118 Transcript:  Feeling Safe To Embrace Change & Liberate Your Life

Heal Yourself Change Your Life

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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life-changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made that changed my health and my entire. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this. Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level.

I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind, and then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind, your emotions, and your. To help you heal your health yourself and your life.

Let's begin.

Hello and welcome. It is so wonderful to connect with you. I just love that you are here, that you're expanding your mind and your energy and your healing and your consciousness. I just love it. And I love today's episode and our volunteer, Julie, and just the insights that come from this episode are unique and I just, I love it.

It is so perfect. And. I have to say, you know, you hear me on these episodes and I'll say, Oh my gosh, I love this episode. And I love this episode and kind of funny story. A few years back, I was actually out on this boat with some friends and we were listening to some music, just having a beautiful day in the sun on the water.

And it just, it was so perfect. And so we were listening to music and there would be like a song that would come on and I would be like, Oh my God, I love this song. And then like a few minutes later, there would be, you know, the other song comes on and, and I would just ended up, you know, just loving each song.

I would say, Oh my gosh, I love this song. And so there were just a lot of great songs that kept coming on. And a little bit later, one of my friends on the boat, she says, you know, I just love how much. You just love every song. And it was, it was great. We were all loving the music, but it just was really sweet just because, you know, it's great to love things.

And so you'll hear me when each of these podcasts comes on, I'm like, Oh my God, I love this one and I love these insights and I love this volunteer. And it's great because I do. And I feel. So blessed to just get so many amazing and wonderful volunteers that it just always seems to go in a beautiful flow.

And today is no exception. I just love our volunteer, Julie, and you're going to love the insights from this. You know, they're just. Powerful. And again, unique in that we'll be talking about how you can use your actions to also help shift your energy and how both can be really needed. And so that's what we're going to talk about really is that it's both really.

So we're going to talk today about a mindset shift or a few shifts in the mind, and also the importance of making sure to shift your actions with it sometimes to really be able to be successful. at creating the change. And you are going to love this episode, not only if you're wanting to make a change or if you're experiencing physical pain, but also if you've had a tendency to put yourself last or, you know, put others first in a place of self sacrifice or feeling like you need to do things for others to get love or just that feeling of feeling Like you're afraid to not disappoint others.

And so there's just a lot of really great angles that this can be helpful to provide some insight for you in your life. So I love that. And also, just so you know, as we dive in, you'll notice that Julie is actually somebody who just started one of my courses. And I believe what happened was this, is that she applied to be on the podcast.

And there was a very long wait list of volunteers, so it got booked way out and so much so that we couldn't actually take any more volunteers through the end of the year, which we've actually just now opened the calendar again for volunteers, but it was just really booked out. So anyways, she ended up buying the course while she was waiting.

And she just started recently, so she mentioned she's something like only the third video or module in to the course. And her pain is already down about, almost 50%. So she filled out the form for the podcast. She said that her average pain was about a 6 7 every day. And when we start in, it's about a 4. So, you know, she's already making progress.

And, of course, there's a lot more of the video set to go that she hasn't gotten to yet. But You'll notice that as we started. So that's something different than I normally do. And I just wanted to be clear with that upfront. So I love that, that she's already starting to work with her energy and to do that.

So very impressive and kudos to her and her follow through for already beginning to make that transformation and beginning to get her pain down already. And I didn't know that that was the case when we jumped into this call. So I just went ahead and went forward with it anyway. So it worked out really perfect.

And I love what came. from it, but I just want to acknowledge her that she's already doing it and it's beautiful. And even just in the beginning steps, she's implementing. So just very, very impressive and acknowledging her and she's amazing. And also the other reason that I wanted to mention it is just because as she starts talking about the video set and how transformative it is, She was really excited, especially like also at the end and part in the beginning, she mentions a bit about it so much so that at the end, I just asked her to state for the record that I did not pay her or incentivize her in any way to give a shout out regarding the video set.

So I just wanted to let you know that. And again, there are a lot of insights. from this. And I just say that because as I start in with her, she mentions, Oh, she just started the video set and her pain's already doing better. And she's already seen shifts in her life already. And she's just begun. And so she kind of says some of those things and I want to let you know that also, again, there were other pieces that she hadn't yet got to in the video set.

So as long as she was signed up for a volunteer, it was like, okay, well, let's go ahead and work through some of those. And you'll hear me say in a couple of places, you know, well, you hadn't got to that part yet. So here we go. Let's, uh, let's talk about this part. So just wanted to let you know, that's what comes up just in the beginning, but otherwise after the first few minutes we dive into key insights of places that she hadn't yet gotten.

In the video set yet. And so that's where we're going today as we dive in with Julie.

There we go. All right. So, hello, Julie. Hi. Hi. It's wonderful to connect with you. It's wonderful to connect with you. Thank you. Absolutely. So, how's your day going? Uh, it's going pretty good. Um, yeah, I am, I'm feeling pretty okay today. Uh, I actually, um, I'm I actually started your, uh, shift program like a few weeks ago.

Um, yeah, it's been, um, helping me a lot. Um, I can already sense an improvement on, um, Just like, a lot of the pain that I was feeling. Um, I am still feeling pain. Um, And it varies day to day, but I feel like there's a little bit more management. Beautiful. I love that. And how far are you into it? Um, I am on module three.

Three. Okay. So you've only done two so far. Okay. Great. So, uh, Alright. So, um, let's go ahead and go for it. Um, alright. So, uh, There you go. So, first and foremost, I love that you're following through with the modules, and that you're seeing the results. So, I love that. And, uh, since you're here, let's, uh, let's Let's help out and take that to the next level even more.

So, um, if I ask you what your current level of pain is right now, what would you say that is? Um, I would say a four, I think. Okay. Yeah. All right. And where's your pain located? Uh, mostly in my shoulders and neck. Um, and then, uh, yeah, like on the sides of my shoulders too. Okay.

Sides of his shoulders.

Bingo. Uh, okay. Bingo. Give me one second. Nice, you've done some good work in your energy. I like that. Yeah, it's been helping a lot. Yeah, yeah, I'm seeing it, I'm seeing it. Great, great job with your energy. Alright, so um, give me one second. It says, to move it, move it along faster, give me one sec, that, bingo, that, bingo, bingo, bingo.

We were going to go with that. Alright, so I'm going to ask you to breathe,

okay? I'm going to ask you to breathe, and I'm going to ask you to notice. Let's say, That you really, really embrace change. Completely. Bingo. If I ask you, how much do you feel like everybody's still going to love you?


I guess it depends on what the change is. Okay. And, uh, if the change is, Not feeling is, uh, is taking care of, of, of yourself and also, um, not always needing to take care of everybody first, but being able to, to live fully and, and, um, and make sure to, um, feel good about you. Yeah, um, yeah, uh, that hits, okay, um, yeah, I don't, yeah, I think I have a hard time embracing, or embracing that change or thinking that people will accept it around me.

Okay. Okay. And, bingo. And why wouldn't people accept it around you?

Um. I just have a lot of responsibility over, uh, different people, including family and, uh, work. So I think letting go a little bit, the might, I don't know, it would like, or someone needs to get it done. And I always feel like I am that person. Okay. Now, if I ask you, what would happen if everybody felt empowered?

What would happen if everything. If you were willing to change this even more, what if it was safe to actually have people help out and do more and help out and do more? What if it was safe?

It would be great. What if they still liked you?

Yeah, I mean, that would be awesome. What what's that? It would be awesome. What's that? It would be awesome. Great. So I'm going to ask you to breathe.

I'm going to ask you to breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

And take that in. Bingo. And by the way, this is also in the course, but we'll talk about it now. Okay, so, someone asked you to breathe. And, uh, bingo. Someone asked you to breathe. And just for a moment, what if it was completely safe? What if everybody loved you?

What if everybody loved you even more? Would you be okay with that? Yes. Are you sure?

Yes. Are you sure? Yes. Great, so I'm going to ask you to breathe. And what would it look like to see everybody love you even more? Even more, and they're feeling even more empowered. They're doing things, they're helping out with things. They're actually doing more, and it's safe, and it's okay, and they still love you, and it's all safe.

What would that look like? It would be so easy. Great, so I'm going to ask you to breathe and take that in. And what if they still loved you, and it would be so easy? What if that were the case right now?

Would you be okay with that? Yes. Okay, but you do know your thoughts help create your life, so don't, don't get this in, because if you do, it's going to make this whole thing way too easy, okay?

Someone asked you to breathe.

And what if it just worked? What if it was actually safe? What if You were embodying this change and it was completely safe. Could you be okay with that? Yes. Are you sure? Yes. A hundred percent? A hundred percent. Great. So I'm gonna ask you to level of pain and what's your level zero to 10?

I want to say like a two. Beautiful. I love that. And who's doing that? I am. You are, right? Awesome. Now I'm going to ask you to notice the part of you that kind of sees your identity as being the caregiver person, the person who's looking after and taking care of everybody, right? If I ask you how much you see that as who you are, how much would you say that is?

100%. 100%. Great. Now I want you to picture that you're 60 years old and you're 70 and you're still doing the exact same thing. What does that look like? I'm going to be so tired. I'm not sure I'll make it then. Okay. So I want you to picture instead you're connecting with everybody and everybody's feeling empowered and it's an awesome feeling and That's what it feels like.

And everybody loves you just for being you.

All right. So let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, first and foremost, she's just so lovely. Like I love how sweet she is. She's so caring. She's so kind. And also you can see as I'm talking to her that she's a bit stuck. Cause she sees herself as being the caregiver. And so that's her role.

Now. What happens in this case, all of the time I'll see people who identify as being exactly that, as being the caregiver, or the responsible one, or the one who takes care of others, and they identify with being that, and they feel that sense of connection with others for being that. And what simultaneously will happen is they'll feel depleted and in self sacrifice and feeling as though they just don't have time for themselves at all.

And it becomes this frustrating feeling where they feel very stuck. And I see this all of the time with people. And it's like trying to have an identity of one thing, but trying to change life and live a different way, or feeling drained by the very thing that they're seeing. And, and so this is so common.

And. If you have this in your energy, so if this has been a pattern for you, you'll want to make sure to change it. And not only for yourself, but also for them. You know, you've heard me say probably at the end of every single episode that the more empowered and more capable that every person is, the better our entire world will be.

And it's so true, you know, ultimately we want every person to feel empowered. And so, you know, even in my role. I don't see myself as being a caregiver over others who are incapable. I don't see myself as that. I see myself as sharing my discoveries of the things that I figured out and helping to empower others with these discoveries and the information that the universe gives me.

And so that's what I love doing. is sharing the knowledge is empowering others. Now, even if somebody is, let's say a caregiver for an elderly person, you know, if you think about the mindset of that, you won't want to see the elderly person as being less than, or inferior, or incapable. Instead, ultimately, the mindset that you want to have is seeing the elderly person as being an amazing being as being an amazing creator.

And even if you are caring for them, you'll want to see yourself assisting an elderly person, assisting an amazing being, because from that place, it doesn't have to become the identity. And it doesn't have to become so draining, if you will. Instead, it can be Uh, from a, an awareness that we're all incredible beings and as simple as that shift may sound in your mind, it's freeing for both people and it's empowering for both people and it will feel liberating.

if you are somebody who has seen yourself as being a caregiver who is in that place of self sacrifice. And so that's just food for thought for creating that shift for a different mindset. But either way, the biggest thing you'll want to note here is that all of the time I've seen people who have had this identity of being a caregiver or identity of caring for others or a sense of identity of being the responsible one.

Then ultimately what they end up finding year after year after year after year is always being exactly that. Is feeling like they're the responsible one and manifesting situations and circumstances in their life. where they feel like everybody else is incapable or irresponsible and it's not a fun balance when you feel like you can't also have fun and live fully and Enjoy life as well And so if that's something that's going on inside of your mindset You want to take a look at this and look at really shifting this at a deeper level in your mind And of course, I just gave a couple examples here and everybody's situation is different But Again, the biggest thing you'll want to note is if this is part of your identity or being or life, then you'll want to look at how you can really radically transform it.

All right, so that said, let's go ahead and dive back in with Julie.

And that's what, and you're living your life to its fullest and they're living their life to its fullest. And, and it's this awesome connection. What does that look like by the time you're 60 or 70 or 80 or 90? What does that even look like? Um, I don't know, I get a little teary thinking about it, but, um, I think it feels like really seen, um, or I feel really seen, uh, and just like acceptance, um, I don't know how to describe that feeling.

Yeah. Okay. So again, don't do that. It's going to make this whole thing way too easy. All right, so I'm going to ask you to breathe and bring in the awareness that easy is a good thing. So definitely, definitely look at the difference between, like if you think about your life ahead of you and you think about one picture where you're depleting yourself and trying to do everything for everybody all of the time and that's who you even identify as being.

Or if you switch that and you look at a different way of connecting and being and that's who you are. Okay. What does that look like? And decide which one would you like? Moving forward. I want to choose the latter. Okay, a hundred percent of you? Yes. Are you sure? Yes. Okay, so if you could change it today, you would?

Yes. A hundred percent. I, I'm 95, I mean, I want to be there, but I can feel like 5 percent of me, um, still clutching a little bit. Yes. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And if you knew that everybody would still love you and everything would be okay. Would you be willing to change?

Yes. Beautiful. I'm going to ask you to breathe. I want you to notice a level of pain. What's your level of pain? Zero to ten? Zero,

uh, I want to say like maybe one. I feel a little bit of, um, sensitivity in like my heart. Okay. And so, um, bingo. So if I ask you on your shoulders, what's your level? On my shoulders, I feel very good. I feel like. Um, like I think zero. Okay, great. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And I want you to notice, can you find the feeling, there's a feeling of fear of not being loved.

Can you see that? Yes. If I ask you zero to ten, how big is it? I can't picture it as a number. How intense would you say it feels? Low? Medium? Or high? Uh, medium to high. Okay. So, I would give it like really high, but we'll go with the medium to high, but you see it, I see it, we see it, right? Yes. Okay, so I'm going to ask you to breathe,

and I'm going to ask you, what if you knew you would still be loved, 100%? What if you knew that 100%? What if there was a way that you were able to set up a structure that everybody was taking care of, and that it wasn't all on you to do? What if there was a structure about it? What if there was a flow about it?

What would happen? That would make sense to me Okay, I love that. You're a logical person. I love that

You're beautiful, you're beautiful. All right. So, uh, yeah. All right, so I'm gonna ask you to breathe By the way, one time I said to somebody, I said, you're beautiful and they're like, can you actually see me right now? No. This is your energy, your being. So, uh, bingo. All right. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe.

Bingo. I'm gonna ask you to breathe.

Bingo. All right. And um, here we go. Bingo. So imagine for a moment if there was a structure and it just worked, it worked and it was great. If I ask you how much everybody could still love you, how would that work? Could that work? Could that work out perfect? Yes. That could work out perfect. It could work out perfect, couldn't it?

Great. So I'm going to ask you to breathe, and if I ask you to notice how much sensitivity you feel in your heart, how much would you say that is? Like, uh, like a two. Like a two. Okay. So give me one second.

One second. That. That. That. Bingo. Okay. So there's a feeling of feeling like if I don't do everything for others. They won't love me, they'll be mad at me. Can you find that? Yes. So I'm going to ask you to breathe. I'm going to ask you, are you 100 percent sure that that's true?

No. Okay, so how many times in your life would you say that when you didn't do something for others, they were mad at you? Um,

not that often. Yep. Not seeing it.

Okay, so I'm going to ask you to breathe.

So instead, if there was a structured way of being, an organized way, that everything was in flow, and everything was working out, could that ease everything off of you, in, into a place of flow, and into a place where it wasn't depleting? So notice, by the way, when I said the first way, that you're always doing everything for everyone, notice, when I said, how are you when you're 60 or 7?

You said, exhausted if I even make it. Yes. Wait a second. Do you think you're on a good plan? Just ask her. No, I'm on a terrible plan. Okay.

So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. I love your sense of humor. Beautiful. And I'm going to ask you to breathe. And I'm going to ask you, could you be willing to find a different plan that works out a little better? Yes. Yes. Great. So I'm going to ask you to breathe. And if I ask you to get determined to figure out a plan that worked out better, that was more easeful, Would you be willing to do that?

Yes. Great. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe.

So let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, first and foremost, I just love her. I love her self awareness. I love her self honesty, where she, you know, anytime I ask her a question, she's really thinking about the answer and noticing how she really feels and what is true for her. And where she says, Oh, this plan, like having a plan to do this, that sounds good.

You know, where she's more lit up at that could actually work and bingo, that can be a very important factor for transforming your health and your life and really feeling different and making it easeful for yourself. So I want to unpack this a bit for that reason. And clearly she hasn't got to this part in the video set yet because part of what we talk about is of course making the change on the inside and then also into your actions and actually to the self image and different things like that.

So there are multiple pieces here that you can see that she hasn't gotten to yet in the video set, which works out perfect. So we're talking about some of those pieces here, which This is a piece that can be very, very important and this happens all of the time when it comes to people going into places of self care or trying to get out of self sacrifice mode and actually do some things for themselves and all of the time I see it not go well where people do try to start doing things for themselves or relieving themselves a bit from the responsibility and it feels like it backfires in a major way.

in their lives. And so what I want to do is just kind of wanted to highlight that right here. And to keep this more organized or fluid with this episode today, I'm going to go ahead and list a few simple things that you could do to start to shift this in your own life. And so we'll kind of collect a few things as we go, but I just wanted to take a moment and note this, that some physical action and planning can be very helpful in being successful.

at making this transformation. So that said, let's go ahead and dive back in with Julie, and then we'll bring this all together. Here we go.

There you go. Good. Good. Good. Good. And I'm going to ask you to take in the awareness of all of those times that people have been mad at you and not loved you for not doing things for them. Oh, that's right. There weren't any. Shoot. Okay. So, I'm going to ask you to breathe. Could you bring in the feeling and the awareness that maybe it's actually just really safe?

I'm going to ask you to again, bring in the awareness that maybe it's actually just really safe and there's a new way to do it that's even better. And if you're willing to change. Yes. You're willing to change? Mm hmm. I am willing to change. Great. And if I ask you if it's safer to change? Yes. Especially in the long run.

Right? So I'm going to ask you to breathe.

And if I ask you to just own that feeling for a moment, that feeling of willingness to change, own it. Good. I'm going to ask you to breathe. Bingo. Good. ask you to notice how your heart feels. Yeah, it feels lighter, um, yeah, it feels good. Beautiful. And who did that? I did. You did. So, as you're continuing through, and by the way, you're going to notice this coming up, but if you could, from this, just take in the feeling that it is safe to change.

And that, um, that everybody's not going to be mad at you about changing and then also be willing to change and be willing to see that the plan that you're on is a not good long term plan or short term plan because you can also see that it's connected to your pain and everything else. So it's not even a bad long term plan, it's also a bad short term plan too.

Does that make sense? Yeah. That makes a lot of sense. A lot of sense. Beautiful. And have you heard me say before? That whatever your body is telling you is the most important thing that you need to know. I feel like, maybe not in that way, but yes, I feel like I understand that. Okay. From your, uh, your, uh, your modules.

Yeah. Great. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. And I want you to think about your body, Universe, God, Divine, your body, is telling you, that it's time to make a change. It's time to make a change. So if I ask you, bingo, could you make sure to get this in and really embrace the change all the way, because you can see the shift that's happening.

Does that make sense? Beautiful. Beautiful. Great job with your energy. You're amazing. Thank you. Absolutely. Absolutely. And, by the way, even with this, I would strongly recommend continuing the course because there's so many things in it. Have you noticed that so far? There's a lot of Yes. Do you enjoy it?

Are you enjoying it? There's so many amazing Yes, I love it. It's, it's really, um, just like, I can already see the shift dramatically and, um, I look forward to each module. Like I'm super gung ho about this. I love it. You're amazing. You're amazing. And, uh, yeah, I, I love that you're loving it and, um, just, you did awesome.

You're amazing. And, by the way, some people are going to listen to this and they might think that you Brandy probably paid Julie to say all these.

So, oh well, it's okay. Oh no. No, no, it's all good. No, no, no, it's not a problem. It honestly, it honestly, it makes my heart so happy that you're loving the course. It's, that's honestly, it's, uh, it's from my heart. It's just, yeah. So I, I love that. And, but could you also tell the listeners that you have not been paid to say any of the things?

Okay. Perfect. Beautiful job with your energy. You're just, you're, you're beautiful and it has been so wonderful connecting with you. And, um, and I, I, yes, please make sure to follow through as I'm sure you will. And, uh, and I wish you a most wonderful rest of your day. Thank you, Brandy, so much. Um, I obviously did not get paid to be on this podcast.

Um, I will tell listeners that if you do join the program, it really depends on your own follow through. So, um, yeah, I, I love it, but thank you. You're beautiful. You're beautiful. Thank you so much. You're beautiful. Great job and, uh, And I wish you a most wonderful rest of your day, honey. Thank you so much, Brandy.

Thank you, Julie. Bye.

All right, so let's go ahead and unpack this even more. And first and foremost, I have to say, you know, great job with her energy. She did it. Just great awareness, great insights, just really beautiful. And again, Not only did she do great with her energy here, but she had already started the process. So again, kudos to her.

You know, the fact that she even started and she was only into the third module and she's already had her pain almost halfway down. It was a great job, you know. Just beautiful, beautiful being. Great self awareness. Love that. And just acknowledging her, just beautiful. And I also love that, as she mentioned, she's already feeling the transformational effects that she has.

From the course, which there's still more to go. So that's really exciting. And I have to say, you know, on these episodes, I never really talk about the course, but I'm honestly so proud of the course and people going through it and loving it and all of the time people say things like, This is the most amazing course they've ever been through.

And also how much the course has changed their life of really empowering them to know how to use their mind. And honestly, I just, I love that. So I love that that came up and thank you universe for that. So again, she was not paid when that was not planned and I had no idea that was about to happen. So, but it was a perfect unfoldment.

And there are some really awesome insights from this. So let's go ahead and dive into that. Because I mentioned previously, that a lot of times when people go to make this change, between, you know, trying to get some of their time back, or being able to take care of themselves and self care and whatnot, that it goes horribly bad.

And that's what I see the effects of all of the time is, is, you know, people have tried to do that, and then they feel like their family's mad at them, or they've burned bridges, and they don't. feel like they're loved or, you know, all kinds of things come up. And so I want to talk about just a few simple things that you could do to set yourself up for success in this area.

So the third key thing that I would do is the one that we already talked about, which is to notice if you identify as being a caregiver, or you identify as being somebody who cares for others, or the responsible one, or whatever that is, and be willing to really change that. Not just in yourself, you know, of course, letting yourself off the hook for that, and also just seeing other people as being even more empowered and amazing, because as you do, you're Oddly enough, you'll feel even better about yourself.

You'll feel more empowered yourself as well, and if you are somebody who's felt, you know, inside a feeling of feeling not good enough or inferior, that can also help to shift some of those feelings as well. So this can be, A layered part of it. And so there are multiple benefits that you can receive just by shifting this one alone.

And by the way, unfortunately, if you have this and you don't shift this one, then likely what'll happen is it'll continue to be a struggle that even when you try to shift it and change your circumstances and, and really feel like you're trying to get some self care for yourself. something will come up and something else will come up and you'll notice that something always Manifests to keep you from doing it or you feel like that Disconnect in relationships that they don't feel problematic and it'll feel impossible or as soon as you think you get it Then something else will happen and I've literally seen people where you know, they feel like they've been stuck caregiving for somebody and sacrificing themselves and then Something will happen and finally that situation will change and they'll go.

Oh my god. This is awesome It's actually changing and then ten minutes later or a month later They'll have some type of situation come up where there's somebody else They feel like they have to sacrifice for because of certain situations or circumstances So anyways point being is just to remember not to be mad or frustrated or upset at the people around you but instead really take that power on the inside to start creating that shift.

So that's number three. And number two is if you notice that this is your way of getting love and connection. And if you notice simultaneously that there's a part of you that feels like if you don't do this, that you won't be loved, then what you want to do before really shifting this is figure out another way for you to get love.

And this is the reason why is because I've seen people all of the time, try to change this and try to just set boundaries. And you've probably even heard people, if you've been in this spiritual self help space for a long period of time, you've probably heard people say all of the time, set your boundaries and set your boundaries and self care and all of these things.

And the piece that they're missing. Is that you really want to make sure to figure out another way of getting love and that is key for really being successful at this. And you'll see that people are missing this all of the time. And so what happens is that we as human beings, you know, we need love. And if you've been listening to past episodes, then you've probably heard me say before something like, you know, just like a tree will grow towards the sun.

We as human beings will grow towards. love, whatever that looks like in our subconscious mind. So whatever programming that we have, we'll want to grow towards energetically and subconsciously. And so when it comes to this feeling of love and connection with others, you'll want to make sure that you have a new way of connecting and creating that love.

with others to be successful at changing this. All right. So that's number two. And then number one is to be real with what's real. and make a plan around it. And so this is what I had started talking to Julie about previously was really getting a plan with others on how everything could transform and change and also to communicate it.

And so this is another reason. That transforming this area will backfire all of the time. And I see it. I've seen people before where, you know, they decide, okay, I'm going to go into self care mode and they suddenly just decide to change without actually communicating it. To anybody else like for example, I've seen people before where you know They're showing up for work and they're showing up like 110 percent and then suddenly they decide Okay, well i'm being a bit too available and i'm not taking care of myself well enough and so they decide okay Well, i'm going to stop answering calls past 5 p.

m And i'm going to stop answering calls on the weekend and i'm going to stop xyz, right? And that's great if they do that You If they also make sure to communicate it with people around them. Because what I've seen happen all of the time is somebody will do that. They'll go, you know what? I'm gonna go into self care.

And by the way, this is divine timing coming into the new year because there are a lot of people who will say, you know what? I need to set stronger boundaries or I need to make sure that I'm bringing in more self care. And they'll suddenly start doing that. and not ever communicate it to people around them.

And unfortunately what happens is it puts them out of integrity. It puts them in a state of not being in universal integrity and having that good energy because they've suddenly just changed the rules on somebody else without letting anybody know or anybody plan. And I have seen that so often. And it's like, you know, if somebody is going above and beyond at work or whatever.

And if they want to make those changes, great. They'll want to communicate that. And so if that's you and you're thinking, Hey, I want to start shifting my hours or I want to shift the way I show up or something like that, you'll want to find a great way to communicate that in your work, where maybe you're saying to your coworkers, something like, you know what, from now on, I'm going to work on spending more time with the family in the evening time, or spending more time with myself in the evening time.

That, from now on, if you could email me during this time or this time or whatever it is or I'll be available during this time or this time, then that type of communication is what you need. Or, even with family where you say, Hey, you know what? I'm going to start taking care and doing more things for myself and kind of doing some more self care.

And it would be really great if you could maybe find somebody else to assist you at such and such time, or even arranging that for them, depending upon the situation or circumstances. But. Either way, whatever it is, you'll want to make sure, again, to be real with what's real and to address the situation.

Now, all of the time what happens is this, is people expect everybody to be mad, or they feel badly about making the changes, and so they kind of just quietly do them. They're like, oh, well, I'm gonna start doing that. And then they're not showing up the way that they used to, plus they're not allowing other people to then make changes based on the changes they want.

So in other words, let's say that somebody is going to start showing up less at work, like less on the weekends or less after hours. And let's say that employer does need those times. Then if that person just communicates and says, Hey, I need more self care. Then the employer has the opportunity to then say something like, okay, well, let me get somebody who is capable to do it during those hours or something like that.

Or, you know, or even if it is family and then you communicate and you say, Hey, I'm going to start doing more of this in the new year. And I'd love for you to get somebody else to help you with X, Y, Z. Can we talk about what that looks like? Awesome. If you did that, now you would be in that place of integrity.

But what unfortunately happens all the time, and this is the biggest pitfall, is that people will inside, they feel like, you know, I've been overextending myself and overextending myself. And so they start to feel upset or jaded on the inside. And so by the time they decide to make a change, they just feel like I should make a change and I have a right to, and I'm just going to do it and whatever, it doesn't matter.

And then they do it from that energy of, Feeling like a victim, or feeling resentful towards others, or feeling guilty about it, or even stealth about it, or like they're just gonna go ahead and set their boundaries. And then it backfires. And I can't tell you again how often I see that, because I'll see people who will suddenly take a course on setting boundaries, and they do that, And it backfires, and then it ends up as some type of pain, or ailment, or health issue that then comes from that.

And so that's how I end up seeing these people in my classes, is because when it backfires, and then there's all the emotion around it. Then I see it manifest into some type of health issue and then people end up in my courses taking those and so you don't need to have a health issue to change this or to shift this and as you notice it could already be connected to some type of health issue as it has been with Julie and so food for thought on this note and again just divine timing because We're in the beginning of the new year.

And a lot of people at this time are doing things like that are saying, okay, well, it's time for self care in this year of 2022. And how do I want to set my boundaries? And what does that look like for me? Or what does that growth look like or that transformation? And so this is again, just divine timing.

I love the timing of this episode. Just. And on that note, please do take a quick second and hit the share button on this episode. Make sure to share it with somebody you love, somebody you care about, or somebody you don't even know. You know, the more empowered that every person is in our world and the more harmonious and loving and happy, the better the world is for all of us.

And so please do share it. And, of course, on the next episode, we are going to take it to the next level. So, I look forward to seeing you there, and I wish you a most wonderful, incredible rest of your day.

Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself Change. All of the time people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touched their heart, or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness of how amazing we all really are. If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about or those you know who really.

As more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point and the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone what we are all capable of. And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming, to maintain their results.

But the point. For you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life if you really understand how to use your mind. You are incredible. And I do wanna be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own. I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made.

You'll wanna remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people. That said, if you wanna send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website brandygilmore.com/podcast. And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well.

Lastly, Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you'll wanna continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you are capable of with your mind. Thank you.

About Brandy Gillmore

Meet Brandy Gillmore – World-Renowned Mind-Body Healing Expert

Brandy Gillmore is a best-selling author, award-winning podcast host, and globally recognized expert in mindset and mind-body healing. Celebrated for her groundbreaking approach to healing and life transformation, Brandy’s inspiring journey began with healing herself from disability, freeing herself from reliance on a wheelchair, walker, and cane. 

She then achieved the unprecedented: demonstrating the healing power of the mind in mere minutes, with results verified by thermal medical equipment.

Her pioneering work has been published in the Health Medical Journal and featured in award-winning documentaries, numerous docuseries, and TEDx talks

Today, Brandy inspires audiences across the globe, sharing her breakthrough discoveries with people from all walks of life—including top celebrities, professional athletes, devoted parents, and individuals passionate about personal growth—empowering them to unlock their potential, heal themselves, and transform their lives.

Discover the transformative power of mind-body healing by watching Brandy’s free self-healing online course here —your first step toward unlocking your innate ability to heal and thrive!

Ready to learn how to heal yourself?

From Illness To Wellness: Discover the 4 Easy Steps To Transform Your Health & Life With The GIFT Method™

In this self healing course, Brandy shares the exact things she did to heal (even when doctors told her there was nothing more she could do) so you too can be empowered with tools and techniques to heal yourself and change your life. Click here to learn more…

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Note: If you are hearing or sight impaired or have any other medical issues that would inhibit you from fully accessing the podcast, please reach out to our team at support@brandygillmore.com and we will be happy to assist you.  

Also, please remember that genuine change and follow through are key for self-healing results. If you struggle with negative thoughts or have a chronic health issue or chronic pain, please do not avoid seeing your doctor.

Instead, your goal with self-healing should be to continue to see your doctor as recommended and blow their mind with what you are capable of with your mind and with the power of mind-body healing.  Please enjoy this self-healing podcast!



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