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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made. that changed my health and my entire life. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this.
Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level. I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind. And then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind and body. Your emotions and your energy to help you heal your health, yourself and your life.
Let's begin.
And welcome and happy, beautiful new year. Happy 2022. It is going to be an amazing year and I love that you are here expanding your mind and your energy, your consciousness. I just love it. And welcome to the first IQ episode of the year where we talk about. Insights and questions. And today I want to talk to you about three powerful insights that you want to have as you jump in to this new 2022, a lot of things that people are overlooking that can affect their health and their happiness and their energy and their expansion.
And so that's what I want to cover is just those things that people are overlooking and how consciousness and energetic evolution can unknowingly. impact your happiness and your success in the year. And so I want to really unpack that also. And I know that that probably does not yet make any sense, but it will as we dive in.
And so on that note, let's go ahead and start with number three, which is definitely going to be the most obvious one. And if you've been listening to past episodes, then you've definitely heard me mention this before, but It is worth mentioning again at this time, and it is this, is that you'll want to keep in mind that there were more millionaires created during the Great Depression than any other time in history.
And, I don't say that specifically about money. The reason I say that has more so to do with the juxtaposition and, you know, the contrast of knowing that You know, unfortunately, there can be a lot of people who are going through a hard time and there can be others who still succeed and rise up and, you know, a lot of people who did become millionaires during that time, they were helping, you know, supply things during that time, but either way, the message that you'll want to take from this is this, is that your year It is really up to you that you can do it, whatever it is, you know, just because there's a lot of talk right now about the C word, if you will, and, you know, COVID, but we'll just call it the C word because I don't want to give it any more energy, you know?
And so if you think about it right now, of course, there's a lot of talk about all of that stuff. And. you don't want to let it dampen the way that you're thinking about your year. And so that's why I mentioned this one again, is just to keep that on the forefront of your mind as we step into this year and not to limit yourself.
But if there's something that you're wanting to do and be, you know, make sure to Think about that, to embody that, to envision that, to set your mind for it. And even with health, you know, for a lot of people, they say, Oh, well, there's stress going on. There's this and that going on. It's harder to lift myself.
And I understand that. But you'll want to keep in mind that you can do it and to really make that change. And by the way, even in my own life, you know, when I really started getting better was actually in 2009. So about 13 years or so in there is when I really started turning a corner with my health And, if you recall during that time, that was like the Great Recession and all of that.
So there was all this peripheral stress going on in the world, and I didn't get sucked into it. Instead, I focused on me, and I lifted, and I embodied change. And so, now I'm here. That's what I want to invite you to do as we step into 2022 is not to get caught up in all of the chaos and the distractions and the negativity or feel deflated with talk of the c word going on around or anything like that, but instead remind yourself that you can step into happiness and health and a better life and Thank you.
Whatever it is that you are wanting into the coming year. So you want to keep that in mind. And that one's number three and stepping into number two is the energy of love. And you know, all of the time I'll hear people say, you know, I just want to feel more loved in life. I want to feel more connected with people.
I want to feel this deep sense of connection or they're feeling a feeling of unloved. And so a lot of times that's where people will focus is they just, you know, want to feel that love. And the exercise that I would encourage you to start doing as we step into 2022 to help you to shift this or open this up even more in your life is actually spending time feeling love for others and opening your heart more.
Because what can unfortunately happen is that People will feel some hurt and you may have experienced this yourself where you felt some hurt or some upset towards people or you know just got your feelings hurt for one reason or another and you kind of start to shut down your heart a little bit and shut down even feeling feelings of love towards others just because of that hurt.
So it's not on purpose and you're wanting to feel loved but because of those past hurts or wounds you kind of shut down that feeling of loving others as much. And unfortunately, it starts to shut down that energy in your life. And so if you're looking at 2022 and you say, wow, you know, I felt so loved and so connected and I loved so many people.
It was this amazing feeling that of course is what you want is, you know, love is good for your soul and your being and your health. and your happiness. And so I want to invite you to look at that aspect as you're stepping into 2022 and setting goals and visions and all of that. It's just something that is commonly overlooked just because typically people are wanting that love to come in and so the focus is there instead.
But feeling that feeling of love towards others is that energy that gets overlooked all of the time that you want to make sure to take in. All right. So that is number two. And I got to tell you, if you make that an exercise and you really embody it and really open your heart, it's beautiful. And of course, as you're doing so, if you notice any patterns, any hurt patterns and whatnot, you'll of course want to clean those up as well.
And it's different for each person, but. Making sure to open your heart and feel that love towards others just can elevate your 2022 in so many ways. So that's something you want to make sure to focus on and the number one thing is you will also want to pay attention to something that I call consciousness and energetic evolution and I want to unpack this of course more but if I was to say it very simply It would be making sure to embody a kindness towards others and without that.
It can actually impact your happiness and your health and your well being and your life in multiple ways. So, I want to unpack this even more because this is a shift that's taken place that a lot of people don't realize that is impacting them in many, many areas. And so if we look at the big picture of just life in general and energy and how we treat each other and really just looking at energy and consciousness, you know, if you think about It, there used to be this time when if people had an argument, they could, you know, they would kind of hurt each other, if you will.
I mean, if you think about the Bible for a moment, even it's written in the Bible, you know, if your kid doesn't listen, then to actually take them to the center of the town and have the people of the town stone your kids to death. Okay. So that's actually written in the Bible. In the Bible, if you're not familiar with it, so there's that, or if you think about even the Old West, what would happen if two guys had a disagreement?
You know, they could challenge each other to a duel where They could shoot each other and last man standing wins, like eek, you know, when you stop and think about it for a moment there was that. Or there was a time, you know, if women didn't listen then you could beat them or there was, you know, slavery or just all different types of things going on and everything has continued to evolve with consciousness, with an awareness of going, wow, that's wrong.
Or there was a time when people would just fight over land, you know, when people would battle over land and then steal it from each other or all kinds of things, possessions. And we can obviously see that that's wrong as well. So we have evolved in consciousness where what used to be okay, is not okay anymore.
And it's not just because the law or the government says so, but there's actually an evolution of energy and consciousness going on. Meaning this, you know, on episode IQ 36, I was talking about NPPs and punishment patterns, you know, that they keep people stuck all of the time, where they can keep you from happiness, they can keep you from healing.
And if you recall in that episode, I said, you know, if you're feeling any patterns of guilt or feeling bad or any of those things, you'll want to make sure to change those because they can keep you from being happy. They can keep you from healing. And so we talked about that in episode 36. Now, the point here is that The game has changed, meaning that if you were to have a duel and kill somebody way back in the old west, that was actually energetically okay because that's where consciousness was at the time.
But if you were to do that in today's world, that would be a problem, or if you were to stone your kids to death, as it mentioned in the bible. That was actually okay at that time, whereas, you know, the energy on that, that wouldn't have put a person in bad energy because that was the consciousness at the time.
But if you stoned your kids in today's world, not only would it of course be an issue with the law, absolutely, but it would also be an issue with your energy. It would impact you where it wasn't before, you know, thousands of years ago. That wasn't and it's because there's been this consciousness and energetic evolution.
So energy is continuing to evolve Okay, so now taking this moving forward Kindness to others is also now a key that impacts your energy. And the best example that I can use to kind of give you an illustration of this would be to think about Steve Jobs, you know, the founder of Apple. And if you know his story, then you know that he tried to heal himself.
And, you know, he was meditating for years and years and years. He was also eating pescetarian and vegetarian and vegan. You know, he had a lot of different, different diets that he was trying. And he was even, um, you know, into all kinds of supplements and treatments and all of these natural things. And yet, unfortunately, He didn't heal himself.
And I was doing all of those same things. I was trying meditating and everything I could and affirmations and binaural beats and you know, all of the supplements and eating vegetarian, pescetarian, I mean, all the same things. And it didn't work for me either until I started identifying and changing specific things in my mind at a deeper level in the subconscious mind.
And so that was key. And. Real change is key. And so, if you're familiar with Steve Jobs story, then you know that he had two major flaws. You know, he treated people very poorly, and he took credit for people's ideas. And so, with these two things, if I checked into his energy, There is a feeling of feeling like he deserved to live at like a negative 500.
You know, it just wasn't there. You know, there was a feeling of not deserving to live that same way in that energy. You know, it's like emotional abuse, if you will, in different ways. It's like our culture is becoming more and more aware of emotions and that's the evolution that's taking place. And by the way, really quickly, I want to note that this is nothing negative about.
Apple, the company itself, because even if you think about it, you know, unfortunately, Steve Jobs had a victim story about getting removed from Apple. So even Apple and people inside of Apple weren't okay with his behavior either. And so point being is that despite the meditation and all the spirituality that he was trying to bring into his life.
He didn't change, he didn't treat people great and taking credit for people's ideas like they were his. You know, it was a problem. And by the way, if you haven't read those parts of his story, you may want to look at that. But my point being is exactly that, is that those things are things that impacted him, was how he treated people.
other people. And if we stop and look at these times right now, if you think about with the whole c word going on, you know, we hear about people not treating others so well, you know, even like fistfights on planes and stuff. I mean, there's just a bit of chaos and people getting shorter with others. And, uh, Part of the energy that I even see feeding the C word of everything that's going on is the way people are treating each other and feeling about others and, and all of that.
So point being is that you'll want to make sure to treat others with kindness. Even for your own energy, because I can't tell you how often I see people who have some type of health issue, or a hard time being happy, or even financial issue, or all different types of things going on in life, and it's also connected to the way that they treat others.
You know, or maybe they get their feelings hurt, so they kind of lash out at somebody in retaliation, and they don't necessarily mean to. But, it's just that reaction from feeling hurt or feeling upset, or even like Steve Jobs. You know, I see people all the time who are taking credit for other people's ideas and then ending up in major illness or sickness or financial debt or all kinds of things.
So, unfortunately, Steve Jobs is a great example of this. But, this can show up in a variety of different ways, even through like things like being passive aggressive, or superiority over others, or different things like that. And so, that said, just because this is such a big place that can impact I want to encourage you to kind of look at this and if there is something that you need to tweak a little bit coming into the new year, then I'd strongly recommend doing so because it's one of those hidden things that you wouldn't realize that is impacting your health or your life or your finances or your happiness, but I see it all of the time.
And so maybe. And that becomes something that you add to your New Year's resolution. And maybe you're already doing fantastic in this area, and that's really great. Or maybe you're somebody who has been locked up a lot more with kids lately and, you know, everything else that you're kind of, you know, Find yourself being a bit short with others, and maybe you are noticing that in your energy, and maybe that's something that you will want to make sure to change.
Because sometimes what happens when it comes to going into the new year, people focus on everything that they want externally. You know, they want to do this, or they want to lose weight, or they want to start this job, or that job, or they want to buy a house, or whatever it is. But, they're not making those changes on the inside first, and so they're not succeeding at what they're really wanting to accomplish.
Again, like Steve Jobs, all of the effort and the fact that he was a billionaire and literally had every resource available to him, and yet didn't achieve his goal. Healing goal. And so it does take real change on the inside. And so food for thought as you step into 2022. And I know that that part with Steve jobs can feel a little bit discouraging, but if you really look at it, he didn't change.
And you've probably heard me say on past episodes before all of the time, I see people who are meditating and very spiritual and, you know, doing all these things and yet not creating that real shift. On the inside and that's of course why on past episodes where you'll see me working with people with pain and we're just targeting those Specific changes to get real results.
And so that is the message for you today is exactly that is my hope is that you'll take one or two or maybe all three of these insights and really fully apply them to your life and your mindset and your energy and really apply whatever is needed to your year of 2022 to make it just epic. I mean, if you stop and think about it for a moment, if you were to really come to 2022 with an open mind of saying, you know what, I really can do anything.
And I'm not going to fall into the chaos, but I'm really can do anything that I set my mind to. And I really have to focus on exactly that. And if you were to start feeling this crazy amount of love for other people and practice feeling that every day and getting it into your energy and really embodying that.
And of course, cleaning up any negative, hurtful patterns that you might have that might inhibit that. So doing that, and also. Treating others with kindness and noticing if you have any patterns that are keeping you from that and really shifting that. These things alone could help lift your energy in a most beautiful way.
And so on that note, as always, please do subscribe. Make sure to hit the share button on this episode, you know, share the love spread it with somebody you love Somebody you care about or somebody you don't even know But the more empowered and the more conscious and awake and aware that every person is in our world The better and happier and more wonderful our world will be for all of us and so That's a great way to start out 2022, and on the next episode, we are going to take it to the next level.
I gotta tell you, the next episode is so sweet, and it's so inspiring, and it'll help provide you with insight on how your actions can Can also unknowingly impact your energy and help you with healing. And so that's where we're going on the next episode. We are going to take it to the next level until then.
I wish you a most wonderful, happy, healthy, beautiful rest of your day. And I look forward to connecting with you then we'll see you there.
Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. All of the time, people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touch their heart or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness. Of how amazing we all really are.
If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about, or those, you know, who really need it as more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point. And the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone.
What we are all capable of. And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming, to maintain their results. But the point is for you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life, if you really understand how to use your mind, you're incredible.
And I do want to be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own. I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made. You'll want to remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people realize. That said, if you want to send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website at And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well. Lastly, Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you'll want to continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you're capable of with your mind.
Thank you.