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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life-changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made that changed my health and my entire. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this. Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level.
I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind, and then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind, your emotions, and your. To help you heal your health yourself and your life.
Let's begin.
Hello and welcome. It is so wonderful to connect with you. I just love that you are here. Continuing to expand your mind, your energy, your consciousness, your healing. I just love it. And I just love every episode. You know, they're so unique and each volunteer is just so different in their own beautiful way.
And the same is true with today's episode. And just some really powerful insights for healing and transforming, and also for looking at hidden potential. Aspects that can affect your health that a lot of people overlook. And what I mean by that, you know, is that we have so many different factors in society that do impact our health.
that people are engaging with all of the time and they don't even realize it. And that is one of the things that makes today's episode so insightful. I mean, imagine if everybody is engaging in a certain type of behavior and they don't realize that it's impacting their health or what they're manifesting or their happiness or depression.
all of these things. And so it's just profound when we stop and think about the awareness that comes from this episode. And so I love that. And I love our volunteer and her name is Maria. And if you recall, I started working with her on last week's episode. So we did, you know, one session and I broke it in half where we talked about half of it.
And we're going to dive into the second half of her session on today's episode. Now, if you recall from last week, part of what was going on was that she was having a hard time being able to receive in life, which is part of what was going on, the other part was that she had been speaking poorly about her sister and she had been doing so to her mom.
So she was, you know, speaking to her mom about her sister all the time, really poorly. Which was unfortunately impacting her sister's life. Because, you know, of course, if she's speaking to her mom all the time negatively about her sister, then it impacts her level of love that her sister can receive, you know, it's impacting that relationship.
And by the way, I got to say all of the time I see people who are stewing over others or their relationship with others and speaking poorly, and it may not impact them. The same way that it's impacting Maria, you know, but I'll see people who are speaking poorly about others and maybe their teeth are all falling out and they've spent 50, 75, 000 replacing their teeth because they keep having issues with their teeth or it's showing up in what they're manifesting in life.
And we're going to talk about that even more. as we dive into this episode, because it shows up in a variety of different ways and people don't even realize it, but it's impacting them. So that's part of what we're going to unpack today. And so I'm excited to get started. And just a reminder where we left off, if you recall, With Maria, one of the things that she had been speaking poorly about her sister about had to do with her sister's eating habits.
So she was very critical about her sister's eating habits, where her sister's eating fast food and, and what was really ironic about this is that her sister's eating fast food would be. And so she was criticizing her sister for the way she eats because it was unhealthy and yet if you recall all of this Criticism that she's been giving towards her sister is actually impacting her So it was really ironic that the very thing that she was criticizing her sister for was impacting her own health So that's where we left off at the end of the last episode.
So we're gonna go ahead and pick up there and talk about acceptance and also Where you might see this showing up in your own life. All right. So that said, let's go ahead and dive back in with our beautiful volunteer, Maria, here we go.
So when you look at it in this other way, notice. You're engaging in a behavior that's contributing to your illness. Okay. Yet, while criticizing what she's eating. Yeah. So I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe. Now I have a question for you, by the way. How many of her kids got sick on the, the, uh, fast food also?
Uh, as of now, it was just her. They ate different food. Yeah. Are you sure it was the food who made it, that made her sick? No, I'm not, because she does get sick a few times a year to her stomach. Ah. So, if it's a normal experience that she, normal sickness that she experiences a couple times a year, you think it's possibly due to some type of psychological stress?
Anything's possible. And um, if I check into her energy, I would say yes. Okay. So, I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And I hope what you're thinking in your mind is this, is not that you're feeling wrong or bad or anything like that, but that you're saying, okay. I see things radically different and this is going to be easier for me to change.
I see things radically different. I'm willing to see, I have a different perspective, a different awareness. This will be helpful for me to make a real change. So I hope that's what you're saying. Does that make sense? It does. Great. If I ask you sometimes if you notice a part of you that has a tendency to get pissed off or frustrated.
Zero to ten, what would you say the level is? Ten. Mm hmm. Okay. And so I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And I would say that's the other feeling with that. Okay? Now, can you see how it could even be called in some ways kind of like rage, where you're just like really pissed? Can you see that?
Yeah. I can. Yep. So I'm going to ask you to breathe. Okay. Now I'm going to ask you something. You ready? If I ask you, how badly do you want to get better? A ten plus. 10 plus. Okay. So if we said, all right, let's get clear on the changes. I'm going to get rid of this feeling of anger and pissed off. I'm going to get rid of it completely.
I'm not going there anymore. I'm going to start looking at things with my sister in a different way, completely. I'm going to have an open mind. I'm going to be willing to let whatever be right for her and respecting that and allowing that and whatever's right for you. And you're not going to say anything negative about your sister to your mom.
This is the thing. Okay. So just to be clear, let's say you were married and let's say you were speaking poorly about your sister to your husband who doesn't even know your sister. Theoretic. Okay. Then, it wouldn't be as out of integrity because you're not crashing down your sister's life simultaneously or the grandkids lives, okay?
But what happens is the more that you speak poorly about your sister, specifically to your mom, then the more you're actually impacting your sister's life and the grandkids and all of that. Does that make sense? Yeah, I can see that. Yeah. Okay. So I love your self awareness. I love your self awareness. Now, of course, I'm not saying necessarily pick somebody else to speak poorly about your sister to, though, if I'm going to break it down to what's real, that would actually help you improve exponentially if it was at least somebody that was different than your mom.
Right. Now, in a more perfect transformation, you wouldn't want to speak poorly about her at all. Instead, you'd start being more open minded and seeing it in a different way and not fault finding in her so much. and really start embracing her, and you would allow her to be exactly the way she is, and you would embrace it, and that would be optimal.
But I'm just saying, at minimum, so if you said, oh my god, it's so hard not to speak poorly about her, then at least an improvement would be not doing it with your mom. Does that make sense? Yes, that does. All
right. So let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, first and foremost, I have to say, I love her self awareness. I love her vulnerability and her self honesty just really, really beautiful. And let's be honest. She's not the only person who is speaking poorly. about somebody else. You know, we see it all of the time, but a lot of times people just don't realize it's impacting their life.
And instead they end up feeling like a victim to circumstances. And, you know, one example that I might see all of the time is I'll see women who are speaking poorly over and over about men, you know, men do this or men do that. And then unfortunately their relationships. reflect that, you know, either they can't find a relationship or they're not finding somebody who's a great fit, or even spouses will do this, where they're speaking poorly about their spouse and it's impacting them in one way or another.
Maybe it's their health, maybe it's their life, maybe it ends the relationship and they don't realize the energy of it, or they end up with, uh, Relationship that then ends up leaving them where they feel abandoned in the relationship and they don't realize That they were the ones who were speaking poorly about their partner and that's the way it manifested I mean it just manifests in so many different ways sometimes in health sometimes in life And actually I'm gonna mention something that recently happened and I'm gonna mention a political figure, but this is not Political.
So I want to be clear, this is not political, but I want you to think about the energetics for a moment, because it's so insightful. You know, if you think about it, Trump was just recently arrested. And whether you care for him or not, we're not looking at that. We're just looking at the energetics for a moment.
And when you think about it, he is somebody who said repeatedly, lock this person up, lock that person up, and gone after certain people wanting to get them thrown in jail. And here he is ending up with his own situation. Now, point being again, is that's not political. It's the energetics. Thinking about the energy of it, that all of the time I'll see people who are putting out a negative energy towards others, where they're criticizing somebody else.
And it's impacting them, like in the case with Maria right here, that exact thing is occurring. Now, what you'll notice, what I said to her was specifically that if she talked poorly about her sister to somebody who didn't know her sister, That would at least be better because it wouldn't be as impactful to her sister.
Now, of course, it wouldn't be great either way. So you don't want to do that. And not only that, there's, what did they call it? Six degrees to separation. And I think it's probably even less than that, but we're all connected in one way or another. So you still wouldn't want to do it. But in this case, because Maria has been speaking poorly about her sister to their mother, it's impacting her sister's love.
that she's receiving in life. So that's not really fair to her sister, because her sister now has a mother who's not as connected with her. And that's not fair. And not only that, but there are grandkids that are also being affected because, you know, with the mother not wanting to be as close. To her sister, it's also impacting the grandkids and their ability to receive love as well.
And so it's just impactful on many levels. And the thing that you want to remember is, you know, I've never met anybody who is perfect. And. Simultaneously, we're all perfect, but let's be honest, every single one of us has all come with different patterns or things to overcome or challenges or whatnot, and so while we are all perfect, we're also all needing to work on something so we could focus on what is negative in a person, what we don't like or what we don't like.
we can focus on what's great about a person and that's ultimately what you want to do is exactly that and of course if you don't want the person in your space then just don't have them in your space but you don't want to speak poorly about them because it really can impact you in a variety of different ways whether it's affecting your health or I can't tell you how many times I've seen people who are speaking poorly about others and they're also spending so much money on replacing this tooth or that tooth, or it's affecting their eyes because they're fault finding in a variety of ways, or it's just all kinds of things that I see come up.
And so that said, making sure if this is something in your life, you want to definitely change it. And we're going to unpack this a bit more coming up on some changes that strongly recommend making in your life. All right. So that said, let's go ahead and dive back in with beautiful Maria. Here we go.
So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And if I ask you, how is that going to feel to you? to transform this relationship with your mom? I think my mom doesn't need to hear it from me. She can make her own thoughts and me compiling on top of it makes it worse and definitely I could maybe feel a little lighter if I wasn't thinking negatively about my sister.
Absolutely. Beautiful. I love, love your self awareness. I love it. Very, very, very impressive. The other thing is, is I would say that part of the reason that your mom does think and speak poorly about your sister is because that's how you guys have learned to connect. So I would also say, if you weren't fueling it, then she could stop fueling it as well.
So that would be a really good thing as well. Yes. Alright, so if we said okay, that you've got to feel not guilty for receiving, that you've got to be able to receive and feel not guilty for receiving and not bad about receiving, one thing, and if we also said okay, then as well, you've got to, using the example of the hammer or nourishment, you've got to be able to receive nourishment and love and connection and all of that without affecting anybody else's life in a negative way.
Does that make sense? Okay. And then the anger as well. If I ask you, are you willing to change these? Great. Can I ask, are you talking anger towards my sister or anger in general? Uh, anger in general. I don't see necessarily a lot of anger towards your sister, I see more looking down on her. Okay. If I ask you, zero to ten, how much anger you have towards your sister, what would you say?
Um, not that much. Maybe a five. Yeah. That's what I would have said is even about a level three towards her. Yes. Okay. Okay. So. Yeah, I would say, um, I would say that there's a feeling of feeling like when things don't go your way, a feeling of getting pissed off or frustrated or angry when there's something that you're wanting and you can't achieve or get.
Can you see that? Yeah. Okay. Great. I love your self awareness.
All right, so let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment because I want to state that I'm not saying that it's okay for her to have anger towards her sister and it's just fine. So I don't want to make it sound like, Oh, that anger, it's not that big of a deal. Of course she'd want to change it, but there's a careful balance here because if I were to have asked her.
Well, what negative thing about your sister, what are you angry about her for? Then what would have happened? She would have started speaking poorly about her sister again. Oh, her sister did this or her sister did that or whatever it was. And so what would have happened is I would have actually triggered the very pattern that was affecting her health.
And because the feeling of anger towards your sister. isn't impacting her health, but the one that is speaking poorly about her sister is impacting her health. I didn't want to go that route. And so, that's the reason that I just left that there. And the point that you'll want to take from this is speaking about not necessarily being perfect, is that you don't have to be perfect to heal.
But what you do need to do is make sure to address the very thing that is connected to the health issue. So that is key. And that's where we're going as we dive back in with beautiful Maria. Here we go.
I love your self awareness. So I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe. And by the way, if I ask you if you're experiencing any current physical symptoms, what would you say? Um, there's some, they're not super high at the moment, but there are some there always. Okay. So if I ask you what symptom that is?
Itching, um, swelling of the eyes, things like that. Okay. And so if I ask your level of itching, what would you say? Uh, it's only minimal, like a six or something. I have used steroid cream to minimize it. Okay. If I ask you just for a moment to breathe, and if I ask you if you would really, really be honestly willing to look at your sister in a different way, what would you say?
Um, an eight. And I'm going to say that again, and ask you to breathe, and be willing to look at her honestly in a different way. Now, if I ask you, and I know this is going to make no logical sense whatsoever. You ready? I mean, I'm telling you, it's not going to make any logical sense. So here we go. So I'm going to ask you to breathe.
And if I ask you to notice any part of you that feels jealous of her, what would you say? The only jealousy is the ability to eat what she wants to eat. Okay. And if I ask you 0 to 10, how much would you say that is? That is a 10. I'm jealous of anyone that can eat what they want. Okay. But notice for a moment, watch this.
If I ask you 0 to 10, how much you feel jealous towards your mom, if I ask you 0 to 10, your level of feeling jealous towards your mom, what would you say? Probably not as high. Bingo! Bingo. It's not really there compared to if I ask you to notice towards your sister, a feeling of feeling like she gets to do what she wants to do.
Can you see that? Yeah. Mm hmm. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe, and I'm going to ask you to notice the feeling of feeling frustrated, jealous, that she gets to do what she wants to do. And I'm going to ask you to breathe, and I'm going to ask you to notice that feeling of frustration.
And jealousy. Can you see it? Okay, so I'm going to ask you to breathe, and what if you get to do what you want to do? That would definitely be nice. Great. So I'm going to ask you to breathe. And what if your sister gets to do what she wants to do, and you also get to do what you want to do? Right. Then we could both be happier, I guess.
Great. So I'm going to ask you to breathe, and if she gets to do what she wants to do, and you get to do whatever you want to do, how jealous would you be of her? Not as much at all. Not as much at all. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And I'm going to ask you to take that in. If she gets to do what she wants to do and you get to do whatever you want to do, how jealous would you feel of her?
I wouldn't. What's that? I wouldn't. So, zero to ten? Yeah, it would be like a zero. Like a zero. Great. So, I'm going to ask you to breathe. I don't want you to notice the level in your eyes. What's your level? I mean, uh, swelling. Of the itching? Itchy, swelling. Um, I think I have 5 or 6. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe.
And if I ask you just for a moment to notice the part of you who, who feels pissed off at the idea of needing to change some of these things, what would you say? Um, being pissed off. There's, there is a level, uh, maybe 7. I know there's a level. Uh, so this is what we're going to do. Okay. So I would have said, yeah, seven, seven, eight.
So I love your self awareness. Okay. And so what I think that we're, what would be best to do is this, is to say exactly this, you don't have to change anything. You don't have to change anything at all. And I just want to leave you with the invitation that it's there. As you see on past episodes, different things come up for different people, right?
And so what I want to do when I mentioned the anger piece, that's because I could feel that piece also coming up. Okay. And so this is the thing is that I can tell you're a very, very strong minded person, very strong willed. And this is what I want to do is I'm going to leave you with an invitation. And I'm just going to say, this is what I see in your energy.
And that, as you can see on past episodes, I'm really good at seeing what people, what's in people's energy and, and even in the awareness that you and I have never met. And yet you can see all of these specific things, right? So you can see the things that have come up. And so with that, it's an invitation to change when you're ready.
And there's also no pressure. So you decide, right? But what it comes down to is like this. If I told you that somebody is tired of hearing things and they don't want to hear and they don't want to hear and they don't want to hear, could you imagine that that's going to affect their ears? Yeah. Yeah, so if I were to sum up the issues with you, it would be the more nourishment that you're provided, the more it impacts others and your sister.
And actually there's a grandkid that's even also being impacted. And the grandkid that's being impacted, it's an important factor in the whole energetics of it all. I do hear what you're saying there. So that said, nobody's pushing you to change and I don't want to push you to change. And I don't want to upset you with the idea of changing, but I do want to give you the invite and the information, and then you can do with it when, when you're ready, does that sound good?
Yes, it's definitely not the way I expected this to go, but definitely something I am, I should look into. Beautiful. All right. It has been so wonderful connecting with you. I have to say, I love your, your self awareness in this and, uh, you're a beautiful, beautiful being and it's been a pleasure connecting with you.
Um, yeah, very insightful. So I appreciate your time. Absolutely. You're absolutely so, so welcome.
All right. So let's go ahead and unpack this even more because there are two really powerful insights from this episode that I absolutely love. And of course, first and foremost, I want to go ahead and acknowledge Maria. What a beautiful, beautiful being. I love her self awareness. I love her honesty and her vulnerability.
Just beautiful, just really beautiful. And that also leads us to the first insight, which has to do with pushing yourself or not pushing yourself. Now, notice for a moment on past episodes, you'll hear me, let's say I'm working with somebody who has some type of physical pain and I'm pushing them to get the results and you'll see them get out of pain and you know, pushing a bit.
And in that case, when I do push somebody. I'm doing so because it's beneficial. I can see that it's beneficial. They can get there and they can release their pain and make that change. And so I love that. Now, in this case, as it was starting to push a bit, I could feel her resistance and also her pain. a bit of anger going up.
And of course, she wasn't expressing it. Her voice didn't change or anything like that, but I could feel it. And in that case, it wasn't beneficial to push her. So I didn't, and I just gave her the information. So, and beautiful. And I love that. And I love that she could see that and was honest with herself about that.
I mean, just, again, just a beautiful, beautiful being. Now, the point that you're going to want to take from that is this, is that if you're somebody who pushes yourself to do more and you're breaking through to the next level and it's feeling good, awesome. That can definitely help you to reach your next breakthrough, to lovingly push yourself and take yourself to the next level.
However, if you are somebody who's pushing yourself and you're resistant and struggling with it and pissed and getting angry and all of that. That's not an awesome way to push yourself. And so I love that we can see the difference here from today's episode. Because you know, if you've listened to past episodes, you've heard me help people make radical breakthroughs, bringing eyesight, you know, where people have cleared their eyesight and been able to see again, or pain, or all kinds of issues by pushing to the next level.
And by the way, I know some people, On the spiritual journey, say, well, we should never ever have to push, but let's be honest for a moment. If you think about childbirth, which is obviously a very spiritual experience, there's a lot of pushing involved to take life to the next level, or in that case, to bring life.
into the world. And so I'm not somebody who says we should never push. And of course, if you've listened to past episodes, then you've heard me push, but only when it brings more life, so to speak, only when it's in a positive way that can take you to the next level. And so again, just notice how you are with self.
And if you're pushing self in a great way, where you're having a breakthrough and it's a positive outcome. Great. But if you're pushing yourself in a way that's negative or hurtful or increasing pissed off or upset feelings or irritability, then you'll want to make sure to stop and operate in a different way.
And so I just absolutely love this. Insight and this takeaway from this episode, because it illustrates it so well. So just, I love that. Just so perfect. All right. So that is insight number one. Now, insight number two is this, is that all the time I'll see people who are wanting more love in their relationships or life, or, you know, they're wanting more and more connection.
And they also simultaneously have a pattern of speaking poorly about others. And so what happens is they're not manifesting the relationships that they want. And so they're feeling all of this hurt and then they're speaking poorly about others and then they're not having the relationships that they want.
And it is a vicious cycle of hurt and loneliness that can also involve things like abandonment or rejection. And yet, a person doesn't realize that their own action of speaking poorly about others is actually impacting them. And so, that said, I want you to notice if either one of these things are going on in your life.
If you're pushing yourself in an unhealthy way, or if you're speaking poorly about others, and it's showing up in one way or another in your health, in your life, in your relationship, you know, wherever that is, or it's backfiring. and showing up in your life in one way or another. So that said, just again, beautiful insights, beautiful volunteer.
I just love this episode and I want to invite you to please do make a point to hit the share button on this episode. You know, share it with somebody you love, somebody you care about, or somebody you don't even know, because the more empowerment and self awareness in our world and the more love in our world, The better this world is for all of us.
And so please do make a point to hit the share button and please do make a point to have a most wonderful, beautiful rest of your day. And I look forward to connecting with you on the next episode. We'll see you there.
Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself Change. All of the time people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touched their heart, or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness of how amazing we all really are. If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about or those you know who really.
As more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point and the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone what we are all capable of. And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming, to maintain their results.
But the point. For you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life if you really understand how to use your mind. You are incredible. And I do wanna be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own. I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made.
You'll wanna remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people. That said, if you wanna send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website And if you're cu