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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life-changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made that changed my health and my entire. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this. Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level.
I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind, and then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind, your emotions, and your. To help you heal your health yourself and your life.
Let's begin.
Hello and welcome. It is so wonderful to connect with you. I hope that your day is going great and just continuing to get better and better. And on that note, I have to say you are going to love this video. Today's podcast and today's podcast volunteer. I mean, she's just so sweet and fun and funny and just honest and direct.
And I'm just a beautiful combination of authenticity and fun and just a beautiful human being. And not only that, but there are some really powerful insights that come from her session. So I love that. And I do want to say that before we step into the session, I want to warn you that in the very beginning.
We are talking a bit about mind over matter and things like that. And likely if you've been listening to past episodes, then you know that I'm not a big fan of mind over matter, just because what tends to happen is that things tend to get worse and worse and worse until They really stop you or become a major interference in your life.
And so that's part of what comes up in the beginning. You know, she mentions a book and some other things that she was doing that I'm not necessarily aligned with, just because the outcome is that I always see, unfortunately, that things just continue to show up in a different way. And I got to tell you that going through my injury, the first thing I tried to do was exactly that.
I tried to just mind over matter and push through and so she's doing that as well. So it's not criticizing her at all. It's just something that I see all of the time and what you want to know from this and you'll see from this episode is that things tend to get worse and worse and worse until they stop you in your tracks
And not only that, but there can be things with your health that you just can't push through. And when you create that real change, that's when you really just start opening your life up in a most beautiful way. And by the way, for example, Divine Timing, if you remember back to episode number 114, there was this absolutely beautiful volunteer, Vicky, who just had this big heart, but it had a lot of frustrations and hurt and a lot of different things going on with her.
And if you think back to that episode, she had been experiencing extreme unbearable pain and been on all kinds of pain medication and she had pain in her breast that was very high. She had also breast cancer and her liver was inflamed and she had a lot of different things going on. Now, that initial episode was about six weeks ago.
And on one of the recent episodes, maybe a couple of weeks ago, you may have heard me mention that Vicki is doing wonderful and she was just excited about life and just doing an amazing job with her energy, keeping the pain gone, being in this place of just waking up happy and excited for the day and excited for her future because she was really making these shifts and she was just doing a really amazing job with her energy, just making sure to stay in the positive and to create real shifts and, and really.
transform herself. And I love that and divine timing because Vicki and I connected just a few days ago because she wanted to share the update of what happened when she went to see her doctors. And so when we connected, part of what she shared is that her doctors were just mind blown that her tumor had actually shrunk from seven centimeters down to one centimeter and her liver was no longer inflamed and it was back in the right place in her body because it had been so Inflamed and moved and it was just all of these things going on, but her doctors were just mind blown they were surprised and amazed and didn't think that was possible for her and I love that because She is so impressive.
I mean, she is doing the work and she's amazing and even when I connected with her I mean, she was just glowing and beautiful and I want to be clear. I'm not doing that for her She's the one that's doing it. And by the way, so she was on the podcast as well And she also took change really seriously. So she got in the video set and she's also been doing, I have these community uplift calls of bringing in positivity to just help support happiness and transformation and all of that.
And she's literally showed up to every single one. And she has been doing the work. She rolled up her sleeves. She dove in. She's been following through. I mean, her follow through is just amazing. Awesome. And her heart is just beautiful. I mean, she's just a really, really beautiful being. And so, two points to really note from this is, first and foremost, number one, is that she couldn't have done mind over matter.
Instead, it was about really creating change in her life. So, that's number one. And number two is that Vicky is a rock star. It's not me. I mean, I can't make change. anybody change as much as I'd love to of course I can help people shift and I can help teach people how to use their Mind and what things to do to get results, but I can't force anybody to change and she's doing it I mean, she is just amazing and focused and beautiful and so impressive.
So celebrating Vicki and Again, just my point is that pushing through pain or any type of problem or illness or hurt and burying it or pretending like it's not there is not the direction that you want to go. That real healing requires real change and of course when you do there's always that gift in it.
I mean over and over I see people create the most amazing Gifts in their life when they really change and that's something that I'm actually going to unpack Even further as we step in with our beautiful volunteer That is something that comes up is exactly that is that gift in transformation, and that when you really change, there's always the gift there, and so as we step in, she mentions initially that she'd been using kind of an older method, you know, she mentions a book, and you'll notice that as we step in, and that's not something that I'm completely aligned with, and you'll see why that is, because that, that real push through and, and kind of negating your emotions, or negating what's going on, it, it tends to backfire and you'll see that coming up.
So anyways, as we dive in, I just have to say, I love her authenticity and the shift and her epiphanies. I mean, it's just beautiful. So on that note, let's go ahead and dive in with our beautiful volunteer today, Eileen. Here we go.
Hello, Eileen. Yeah. Hi, Brandy. Uh oh, hold on one second. I see you talking, but I cannot hear you. So give me one sec. There we go. You there? Okay. Yeah. All right. So, um, bingo. So give me one second. And, um, let me just, ah, there's your energy. There we go. So, um, here we go. Um, bingo. Hello. Um, Elaine. Hi. Thanks for finding my energy so quickly.
Yeah. It's Aline. You basically are saying it right. It's not an easy name. So. It's beautiful. I love that. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. I like my name too. Right before the call, there was a big A in the sky. I think three planes must have criss crossed. So I'm, uh, I'm, I'm well marked, I think, for this phone call. It was just right out there in the window, right, right outside the window.
It was really funny. Right. It was, it was also saying you get an A for your energy. It's like, yes, you're amazing. So yeah, I'm very grateful right now. Thank you. Before we've even spoken, um, that I'm here talking with you and that you do what you do and are who you are. So I'm ready for what happens. Thank you so much.
You're beautiful and my heart receives that and thank you and let's dive in. So I know you have to fill out a form to, uh, to enter this, but I have not even looked at it. So if you want to let me know what your goals are, that would be amazing. Yeah. Um, I have, um, for years and years been dealing with various, uh, styles of a physical pain and always bounced forward with much hope.
About 11 years ago, like I had really bad debilitating, debilitating back pain in my early 20s, had surgery, nothing helped, did all the modalities, all, you know, just saw everyone I could, um, and then had read, I know you're familiar with Dr. Sarno's book, that did work for me. Mostly years later, 11 years ago.
So I'm 56 now. Um, 11 years ago I was given a second course of Cipro. I hardly ever take medicine and Cipro is well known at this point. It's become, I think it's been outlawed in, in Europe so far. It's a highly used antibiotic in America, and it has a black box warning on it that it can cause tendon ruptures.
Um, they now understand that it It affects the mitochondrial DNA in your cells and makes it very hard for tendons to even heal. So I have, um, it was as, as they describe it, people who get what they call floxed by this antibiotic, which puts a fluoride in your brain can do all sorts of bad things. I had ended up with a lot of skin rashes all over for a few years that had wrecked my lips for a couple of years.
Um, and it's also known for that. And, uh, and increasing tendon issues. I, I'd always lived with so much pain that I didn't even think about it at first. I just sort of was incorporating new pains, realized that my hips were bad. Then my elbows were bad to the point that I started using a headset on phone calls.
Um, wrist went bad. Achilles tendon went, then fasciitis in my left foot. Um, knees bad. So, I went from being a regular runner and somebody who could counter myself physically to do any kind of job to I don't go upstairs anymore, really can't, I have crepitus that sounds like I'm stepping on potato chip bags when I climb stairs and, um, and I haven't licked this one and I'm I used to push through any kind of pain, which wasn't a great thing.
Just expecting my body to do whatever I asked of it. Um, this one got me and I, I've worked on my attitude a lot and I've learned, you know, um, listening to your podcast here and there each time that I do listen, something will really strike home. Often it's looking at integrity. with my own life in the past, um, looking at my own sort of imposter syndrome in life.
And, uh, it's sort of when, you know, how I have absolutely contributed to this, but at the same time, there's such a medical issue to believe in that it actually, like, I succumbed to that in a big way and just feel limited and crappy almost all the time. So, and that's not, That has no far. So there you have it.
So there we go. And if I ask you how limited and crappy do you feel right now, , I ask little that. Let's see. Your current level of pain, what would you say that is? Current level of pain in various spots could be about an eight, like my ankle, um, and in knees. Um. I feel them, but, but that I'm just sitting right now.
They're sort of fine. So I'm not actually, um, I have like a neuropathy in my neck and I feel that, and that's probably a six to seven. Uh, so it's in movement, um, that I really start to feel it. That's where, okay. All right. So there's, where do you want to go first? Let's see that, that, that. All right.
All right. So.
Bingo. And I just want to check which way you're facing. So, as far as the pain in your ankle, um, bingo. Depending upon what you're, where you're facing, it looks like it's in your left, but you might be facing the other way. Um, which way? It is in my left, yeah. It is in your left. Okay, I gotcha. Okay. Perfect.
Okay. So, um, bingo. Alright. So, um, bingo. Yep. Alright, so that one first. Bingo, that one first. Alright, so if I ask you, um, so you mentioned your neuropathy is about a level 7 in your neck? Yeah, 6 to 7. So, uh, so I'm going to ask you to breathe, and
okay, so, unfortunately, let's see, what's the best way to put it? Okay, so can you see the part of you that learned to negate your pain as not being real? Can you see that? Yes. Okay. So eek. So. Yeah. Eek. That's a good way to put it. So I don't necessarily agree with that method and that's exactly what happens I see all the time is that people negate it and negate it and negate it and so then it screams louder and louder and it stops you from doing what you want to do.
Right. Okay. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And. If, if there's a, an issue going on in life, is it easier to avoid it and not look at it, or look at it, address it, and change?
Um, I would say now, I look at it, address it, and change it. In the past, incorporate it and absorb it, I think, and, and, and carry the burden and feel that I was good at that. Okay. So, um, bingo. Bingo. That. Okay. So, um, bingo. Bingo. All right. So it's like, we've got to get through this first piece to get to the next piece.
And this is what it is. So I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe. And if I ask you to notice the part of you that negates your emotions, can you see that? Yes. Mm-Hmm. . If I ask you zero to 10, how much you can see that of, of negating them and negating I, oh. Uh, zero to 10. Nine mm-Hmm. comes in pretty good.
So I'm gonna ask you to breathe . Okay. So the podcast episodes that you've listened to in the past, you know how we always talk about like when you change something. You change your life. So in other words, let's say, for example, let's use an example. Let's say that somebody has been experiencing a pattern of criticism for a long period of time.
And then from that pattern, they continue to attract people who criticize them constantly all the time. You know, it's, they continue to attract and attract and attract that pattern. Just like, you know, the stereotype of, if I say the woman with the abusive father leaves him and finds abusive boss, boyfriend, spouse, you know, that, that pattern continues on.
So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. And I want you to think about if somebody has that pattern of criticism, and they attract more and more people and more and more people in situations, and let's say that criticism's also linked to pain in their physical body. So then, to get rid of the pain in their physical body, they have to shift this pattern of criticism genuinely, to really, really get rid of it fully, and instead feel good about themselves.
Right? Yes. So now, if you think about the big picture. Imagine if somebody is attracting people to criticize them for the next 50 years or for the next 50 years, they're attracting people who are complimentary and they feel good about themselves and who they become in 50 years from now. One compared to the other, right?
Mm hmm. Little bit of a different life or a lot of different life? A lot of difference in life. A lot of difference in life, right? So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. Okay. And clearly, you know, your thoughts help create your life, right? Yes. So if every one of these pains that came up, instead of just saying, Oh, it's just pain or negating it, if you said, Oh, this is a message to change.
And as I take and change, whatever it is, I change as I change it. It becomes a life changing gift. So if I change that criticism or whatever it is, I'm just using that as an example. My whole life could be better. Right. Yeah. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe.
Bingo. And I'm going to ask you to, if you knew that any of the ailments that you had had a message for you to change. It was a message from the universe that said, eek, your energy is off here. And you said, oh, thanks for letting me know. Let me change that. And then as you do, your next 50, 100 years, however long is better because you made an authentic change.
Change. Change. Right? Yes. I'd be very happy to have that communication. Right? And so I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And then I'm going to say to you then, zero to ten, how much do you want to negate your pain as just being pain and just negate the message that the universe is trying to give you, that your body is trying to give you, to change?
How much do you want to negate it? Suddenly, zero. Zero, right? Yes, and yes, I'm already feeling a little unvictimized, so okay. There we go. Yeah, great. So, and I'm gonna ask you to breathe.
All right, so let's go ahead and pause it for two really quick insights. And, you know, I have to say real quick, I just love her authenticity. And she's just, she's beautiful. She's just got heart and love her awareness. It's just really beautiful. And there are two things specifically that you'll want to note from this.
I mean, first and foremost, the most obvious is that change really does always have a gift in it. And the things that I get to see with people when they make these changes are profound and always positive. truly life changing when people step into that change fully. And I can tell you, I've seen people do everything from changing relationships to falling in love and getting married and being crazy in love with their spouse, or even people who have been trying for long periods of time and trying to work towards success.
And they kept failing or there kept being problems or stuckness and it was slow going. And then. the health issue that they had been putting on the back burner. Instead, they looked at what was the message in that, you know, what was the change that they really needed to make? And when they shifted that, that then they finally stepped into the success that they have been trying to make.
And I can tell you that even there was a man that I worked with who was very critical of himself and others around him, and it was impacting his health. And In his life, he had been trying in his company to succeed and succeed and make money and be successful. And it was like this uphill battle and struggle.
And through a series of events, he ended up working with me regarding his health. And as he shifted that his whole business and life opened up where he was making millions. Okay. Because he had been working on this business for years. But was just so stuck by certain patterns that were going on that were leaving him stuck.
And so, point being is that when people really make that shift, the things that I see that manifests and unfolds in their life and the new trajectory that it sets them on or what it opens up is really big. Beautiful. And that is something that I love so much about real change and about real healing. And so I love that.
So that's the first insight that I wanted to share. And I'm going to go ahead and unpack this even more coming up where we're going to talk about what is that healing? breakthrough for you or maybe what seems impossible or whatnot. So we will talk about that even more coming up. But the second insight also is connected to this as well.
And it's this it's that all of the time people are trying to use the power of their mind to manifest. You know, to manifest a better life or relationship or success or whatever that is for them. And so what will happen is people will be trying to change their consciousness, you know, to create a new vision, to see things in a different way, to manifest what they're wanting.
But a lot of times what people are overlooking is that they're not shifting those underlying And it's important to remember that those emotions control your consciousness without you even realizing it consciously. And this is what I call emotional consciousness, and you may have heard me talk about it on a past episode.
But, This is a key piece that people are overlooking when it comes to creating real change in your life. And kind of to unpack this more, you may have heard me say, you know, on a past episode, let's say that somebody is really, really in love with their partner. So they're crazy in love. And of course, what do they see?
They see all of those great and wonderful things in the person. Now let's say. Instead, they're really pissed off at the person. They're angry, they're upset, they're mad. What do they see? They see everything negative about the person. Now, they're not trying to do that intentionally. It really depends on what they're feeling at a deeper level.
Now, I want to expand on this even more. Because I have seen people before who were afraid to fall in love. And so immediately, as soon as they meet people, they see everything wrong with them, even if it's not there. Or they're afraid of making money and having success, or they have blocks towards it. And so they're not seeing any opportunity for success or making money or having a better life or falling in love or whatever that is for them, whatever success defines for them, but instead.
They're seeing nothingness, or blocks towards it, or all of the problems. They're not able to see it, just like a writer with writer's block. And so what happens is they can feel drained with life, or like life is impossible, or just there's no way to have a better life, or that, you know, manifesting a better life is like a pie in the sky.
It just doesn't seem realistic or possible. But, this is what I call emotional consciousness, is because those underlying emotional links that are going on in the subconscious mind are controlling your consciousness without you even knowing it. And so what you see, what you experience, the way you feel, everything is controlled by again, what I refer to as, emotional consciousness.
It's controlling your consciousness. And so I've literally seen people who are sabotaging their entire lives because they ended up with some type of emotional programming that comes into their subconscious mind for one reason or another and then it, like, hijacks their consciousness in the wrong way so it's not aligned with the life that they really want.
And, what's again genius, is that the health issue that they were experiencing, the pain, the ailment, the whatever is going on, was actually trying to give them that message. It was like, hey, wake up, this ailment is trying to tell you, change this pattern, or change this pattern. And as they do. And again, they change their life.
And so in our culture, so often people are overlooking the power of emotions. And even when it comes to working with mindset and consciousness, I mean, all the time I see people are like, I want to channel information. I want to send white light. I want to make it to the fifth dimension. I want to do all kinds of things.
And you know, there's so much talk about expansion and all that. And then people hear emotions and they're like, yeah. You know, I guess I could work with my emotions, but it's much more fun to send energy to the moon and back. You know, that's a lot of times what they feel like consciousness is, but what you want to remember is when you're doing it the right way.
So this spiritual way is really not about checking out. It's really about checking in and understanding what is going on on the inside. And as you change that, that's when you change your consciousness. So anyways, Point being is that your emotions are so important and if there's any part of you at a deeper level that's negating them or wanting to bury them or ignore them or ignore health issues, make sure you genuinely change it.
It is a huge oversight that people are having where they're just kind of not taking this change at a deeper level as seriously as they would want to or there's part of their mind that wants to bury it and so they're not living with their health and their life as well as it could be. So I just really, again, wanted to emphasize that.
And on that note, let's go ahead and dive back in with beautiful Aline. Here we go.
And I'm going to ask you that exact same thing. So zero to 10, how much do you want to just negate and ignore these things? Or would you rather just authentically change them and transform them or negate them and ignore them or address and transform? What would you want? Zero, negate, 10, transform. Great, so I'm going to ask you to breathe.
And the level of neuropathy in your neck, if you give me a level. What's your current level? Probably 5, 4. 5, 4. Bingo, that's what I have. I have about a 4. 2. So right, I'm with you. Okay, so notice the change is starting to happen, right? Great, so I'm going to ask you to breathe. And by the way, like using that example of criticism, so if you knew that there were messages right now that any of these, even the walking on potato chips and all of these things, if you knew that there was a message in any of them and all of them to help you to transform.
And really create a better life, a better future. And it was the most important message you need to know. So any message that our body's giving us is the most important thing we need to know. So it's like your body, spirit, God, universe, divine, whatever you want to call it is tapping you on the shoulder and saying, all right, a It's here's a message for you.
You'll want to really change this energy or this way of thinking. Cause it's out of alignment, right? And if you were like, ah, shut up universe or shut up, God, divine, whatever. I want to do things just my way. Or if you said, Oh, thanks for the tip. I'm willing to change. Yeah. Which one? Uh, I would be really thankful for the tip.
Beautiful. I love that. No question. There we go. So now I'm going to push just a little bit in a playful way. Okay. And I'm going to say. No, why don't you go ahead and stay negating it and let me know how that goes for you. Or, you could embrace change right now. You could change it to this new way of thinking and feeling and going, okay, let me just embrace change.
Or, you could continue negating the message and the information. I mean, it's up to you. What would you like? Very teary opening toward, um, it's always amazing when little tears show up, uh, that um, change. Change, which I, yeah, I, I'm very familiar with my, um, constantly educating itself level of ability to block and look like I'm on my side and, um, I'm feeling this, uh, desire truly to hear how to change what to do.
Yeah. Beautiful, beautiful and beautiful. And, uh, so I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe.
And, uh, so I'm going to ask you if you're willing to really, really change that. And I know that there's a certain level in Sarno's work that's about negating it. And so that, you're going to want to let that go and instead say, okay, I'm willing to look at it. I'm really willing to do this in another way.
There we go. Great. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. Good, good, good, good. Bingo. All right. So I'm gonna ask you the level of neuropathy in your neck. What's your level? Down. Probably two and a half, three. Bingo. All right. It's a good three, but it's good. Yep, I'm tracking with you. I have about a 2. 6, so three right in there.
So I'm, I'm absolutely with you. And by the way, who's doing that? Um, well, I'd like to say you're doing that. I'm open to you. This is very humbling. I am also doing this. Who is? With your guidance. I'm doing this with your guidance. So, so I'm gonna ask you to breathe and I'm gonna ask you to take in the awareness that you're the power.
You're the power here. So yeah, we're making an awesome team, and I'm helping, and you're the one who's actually doing it. So I'm going to ask you to breathe, knowing that you're the one that's actually doing this. You're the change. I'm going to ask you to breathe. And I'm going to ask you to bring in the feeling that it is safe to look at things and create that change.
It's actually safe, because if you think about it, right now, we're doing that very thing. We are looking at something and we're changing it, and you have tears, but notice for a moment, you're Your body is even saying that it's true, because you can see your body is responding in a way where it's stepping into more health.
Right. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. Good, good. So you can see that your body, your soul, your energy, your being, is responding to what we're talking about in a positive way, is responding to what we are talking about in a positive way. So I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe and take that in, that you're doing something right, that your way of thinking right now is a right way of thinking because you can see not just because Brandy's saying so, but you can see that your body's responding to that.
In a positive way. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe and that it's safe to be willing to look at things and to be willing to change. And that's growth and it's awesome. It's like, Oh, let me be willing to change this and then grow. And I'm gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe and notice how much in the past you were kind of like, shove it down, endure, endure, endure, endure, shove it down, put it aside, and even a pride in how much you can just do.
Walk through and plow through things without letting things bother you. Can you see that like pride feeling in all of that? Yes, and also a negation of your work early on when my sister had passed your information to me. It was just her like, no, I can't do it. It's not, it's not about my particular show.
And I'm normally pretty open. So isn't that funny how strong we can refuse light. Oh my God. So yeah. Oh yeah. Yes. I love that. I love that awareness. And I love your awareness. And I'm asking you just for a moment to breathe.
All right. So let's go ahead and pause the session right here. You know, I love what she just said that she initially negated my work. And I love that because it's honest and honest. Me too. I mean the idea of even healing with the mind in general was so outside of the box for me and Not only that but I had an accident and technically two of them a car accident and then a fall And so the idea that I could heal with the mind and also emotions I mean I grew up in a household where it was kind of like a theme that emotions were for wimps You know, you just kept going and you pulled up your bootstraps and whatever it was You plowing through.
So I completely agree and understand where Aline's coming from. And so I love her authenticity. I love her honesty. It's just beautiful. And on that note, I do want to go ahead and pause the session right here and talk about two key insights that I really want to share with you and unpack even more. And the first one is this, is it one of the things that helped me in a major way in going through my own injury.
And is that I got to this point where Aline is, where I was willing to stop burying things and stop ignoring things and really start addressing it. And also willing to just be honest and be real with myself about how I really felt, or even in working with the mind and the data. Like I wasn't trying to slant anything for what it wasn't.
And I mean, even just a simple example, when it comes to healing itself, you know, if you think about, you've probably heard before the statement that stress affects our physical body and that blanket statement that is in our culture. Now, if we're really honest with it and we look at it, Objectively, we can see that, yeah, stress affects the physical body, that's been proven.
And also, we can see that there are plenty of people who are stressed, who don't necessarily have any type of ailment going on. And so, during my injury, I was like, okay, I can be honest with both of those, and that's what led me to the deeper insight. So that's what helped me to realize that, That it takes multiple emotions, you know, you've probably heard me say that on a past episode where I've said, you know It's like the example of if you want to make cake and you have flour You can't make cake But if you have multiple ingredients, you know If you mix flour with eggs butter yada yada so on or vegan eggs butter, whatever you want and so on then you make cake So there's multiple ingredients that are required and the same is true with the mind is that there were multiple components and so all of the time when I'm working with people that's exactly what I'm doing is looking at what are those emotional ingredients, if you will, that are going on in their subconscious mind and help them to radically shift them and that of course is what creates the change.
But again, point being is that In everything, I was willing to just not try to slant information or bury information or negate information, but I was really willing to look at what is there. Now, if we think about it for a moment, the last few episodes, have actually been leading up to this. So universe, God, divine, whatever you want to call it.
This is just a divine unfoldment. You know, if you think about Mary, a couple episodes, it was the same thing. There was a negating of emotions going on. And I would say that the universe has kind of just been leading us here to this point to really prompt you in your life. To look at exactly this is that if there is something in your life that you've been negating or burying or hiding, would you be willing to look at it and really change it?
So that's the number one insight right there is kind of just posing that same question to you. Is there something in your life that you've been negating that could be helping you or that you've been ignoring or trying to shove aside that would be good to address. So that's number one. And number two is the second question that I want to pose to you is what could be the gift to really looking at this and changing this.
And would you be willing to write down a few of potential gifts, even if you don't know specifically what that is, maybe a few gifts that you would like to have to be the result of this change. And the reason that I want to ask you to do this is A, because of course the universe is prompting me to, so that's A.
Um, and B is because If you think about this shift that Aline is making already in wanting to see something and wanting to change that, that's a beautiful shift. And if you could piggyback on that shift and really get yourself excited about making that change, that will help you to want to look at things, to want to really change, not just at a conscious level, but really subconsciously.
And again, you can see that it's creating that shift. in her energy. I mean, Aline is doing beautiful with her energy. She's already getting the neuropathy level down in her neck. So she's doing amazing at it. And on the next episode next week, we're going to go ahead and continue working with Aline to help her to shift that pain all of the way.
And I got to say the insights that come from that are are really beautiful. But before we go there, it would be amazing for you in your own life, in your own energy, to just write down some gifts. And again, you might be thinking to yourself, I don't know what they possibly could be. And that's okay. You could even just write down a few things that you would like to have as a result of your change.
And why? Because again, that will motivate your mind to really want to look at things, to want to create genuine change in your life. And I can tell you that all of the time on classes, when I work with a class or a Q& A call with my community of people when they come into some type of class, all the time I'll see people who will make a Radical changes and even one year there was this New Year's call that I was doing where Everybody was sharing the things that it opened up Because of their healing the opportunities the way that their life had transformed and changed and it was really beautiful I mean there was this group of primarily women who were talking about all of the things that they never thought was possible for them.
You know, buying their own house, or starting their own company, or making money, or, you know, the relationship that they had. I mean, all kinds of things. And it was just really beautiful to watch people achieving things that they never really thought was possible for them. And I can tell you that the same thing happened in my own life, of course, even with healing in and of itself.
You know, there was a time when I didn't even think it was possible, you know, because my doctors and medical team all said that there was nothing they could do, you know, it wasn't possible. So, you know, just emphasizing again, real change is key, not negating or ignoring things at a deeper level. And by the way, on that note, you know, a lot of times I don't really mention the classes that I do on here just because I'm really wanting to focus on what's going on in the moment.
But. If you are somebody who has been struggling in the negative, who's having a hard time staying positive or happy, or even having a hard time lifting your energy to the next level, whether, you know, you're already kind of feeling happy and positive, but you're just having that hard time lifting to the next level.
There are community calls that I do where I do Q and A calls or I do uplift calls, which are really about just programming in positivity to help you you. To have that sustainable happiness and that shift. in your subconscious mind. So if you are somebody who is needing support, I'm going to go ahead and have my team put a link in the show notes, just because I know that there are a lot of people who have that challenge of really creating that change in the subconscious mind to Create that shift and change consciousness and, and really begin to open things up to the next level.
Because of course, that's where your power is. And that is where you can really start shifting your consciousness and accessing the next level of you, the next level of your power and your genius. So I love that. On that note, please do make a point to hit the share button on this episode, you know, share it with somebody you love, somebody you care about, or somebody you don't even know.
The more happy and healthy and empowered that every single person is in our world, the better the world will be for all of us. And so on that note, I wish you a most happy, empowered, positive, fabulous rest of your day. And on the next episode, we'll take this to the next level. I look forward to seeing you there.
Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself Change. All of the time people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touched their heart, or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness of how amazing we all really are. If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about or those you know who really.
As more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point and the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone what we are all capable of. And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming, to maintain their results.
But the point. For you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life if you really understand how to use your mind. You are incredible. And I do wanna be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own. I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made.
You'll wanna remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people. That said, if you wanna send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well.
Lastly, Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you'll wanna continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you are capable of with your mind. Thank you.