helped me to do a couple of mind exercises to change my energy. Even as I did these steps, the pain began dissipating until it was just gone! She is incredible. I thanked her for taking away my pain for me. She responded that I was the one who did it, and that she just coached me to use my own mind and energy. All I know was that I was pain free in just few minutes only… truly amazing! And it makes me want to understand more about what my mind can do.”
~ K.N.
I’ve noticed HUGE changes in myself…HUGE!!!! WOW! I’m SO appreciative and excited about the videos that I’ve encouraged my friend Sally to get them and work with them. I intend to encourage my group of Unity women to purchase the videos. They’re absolutely life-changing!”
~ Joanne Noll
The day before you came to see me, I was having suicidal thoughts. I just didn’t see the point of living this life and being a burden. You really changed my life. I can’t thank you enough.”
~ CS
WOW WOW WOW! I am infinitely grateful to you. Thank you for your caring, loving work with me (and fun, too, I might add). I SO appreciate all you’re helping me to activate and release. I’m feeling the difference today already! And I love how you do what you do. I drank in the shifts and the newer found flow of energy last night while doing the ‘home-play’ assignments you gave me. Now I have even deeper clarity about this paradigm shift.
~ Eva-Lynn
Brandy, in less than two weeks of working with you, I was pain free. The detox from all the narcotics was very hard, but now I’m drug-free and pain-free! The nerve numbness is also just a memory. I’m going to send someone special to you soon. But really, I wanted to be completely pain/drug free, and make music, and listen to my Angels give me divine guidance like never before, so that I could send you complete love and gracious thanks for your energy and “persistence” in seeing me into this new life. Words are not enough, but thank you, thank you, thank you!”
~ Daniel
Listening to the power activator today, I had a huge release of energy! I can’t even describe it!!! Like time was folding on top of itself! I have so much excitement. Someday, I want to be like you. I can’t even express how grateful I am you came into my life. Your program is amazing and you just get it!! I tried to express the intensity of this moment but words fail me. It was just amazing, a moment I’ll never ever forget.”
~ Andrea J.
Today, after our first group call, I feel without pain. How amazing is this? I am on the journey to being confident, healthy and amazing thanks to you. Cannot wait til next session. Doing my homework. May you be blessed for what you are doing for all of us.”
~ Monique
I’m so grateful to Brandy for how quickly she was able to show me how to alleviate my own neck pain! In just one short session she coached me into a pain-free reality by helping me effectively use the power of my own mind. Thank you so much for your exceptional guidance!
~ Marianela
It’s been 24 days since I had a headache. That was the day we had our session. The longest I’ve gone without headaches for years prior to that was 4 days. So awesome not to even think about headaches anymore.”
~ S. V.
I twisted my ankle, and I could not walk on it without extreme pain. After only few minutes of talking to Brandy, she got in touch with my mental state and explained to me my energy. She walked me through the steps to change my mental state. When I did, my energy changed, and the pain was gone… it felt like a miracle!”
~ Natalia
I’ve worked with Brandy for ongoing coaching for my life, and every area of my life has changed. I went from criticizing myself, and having health issues and feeling stuck, frustrated and fearful about life, to truly being in love with life. I’m amazed at how much progress I’ve made in such a short time. She’s helped me to heal my both my physical and emotional pain using the power of my mind and my beliefs.”
~ H. S.
Brandy, within 24 hours of doing a session with you around my hot button issue about money, I had a client say ‘yes’ to a $25,000 bid!”
~ Randy Peyser
Brandy! Simply put, the pain is still gone! Words are not enough, but thank you, thank you, thank you!”
~ Bud
Thank you Brandy! I actually feel energetically different. Amazing. I have already referred two people to you!”
~ P. M.
I have been around the world working with the greatest intuitives, psychics and energy workers seeking truth, healing and enlightment, and I have never seen anyone with Brandy’s abilities. Brandy reads energy like most people read the yellow pages. Truly incredible.
~ F.D. – Peru
Hi Brandy, I just wanted to say THANK YOU!! Tomorrow is the BIG DAY! I will be moving from northern California to the beautiful coast, where I have always dreamed of living. Thanks to you and the things you taught me all my dreams are coming true. I had given up on myself but, with the help of your coaching and everything you have taught me, it has made me an AMAZING person. I have learned to love myself, set goals and bring into my life more of what I want. I can have it all ! I found a new place to live a new job within three days. When I set into motion all I have learned from you things started to happen so fast I could not believe It. The most important thing was being by my daughter and her beloved. I really have it all. You truly have a gift and I wish I had met you a lot sooner but it’s never to late. I am so happy with myself and my life. I am empowered like never before. I am in control of my happiness and the feeling is extraordinary! Wishing You The Best Life Has To Offer.
~ Lynn
After so many years in pain, I am astonished that after one appointment my arms feel so much better. You definitely have a way of teaching how using the mind to take away pain and amazing insight. Thank you!
~ C.F. Beverly Hills, CA
Most simply put, meeting you has been life changing on every level of my life. Thank you and God Bless!
~ Sara, Fresno
When I first met with Brandy about one year ago, I was pretty healthy, but wanted to optimize, and wanted Brandy to do mostly energy work for me around emotional issues. Brandy not only zeroed in on emotional activity going on in me. Today, thanks to Brandy, I am amazingly much happier, more confident, and outgoing. At 73 years of age, I have energy and physical endurance to spare, AND…I lost 20 pounds, going from a size 10 to a size 4 without even intending that to happen. Life has new potential and meaning for me, and I’m not stopping here!
~ Joanne Davis, CA
I saw Brandy and have had amazing results with her mind, body, soul and nutritional and supplement advice. Even my specialists are impressed with my status. I was at a visit with her and mentioned I was going to have surgery on my shoulder for a torn rotator cuff and a tear on my labrum. I had these tears for some time but the pain had become unbearable and the doctors said surgery was the only option. My pain level was a 10 and my left arm was basically useless. She talked to me about the power to heal with our thoughts. I believe in positive thinking but was very skeptical. How could my thoughts stop the pain from a physical tear. I went in for surgery but it was cancelled at the last minute because my platelet count was too low. Little did I know what a blessing that was. When I told Brandy what had happened she suggested I try using the power of my thoughts to relieve the pain. I had nothing to loose since I could not have the surgery and was still in severe pain. Since implementing the process (which she taught me in a very short time) my shoulder has completely healed. I have been literally pain free and have full use of my arm. If on the occasion, I ever get pain somewhere else in my body I am able to work through a thought process and alleviate the pain by myself. It is truly amazing, empowering and life changing!
~ Teresa S., CA