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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made. that changed my health and my entire life. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this.
Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level. I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind. And then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind and body. Your emotions and your energy to help you heal your health, yourself and your life.
Let's begin.
Hello and welcome. It is so wonderful to connect with you. I just love that you are somebody who is here, who's continuing to expand your mind and your heart and your consciousness and your healing. I just love it. And welcome to this week's quick IQ episode, where we talk about insights and questions.
And today, the insight that I want to share with you really has to do with consciousness and expanding your consciousness and why intelligence doesn't necessarily equate to consciousness. And in fact, sometimes people who are really, really smart, get the most stuck. And I want to talk about why that is and the pitfalls that can keep you stuck and also key things that you can do to help create a radical transformation in your consciousness to help with the life transformation, health transformation, you know, all of it.
Because as you know, if you're here, all change really does Start from within. And so on that note, when we look at change and we look at transforming consciousness, the easiest way to really start looking at this is if we think back to the IQ episode from last week. And if you recall, we had been talking about having good integrity.
and creating real change. And we talked about Steve Jobs and I used him as an example where, you know, if you think about him and his situation, we talked about how he was pescatarian and fruititarian and vegetarian and all these things. And he was meditating all of the time and deep into meditation. But.
it didn't work to heal him. And of course, I'm not criticizing him at all because those things clearly didn't help me either, which was why I started really looking into the mind and what needed to change. And, you know, if we continue to use him as an example, you know, we talked about how he was doing all those things, but that he had a lot of patterns that were out of integrity, you know, he treated people really poorly, and we also talked about where, you know, he had taken credit for other people's ideas, and so, there were some major flaws in his personality, and his integrity, and all those things.
Now, if we build on that, and we think about consciousness for a moment, instead of judging him, or being mad at him, or any of those things, if you think about it, and you think about his consciousness. You may have heard before that he has a story that he got fired from his own company. So he did get fired from Apple.
And if you think about that from his consciousness, there's a victim consciousness there. Like, how dare people fire me from my own company and all those things. And so you can see that from his mind, he was the victim. And so when you stop and think about it for a moment, That happens all of the time with people where there's a certain consciousness that they're stuck into that they can't see things necessarily from the other side.
Now, I'm not saying everybody has this type of situation, but What I want you to notice is how intelligence doesn't necessarily equate to consciousness. And people will have patterns that they're stuck in regarding relationships or victim or herd or money or fear or all kinds of things. I mean, literally every area of life.
And you know, if you look at the big picture of Steve Jobs, where you think, okay, well, he's got this victim consciousness. And you look at, of course. His situation with Apple, where people didn't want to work for him anymore. I mean, that's well known. If you look in the news, if you look up any articles, there are a lot of people who were, didn't want to work with him because he was so mean and abusive.
And I know people personally who didn't want to have anything to do with him because he just treated them so poorly. And so, if you think about it, from his consciousness, he was the victim getting kicked out of his business. on company, but when you look at the bigger picture, he was, unfortunately, he was abusive.
And again, that's not about judging him or criticizing him. I want you to take it to the next level and really just look at the awareness of consciousness and how consciousness can control your actions and your perception and the way you feel. And again, why intelligence doesn't necessarily equate to consciousness.
In fact, when somebody is very smart. It can actually keep them stuck in a negative consciousness. And the reason for that is because if you think about somebody who is very smart, they're used to being right. You know, maybe when it comes to work, or a decision here, or math, or whatever decision or whatever thing that's going on in life, they're used to being right about something that requires an analytical breakdown.
You know, so whether it has to do with business or whatever it is. And so then what happens is that let's say there's some type of disagreement or argument or problem that comes up. A lot of times somebody who is smart will automatically assume that they're right, and they won't even question their own consciousness, their own perspective.
They'll think, you know what, I'm right. They're wrong. And they just. reinforce it, unfortunately, which of course means that if they're trying to create some type of radical change with healing or inside of themselves to really change their lives, then they get stuck. And so we can see where Steve Jobs was incredible at business and building Apple and doing all of that.
And we look at if, you know, again, if you think back to relationships and stuff that we talked about in the last episode, you can see. that he was out of alignment there and very out of alignment, but he was stuck in that consciousness. And so on that note, I want to share with you six keys to consciousness that can help you to radically make a change in your own life.
And so that said, starting with number six, which of course will be the most obvious at this point. And it is that being smart is not enough that you really need to transform. your consciousness. And the reason that I say that is because all the time people want to just identify a pattern and then see the pattern and go, Oh, now I have awareness to it.
Now I'm transformed. But most of the time they end up just staying in that same consciousness, meaning they see the pattern. And then they just believe the pattern instead of transforming the pattern. So they'll just go, oh, yep, that victim pattern is there. Or that mistreated pattern was there. Or, yep, so and so was critical of me.
And so they just know the pattern is there. They bring their awareness to it. But then they don't actually ever change their consciousness around it. And the key thing you want to remember is that all change really does start from within. And so if you're going to make a real change, you've got to make sure to change your consciousness.
You know, changing the way you see and feel about something. That is key. Okay, so that was number six, and moving on to number five, and this one is specifically towards relationships or connections with others, and the thing that you'll want to remember is that there really always are two sides to a story, and you don't want to automatically assume that that yours is right and that was what we had talked about earlier is that a lot of times a person who is very smart can automatically assume that they're seeing things in the right way and it can leave them stuck.
And so you want to be willing to have an open mind. And that's why I use this example with Steve Jobs is it really helps you to look at things and say, okay, if this brilliant man can even be stuck in a certain consciousness, then you can really understand that we as human beings, that's how our mind works.
That we can get stuck in a perspective that isn't serving us. And, you know, again, when you think about it, he had it all except for he had these patterns and this consciousness that, I mean, if you look at it, created a lot of destruction in his life and wasn't serving him. And so point being is that, again, you want to make sure to be willing to look at things from both sides of the coin and have an open mind and an open perspective to be willing to look at things in a different way.
So that is key. And that leads to number four, and it is to make sure to have absolute compassion for yourself and for others. And so meaning that if any of these patterns come up for you, if you notice there's a place where things have been off, or you haven't necessarily been looking at it, in the right way, make sure not to beat yourself up or criticize yourself, but instead understand consciousness and the way that we see things and just have absolute compassion for yourself and also for others.
And so if this is true for somebody else where you can see that somebody else is stuck in a certain consciousness, then you won't want to judge them. And, you won't even want to judge Steve Jobs. You know, he had good intentions, and it's not like anybody purposely puts a negative consciousness in their mind, intentionally, and says, I want to start looking at things from being like a victim, or I want to start looking at things through the lens of anger, or whatever it is.
Like nobody puts it there on purpose. And so instead of ever judging or criticizing somebody, just having an awareness and compassion for everybody, including yourself, is key and it'll help you to be able to move through and create transformation more beautifully and towards yourself and just live life more beautifully, where you can really have that genuine compassion for others.
So that is number four. And number three is that when it does come to creating real healing results or real life changing results, if you have not had a real change in consciousness, then chances are that you are probably not on the right track. And, you know, notice when I work with past volunteers, all of the time, people are surprised by the pattern.
They're like, Oh, I didn't even see that there. That's the norm. And so part of what I'm doing is I'm bringing something into their consciousness that they hadn't seen before, and then also having them look at it from a different way. And so sometimes that might be a situation where it is like Steve Jobs.
Maybe they're in the wrong. Or other times it's a situation maybe where they feel like a victim and the different consciousness is empowerment itself. Meaning that, let's say that somebody has been stuck in a pattern of abuse and stuck in a pattern of abuse and they feel like they just cannot possibly change their life.
And that, you know, they feel like a victim to life. But then they become aware of a pattern that was, you know, at age five or something like that, and then that change in consciousness is the awareness that they can actually change it, that they're empowered, that there is something that they can do, and so it's hard to maintain feeling like a victim if you're really the power, and so if somebody really embodies that That they're the power, then that right there is a change in consciousness if you really embody real change, which leads us to number two.
And it's that you'll want to notice that the emotions really must change. to change your consciousness. And that's why all the time you'll see me working with a volunteer where we're targeting a specific emotional pattern and really ultimately what it'll end up doing is shifting their consciousness
Meaning this, you know, you've probably heard me use this example before where if there's a relationship and somebody is crazy in love with a person. They're just so in love. Then what do they see? They see, of course, all of the positive things in that person or the opposite. If somebody's in a relationship and they're really angry with somebody, they're so angry and pissed off and frustrated or resentful.
What do they see in that person? They see every freaking thing that person does, all the negative things. And it's not because they're trying to. It's because that's what they're seeing. And so, by the way, on that note, this is what I call emotional consciousness. And it really is that our emotions, both consciously and subconsciously, actually control our consciousness.
And, you know, all of the time you'll hear people say, Oh, our thoughts help create our emotions. But, It's backwards. Our emotions and our subconscious programming control our thoughts. If you think about it, you know, using that same example of being in love with somebody or being angry at them, the thoughts that you have are based on your consciousness, what you're seeing.
And what you're seeing is based on your emotions of how you're feeling. And so ultimately those emotions, both consciously and subconsciously control your consciousness. And then your thoughts come from your consciousness. And so you'll want to remember that targeting that specific emotion. is so key.
And so when you see me working with people on past episodes, where I'm helping somebody do radically release their pain or change something in their life, that's what I'm targeting are those specific emotions and that emotional programming and patterning at a deeper level that is key. And to get those life changing results, it must get into the core energy.
So it must be a real change. Which leads us to number one, and it's that you must follow through. And this is another pitfall where somebody who is very smart will get stuck as they'll think, you know what, I already know this information, so I'm good. But you really have to follow through to get it into your subconscious mind.
And an easy way to think about it is if you think about pro athletes who practice all of the time, you know, they have that muscle memory. Now, if somebody were to go play golf or play basketball, and they were to say, well, you know, I made the basket. I'm good. I'm smart. Or I was able to hit the ball in golf.
So I'm good. I'm smart. Well, that's great. They're not typically really going to excel unless they get it into their muscle memory. Then they can go pro, so to speak. I mean, that's when they have the right thing in their muscle memory. So it's automatic and that's what takes their life to the next level.
And so similarly with your emotions, just knowing of an emotion or knowing of a pattern Isn't going to create that radical change. Instead, you've really got to change your consciousness. So it's a new automatic way of seeing and feeling. And as you get that new way of feeling in your mind, in your nervous system, and that's when it gets into your core energy.
So it's just emanating in your energy and it becomes your new norm. That is key. And again, this is another pitfall that somebody goes, Oh, I already got it, or, Oh, I already know it. Then they don't take the time to make sure to get it into their subconscious mind to really embody this new automatic Consciousness to create that real change and I see that all of the time I would say that is a number one Block for people ever actually creating real change even when they see the pattern and they know the patterns there And so they become aware of it then A lot of people just stop there.
They don't really change how they feel in their nervous system, in their subconscious mind, which then is what ultimately changes their energy. So that is key. And, of course, all the time people do, of course, do that. And that's how they get the results. And even, actually, an example of that recently, if you think back to the beautiful woman on episode number 114 and 115.
Her name is Vicky and she's just this beautiful soul who had a lot of patterns that were stuck in her subconscious mind and what's beautiful is that After that episode, you know, she continued to follow through. So she made sure and listened to the recording and she followed through with the video set and everything that she was doing.
And just a couple of days ago, I got an email from her. Where she said, you know, I just wanted to thank you because I feel so happy and so excited about life and excited about my future and I haven't had any pain and I'm not on any pain pills. And she just went on and on about how excited she was and how good she feels.
And Please remember, she's the one who's doing that. She's creating that change. And if you recall from her episode, she was in so much pain. She had extreme pain and been on all kind of medication and that's what was going on for her. And so she's amazing. Like she's changing that. She's getting the real results.
Here she is about a month later, still not having any pain, feeling great, feeling excited. And again, She's the one that's doing that, you know, she's incredible and she even put in her email I've been following through every day listening to the recording following through with all the tools and techniques in the video course and and just went on about her follow through and She's doing it.
I mean just really impressive really beautiful And of course, she's gonna need to continue to follow through to make it her new automatic Automatic Norm, so it just becomes her new norm. That's exactly what you want to do. And again all of the time there are people who don't follow through as well And that's actually if you think about there's a past episode It's actually episode number one because I wanted to emphasize the importance of follow through episode number one is a another beautiful woman who I worked with who was able to see her pattern and she was able to release her own pain, which was really beautiful and she did it.
However, after we worked, she didn't follow through. She didn't make sure to reinforce it and really feel differently and so it was a few days or a week later she messaged in and she said my pain stayed gone for a few days and But now it's back. And so I actually brought her back on and recorded it so you guys could see that because I always want to be transparent that it does take real change and real follow through and So when I brought her back on we worked on the same thing and really creating that shift So she felt differently And then, of course, again, it was up to her to reinforce it and really change those emotions at a deeper level.
And so, that is key, and that is the thing that you'll want to note, is that real change is key. And, all of the time, I see people make the most incredible changes in every area of their life. When they do, you know, everything from health to life to relationships and falling in love and getting engaged or taking their marriage and their life to the next level.
I mean, I see the most beautiful things because we as human beings are truly incredible. And by the way, I want to add a side note that I want to be very careful to say that in no way do I want to be critical or speak poorly about Steve Jobs in any way at all. I think he had really good intentions, but that programming gets stuck at a subconscious level.
And by the way, speaking of programming, I want to make sure if you're listening to this, that you are not judging him either, because what will happen for some people is they might judge him or they'll say, Oh, those billionaires, they're just so greedy and they treat people poorly and they just want to get more money.
And they'll link it up with that. Financial and money and say it's just people with money, but I can tell you I have literally seen people in every area Anything from even people who teach yoga being condescending or arrogant I mean you've probably seen even with religion that there can be a lot of people who have excessive amounts of righteousness who unfortunately treat others as less than.
And, when it comes to taking credit for other people's work, I mean, I have literally seen people, like, trying to take credit for Oprah's work, or Deepak Chopra's work, or all different types of things, and even non profits. I'll see them doing something that is out of integrity. And I see that all the time.
And a lot of times what will happen in somebody's mind is they do have good intentions. I mean, almost all of the time, people will have good intentions. They just kind of justify it. People will say things like, you know, they'll have a nonprofit and they'll say, well, I'm doing this to help others so it's okay if I cut corners or stuff like that.
deal from people, or take from the wealthy, or things like that, or I mean, there are people who I've seen doing things that, you know, they're trying to teach yoga, and they take, you know, somebody else's things and just kind of copy it and write a book on it. And then when they get sick and then I'm working with them and I say something like, hey, this book that you've written, the energy of it, it's out of integrity.
That's the problem. And they say, well, you know, I was doing it because I really wanted to help people. And it's like, well, If you were, then credit and ask permission from the other person or share their stuff or whatever it is. But you didn't need to take that person's work and take credit for it. That's not helping anybody, but you know, and so they'll take credit for people's stuff.
So my point is, is it's not just the wealthy people. It's not just rich people. It's not just Steve Jobs. You know, all of the time, people do have good intentions. But they'll justify their actions in one way or another, and this is just growing, unfortunately. And part of the reason is because, you know, it's the information age, so with information and people just trying to take credit for others information, or monetize off of it, or justify it in one way or another, I'm seeing that a lot, or I have worked with people before on, like, Amazon, who were major, major sellers, making millions.
And then, they had a certain product that they were advertising, and then they realized that they needed to make more to be able to make profit, because they were losing money, because they had to sell a product so cheap, because, you know, the, the prices are so competitive. And then, so, in their mind, they, you know, And then cut this corner and cut that corner and cut that corner.
So the product was no longer really fitting the description. And then they end up with sickness. And then also a lot of fines and stuff like that, where I've seen people literally have, you know, a ton of. Issues in life from financial to health and manifest all those problems or even tax problems connected with it And they go, but why me and it's like well, it's out of integrity and they'll say well, yes But I needed to be able to make my profit and my family and this and that and it's like yeah But I get needing to make profit however Being unfair to people and cutting corners on product that you're advertising is isn't fair to others either.
And so either way, the point being is that it's growing and all of the time, unfortunately, and I understand it, but people will justify it in one way or another, and likely in Steve Jobs mind, he probably did the same thing, you know, in his mind, he probably thought to himself something like, you know, people are trying to move too slow, or he probably thought to himself, you know, people are always asking me for everything.
So I'm just going to. put up a brick wall immediately. And then, you know, he did that and whatnot. So, you know, I'm sure there were plenty of things that were justifying in his mind. And again, the point that you'll want to get from this last piece is that you'll want to make sure that you're not linking it up in your mind where it says, Oh, that's just wealthy people who are doing that.
You know, it's that wealth. And to be honest with you, I actually see people with less money who are actually doing that more often. And that's part of the reason that they have less money is that they've never made it off the ground. And some of them do. And again, we talked about in the last one, Steve Jobs, you know, there was different things where his beginning was different than his end and, you know, different things like that.
So anyways, again, point being is that make sure to transform your consciousness where you really see and feel. in a different way and that you're really to embrace that change and follow through because what you are capable of, the healing, the life transformation, all of it is truly incredible. And so on that note, I'm going to ask you, as always, Please do make sure to hit the share button on this episode.
Make sure to share it with somebody you love, somebody you care about, or somebody you don't even know. You know, the more empowered and conscious and aware and happy and loving and healthy that every person is in our world, the better the world will be for all of us. And so please do hit the share button and Also, I have to say you are absolutely going to love the volunteer that is coming up on the next episode.
It's just mind expanding in a whole nother way. So I love that and on the next episode we will take it to the next level and so I wish you a most incredible, fabulous, wonderful rest of your day and I look forward to seeing you there.
for listening to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. All of the time, people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touch their heart or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness. Of how amazing we all really are.
If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about, or those, you know, who really need it as more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point. And the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone.
What we are all capable of. And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming, to maintain their results. But the point is for you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life, if you really understand how to use your mind, you're incredible.
And I do want to be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own. I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made. You'll want to remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people realize. That said, if you want to send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website at And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well. Lastly, Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you'll want to continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you're capable of with your mind.
Thank you.