167: 3 Common Ways People Block Their Healing & Transformation
Are you unknowingly blocking your healing and transformation? Unbeknownst to us, we may be limiting our own progress. All of the time, Brandy works with people who get stuck in certain areas of their life, and often the answers are buried deep within our subconscious mind, so much so that we can find ourselves justifying […]
166: Happiness, Success and How it Can Affect Your Health
So often, people may have underlying feelings of judgment towards greed or even feel guilty for feeling happy or feeling as though others will be jealous if they’re happy or successful. Unknowingly, these feelings can impact your health and your life. In today’s episode, Brandy works with Veronica to help her identify subconscious emotional patterns […]
IQ-72: A Simple Way To Start Transforming Relationship Patterns In Your Life
People have ongoing hurts they experience from their relationships. Some of these patterns begin from our childhood or through childhood wounding. Others develop later in life. However, the way you relate to people in your life can have a big impact on both the quality of those relationships and your health. In this short episode, […]
IQ-71: Overcoming Common Misconceptions About Money & Success To Live A More Spirit-FULL Life
Most of us have beliefs about money or success that are ingrained – even at a young age. We may not even be aware of them, but they can have a powerful impact on our lives. This IQ episode can help you get honest about your beliefs around money and success, as Brandy addresses a […]