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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made. that changed my health and my entire life. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this.
Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level. I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind. And then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind and body. Your emotions and your energy to help you heal your health, yourself and your life.
Let's begin.
Hello and welcome to this week's quick IQ episode where we talk about insights and questions. And today there is a very powerful insight that I want you to pay attention to and really is going to be key for everybody. Moving forward. So I want you to take this warning with a great awareness, just something to not put you in fear at all, but something to be very aware of as we move forward with mindfulness and technology and all of these things that you'll really want to do to protect yourself.
your brain from the things that are coming in technology. And I've already seen this happening with some people. And if it's not happening to you personally yet, chances are this situation will arise. You know, if you are somebody who is here, who is into mindfulness and understanding your mind, then as technology continues to advance, chances are This will come your way, and it will be something that will impact a lot of people, and so, for that reason, I just want to warn you, and again, I don't want you to be in fear of it, but instead, I want you to be aware of it, you know, knowledge is power, and so it'll be very helpful, and, you know, if you think about the last few episodes, we've been talking about Things that people do that can mess up their mind and start creating problems.
And of course, these messages that come up are all just divine timing. You know, we get the most lovely, wonderful volunteers. And when I work with them, you know, I'm not selecting them. My team just accepts whoever volunteers and then whatever message comes up, like, I have no idea. Until I jump into the session with the person and start really looking at what's going on.
And from that, it sets the theme of what we're talking about. And so it's beautiful and we get the most amazing, wonderful volunteers and topics that come up that are just really helpful to help create a shift in the now or to warn of things coming up. Which is exactly what today's episode is. And technically, as we wrap up with today's episode, it'll both be a message for the now and also something to be very weary of moving forward.
And so that said, let's go ahead and dive in to today's topic. Now, to kind of unpeel today's topic, cause it is a little complex. I want to go ahead and simplify this and just start with a very quick kind of foundational. understanding of how the mind can work in a different way to kind of influence the physical body, meaning this, meaning that a lot of times on the podcast episodes, we're talking about using emotions and emotional energy to be able to heal the body.
But if we, as human beings, force enough thought over the body, And emotion, we can also create some other changes as well. I mean, changes in different ways. For example, we've seen on past episodes where somebody will deny their pain and tell themselves, it's not real, it's not real. And we can see that the mind can have influence over the body with that forced thought and emotion, where people will tell themselves over and over, you know, the brain is just misfiring.
And they try to get their brain to stop listening to what's going on. And again, it'll actually stop having pain right there. Now, of course, as we've seen with past volunteers, it shows up in a bunch of different ways and shows up even worse. but that specific area can then experience less pain or even no pain in some situations.
But, you know, it shows up in different parts of the body, but of course we can all see logically that there are ways that we can use our mind to influence the body that aren't necessarily good for your health. But, The physical body can respond to that and in fact, I've actually seen a few situations where Hypnotherapists have done that very thing of just trying to force and command the physical body to do something And it backfires, and one very simple and clear example is this, is that there was this woman who had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and she was a hypnotherapist, so of course, she decided to try to heal her body.
And basically what she did is she started hypnotizing herself over and over and over and over again to create more insulin in the body, and she did this over and over and over again, And eventually her body listened, you know, her body started creating even more insulin and then it backfired in a huge way.
Now for several reasons, and first and foremost, it only listened for a bit, but it was enough to create a major problem. And one of the major problems is with type 2 diabetes. Her issue was insulin resistance, meaning that her body had already been creating enough insulin, but the problem was just that her cells were resistant to the insulin, which then impacted the way the cells process sugar.
And so that was the actual problem, and unfortunately, she went into major low blood sugar, which, by the way, if you're not familiar, if your blood sugar drops too low, it can be very, very serious for your health if your blood sugar drops too low, and unfortunately, that's what happened in her case, and so she needed to seek medical help.
medical treatment and thankfully it was only short term. Her blood sugar actually went back the opposite way. So she did go back into having the type 2 diabetes as she had previously. And so she went back into, you know, that old state. So the body didn't stay stuck, fortunately, in this case. But there's others where I've seen people make changes that do.
They, it puts them in a different, um, illness state. And even with this specific situation, this is not the only situation I've heard from a hypnotherapist doing this exact thing. So there are other people who have done literally to the T, this exact thing. Now, likely this situation does not pertain to you, but the thing that you'll want to notice is that when we tell things to the brain, we command things to the brain or to the physical body.
We can get changes if we are forceful enough or emotional enough and impactful enough. We can, and they typically end up backfiring in one way or another even as we've seen on past episodes. So it's not always very clear on how it shows up, but They typically end up backfiring, unfortunately, and what you'll want to make sure to do is, of course, address that emotional component that is connected.
And, interestingly enough, with diabetes, about a year and a half ago, there was a medical research study that linked up type 2 diabetes To the emotion of loneliness. Now, typically when I work with type two diabetes, there's usually even more connections under it. So it's not just loneliness and there's other things going on in the brain that are connected to that.
But point being is. that at least our medical system is actually starting to create those connections to where they're seeing that there is that emotional component. And so I will definitely make sure to leave a link of that research in the show notes so you can see it. But in this specific episode, I'm wanting to look at something different and it really has to do with the awareness that we can use thought in a forceful way.
to create outcomes in the body that create problems and that you'll want to be acutely aware of that with technology as it's coming up. And, and so chances are this first story probably does not pertain to you, though it might in some way, but the next part coming up is definitely going to be relevant to everybody to really want to watch out for, especially as technology continues to advance.
And so the reason I just wanted to start with that story is because I really wanted to bring in the awareness of how the mind works. You know, the mind can work counterintuitively, just like on past episodes, you may have heard me talk about the unfortunate situation with a cutter, you know, which is well known in psychology.
where a person can go through a trauma, unfortunately, and then get it linked up in their mind that cutting themselves equals euphoria, you know, equals some type of high, or even some type of relief, or even a feeling of safety, you know, there are a variety of different things that can get linked up, and It's not just that situation.
I mean, all of the time, I'll see people who will get things linked up in their subconscious mind that's backwards and then ends up backfiring in their lives. Now, that's the piece that I really want to break down even more on today's episode is that more and more of what I'm seeing is I'm seeing people who are finding different ways to measure their brain activity, and it's becoming a Bigger and bigger thing, you know, if you've heard of default mode network, then you know that there's a lot of study around the amount of activity in the brain.
And by the way, if you're not familiar with default mode network, it's basically very simply, it's like the brain's activity when somebody is awake, but not engaged in a particular activity. So they're just awake but not specifically doing something. And one of the things right now with default mode network is that basically people who meditate have less brain activity.
during default mode network. It's like that, that brain activity is more calm and that's considered to be a good thing. Now, I don't want to go too far down this rabbit hole specifically with default mode network because that is a whole nother topic in and of itself that I don't wholeheartedly agree with, but isn't typically going to impact most people here.
So that's not the point of it specifically. The thing that I want to look at right now that is going to impact a lot of people is that I'm seeing more and more people who are measuring their brain waves or brain activity or various things within the brain in different ways. And just like the story that I mentioned above with the insulin and all of that, basically I am seeing it backfiring and this is what you're going to want to be really careful about is that, you know, more and more people are playing with different ways to measure brain activity and then what's simultaneously happening is there's this messaging coming through.
that it's better to have less brain activity and you'll want to stay away from this message. So kind of like this is if you think about it, the hypnotherapist that I mentioned just asked her body to create more insulin. She didn't say how much, she just said she wanted more. Now, similarly, You don't want to encourage your brain and tell your brain over and over and over that it's good to have less brain activity Because it's not about having less brain activity It's also about having different brain activity And in fact, there's actually been research that has shown that intelligent people have different regions of their brain that are more active Connected.
So there's more activity between different regions of their brain. And what I'll do is I'll go ahead and include that article in the chart notes just so you can see that. Because again, you wanna have the right type of brain activity and you want to have your brain be very healthy. And I have to say, all of the time, I am seeing people who are building these spiritual beliefs that ends up.
backfiring in their lives in a variety of different ways. I mean, everything from love and connection to action to, you know, hardship or all kinds of things. I mean, for example, there have been people that I've worked with who have felt like it was most spiritual. to be in solitude. And they had that linked up very strong.
And, of course, if you've been listening to past episodes, you also know that love and connection are so important. You know, just like a plant needs the sun, we as human beings need love. And that's even been scientifically proven where we can see that infants that don't get enough love unfortunately can actually die.
So we can see that love and human connection are important. Now, what will happen is people will think to themselves, you know, that a monk is in solitude when they're not. Typically they might be at an ashram or different things like that, but they'll link it up that the most spiritual way to be in their subconscious mind is to be more in solitude.
And then what will happen with their heart and their being is that there's a part of them that wants to connect with people and have friends. But, because subconsciously they feel like solitude is more spiritual, it's like they can't make any friends. They'll feel like they're sabotaging all their relationships, or they just can't even connect with people.
And consciously they want that. Consciously they want to connect with spiritual people and like beings and all of that. But subconsciously, because that belief system is there that says, solitude is more spiritual, they can't seem to create those connections. And so that backfires in a variety of different ways.
Or they'll have a belief that says, you know, money is not spiritual, so they don't want any, but simultaneously they're stressed out. Because they can't afford their rent, or they can't afford their electricity bill. So they're having all of this stress and strain towards money, and then simultaneously feeling like, as a spiritual being, they shouldn't have any.
You know, they have that belief that says it's more spiritual to have no money. And of course, you know, if you look at the Dalai Lama, He's a millionaire. You look at Mother Teresa. She was a millionaire. You look at Oprah. She's a billionaire. And I always joke around with people and say, you know, well, does that mean that, you know, somebody who's 19 years old is more spiritual than the Dalai Lama because they have less money.
So if you take a 19 year old guy compared to the Dalai Lama, does that mean they're more spiritual? And they say, of course, well, obviously not. I say, well, you know, they, have less money. And so they start to realize that, you know, money is something separate from spirituality, that people can have money and be spiritual.
And part of the reason that becomes of course important is for health. So it's not that they need to have a ton of money, but. If somebody's at the point where they're stressing and straining and struggling to get by financially and simultaneously, they have that subconscious belief that says they don't want any money, it creates a lot of hardship, which then affects their health and their life in a variety of different ways.
Or another belief has to do with the topic of manifesting, where people will believe that it's like, it's more spiritual to be able to manifest something in your life without. having to take any physical action whatsoever. So they'll find themselves in a place of feeling like it's impossible to get themselves to take action.
And even when they consciously try to take action, it's like it feels overwhelming. Like the littlest things, like a to do list of three things feels like a to do list of 500 things to them. It just feels so overwhelming. And I can't tell you how many times I've seen this and that the solution has been helping people to realize it's okay to take action and it's not not spiritual, you know, they can take action and that life is about living a full life and we are spirit full beings.
We live here in this physical world and we're meant to enjoy and play and have fun and and build things or create things or you know and manifest simultaneously and even if you look at Oprah's life, she manifested her life, which doesn't mean that she didn't take any action towards it, It means that instead she manifested the outcome and her actions led her to where she is to this day.
And so all of the time you'll see that or even if you look at Gandhi or you can look at all different types of people and you can see that action has been a part of their lives but what's happening in today's world is that there's a lot of people through marketing of spirituality who are saying well just do this without any effort or do X, Y, Z, and you don't have to take any action.
It'll all just be easeful and just manifest right before your eyes. Now, yes, of course, all kinds of things do happen and attract and yes, there's an energetic component that is absolutely there and that Oprah's life would not have manifested the way it did. without her mindset or even Elon Musk. I mean, he's literally been talking about wanting to go to space.
I don't even know, but I think it's longer than at least 20 years or something, even longer than that, I believe. And notice he's now making this dream a reality. And it's not because he was just lifted into space. It's because he's taken action towards it. And again, point being is that All of the time I see people, when they link certain things to spirituality, to being more spiritual, to being more evolved, that Um, it gets linked up in the subconscious mind and it reflects in people's lives and it sabotages different areas.
And you may have even heard me talk about that on past episodes. And what's different about this one is specifically brain activity is that people are linking up in their minds that if they're meditating and they're more spiritual, that it means they have less brain activity. And now that's something that I'm seeing showing up.
up more and more and more, and typically it's pretty hard to shift. You know, if you think about it for a moment, for people to get feedback on their brain activity. A lot of times for researchers, that might just be data, you know, just data information, but to the average person who is spiritual and into the mind and meditation, this is something that's more than just research, you know, it can be a sense of pride or, you know, feeling more spiritual or more evolved.
And so there are so many different emotions that come up for a person that it takes it from just being data. information to then adding a ton of emotion around it. And on top of that, usually a person with this information, they would want to share it over and over again. Further, when you think about how the brain works for a moment, you know, you may have heard, as we've talked about in the past, if a kid doesn't get positive attention, They'll get negative attention, you know, it's like that need for a connection is so important And so when a person is sharing these things about all their brain waves have then been Lowered and and all these things like there's a part of the brain that It automatically wants to do that again, and do it more, and do it more.
That all gets linked in, so again, it becomes a lot more than just research. It ends up with a lot of emotional components that get connected in the subconscious mind and make it hard to shift, and in most cases, people don't even realize it's there. You know, even if you think back to episode number 114, where I was working with our beautiful volunteer, very, very smart woman, and if you recall that episode, she had had anger that she couldn't identify.
You know, she didn't feel that pattern of frustration and whatnot going on because it was buried in her subconscious mind. And so that can happen in a variety of different situations already, but most of the time people don't even realize it's there. And of course ultimately what you want to do anyway that's more important than just looking at what your brain's doing is look at what your life is doing, what your body is doing, what your happiness is doing, meaning that even more than your brain activity, What is your life like?
What is your happiness level like? So you want to measure your results based on your happiness, based on your relationships, based on the amount of love and joy and your success at healing yourself or success at life or whatever that looks like. But the ultimate goal is, of course, you want to focus and see what those real results are.
And again, these people would not have any idea consciously except for this is why everything feels so overwhelming to just do the smallest task and it's getting more and more and there's just a lot of different things going on. So just point being is again, this probably does not impact most people yet, but chances are as technology is advancing and people are trying to put meditations on apps and don't really understand the brain and the repercussions from changes that they're making.
You know, it just, this is something that you're going to want to watch out for. And we are really going into a time when you are going to want to protect your brain and really, really understand everything that you're putting into it and what you're doing with it. And kind of a way to think about it is like this, is that throughout history, there's been things that.
Mass amounts of people have done and then in hindsight realize it wasn't the best thing to do. You know, for example, doctors used to endorse cigarettes or there was cocaine in Coca Cola or asbestos. was in a lot of people's houses before they realized that you shouldn't breathe in asbestos. Now, I could go on and on and on about things that mass amounts of people have done and then in hindsight, we look at them and say, Oh, we shouldn't have actually done that.
And this time with the mind, again, you're just going to want to pay attention. And even if I look at things like Alzheimer's, you know, when I have worked with people with Alzheimer's, what I find is is that the way that they're using their brain is unfortunately not in a healthy way that's serving them.
And so, you know, you just really want to pay attention to what it is that you're doing with your mind. And, you know, when you stop and look at it, I mean, meditation and mindfulness and working with the mind is being commercialized in a big way. And I can tell you that I see people who are in marketing.
who decide that they're going to create a bunch of meditations just because they see it as a way to make money. They're not realizing fully how much programming the mind really does impact people in a major way. Impact people's level of motivation and how they experience the world and their health and their life and love.
I mean, literally, everything and it's like this frenzy in a lot of ways where people are just moving forward just because they see that as the new cool thing to do but They're not really understanding the mind first and really, really getting it. I mean, I got to tell you, I have been researching and working with the mind for almost 20 years now.
And even after healing myself, it took me several years to really start speaking about the mind and the power of the mind until I knew that I could get the same results in others as I did with myself. with myself and that I could show people back to back to back how to release pain and how to create those shifts in their lives.
And of course, all of the time, you know, I'm geeking out on more and more of this stuff. I just, I love the brain and energy and the mind. And you know, always, I want to help people to get faster and faster results. And I want people to see what we're all capable of. So that's why, of course, I do these podcast episodes.
And, on this one specifically, is I want you to just be aware of your brain, and really realize that we are going into a time where you're going to need to protect your brain more and more, and understand what you're doing with your brain, or what apps are doing with your brain, or checking brain frequency is doing with your brain, or all of that.
And, to be honest, if I were you, I would kind of Avoid those things or be very cautious with them. And I can tell you that I have had people put electrodes on my head and study different things. And I can tell you that I personally was super cautious about even receiving feedback as far as what they were looking at and all of that.
I limited the amount of information because It was my own brain. I want to be careful on how much I'm influencing what it should and shouldn't be doing instead of allowing it to just work the way that it does in connecting with universe, God, divine and energy, you know, so that said, just the biggest point to note is this is just that more and more people are getting into doing things with the brain and you're going to want to be careful.
Be careful with your brain and understand what you're doing and be cautious of it, you know, don't just Connect your head to some electrodes with some brain activity and see what's happening and all of that just because somebody says oh, hey This sounds really cool. Let's do it. It sounds fun. Okay, because it totally sounds fun.
I'm with you I can geek out on that stuff all day long and yet some of it is backfiring in ways that's affecting people and I'm seeing that. So that's what you want to be cautious of. And I mean, I have been in other types of studies before, even one experiment that I was in, it wasn't with, you know, a bunch of electrodes to my head, but instead it was a different type of setup.
Um, in this specific lab, I was basically held in a tank in one room and In an adjacent room, there was a setup, like a lab type setup, where there was a photon beam. And it had photon splitters, and at the end, it had a photon counter. And so kind of a simple way to think about this is if you think about a, a laser beam on one end, and then photon splitters, and then at the very end, a photon counter.
And so that counter can count how many of the photons Get to the end. Now, what was interesting is that from the adjacent room that I was in that was locked in to be like, it was like this freezer type thing. This little voice would come on that the scientist had recorded. And as soon as the voice would come on, it would tell me to go or stop.
And basically it was kind of like a stop and go experiment where my goal was to use my mind to influence the photons. that were in that other room. And so what would happen is when I say go, I would use my mind and when it say stop, I would stop using it and go and it would go again and then it would stop.
So of course I would stop. Then at the end of the experiment they printed out a readout from that photon counter and you could see Differences between when I was using my mind to influence the photons and when I wasn't using my mind. So it was a lot of ups and downs in the chart on the differences when it was stop and when it was go.
And so in that case, that was a fun experiment that I wasn't looking at, you know, brain waves and brain activity and all of that. And of course, I've done that before too, but I've been very cautious as to what information I even take in. in my own brain. And so I just really want to emphasize that because when information gets linked up in your subconscious mind, it really does control your life.
And I have seen people before who have sabotaged major parts of their life because they got something linked up to being spiritual or better. And even if they didn't consciously fully believe it, once it's there in the subconscious mind, your mind can start. taking action on it. And so my biggest suggestion from this is of course, number one, to make sure to protect your brain and number two, do exercises with your brain that just keep you very sharp and present.
You know, you could do simple things like solving a puzzle or learning a new skill, or even taking a different road somewhere and just paying attention to taking a new route, you know, or whatever that is. But you always want to make sure that you have a combination of being present and learning something new or doing something in a different way, which could be a puzzle or a new skill or whatever that is.
And I have to say in my own life, I do. do those things. I purposely make a point to keep my brain sharp. I make a point to be present at times where I'm not checking into energy, where I'm just being absolutely present, where I'm taking a different route somewhere, where I am noticing something different and making a point to do so.
And even when I work out, I love to work out and stay very present. So I'm very much in my body and maybe even listening to music, which I love and just being very much in the physical and being very present. And so that is my biggest suggestion to you is that If you are somebody who you find yourself that you're always in your head or you're meditating a lot, a lot, a lot, or you catch yourself always thinking, or always thinking about energy, or always meditating or whatever it is, then my biggest suggestion is for you to take a moment and consciously decide some simple things that you can do to keep your brain sharp and that you can be purposely grounded and purposely present.
And by the way, After we finish with this podcast episode, maybe you'll want to do exactly that, you know. One thing that I really love doing is I love going for a walk and being a hundred percent present. So I'm not thinking about this or that or anything else, but Just my specific surroundings, and I'll notice a flower, and just looking at the beauty in it, and I'll notice a tree, and I just, it's like being laser present with everything and not going to any other thoughts that are past, or future, or anything that's other than the now, you know, other than that moment right there.
And I have to say, you know, the more that I do it and just am present with it, it just feels so good and euphoric and beautiful, you know, just being super present. So that's my biggest suggestion and I do know Even as I say these words that there are going to be a lot of people who are used to checking out or always Having their mind in a different space who are gonna think about being present and go Oh, that sounds like no fun at all, and I absolutely get it But please keep in mind that if it's even something that I do to keep my mind sharp Then it may be something you may want to try and just see how it feels for you You as you get good with that feeling of presence and realize that is so good for your mind, especially in these days where there's just so much information coming at people all of the time.
So I hope that you give yourself some of that time for you to take that in. And also, I'm going to ask you, please do make a point to share this episode, you know, share it with somebody you love, somebody you care about, or somebody you don't care about. The more people who wake up to this awareness that our brains are really amazing, the more incredible this world is going to be.
Of course, assuming that people don't wake up and then check out because their brains are somewhere else. So, you know, the more everybody wakes up and is present and is spiritful and is empowered and knows how to manifest and create their lives, I mean, the more amazing this world will be for all of us.
And so on that note, I love that you are somebody who is here expanding your mind, your energy, and your consciousness. I just love it. And I look forward to connecting with you on the next episode. I'll see you there.
Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. All of the time, people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touch their heart or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness. Of how amazing we all really are.
If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about, or those, you know, who really need it as more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point. And the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone.
What we are all capable of. And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming, to maintain their results. But the point is for you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life, if you really understand how to use your mind, you're incredible.
And I do want to be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own. I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made. You'll want to remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people realize. That said, if you want to send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website at And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well. Lastly, Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you'll want to continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you're capable of with your mind.
Thank you.