4 Weekly Classes: $497

If you have any questions, please contact my team at:  support@brandygillmore.com

Class meets weekly starting:
 August 5, 2021 – August 26, 2021

Simple Network Mind programming™

~ 4 -Week Class ~

Ready to navigate your mind and program it for health and success?  

Learn to navigate your mind with this powerful technique to help you create radical changes to improve your health, relationships, wealth, and all areas of your life.  

In this class you will:

  • Discover how to reprogram your mind to build new neural pathways so you can FEEL happy, hopeful, and ALIVE.
  • Understand the importance of creating a network of positive feelings and emotions in your nervous system. 
  • Learn tools and techniques to create lasting positive change so you can finally move forward in up-leveling your health and life. 


FREE 2-Hour Master Training Class

Heal Yourself, Change Your Life