127 Transcript: The Universe Is Supporting You, Even If You Don’t…

Heal Yourself Change Your Life

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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life-changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made that changed my health and my entire. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this. Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level.

I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind, and then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind, your emotions, and your. To help you heal your health yourself and your life.

Let's begin.

Hello and welcome. It is so wonderful to connect with you. I just love that you are somebody who is here, who's continuing to expand your mind and your energy and your consciousness and your heart. I just love it. And I just love today's episode and today's volunteer. I mean, just such a beautiful, beautiful being.

And also the whole episode takes a bit of an unexpected turn, if you will. And just the way that our volunteer shows up is really beautiful and impressive, and also cute. challenging and what we're going to talk about today is just the awareness that the universe is supporting you, even if you don't always realize it.

And today's episode is just exactly that. It is divine timing for so many reasons. You know, the topic that we're going to talk about today is divine timing and also. This session with today's volunteer is also divine timing. And what you'll notice as we step in our volunteer, Rita, her and I were set to work on some health issues that she's having, which has to do with her stomach.

And that's what she had signed up for. But what you'll notice as we step in is that her boyfriend actually broke up with her just minutes before. We stepped into the session and it was connected to the health issues that she's had going on as well and just a lot of very insightful pieces, just in general, you know, with relationships also with health and also just the way that the universe can support us.

that we don't always necessarily see it. And the same was true with me going through my injury. You know, I didn't really see the support of the universe until there was just this epiphany, this, you know, awakening, and, and just, I mean, you know, several of them. But, um, point being is that we're just going to unpack a variety of different insights from today's episode that can help in a variety of different areas of life.

And so that's where we're going. And as we step in, you'll notice our volunteer today, Rita, she's just feeling pretty vulnerable, but is able to start finding some insights and her power and her strength. And so I just absolutely adore this woman. And let's go ahead and dive in with Rita. Here we go.

Hello. It is wonderful to connect with you. Thank you. Thank you for having me. Absolutely. Absolutely. And what can I help you with today? Uh, well, I, um, I wrote to you, uh, I'm a little bit upset right now because my, my boyfriend just left me some minutes ago. He just left you some minutes ago, what do you mean, did he, what do you mean he left you?

He, he broke up with me. Sorry. Okay. Okay. And um, bingo. Alright, so I'm gonna ask you to breathe. Try. Okay. Sorry. Okay. And um, that. Okay. Bye. Bingo. Give me one second. Okay. So, um, Alright. And out of curiosity, what did you originally write in for? I, um, in first place, I wrote to you because of, uh, stomach pain, and, um, I have so much air in my belly.

Um, especially after eating. It has been worse some time ago, but it's still there and it's not going away. Yeah, um, okay. Yeah. And, um, out of curiosity, do you have pain in your belly right now? Oh, I took, uh, um, anti pain pill because I had headaches so much today. That's, um, so I'm not feeling any pain right now because of this pill.

Yeah. But before I took it, I had pain and it was about, well, It could be about level four. So, um, so this is what I'm thinking. Is, um, uh, how long ago did your boyfriend break up with you? How long ago? Well, just a half an hour ago. Yeah, so, so what I think is, I, I think let's, let's see if we can get you rescheduled for, I mean, not too far out, because we can, we can still shift things, but I think that allowing your, yourself to have a moment to process and just be in yourself, um, give me one second.

Um, hold on one sec. Give me one sec. That. Bingo, bingo. Um, and by the way, if I ask you, how, how long were you guys together for?

Alright, so let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, first and foremost, notice that I was talking to her about rescheduling, and that was before I checked into her energy. So then I started checking into her energy, and I was like, okay, well, wait a second. Let's go ahead and continue.

But the reason that I did that is because I I always want to just respect people's boundaries and respect people's emotions and allow them to process when they want to. And so initially Because it just happened moments before our call where he just broke up with her, unfortunately, or fortunately, depending upon how you look at it and where we're going.

So fortunately, I would say, but you know, but that just happened. And so what I was gonna do is I was gonna say, you know, why don't you just go ahead and process your emotions. Let yourself think first before we dive into it. But what you'll notice is is that, you know, everything happens for a reason. And I would say that there's a part of her mind that could have kind of spun out with this whole breakup and kind of lost it or been upset or, you know, whenever.

And, and when you, Think about it for a moment. It just happened. And it's like, um, interrupting what could have been a really hard spiral. Um, and instead going, okay, well, wait a second. Let's, let's look at this. Let's reassess. And so that's where we're going. And there's some powerful insights again, for health, for life, for universe, just multiple things.

And so it's just really divine timing, but that's why I was like one minute saying, okay, well, let's just set this up and give you a moment to. be in your head first and to just digest this and then we can work on this and when I checked energy then it was like okay well wait a second let's just unpack this and you'll notice as we come up it's just it's a process of just opening up and I just ask her you know can I ask you kind of an odd question and uh and so it just kind of I didn't know where we were going with it either I just was you know just following guidance from the universe and so just so you know we're not rescheduling we are actually Diving in and opening up even more to everything that unfolds.

And so, that's where we're going as we dive back in with beautiful Rita. Here we go.

Uh, since two, two thousand eighteen, my two, my eighteen.

You're eighteen? No, my eighteen, I am forty four. Oh, May of eighteen, is that what you're saying? May, May eight, May of eighteen, that's right. Oh, gotcha, gotcha. And, uh, And, um, I don't know if that's, um, my stomach pain started when we came together. Okay. And, um, give me one second. Hold on one second. Give me one sec.

That, that, that, bingo, that, bingo. Can I ask you a question? Kind of an odd question? Of course.

If I ask you, did you like him?

Yeah, I think I loved him. Okay. And if I ask you, was there a part of you that also kind of was really mad at him? Yes. Yes, a lot. Mm hmm. And if I ask you, how often were you mad at him? Very often. Mm hmm. And if I ask you, zero to ten, how mad were you at him? Oh, sometimes it was far beyond ten. Mm hmm. Mm hmm.

I love your awareness. Like a 500. Right? Yeah. It's very, very high. Yes, that's right. Mm hmm. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe,

and uh, and if I ask you, bingo,

bingo. And if I ask you why you were typically mad at him, why would you say that is? Uh, um, I think there were several reasons. One of them was because he was always mad at my son. I think he doesn't like my son. The second thing was because there were some strange things with other women going on. Uh, and, um, and because, uh, yeah, I often felt a lot of pressure, um, in different, different areas.

For example, in on sexual, sexual pressure and, um, yeah. Okay. Um, okay. Yeah. So I have a question for you. I think, I think it, I think it was always so much about him and that he feels good and I, I felt, um. Less, yeah, you know what I mean? Does it make sense?

So I have a question. Is it a bad thing that he ended it? Or is it a good thing? Does it give you the opportunity to find something even better? Because what if he didn't end it, and you were still in the same relationship, feeling really upset and really angry 10 years from now, and 20 years from now, and 30 years from now, and he still wasn't treating your son great, and all of that.

I mean, is it a, is it a bad thing, or is it a good thing? All

right. So let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, I want to share just a quick insight for you right here that some people would say is a really small insight, but for me, it's very big. And so if you catch your mind saying, oh, well, this is small, remember. it's actually very big. It is a sink or swim or fail or succeed type of insight.

And it's this, you know, notice she was just talking about how there were some other women things that were going on and also some sexual pressure things. And she mentioned those coming up. Now, some people listening to this, What they would do is, you know, in her shoes, they might go into all of the things that he's doing wrong or blaming him or saying, Oh my God, he did that.

And I can't believe it. Or. There might be also some people who are listening to this saying, Oh my God, we need to unpack every one of those things. And that's what a lot of people would do is they'll start going into every little thing. But if you bring up a bunch of topics, all at once. You're going to end up in a downward spiral between blaming and then feeling fault and feeling like a victim.

And it will just end up putting you into a downward spiral. And I see that with people. All of the time, they're stuck between, well, he did this to me or she did this to me, and then it's my fault, and it's their fault, and it's their fault, and it's my fault, and they just kind of go back between blaming themselves and blaming the other person, or all of the victim things that the other person did.

And, of course, Yes, those absolutely need to be addressed and addressed within her at some point and Addressed, you know, so it's something that never happens again and and all of those things. So yes, they're important But right now is not the time because she is so fragile right now And right now she just needs to be stabilized to find her hope to find her strength in Her and to be able to get her mind in a better place.

So if you think about it for a moment, you know, if somebody's head is feeling like it's underwater, so to speak, it's got this negative thing and that negative thing and inundated by all of this negative spiral, then you're never going to figure out the way out and then anger towards this and, and attacking that and, and wanting to, you know, just, it's like a spiral of anger and negativity.

That's just going to feed the same thing. And of course, As she mentioned, she's already had a lot of anger. And so if we go into these same things the same way, it's just going to bring up even more anger or keep her head into that dark cloud of negativity and analyzing the negativity. But you have to be able to get out of that before you can actually clear it.

And by the way, I have to tell you, you know, I have a video set where people go through and create transformation and all of the time. I'll have people say, Oh my God, this is the best video course that I have taken ever. And it's amazing. And I've seen people literally transform their entire lives and go from bed ridden to walking and walking their dog and working and being in love and all kinds of things, raising kids.

I mean, I've just seen it multiple different people or even somebody who's been in extreme pain or had this health issue or that issue and they transform it. And part of the reason is because I just break everything down and simplify it and also make it so there's a real change occurring, that there's really positivity and there's really negativity taken out.

And when you stop and think about it, our culture is changing. is just terrible with emotions. The way that most people look at emotions, we have things like anger management or stress management, you know, in doing this stuff, in healing and changing your life and creating that energetic change. You'd never get real results if you were just trying to manage the emotion.

And so, point being is that our culture, the way that people look at emotions, is very different than what actually needs to be done to create real change. And every so often I get somebody who comes into the video set who will message my team and literally say things like, Well, I don't need the positive or I just want to skip to the negative.

Because they're so addicted to either the negative or they're so pulled towards it. They're so used to their brain doing things in a particular way. They don't really understand that they need to lift. And it doesn't happen very often because a lot of people just come through and simplify it. And just follow through.

and get the results. But it does happen and I've seen people before who were in extreme depression, who've literally emailed in and said, Hey, I'm in extreme depression. I have mental illness. I have this thing and that thing. And you know, that week one with the video set starts with the positive. And I think I really just need to identify the negative, and it's like, you know, they don't understand their brain is in all the negative or, you know, I've seen that.

Or I've even had people who literally have come in who will text, and this isn't very often, but every so often somebody will email in and they're like, I've been working on healing for 30 years now, so I don't really think that I need to really bring in the positive. I think I'm beyond that. And it's, if you think about it for a moment.

They're so addicted to doing things their way that they can't change to even do things in a different way to be able to get the results. So, a lot of times I'll either have my team point that out to them that they're so addicted to have to find the negative or wanting to go to the negative or wanting to do things in the old way that their brain can't do.

is working in that old way, and they believe it. And so, what you'll want to notice is if that's you, you'll want to do things differently. Because again, if you just simplify, and you really create genuine change, and you work with the subconscious mind, that, you know, I see incredible results all the time and so my point in bringing that up is just because I know that as we kind of skipped over those things for the time being, I know that there are a lot of people that go, but, but how do we unpack those?

And if you caught your mind doing that, you'll want to make sure you're not doing that to yourself either because you'll be working, you know, backwards, you know, even when people come into my video set, literally the first week is all about simplifying things, to understand them, to get results, because you really want to focus on just results.

So the first week is really about simplifying things and lifting and learning how to get that into your muscle memory, into your body and your neurons and, and create that energy throughout your body and all of those things. So getting it really programmed in by lifting first. And sometimes people are so addicted to that.

to the black cloud and going into the negative, that they'll get into like the first couple days and they're like, but I just want to know the negative. I just, and they're like fiending for the negative. And they don't understand the point of getting their head above that gray cloud and getting it out of that gray cloud to the positive and really starting to get that in their being.

And then. When they address the negative, it's so much easier and it's transformational. And I mean, it's just, it's a different world. And so point being is that I know that some people here might say, Oh, wow, she was having sexual pressure and you're not really addressing that. And that's the reason for that is with the extreme anger and all of these things and the darkness and the, you know, and she's so vulnerable right now that right now is not the time to address everything.

I want to emphasize to you, if you are somebody who's been stuck in that dark cloud, or the anger, or the negativity, or the spiral, or the blaming of this, and the anger of that, and, and just stuck in that, then you'll want to make sure to do things differently, because I cannot tell you how often I see people who are, you know, Unfortunately, digging up one problem after another after another and they're not good at even lifting and programming in the positive and, and creating a transformation that it makes things a lot harder on their lives.

And so, I've seen people who literally have been on the spiritual journey for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years who are feeling the heaviness because they haven't learned that yet. Transformation piece. And so that's where we're going as we dive back in with beautiful Rita. Here we go.

I'm just curious. Yeah. Okay. I'm curious. What do you think? Yeah, it could, maybe it could be, of course it could be a good thing. Yeah. Okay. Let me ask you if you really, really, really tried. Do you think you could find somebody who is a better fit for you?

Yeah, you know, maybe, maybe I could. But of course, there's a part of me that's very afraid to not find somebody or, uh, I think, uh, maybe I'm afraid that, um, the other men are, uh, not, not better. They are just the same. You know what I mean? Maybe in another area, but well, and I asked myself, so maybe he was right with everything he said and I was always doing everything wrong.

Uh, I don't know. I am, I'm a lot, I'm totally confused, but of course I could have a better relationship. Yeah. Okay, but either way, without needing to put blame on it,

if I ask you to grade the relationship zero to ten, how great it was, oh, we had, no, no, no, no, no, no, zero to ten, what would you grade it? Okay, so do you think you could do better than Okay, so let's do this. Wouldn't it be amazing to see your son grow up and have a relationship that was a one or a two?

But why not? Wouldn't that be amazing and wonderful? Okay, so let me ask you. Do you think that you deserve better than a one or two relationship? Well, yes. Yes, I hope so. I hope so, too. Absolutely. So, this is the thing. Is it, I'm gonna guess, I'm gonna check into energy for a second, but before I even do on this, on this next piece, is it a typical relationship is typically both people.

Some people, like, there's probably stuff, when you said, maybe he was right, I was doing everything wrong. I would say that there's probably stuff that you guys both probably had a little bit. You could have done better and probably because there's a better fit for you and also some change on the inside.

Does that make sense? Yeah, yeah. Okay, great. So, so, if I told you that now is a perfect opportunity, to change some patterns inside of you so you don't attract the same type of person. That make sense? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Okay, great. And I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe.

So this is what I'm thinking, is I'm thinking that if you'd like, I can look into a pattern, a couple patterns, and see if we can change some stuff, but There's only one, one way I can agree to it and it's this, is that have you ever heard me in the past, like have, if you've been listening to past episodes, have you heard me say before that we can take 100 percent responsibility for our 50%?

Yes. Yes, I heard a lot of episodes and I heard this before, yes. Okay. So, so meaning that if we do identify some patterns that you could change, it doesn't mean that the whole thing was your fault and he's perfect. Okay. Okay. So it just means that every, every relationship that we attract, we do so for a reason.

And, um, and so looking at what. What could transform to then help you to have an even better relationship moving forward. That's not a one or two How does that sound? That sounds great. Okay, great. So I'm going to ask you to breathe.

Bingo. And by the way, if I ask you how often, uh, you felt like he was telling you, you were doing everything wrong, how often would you say that is? Very often. I know. Near, almost every day. Mm hmm. And that was connected to the stomach pain. Just FYI. Okay. So as, as far as your health goes. Now. Bingo. If I ask you, can you give me your father's first initial and your mother's first initial, please?

Yeah, my father's first initial is M and my mother's first initial is R. Bingo. Okay, and if I ask you how much you feel like your mother was critical of you growing up, how much would you say that is? A lot. You see the coral? You see where I'm going, right? Yeah. Okay. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe.

All right. So let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, first and foremost, I have to say, I just love her self awareness and her self honesty. And I mean, she is just, you know, a beautiful, beautiful being. And I love that. And literally, I mean, when you're honest with yourself. and you're really willing to change, that opens up the opportunity for so much more.

And of course, knowing how to change. And so, let's go ahead and unpack this a bit more because, you know, patterns are typically a lot different than people realize. And so, there's a lot more than we're gonna unpack here about just the critical mother. Because sometimes people think, Okay, well, critical mother, then critical boyfriend.

But there's There's other elements that can lock things in the mind. And so we're going to go ahead and unpack this even more as I continue on with her in the session. But the part that I want to make sure to note here is that you never want to beat yourself up. You know, if you see that there's a pattern that's been going on, instead of beating yourself up, celebrate yourself, acknowledge yourself, because let's be honest.

The truth is, is that most people will never even see that there's a pattern going on. And, you know, it stays in their subconscious mind and controls their life. And so instead of ever beating yourself up, acknowledge yourself for the self awareness and also get excited because that means you can change it.

Meaning this, you know, if something keeps happening in life and happening in life and you have no control. How does that go for your life and your future? It feels, you know, frustrating and stuck and unfair and, and heavy and what's the point? You know, it's just this blah feeling. But! If you see that it's a pattern, and you take the pattern, and you know that you can transform the pattern, genuinely, then, everything is possible.

And, that's the reason that I'm even going into patterns right now, at all, and looking at the patterns. Is because, it's exactly that reason. Is that, okay, if we identify the problem, And then we say, well, if you just change that, then you could have an even better future. That's where we're wanting to go, is it's not as much about the pattern right now, or blame, or all of that.

It's about hope. It's about creating positive expectation, because if she has no hope for something better, then this is going to be devastating. But if she can get out of the blame and out of the self blame, and also, if you noticed, she mentioned, you know, what if all men are just gonna be the same anyway?

What fun is that? So then if all men are gonna be the same, and this is the best she can ever do, and, and now she's been left, and all of these things, I mean, that doesn't leave anybody feeling good. But, if she can turn this into personal empowerment and saying, okay, look, I see the pattern. There is hope. I can change this.

And if I just change this genuinely, then I can genuinely change my life. And that's where she wants to be. And so the part that you'll want to take from this is that if you have been stuck in any area of life, whether it comes to your health, your life, your relationships, whatever it is, when you really start to see the pattern, Get excited and also get determined, you know, but when you see the pattern, it's actually exciting because you can transform it.

And that's when it really does become health changing and life changing. But the key is that you have to remember. Is that you can't trick your body, universe, God, divine, whatever you call it. You can't trick your body into thinking that you've changed it if you really haven't. And so genuine change is key.

And the unfortunate thing is that all too often in our culture, you know, a lot of times People will bury emotions, you know, it's like that example of, you know, asking somebody if they're mad and you can tell that they're mad and you say, you know, are you mad? And they're like, I'm not mad. You're like, well, you kind of look like you're mad.

I'm not mad. Okay, well, looks like it, you know, and we've all seen that scenario before and point being is that you can't trick the universe when it comes to the emotional patterns and the things that are going on in the subconscious mind. It does take real change, but again, when you create those changes, that's when it's exciting.

And so point being is that if you have noticed patterns within yourself, instead of feeling frustrated or stuck or blaming yourself or blaming somebody else, get excited, get hopeful and create genuine change. That is key. And. That's where we're going as we continue with Rita. Here we go.

And wouldn't it be amazing if you keep this pattern and then the next relationship is exactly the same where you feel like you're doing everything wrong? No. No? Okay. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. And what if this is actually divine timing? that the universe is supporting you in such a way that he literally ended it right before we got on the call and that here you are with answers to change and have a better life.

Yeah, in this case I would say thank you universe. Exactly. So I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to take that in and I'm gonna ask you to breathe and I'm gonna ask you to think about exactly that. Thank you universe. Thank you universe. Like wow, thank you universe. Like how divine timing is that? Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you universe It's like, if you go to fall and then somebody puts a really soft pillow under you, that That sounds nice. That it could be a soft landing and also stand back up even stronger, right? Yeah. Great. So I'm going to ask you to breathe. Bingo. Bingo. And if I ask you how much you can see the correlation between how much you, how you felt criticized by your mom and also by him, how much would you say you can see that correlation, that pattern?

Yeah, Yeah, I also, I am absolutely aware that I felt criticized by my mother, and so maybe I kept this in a kind of strange way. Okay, so I'm going to ask you to breathe.

Bingo. Now, there's a thing, um, bingo, that Okay, so this is going to sound really counterintuitive. All

right. So I want to go ahead and actually pause the session right here because as you probably noticed, we're going to be heading in a different direction where I said to her, this is probably going to sound very counterintuitive and obviously, you know, it's going to head in a completely different direction.

And the reason that I want to go ahead and actually pause the session right here is because I want you to be able to take some key insights that you could apply. to your life and just unpack that a bit because, you know, if we look at this moment with Rita, I mean, she's just being really honest with herself and looking at some patterns and seeing that there needs to be change.

And, you know, she wouldn't want to level one relationship for her son. And yet, Here she is feeling so upset for this relationship ending that she wasn't happy and that was all these problems and hurt and upset and and all of these things and anger and everything else and yet she didn't want to lose it.

But it's like what happens is this, is it when you start to just become aware of how are things really going? Going in life and you really are willing to look at it. You can change everything from that place of just self honesty and also really doing the work and creating that change on the inside. And so that's part of what I want to unpack is that.

And also, you know, the way that the universe shows up for you, and what that looks like, and your role, and the universe's role, and, and talk about some key things. And so starting with the first key insight that you want to take from this, is that if there is something going on in your relationship, if you're not happy, if you're not feeling great in it, if it's a one or a two relationship, or even if it's like a three, four, five, you know, think about what would make your relationship.

And I got to say, as soon as I say that all of the time, probably 99 percent of people are probably going to say, well, if my spouse would just change, that'll probably be the first thing that most people think of. But I really have to say all of the time, like all of the time, like I can't even emphasize how often I see this, that when somebody changes on the inside, that it really does change their relationship.

Meaning that I have had people who have been in relationships for 40 years who said, you know, my husband will never be this and I have to leave, or my wife will never be this, or, you know, my husband is doing this. And it's that feeling, that pattern. And when the person really addresses that inside of themselves, I see it change in their relationship.

all of the time. And that is what I typically see, but, okay. And there's a, but, and it's this, but in some cases, then it's time for that relationship to then end and a new person. And, of course, for Rita, divine timing, I would say that if this relationship was just supposed to be fixed, so to speak, if she was just supposed to change these patterns inside of herself, and then the relationship was supposed to get better, I would say that our session would have happened better.

Two months ago, or a month ago, or even half an hour before he broke up with her. And then she could have changed these patterns and it could have ended up really wonderful and all of that. So I would say that if it was meant to be that they were supposed to be together and she was just supposed to change her patterns, and then he was help change in that relationship, that it would have unfolded in a different way.

And so I would say that that's the other pieces that sometimes in relationships, you know, when you do make that change on the inside of you, then you'll find that You are no longer aligned with that old relationship. Then something will happen. You know, a shift will occur for you to then be willing to leave your relationship.

But from the place that you'd want to leave, that relationship is, is a place of saying, you know what, I deserve better. And I feel like I've cleared my patterns and I've really, really changed. And from a place of, of kindness and consciousness and, and dissolving instead of, you know, some people, they want to like, Oh, well, Blame, blame, blame, and blame, blame, blame, and all this upset, and all these things, and I'm leaving, and, and if somebody's in that place, then they haven't really cleared up their patterns.

And so that's what you want to look at inside of yourself, is that if you're saying, okay, I'm angry, and I'm this, and I'm that, you will really want to change. So just emphasis on, of course, self empowerment opposed to blame of the other person, but instead bringing in the awareness that that change and that power is inside you.

And when you really make those changes inside of yourself, your relationship will change in one way or another. That is key. And so that of course is what you want to do. is not blame, but really embody real change on the inside. Now, insight number two is that exactly is that you want to be willing to look at your patterns in the relationship.

You know, are you having blame? Are you having anger? Are you feeling criticized? Are you What, what is your side and being willing to just look at what is in you. Are you being thoughtful towards your partner? You know, basically, very simply put, are you showing up in your best self the way that you would want to in your relationship?

And if not, then maybe this is divine timing right here to be willing to show up even better in your relationship. And the reason that I also say kind of divine timing is, let's be honest, you know, there was a lot of change that happened during when we were, you know, back in COVID times, blah, blah, blah, all of that, where people went through fear or they lost themselves a bit, or they lost their relationship, or they spent a lot of time with their spouse, you know, day and night and lockdown or whatever else that the relationship may have not taken a shift for the better.

Maybe in some cases, it's a good thing. shift for the not better, you know, it went in the wrong direction. And so maybe you don't need to change when everything is horrible, but maybe you can look at your relationship and say, what could make it even better? And maybe this is divine timing for you for exactly that, which was insight number two.

Now insight number three is notice what she had said, you know, was that she was afraid that if she left the relationship, that maybe all men are just the same. And. You know, what's the point of looking for somebody else? And of course, as we've been talking about having hope and having a positive future and a positive expectation for a better future is going to be key.

having a better life and key for not going into a downward spiral and all of those things. And so point being here is I know we already talked about hope and everything like that, but taking it to the next level, you know, all of the time I'll see women who are looking for the perfect guy who are looking for this guy or that guy.

And that's it. They keep seeing the same problem, you know, the guy is, uh, irresponsible, or the guy is not faithful, or the guy is, you know, uh, always gone, or the guy is not emotionally available, or the guy is whatever, you know, the whole host of different things that you could list, and what happens in a lot of cases is women are like, oh my god, men are all the same.

And then you go, wait a second here, If you're seeing all the same men, notice to look within yourself, right? So, you know, if we unpack this further, you may have heard of, you know, the example of the car. It's like if you're thinking about buying a certain car, you start seeing it everywhere. And you might notice this, that maybe if you drive a certain car, you notice it more often.

Or you notice yourself parking next to one of those kind of cars when you go to the grocery store. Or you'll see it everywhere. And what happens is you go, Oh my God, there's Hondas everywhere. There's BMWs everywhere. There's Mercedes, whatever car it is. You'll be like, Oh my God, there's this car everywhere.

And you'll see it more often, or you'll see your spouse's car more often because that's what stands out to you. And so you may have noticed this in yourself or somebody around you where they're saying, Oh my God, all men are the same. They just do this and they just do this and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and Bingo!

That means you'll want to change what's inside of you. Because the truth is, is everybody is very different. And that would be like somebody saying, Oh my god, all cars are exactly the same. I see the same car over and over and over and over. And I would say, wait a second, that means that's what you have programmed in the wrong person.

somewhere in your subconscious mind. And so very powerful insight. And by the way, we have another really powerful insight, but just really quickly on that note, if you have a friend who has ever complained to you and said, God, all men are the same. They all do this, or they all do that. Please make sure to do them a favor and share this episode with them so they can start becoming aware that they are the power.

And the beautiful thing about that is, again, it's not about blaming themselves. It's about hope for love, for happiness, for a better future. So, that. That is key because when you can, again, identify it and see that there's a pattern, then you can go to hope and expectation for a better future. That's the next step.

So there's that. All right. So lastly, insight number four has to do with the support of the universe. You know, the universe or God, divine, mother nature, whatever you want to refer to it as, This universal energy is always supporting us, whether we realize it or not. And I have to say, you know, during my injury, I did not realize it until the end.

And you may have heard me share this story before just because it's, it was so profound to me. But, you know, long story short, after I got better from my injury, I was ready to sell my house for multiple reasons. I mean, one, it was in foreclosure because I had not been able to pay my house payment. It was a financial wreck from being on disability and all of that.

So, that was number one. So, I was actually short sailing my house that time, you know, helping the bank sell it to not actually go in foreclosure. But, it was divine timing because then I was also, you know, finally better and it just, it all worked out and divine timing better than I could have planned it.

Because if you recall the housing market crash in 2008, 2009, that's when I was getting better. And so basically I ended up being able to stay in my house for a while because You know, everybody was going through a foreclosure or all kinds of things at that time. So it just, it worked out and then I was able to get better.

And as I was healing and getting better and all of that thing, because I had been injured so many years in my same house. And, and once I was better, I just wanted to get out of my house, even though previously I had loved my house and I had just remodeled it and, and all of these things. But at this point I just, you know, after spending years being injured in the same house, it was just, it was time to go.

And so it just worked out perfect. I mean, as soon as my house went on the market, somebody quickly bought it. And so I was getting ready to move everything out and the movers had pretty much packed up everything and everything was gone. And so like it was the final day where I was leaving the house. I was grabbing, you know, those last few belongings, you know, how you keep some clothes in the car with you and a few personal items and toiletries and whatnot.

And so I was grabbing those things. And also during my injury and recovery, there was this song that I had listened to as I was working on practicing walking and practicing, you know, walking with no cane, no walker, just with a straight gait and, you know, just really trying to walk without a limp and all of these things.

So I had practiced walking to this song that just had this beat to it. And so my goal had been when I was walking, by the way, was to get walking faster so I could take a step to each beat. And the song didn't have any words to it, but just, I felt so drawn to the song. It was just a classical song with a beat.

And so to me, because it was in a CD player and, you know, back when we had CDs, so, uh, it was in a 60 CD changer. So my CD changer held, uh, 60 different CDs in it. And so this was CD number 57. Track number four. So I knew where to just go find it from the remote and I would listen to it. And so basically as I was leaving the house, you know, I grabbed my last of my belongings and I also had set aside my CDs.

So I had things to listen to in the car with me. And so I, you know, locked up the door to the house and went into the garage and with my car and I had put the last few items of clothing in the back seat and all of that and then I got in my car and I put in this CD, CD number 57, track number four and I just, it was just a song, right?

And I went to go back out of my garage and as I was doing so, the CD player display happened to catch my eye and On the CD it said, she walks in beauty. And I hadn't even realized really that that was the name of the song until this very moment. And it just hit me that the whole time when I had been working on getting better and, and working on walking and all of these things, that the universe was right there, right by my side, that things were unfolding to support me.

And that the universe was there with me, even more than than I realized. And so what you want to take from this is really profound and probably different than a lot of people think. You know, first and foremost, that the universe really is with all of us, that all of the time. And that's one thing. The second thing is this, is that the universe was supporting me as I was working on the book.

and perfecting my walk and building my strength in my body. And the point of that is that I wasn't just sitting there doing nothing. And a lot of times what people think is they think, okay, well, if the universe is here, it should just deliver a 10 course meal to me right in front of me as I do nothing, because that's what I need.

And that's what I want. I'm asking for. And that's not the way that you want to look at the universe. You know, a lot of people, they have this emotional state of, I need the universe to do this. And I please need, and I sympathy and begging and I'm helping and I'm wanting. So their internal vibration is not aligned with where they want to go.

And when the universe does help, they just want the universe to just do it for them. But That's not how it works. And let's be honest, there have been a lot of people who have prayed to God, who have prayed to the universe, or divine, or whatever you want to call it, for healing, who didn't heal. And the statement that you'll really want to go to, If you've heard before the phrase, God helps those who help themselves.

And that's when I see the universe or divine energy or God, or whatever you want to call it, showing up. You know, if you think about my situation, I was working on it. I was helping myself and there was that support. And. You know, in, in multiple ways, the song was just the cherry on top. So to speak, there were so many other things I could literally share so many different stories of ways that the universe showed up, that it's just mind blowing, but I was in that state of helping myself and notice even with Rita.

If you think about it, she's here right now, which means she's taking action to better her life. She's showing up and. The universe is showing up to support her. And so that's what you'll want to take from this, is that the universe, God, divine, whatever you want to call it, is always supporting us. But a lot of people are just sitting there kind of demanding or asking for sympathy or begging from universe, God, divine.

And believe me, I, I tried that too. You know, when I was injured, I was just like, please help. I need to get better. You know, I would have, Done anything and begging and all of that, but that didn't work until I created real change. And so, just on that note, that's what you'll want to remember is the phrase, God helps those who help themselves or universe helps those who help themselves.

It's not from a place of of begging or pleading, It comes from a place of lifting and empowering. And if you look at Rita, here is her first step in doing exactly that, was even just showing up today to be willing to change, to be willing to be honest with herself, to be willing to make some changes with her health, with her life.

And, She's being supported in that in an even bigger way. But of course, she's gonna have to continue to take that effort to make that change. That is key. And just the reason I really emphasize this is that all of the time people just say well, you know, just ask for what you want from the universe and then just sit back and wait for it to happen and that's not how it works.

It does take genuine change and God helps those or universe helps those who help themselves. And so you want to make sure that you're putting a real effort towards lifting yourself, lifting your life, healing yourself, creating real change, and that you're really doing it. Doing it because it is life changing and it is so empowering.

And so on that note of empowering and life changing, I'm going to ask you to please do hit the share button and make sure to share this with somebody you love, somebody you care about, or somebody you don't even know, you know, the more empowered and awake and aware our entire world is. Is the better life is going to be for all of us, the more loving and sweet and amazing, and the more we can elevate the energy of, of the planet.

And that is a beautiful thing. And so please do share. And on that note, also have an incredible, loving, wonderful day. And I look forward to connecting with you on the next episode. We'll see you there.

Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself Change. All of the time people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touched their heart, or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness of how amazing we all really are. If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about or those you know who really.

As more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point and the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone what we are all capable of. And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming, to maintain their results.

But the point. For you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life if you really understand how to use your mind. You are incredible. And I do wanna be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own. I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made.

You'll wanna remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people. That said, if you wanna send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website brandygilmore.com/podcast. And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well.

Lastly, Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you'll wanna continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you are capable of with your mind. Thank you.

About Brandy Gillmore

Meet Brandy Gillmore – World-Renowned Mind-Body Healing Expert

Brandy Gillmore is a best-selling author, award-winning podcast host, and globally recognized expert in mindset and mind-body healing. Celebrated for her groundbreaking approach to healing and life transformation, Brandy’s inspiring journey began with healing herself from disability, freeing herself from reliance on a wheelchair, walker, and cane. 

She then achieved the unprecedented: demonstrating the healing power of the mind in mere minutes, with results verified by thermal medical equipment.

Her pioneering work has been published in the Health Medical Journal and featured in award-winning documentaries, numerous docuseries, and TEDx talks

Today, Brandy inspires audiences across the globe, sharing her breakthrough discoveries with people from all walks of life—including top celebrities, professional athletes, devoted parents, and individuals passionate about personal growth—empowering them to unlock their potential, heal themselves, and transform their lives.

Discover the transformative power of mind-body healing by watching Brandy’s free self-healing online course here —your first step toward unlocking your innate ability to heal and thrive!

Ready to learn how to heal yourself?

From Illness To Wellness: Discover the 4 Easy Steps To Transform Your Health & Life With The GIFT Method™

In this self healing course, Brandy shares the exact things she did to heal (even when doctors told her there was nothing more she could do) so you too can be empowered with tools and techniques to heal yourself and change your life. Click here to learn more…

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Note: If you are hearing or sight impaired or have any other medical issues that would inhibit you from fully accessing the podcast, please reach out to our team at support@brandygillmore.com and we will be happy to assist you.  

Also, please remember that genuine change and follow through are key for self-healing results. If you struggle with negative thoughts or have a chronic health issue or chronic pain, please do not avoid seeing your doctor.

Instead, your goal with self-healing should be to continue to see your doctor as recommended and blow their mind with what you are capable of with your mind and with the power of mind-body healing.  Please enjoy this self-healing podcast!



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