258 Transcript: Accelerate Your Healing: The Power of Letting Go of Guilt and Feeling Supported

Heal Yourself Change Your Life

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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made that changed my health and my entire life. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this.

Each week, I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level. I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind. And then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use. To master your mind, your emotions, and your energy to help you heal your health, yourself, and your life.

Let's begin.

Hello and welcome. It is so wonderful to connect with you. I just love that you are here, continuing to expand your mind, your energy, your consciousness, your healing. I just love it. And I just love today's episode. You know, all of the time you hear me say that there are just key insights that just come alive.

in episodes where you can see and witness and observe how the mind is working and why it's working a certain way. And you can also see the triggers of what affects the mind body connection. And for that reason, I just love today's episode. That is of course, one of the reasons our volunteer, I'm telling you, you're just absolutely going to love her again.

We just always get the best volunteers, just sweet and lovely. And. and caring and she's just good. She's just so good. I love her heart. I love who she is. I love the way she shows up. Her name is Myla and what you'll notice as we step in, you know, on past episodes, some of the things we've talked about is things like leaning into the negative emotions and why not to do that.

And, and what you'll see, even on today's episode is you'll notice even as I start talking to her about the problem, you'll notice she says, Hey, the pain is actually going. The pain went up is actually what she says. Something to that effect. You'll, you'll see as we dive in, but that's the point is that you'll notice there are key insights and things that we don't realize that are even happening in our world that are that are all around us.

And so that's what I love. It's just very empowering, very insightful. And also her heart is just really beautiful. And another thing is just that this episode will be something that a lot of people can relate to, because I know that a lot of people have felt where they're struggling in one area of life or another or feeling challenged and also simultaneously Have felt happy in life and felt that life is good and life is wonderful and they're happy.

And, and so it's just that mix of emotions. And so it just, again, so many things that I love about today's episode. And so on that note, let's go ahead and dive in with our beautiful volunteer, Myla. Here we go.

Yes. Can you hear me? Yes. It's wonderful to connect with you. Beautiful. Beautiful. Happy, beautiful day. And what can I do for you, Sunshine? So, I'm a little bit nervous, for sure. I can, I can tell. Um, and so, something that I've been, I've been on a quest for a while. Um, and it's really, like, it varies. Like, today, it's almost like, I don't have, like, I have other stuff going on.

I'm not. like the pain in my back. And so it's, it seems like it's always something like going on. Um, and I guess I just wanted, I feel like I've made so much progress where I want to finally like, just figure out how to just always feel good. Okay. Okay. Uh, I like that you've made progress and, um, awesome.

And, uh, what do you have going on today? So today though, it's like, I felt, I feel nauseous, like just kind of sick to my stomach. Um, almost like uncomfortable hurting in my stomach. Um, and then a lot of times I do have like, I just wake up and like my back aches and I want to just wake up to where I, I don't have back aches and I just.

want to feel good and so that's mainly it's like I notice like my back like I'll start washing dishes and then it's like my back hurts I'm like okay like I just wanted to wash dishes like um so kind of like that stuff and like today I took a day off and I wanted to feel good and then it's like oh now my stomach um okay stuff all right so um give me just one second so I'm gonna ask you to breathe and if I ask you How much you can find the feeling of a Feeling like you always have to do everything like you're not feeling Supported and you feel like you're just always Needing to do everything or everything always falls on your shoulders and not feeling supported etc zero to ten How much can you find that feeling like ten?

Okay. Okay. So about a ten. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. Love yourself awareness You So if I ask you where that frustration has been showing up, where would you say that is? Um, with money matters, like feeling like I always have to pay for everything.

Let's see at home like doing Like improvements or anything like I have to do everything find the person find the money find the time With my kids 100 percent with my kids. I feel like I have to make all the choices for them and everything okay, and so so I want you to notice that feeling of feeling like Uh, like you're always having to do everything and it's all on you, right?

And if I ask you to just for a moment to notice 0 to 10, if I ask you how much you like to control everything, what would you say? 0 to 10. Before I would say 10, now I would say 8. Okay, so I'm going to ask you to breathe. Bingo. And the level in your stomach right now, 0 to 10, what's your level in your stomach?

Like a 8. So, um, so I'm gonna ask you to breathe. It's kind of, it's definitely increased since we kind of started talking about this. Okay. So bingo. Give me one second.

All right. So let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, first and foremost, if you stop and think about it for a moment, this is profound. for several reasons. First and foremost, notice that she just mentioned that as we've been talking about this issue, that her pain has increased. Now the reason this is profound is how often do you think people in life have a habit of of talking about issues that are bothering them and they don't realize it's affecting their health, their immune system, their life, their pain, their illness, their autoimmune, their etc, etc.

All kinds of conditions. This happens all of the time and people don't realize it and so What I love about her awareness is, of course, in this situation, our goal is to take the situation and then change it. But what you can also see from this is that you'll notice is that notice exactly what she says.

Her pain is going up as she says it. We're talking about it and now you may see, you know, if you've been listening to past episodes, you can also see the reason that in past episodes, a lot of times I'll interrupt somebody. I interrupt them and I say something like, you know, what you were about to say was going to increase the pain.

And in this very situation, we can see the reason for that because a lot of times exactly this thing will happen is that if people are speaking more and more about the problem, um, It can affect their health. It may not always be pain. It may be the autoimmune condition or the, you know, immune system or whatever it is.

It can be all different types of issues, but I love this awareness. Even though, though, of course, it's not perfect. And don't worry, spoiler alert, she is able to get her pain gone. So as I work with her and show her how to use her mind, she does release her pain. So that's the great thing, but As you can see right now, it is going up and she noted that.

And by the way, what you also want to apply this to is that on past episodes, we've also talked about the reason that you won't want to lean in to negative emotions, because sometimes that's exactly what happens. People want to talk about them or lean into the emotion and how they're feeling. But. As we can see in this very situation, as the more she's talking about it and going into it, the more her pain is increasing.

And so I just, I love this awareness for so many reasons. And of course, I love where we're going on this, because what you also notice is our volunteer just has a beautiful, caring, loving, wonderful heart, and great intentions, and also some Stock frustrations and wounding at a deeper level. And so that's where we're going as we step back in with our beautiful volunteer, Myla.

Here we go.

If I ask you zero to 10, how much you're concerned that your spouse is going to be mad at you? Zero to 10. Well, I don't have a spouse. Okay. Um, bingo. So, uh, how many kids live in, uh, who lives in your house with you? Just one. Just one. Just one son. Bingo. Yeah. Can you give me his initials, please? Um, RF. Bingo.

Okay, and if I ask you, how old is he? Uh, 16. Bingo. Okay, um, there we go. Bingo. And, uh, can you say his initials again, please? RF. Bingo. Okay, and if I ask you zero to ten, how much you're afraid he's going to be mad at you, what would you say? Um, like a six between seven. Mm hmm. That's before more lately. I've been like trying to be like, okay that if he's mad, whatever Because I don't like when people are mad at me.

So like I noticed when he is and so I've been working on that, too Okay, so I'm gonna ask you to breathe and if I ask you growing up, can you can you give me your father's initials? a And actually, can you give me your mother's initials? Yeah, my father's was a V and then my mother's right now is MV. Bingo.

Okay. And so I'm going to ask you to breathe. And if I asked you growing up, how much you were upset anytime your mom got mad at you, what would you say? Zero to 10? Um, I don't remember her getting mad at me. Okay. Um, which is, it's very possible that she did. I just don't remember. Okay. So, uh, so I'm gonna ask you to breathe.

Okay. So let's go this direction. So I want you to notice, you can see that there's a feeling of fear of your son being mad at you, right? Yeah, but I feel like he's been mad at me plenty, so I guess I feel like I'm either used to it or I know that it's gonna be okay either way. Okay, so you know it's gonna what?

Be okay either way? Mm hmm. Mm hmm. So you know 100 percent sure it's gonna be okay either way? I want to believe that and I'm working on believing that, yeah. Okay, so you're level in your stomach, zero to ten, what's your level? Seven. Okay, so I'm gonna ask you to breathe. And if I ask you to also notice how much you have a feeling of fear he's going to abandon you, 0 to 10, what's your level?

Um, well, this one is, he is 16, so it's kind of funny, like, I do realize, like, he's, you know, he's my baby and he's gonna get older. The other one already left, so to me, like, I'm trying to understand, like, it's not abandoning me, he's gonna go to college and live his life. Um, so. Okay, so I want you to notice that fear is there, but I think that it's lessening.

Okay, so if I ask you how many tears you have connected to that fear, what would you say deep inside? How many tears? Yeah. Like two? Okay. So I'm going to ask you to breathe. Okay. And so I'm going to grab in the other piece and I'm going to bring this back in. So there's a feeling of feeling guilty for asking him to help with things.

Can you see that? Okay. Um, yes and no. Um, as of recently, I asked, I've been asking for way more, um, but with good reason because he wanted a car. So, um, I, yeah, before it's like, just do work, school work, like minimal, like this is what your job is school. And so lately I have like, Oh, do this, go get the water out for me out of the car.

So I definitely have increased my asking of him for sure. Okay. Also, if you're feeling sick or ill or having pain or whatnot, can you see the part of you that feels like it feels it's easier to ask for things? And can you see, like, if, for example, if you're having pain, it's easier to ask him to help you do things than if you're not.

Can you see that? No. And I, it's weird because I almost feel like I don't like asking people when I don't feel like I don't want anyone to know I don't feel good. Okay. Bingo. Um, so let me put it in another way. Okay. So notice with the car, you feel like you have an excuse to ask, right? Yes. Cause I thought I'm the car.

Yes. Okay. Now exactly. So notice you feel like you need an excuse to ask him to help out right now. I'm going to mirror this to you. Let's say I have a 16 year old child. 16 year old son, and I'm afraid to ask him to help out around the house. Now first and foremost, wouldn't it be good to ask him to help out around the house so he gets used to house chores and helping out so when he does get married and or in a relationship or even goes off to college or whatnot and has flatmates and roommates that he is used to and has established habits?

of picking up after himself so people don't hate living with him. Yes. Um, and I, yeah, I've been trying to. Yep. So in other words, instilling these habits in him would be very good because they will make him a better partner, a better roommate, a better flatmate, a better dorm mate, whatever it is. They will know a better father.

Whatever he does and wants to be growing up. If he just does not want to live by himself Establishing habits of cleaning up after himself and helping out would be a good thing Not just for a car, but for him to have those qualities as a being. Correct? Yes Great. So when you think about that for a moment If I ask you, when you think about it from that perspective, how much do you feel bad for asking him to help out?

Um, not, no, not at all. Not at all. Right? Not at all. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe, and I want you to think about it from exactly that perspective. That you don't need a car as an excuse. You don't need to overwhelm as an excuse. You don't need to feel like you're doing everything as an excuse. He's 16.

And he needs these habits for life, anyway, they won't, like, believe me, if he grows up and he's got a woman that's always frustrated that he's not helping out, she's always cleaning out, after a while, maybe not during the honeymoon period, or, but after a while, she starts to go, ugh, this is a lot, right?

Yeah. Okay, so I'm gonna ask you to breathe. Now wouldn't it be good to instill these into him? Right, so I'm going to ask you to breathe. Bingo. And I want you to notice a level in your stomach. Zero to ten, what's your level? Uh, like four, five. Nice. So, uh, bingo. Give me one second. Bingo. That's what it says, about a four, which is great because it's about halfway down, right?

Mm hmm. Great. So I'm going to ask you to breathe.

All right, so let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, first and foremost, I love her heart and I love her love for her son. It's really, really sweet. And also what I love about the insight here is this, is that what you'll notice is she's feeling guilty and bad about asking her son to help out.

And ultimately, when you stop and think about it for a moment, there's clearly no reason that she should feel guilty or bad. And that's my point, is that a lot of times emotions that can affect our health don't make logical sense. And that's also the reason that a person may continue to negate them. And by the way, that is exactly what I did in my own injury, right?

You know, I'd had fears come up that I knew didn't make sense, you know, and so if the fear came up, I would just ignore it, you know, like, Oh, well, that doesn't make any sense. And I would just ignore it instead of actually rewiring my subconscious mind. Now, also something you'll notice is this, is that even when I'm working with her, you'll notice, or anybody, you'll notice there's times when I'm pushing a bit more because I want her to feel it.

So I'm talking, speaking stronger because I need Really create a different feeling. And that's the point that I want to share with you also is that as you're working with your mind, what you'll want to do in your own self is make sure to really get yourself to strongly feel in a different way. So you can genuinely embrace a change and you, so you really feel differently.

So that of course is key also. But those are two of the insights that I just wanted to highlight for you in this is making sure that you're genuinely feeling different, even if the emotion doesn't make logical sense and that you're willing to create that real change. All right. So, uh, that said, let's go ahead and dive back in with our beautiful volunteer, Myla.

And now if I ask you to notice for a moment, how long you have had the pattern of feeling like you have to do everything without What would you say? Um, always. Always, right? Yeah, like I don't have memories, like exact memories, but I know, it just feels like that's probably been the case. Okay, so, um, bingo.

So if I ask you, just for a moment, if that's always been the case, what would it look like for you not to feel that way in life? What would it look like for you not to feel that way in life? Um, what would it feel like to not feel like I, always have to do it on my own or by myself. Yeah, what would it look like to have a, a, a team?

What would it look like to feel supported? What would it look like to feel, to not feel like everything is always being put on your shoulders, but that you feel supported in life? What, what would that look like? Um, I mean, first of all, it would look like people telling me yes. Um, okay, great. People telling you yes.

And what would that yes look like? To like everything and financial things and like, just help, um, going to do stuff, just like everything, like if I could just start hearing it, yes. Okay, but notice how long you have had the pattern of feeling like everything is a struggle and it's all on your shoulders and you have to do it all, right?

Okay. Bingo. So now, if I ask you also at the same time, how much you can find a feeling of feeling, a sense of pride of doing it all, what would you say? Yeah, for sure. And as of recently, like with the car, like, um, it seemed like no one wanted to help me, but that's not true. My, um, I actually, my mom did help me at the end.

So that was kind of shocking, but like I, everything, I did it, like I did it fast. And so to me, like, that's it when I do it, I do it fast and it gets done and I don't have to like, beg anyone. Like, I just feel like that's probably why it works for me is because I, I know how to do it because I've had to do it so many times.

Okay. Now, big go. Okay. So basically, kind of like this, what I do, there's no way I could do what I do by myself. I, the universe supports me and I have an amazing team that supports me, right? They would just be impossible for me to do as much as I do without my wonderful team. Right? It just, it would be impossible.

Okay. So if you also think about, uh, if you think about Oprah or Amazon, Bezos, or any, anything that has, or even just any company, any business, if you think about whoever started it, it would be impossible for them to do it by themselves. Right? Yes. So if you think about it for a moment, Imagine this, like, when we're in second grade, doing something on our own is pretty impressive, right?

But then, imagine if somebody is growing and going through life, they're raising kids, they have multiple kids, or a household, or a business also, and so they have work, and they're managing this, and they're managing children, and blah, blah, blah, and all of these things. Now, how easy is it to do everything all themselves?

Um, it's not. It's not. It makes you have to stretch, right? And you can only do so, so, so much, right? Yeah. Okay, so I'm going to ask you to breathe, okay? So if you had no kids, one job, and very little responsibilities, it would be really easy to do it all by yourself, right? a lot easier. But now if you have two children, multiple responsibilities, a house, a blah blah blah, this, that, the other, and yada yada, now it becomes harder to do everything yourself, right?

Okay, so now, by the way, would it be more impressive, let's say Jeff Bezos with Amazon, let's say he did everything by himself, would that be more impressive? I can't lie a little bit, but I understand that. Okay, so I have a question. Yeah, do you ever order from Amazon? Yes. How quickly do you think you would get your package if he was doing everything himself?

Oh Everything right now that he's doing. Yeah, no, no No, no, if he did everything himself, how quickly do you think you would get your package? Yeah, I wouldn't get it And who how many of us would know what Amazon was if Jeff Bezos was doing everything himself? Probably no one, because he would only be able to deliver how many packages a week.

Yeah, yeah. Right? Yes. Okay, so my point is exactly that, is as we grow, we need to be willing to start doing things in a different way, right? Yes.

All right, so let's go ahead and actually stop the session right here because this is very profound and it is something that is consistent in every single person that I have worked with on some level, whether they realize it or not. And it's this, it's notice for a moment. How there's a part of her who feels a sense of pride in doing things by herself.

And notice she's also got this feeling of always feeling like she has no support and doing things herself. And the example that I use all of the time is also another example is this, is you'll hear me talk about a cutter, somebody who cuts themselves who can feel a feeling of relief or euphoria or control or safety from cutting themselves.

Meaning that Many times, the patterns that we want also simultaneously are wounding us in a way that we don't see. And so the pride of feeling like you're wanting to do everything by yourself, and then also the wounding and the overwhelm and the stress of trying to do everything by herself. And that mixed feeling and then noticing that, that.

There's guilt connected to it. So you can see how there's this spiral of emotions that's connected to it. And that of course can affect somebody's health. And in so many ways that are completely counterintuitive. I see this just on so many different levels. And so that is a norm. I, in fact, again, I have never worked with anybody who didn't have.

this miswired mind programming. That is a key. And that is the reason of course that back to back I'll see people who have been meditating 50 years and still haven't gotten the result because it does take really rewiring the mind. And that's nothing bad about meditation or affirmations or anything like that.

Some of them can be good. Some of them can be not so good, just like anything else. But the reason that we need to go further To heal ourselves, we need to really rewire the mind. That's when we see changes. And of course, as you've noticed, her pain is already halfway down. And so she's doing it and she's making the changes.

And of course, There's a key to getting it all of the way down, which of course we're going to continue to dive in deeper on the second part of the session, because the second part of the session has a whole nother deeper theme to it, if you will, meaning that there are other connections that are also holding this in place.

And so that's where we're going to go on the second part of of this session with our beautiful volunteer, Myla. But I do want to pause it here because I want to give you a moment to think about this in your own life and reflect on creating that real change and the insights that we've discussed. And I also do want to take a moment.

It was, I was just talking about my team to just acknowledge that I really do have a great team. The best team ever. We just got out of a team meeting. We laugh. We connect. We have fun. We have a blast and of course changed lives and in so many ways and I just want to acknowledge that I could not do all of this without my beautiful team.

They are absolutely incredible. I have Allie and Sherry and Sarah and BT, Ricole, and Andrew, and Charlotte, and Catherine, and just taking a moment to acknowledge them all. I'm just super grateful, and also, when we stop and think about it for a moment, none of us does anything by ourselves in this world, because above all, universe guides us.

Every one of these calls, everything that I do, universe has given me that information. Universe, God, divine, energy, mother nature, and of course, all of us, you know, our lives are all unfolding. And we also depend on each other. You know, the fact that we can even get this technology out in the world. People in, you know, some who support technology, or people who build our houses, or cars, or clothes, or water, or electricity, or all of the things.

You know, we really do depend on one another and a beautiful way. So we are all so supported by life, by each other, by this world. And of course, the more that we're willing to open our minds and energy. to receive support and also reciprocate support and feel deserving of it and receive it and be in good integrity, the more we create that flow in our lives.

And so just food for thought, if you can look at this in your own life and even feel good. about receiving support and grateful. And if this is an issue for you, where you've been feeling pride and hardship or pride of doing everything yourself, I'd invite you to really look at this and unpack this further in your own life.

All right. So that said, I want to ask you also, please do take a quick moment to hit on this episode, you know, share it with somebody you love, somebody you care about, or somebody you don't even know, because the more that every single person is healthy and happy and loved and loving, the better this world is for all of us.

And so please do. Make a point to hit the share button and please do make a point to have a most wonderful, incredible, fantastic rest of your day. And I look forward to connecting with you on the next episode. We'll see you there.

Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. All of the time people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touched their heart or helped them stay positive in hard times or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness. Of how amazing we all really are.

If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about or those, you know, who really need it as more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point. And the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world Consciousness by showing everyone.

And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming to maintain their results. But the point is for you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life if you really understand how to use your mind. You're incredible. And I do want to be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own.

I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made. You'll want to remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people realize. That said, if you want to send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website at brandygillmore. com slash podcast.

And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well. Lastly. Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you'll want to continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you're capable of with your mind.

Thank you.


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Heal Yourself, Change Your Life

From Illness To Wellness: 4 Easy Steps To Transform Your Health & Life With The GIFT Method™

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Also, please remember that genuine change and follow through are key for self-healing results. If you struggle with negative thoughts or have a chronic health issue or chronic pain, please do not avoid seeing your doctor.

Instead, your goal with self-healing should be to continue to see your doctor as recommended and blow their mind with what you are capable of with your mind and with the power of mind-body healing.  Please enjoy this self-healing podcast!

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