[00:00:00] Hi, I'm Brady Gillmore and welcome to today's Fast Track Mind Programming Integration and Uplift recording. Now as we dive into today's exercise, you'll want to remember that your goal will be to purposely bring in as many positive uplifting emotions as you possibly can and as you do so to purposely feel them.
[00:00:29] As we discuss letting go of negative emotions, you want to allow yourself to be open to the idea of letting go of hurt and negativity in your life. That said, let's begin. All right. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe,
[00:00:53] and I'm going to ask you just for a moment to close your eyes, and I'm going to invite you to take a nice deep breath[00:01:00]
[00:01:02] and bring in the awareness that your thoughts. Your emotions, your mindset helps create your life, your emotions, your emotions. It's kind of crazy how these little things that most of us spend our lives ignoring or burying or hiding or pretend don't exist. We're even feeling where our emotions have felt like they control us.
[00:01:29] We feel like, oh, I feel heavier off or blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and sucked in by them. That they actually, we can use them and transform them. They heal our bodies to transform our lives. So going from feeling weak compared to them, or like they're controlling us, to feel like we're in control of them. We decide, we program it in.
[00:01:55] We're in control.
[00:01:59] And I'm going [00:02:00] to ask you just for a moment. And take in that awareness and what that feels like we're in control of our own emotions. We program how we feel. We decide, program it into our minds, feel it, create a radical change, bingo. And I'm going to ask you to breathe.
[00:02:27] And I'm going to ask you to take that in and feel that
[00:02:33] now I'm going to ask you to think about the changes that you're working on making in your life, the changes that you are working on making in your life. And I'm going to ask you to bring in the awareness that making genuine change. is key. Real change.
[00:02:55] I'm going to ask you to breathe. And I want you just for a moment [00:03:00] to take in the awareness that I, to heal myself, I didn't change my emotions because I thought, Oh, well, I'm just going to change.
[00:03:14] I didn't change my emotions because I wanted to. I mean, if you think about the feeling of feeling a ton of fear, changing to feeling like life is safe, life is beautiful, life is wonderful. Think about that for a moment. For somebody to go into all this fear and then frustration, and then feeling like doctors are telling you you can't get better, and all these things to go from feeling that, and feeling more fear, and stuck in so many ways.
[00:03:49] To changing to feel like life is beautiful. Life is safe. Life is wonderful. Life is exciting. My future is amazing. Do you think that took effort? [00:04:00] Yes. Did I change because I thought, Oh, life is so safe. I need to just program that in. No, I felt like my situation was not good.
[00:04:14] I felt like I changed because I had to, because it was the only way for me to get my head above, above air, like above, above water. I literally had this dream that I was drowning. And that I just couldn't get my head above water. I remember it to this day, going through my injury. And I just needed to lift myself.
[00:04:48] If I could just lift myself, I'd have everything. I'd have everything. I just needed to lift myself to change.[00:05:00]
[00:05:04] I didn't change because I just thought, Oh, yay. I want to change. Of course, I wanted my life to change. I wanted my health to change. Think about that for a moment. It's one thing to want your life to change. Everybody wants their life to change. It's one thing to want your health to change. Of course I wanted my health to change.
[00:05:29] I didn't get out of pain, be healthy. It's another thing to look at your emotions, say, all right, I'm really going to program in. I'm really going to feel differently, authentically
[00:05:53] thinking about that. How does a person go [00:06:00] from feeling Terrified in life, scared, stuck, like my entire world was crashing down, everything that I had built, my life, my stress, everything, my injury on an extreme pain, frustration, sitting there in so much pain and going, okay, life is wonderful. Life is great.
[00:06:20] It was opposite of my current conditions.
[00:06:27] At that time, it was opposite. My mindset of feeling happy and excited about life was opposite of where my reality was.
[00:06:41] And it wasn't just about visualizing, visualizing. I had to radically feel differently. I had to lift. I had to get emotions in and I'm going to ask you to breathe and I'm going to ask you or invite you to notice if you have resistance towards change.[00:07:00]
[00:07:02] If you have resistance towards real change, towards changing the emotions that you've been having, where people all the time, I'll see people who are stuck in a place of fear or upset or hurt or rejection or sadness. And their reality is painful and they sit in the pain and they talk about the pain and they connect over the pain and there's they're stuck there.
[00:07:27] It's like, you've got to stop feeding the pain. You've got to stop the story of pain, you've got to stop feeding it and stopping the story of pain. You've got to fuel different emotions inside of you.
[00:07:45] And I say all this because if you notice your mind running up against resistance, I get it. If you notice yourself following through sometimes, but not all the time, I understand, [00:08:00] but don't do that. And I'm going
[00:08:06] to ask you to breathe. And I want you to think about real change,
[00:08:17] determination.
[00:08:22] And I'm going to ask you to breathe. All the time we hear in spiritual practices, etc., all those things, just surrender, surrender, surrender. I absolutely disagree. If I surrendered, I wouldn't be here. I got determined. I followed through. I was consistent. I really decided that I had to feel differently.
[00:08:50] So I'm going to ask you to breathe.
[00:08:56] It's not about surrender. It's about [00:09:00] success. It's about following through and feeling good.
[00:09:07] And I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe.
[00:09:13] And taking that in, you're willing to change. Why? Because it makes sense. That's something that drove me. I could see people have patterns and patterns in psychology, patterns in psychology of, you know, somebody being wounded and having that pattern repeat over and over and over again. And you've seen that.
[00:09:37] People with patterns, your patterns, you've seen it. None of us planned on having patterns at this age. None of us thought when we were 5 years old or 8 years old, we'd wake up 30 years later, 40 years later, 50 years later, 60 years later, however many years later, and have patterns. We didn't know that, but we do now.
[00:09:59] [00:10:00] And I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe, and
[00:10:06] thank God we do know it. And I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe and taking that in. Now that we know it, creating new neural pathways, and I'm going to ask you to breathe. And I want to remind you to remember that if you wake up to this awareness, Your thoughts and your emotions help create your life.
[00:10:32] These patterns, they help create your life and you never let go of the old. You never let go of the hurt or the upset or the wounding or the negativity or whatever it is, the old patterns that you're stuck in. If you never let them go, then you fail
[00:10:50] at making the changes that you want to make. But If you're willing to follow through to program in new [00:11:00] feelings to get them in over and over to make the change to reprogram your mind to radically feel differently, you succeed. And I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe and take that in and take in the feeling that you are the type to succeed.
[00:11:20] It's who you are. That's who you are. You're the type to succeed, to follow through. You've got this. You can remind your mind to do this. You can remind your mind to follow through to do this, to create a different feeling genuinely, to let go of fear, to let go of hurt, to let go of feelings of feeling out of integrity or justifying being out of integrity or feeling bad about the past or blah, blah, blah, you can do this.
[00:11:52] And I'm going to ask you to breathe
[00:11:57] and taking in the feeling. [00:12:00] You've got this. You've absolutely got this.
[00:12:11] Let's be honest. You're here. You've seen me coach somebody out of pain in minutes where they use their own mind to release pain in minutes. How easy do I make it look? So easy coaching somebody to do that. And I'm going to ask you to breathe
[00:12:34] and I'm going to ask you to make it easy on yourself. It does take follow through. Of course, it takes follow through. It takes real change. I don't want to misguide anybody. It takes real change. But if you follow through and you really feel differently and you're willing to change and you're willing to be different, you've got this.[00:13:00]
[00:13:02] It does take real change. And so I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And I'm going to ask you,
[00:13:12] is there a part of you that's resisting change? Is there a part of your mind that's validating old hurts, old wounds? But there was this, but there was that. The holding on to the old this, or old that, or justifying actions. But he hurt me first, or she did this first, or I should have been able to do this, or I can take this, or blah, blah, blah, whatever it is.
[00:13:40] And I'm going to ask you to breathe.
[00:13:44] And be willing to change, and I'm going to ask you just for a moment, seeing yourself walking around
[00:13:52] this week, this weekend, next week, are you [00:14:00] seeing yourself feeling different? Are you seeing yourself following through? Are you seeing yourself embodying real change? Are you seeing yourself blissfully determined?
[00:14:18] And I'm going to ask you to breathe and take in that feeling, what it feels like to feel blissfully determined. That you've got this and it's fun. That you've got this, you can absolutely do this, and it's fun and it's exciting to change your life, to change your emotions. You've got this. You can absolutely do this.
[00:14:38] Following through, getting it in every day, programming your mind, creating intense feelings, getting it in, feeling it, feeling it, feeling it. You've got this. You can absolutely do this. Are you willing to change? You have to validate the old story, the old stuckness. You know, you can look at life. People have patterns.
[00:14:59] There are [00:15:00] people who believe all men are abusive or all men are alcoholics because that's what they've seen. We know that's not true. Or people who believe everybody's angry or life is fearful, but somebody else can feel believe life is beautiful.
[00:15:20] And again, let's be honest. For some people have very hard lives, traumatic lives, painful lives, scary lives. That's what's true. And there are other people who have amazing, wonderful, incredible, loving, fabulous, amazing lives. And a lot of people with a mix in between.
[00:15:46] And I'm gonna ask you and invite you and remind you that you are the power. You've got this, you can change, blissfully change. And I'm gonna ask you to breathe [00:16:00] and taking that in, feeling that feeling, blissfully changing, blissful determination. You've got this. You can do this and it's worth it for your happiness, for you to feel happier, of course, for you to feel glowing inside, of course, to feel more confidence, of course, to program positive emotions in and euphoria over and over and getting it in and radically feeling different, of course,
[00:16:32] to be willing to change, to not be so stuck to negative or blah, blah, blah, whatever it is, but to be willing to really change patterns.
[00:16:44] You've got this and
[00:16:48] I'm going to ask you to breathe and take in the feeling of feeling blissfully, beautifully excited and determined. Like, okay, I've got this. I can totally do this. I'm willing to [00:17:00] change. I've got this. I can totally do this. Take that in. Like, I'm going to do that. I'm going to create real change. Yeah, you know, people we've seen that before where somebody goes, Oh, I'm going to create a vision and they start to see a vision.
[00:17:12] They start to see evidence of it, but they never really follow through to make change. But you, you're doing this all the way. You've got this. You're ready to succeed. You're ready to follow through. You know, it takes follow through. It takes follow through. It takes consistency. It takes follow through.
[00:17:30] You've got it and I'm asking you to breathe and take in the feeling. You're determined this lifetime, this lifetime today, not 10 years from now, not 20 years from now. You know how life is. You forget, you slow down. You don't follow through. You get sucked in. You get distracted. Nope. Not you. Not this time.
[00:17:51] Not this time. Not now. You've got this and I'm going to ask you to breathe. And take that in. And in [00:18:00] my own life, did I know if it was going to work or not? Not really. I didn't have any evidence of it. You know, over 15 years ago ish, you know, I was figuring it out. I didn't have evidence that it would work.
[00:18:22] I had nothing to lose, and everything to gain. And so I'm going to ask you to breathe. And taking that in, you have evidence. You've seen, you've seen people release their pain, change their life. You've seen it all around, share stories with you all the time. You see it work. You see it all around. You see it.
[00:18:43] You've got this. Bingo. And I'm gonna ask you to breathe. And if you notice any part of your mind validating your wounds or validating the hurt or blaming somebody else, I want to invite you to remember to [00:19:00] remember
[00:19:03] to let that go.
[00:19:07] If you find part of you that's validating actions that are out of integrity or feeling guilty about the past and blah, and feeling undeserving or critical of yourself. Delete, delete. Be willing to change. Love yourself. Let the past go. Feel an integrity. Be an integrity. Embody it. And I'm going to ask you to breathe.
[00:19:36] Bingo. And I'm going to ask you to take that in. Real change. You've got this.
[00:19:48] I'm going to tell you
[00:19:52] just like a person giving up alcohol at some point, likely your emotions will try to pull you back in [00:20:00] for this reason or that reason or sympathy or problem or victim or blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Don't fall into the trap.
[00:20:12] And I'm going to ask you to breathe,
[00:20:18] bingo, and I'm going to ask you to breathe and seeing yourself walking around. You're determined, excited and determined. I'm going to ask you to breathe and take this in real change. You've got this. You're remembering to remember, to remember, to remember today, now in this life, consistency, following through, really changing,
[00:20:44] blissful, excited, determination. Your life is worth it. Your health, your happiness, your future, your relationships, your confidence, your smile.
[00:20:58] It's time to change. [00:21:00] And I'm going to ask you to breathe.
[00:21:08] And I want you to think about this next week. And this next month,
[00:21:15] I want you to think about your willingness to let go of the past, to even let go of life as it is, and being willing to up level,
[00:21:32] and I'm going to ask you to breathe. Being willing to let go of life as it is, and being willing to up level your life.
[00:21:46] And I'm going to ask you to breathe good, and seeing yourself walking around. You're smiling.
[00:21:59] Your [00:22:00] shoulders are back. Your smile is so big. Your shoulders are back. Your smile is so big. You're glowing and you deserve a great life. You deserve a great life. Taking that feeling in. You deserve a great life. We all do. And you know it. We all have a right to be here deserving a great life. You feel it.
[00:22:21] You're a great person. You're in great integrity. You're a great person. You're not taking anything from anybody. You're hurting anybody. You're taking their wife or their kids or their husband or their house or their inventions or ideas or shoes or anything. You're not taking people's car, people's stuff.
[00:22:41] You're not taking from them. You're not hurting them. You're not hitting them. You wouldn't do that. It's not who you are. And I'm asking you to breathe. Good. And taking that in and feeling that you deserve a [00:23:00] great life. Bingo.
[00:23:08] And I'm going to ask you to breathe and seeing yourself walking around and even tomorrow you're waking up and you have this feeling of excited, blissful determination. Like I've got this. I'm following through. I'm changing my life. That's it. The next day you're waking up, you've got this feeling of excited, blissful determination.
[00:23:29] You're walking around, you've got this, you're changing, you're following through and it's feeling fantastic.
[00:23:38] You're amazing. You are amazing and you're doing it. You're doing it and you're following through and you're proud of you. In fact, people are impressed by you. Your family is just loving you. You're feeling good about you [00:24:00] to be happy and healthy. It's awesome. And you're positive, just full of positive energy.
[00:24:07] Any negative energy connected to a health issue? Ew. You let that go. Completely. You don't want the negative energy of a health issue of this. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You let that go. Ew. Any of that negative energy? You let go of completely. Any negative health issue? This, that, the other? Ew. You let it go. Yuck.
[00:24:33] Instead, you're walking around feeling loving, beautiful, impressive. Picture of health. Glowing. Gorgeous. Inside and out. A picture of health. And it's impressive. A picture of health and vitality. It's sexy. It's impressive. It's wonderful. [00:25:00] People love to be around you and to connect with you. You let go of any negative blah energy towards health issues.
[00:25:08] Yuck. Letting it go. Yuck. Completely gone. Ew. Nasty. Letting that go completely. And instead, bringing in positive energy. Love, happy, healthy, beautiful, glowing inside and out, just beautiful inside and out and glowing. It's just who you are.
[00:25:42] And I'm going to ask you to breathe and feel this feeling inside of you. It's just who you are
[00:25:51] and around the world. You see more and more people waking up to the awareness that our thoughts, our emotions, our mindset helps create our lives. And [00:26:00] it's awesome. This world is waking up to more happiness, to more positivity. And you feel a sense of connection to people in the world. It's amazing. And you're impressive.
[00:26:13] You've made real changes and it's awesome. And I'm gonna ask you to breathe and take that in and feel it. You're amazing. This is exciting. Game on. Bingo. And breathe.
[00:26:38] Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful job with your energy. Beautiful. And I'm going to invite you to open your eyes whenever you are ready.