Next Level Embodiment Exercise ™

~ 4 -Week Class ~

Want to take your life to the next level?
Embody the new you…

After you've released old blocks, and started creating new positive emotions and experiences, it's time to expand even more and embody the new you. 

In this class we will learn to:

  • Embody the new positive mindset shifts to help lock in a sense of peace and happiness
  • Clear any blocks that have been keeping you from feeling comfortable in your own body and from stepping into your next best version of Self
  • Gain clarity of the 2 most common thought patterns that sabotage success – so you can avoid the ups and downs before it happens. (Or stop it if it's already happening)

If you have any questions, please contact my team at:

Class meets weekly from: March 5, 2020 – March 26, 2020

Investment:  $397

FREE 2-Hour Master Training Class

Heal Yourself, Change Your Life