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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made. that changed my health and my entire life. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this.
Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level. I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind. And then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind and body. Your emotions and your energy to help you heal your health, yourself and your life.
Let's begin.
Hello, and welcome to this week's quick IQ episode, where we talk about insights and questions and I'm looking forward to diving into today's insight. It is very powerful and it's going to touch a lot of people for a variety of different reasons. Just really looking at optimizing your brain and avoiding some of the problems that people are doing that are slowing their brains down or even kind of disabling their brains.
Mentally and their capacity and processing and all of that. And we'll talk about that. And of course, a few simple things that you can do to optimize your brain and keep your brain sharp and processing information and feeling even more empowered. And so that's what we're going on today's IQ episode. And just on a quick side note, you know, I have to say how much I loved everybody's feedback on just how much the last.
Volunteer episode just touched everybody's hearts and I know it just melted mine in the most Sweetest way and if you recall on last week's volunteer episode, there was just this beautiful young 18 year old being I mean just a sweetheart with great self awareness and just just so incredible and I love that and a lot of things Things have been coming up around the topic of kids or young adults or youth just using mindfulness as well.
And so today I want to kind of integrate some thoughts on that note and just kind of weave those in to look at a Perspective with kids and adults and everybody kind of just looking at the awareness of mindfulness and what we can do with our brains to really Have them fully empowered, you know on the last IQ episodes We've been talking about positive things to do to help empower your brain and also Common mistakes that people are making that negatively impact their brain.
And this has been a topic that's really been up for several weeks now, just because of the volunteers that have come on. You know, there's been some hiccups in that, where people have been doing things that have been, unfortunately, subconsciously creating some problems or making it harder to get the results.
And so wanting to really, of course, avoid going down that path and instead, of course, empowering your brain. And so, you know, in the last IQ episode, we had touched on default mode network and brain waves and wanting slower brain activity and such. And today I want to unpack that a bit more of what you will want to do and what.
You will want to avoid and even caring for your brain and keeping it optimized, you know, even if you think about this time after the lockdown and all of this, even to this day, I'm seeing a lot of people who are still experiencing that feeling of overwhelm, you know, that feeling where life and getting out in the world and all of that still feels overwhelming or like they don't even want to do it.
Because they just have just such an aversion to it. And so it can feel overwhelming or even exhausting. And so we're going to unpack this a bit too for those people who are still experiencing some of that. Just because, again, you want to have your brain empowered and optimized. And all too often, If you're not paying attention to your brain, it can start to get a bit foggy or rusty or slow and kind of one way to think about it is if you think about somebody who runs a mile every day, you know, if somebody goes out and runs a mile every single day, then a lot of times what happens is that when they go to run a mile, they feel alive.
They feel good. Their body feels good. They feel energized even after running a mile. But you may have experienced this before in your life. If you're not used to running a mile or you haven't done it in a long period of time, If you go to run a mile, a lot of times it can feel challenging and even exhausting, you know, you get done, you feel tired instead of energized.
If your body's used to doing it, or even if you think about it, if you've ever gone on vacation before, where you took maybe a week or two off of work. A lot of times that first day or two getting back. overwhelming or it can feel like, you know, wow, I really got to get back into the groove of things. It can feel off or more challenging.
And by the way, I know that when I was off with my injury and I was inside of my house for the majority of the time, for about almost seven years, I mean, I can tell you that Even when I started getting out and about, I needed to optimize and get my brain used to everything, you know, in some ways it felt like a lot, you know, a lot of stimulation all at once.
And I mean, I was also in just happy tears all of the time. I mean, I would look at the beautiful blue sky and birds flying and just be in tears and awe of just how beautiful it was. beautiful our world is. So I was just, I mean, I was just in this amazing euphoric state of just happiness and bliss. And I was also intentional in knowing that I had to get myself used to things also.
So it wasn't a negative feeling. It was just like a growing feeling, if you will. So one of the things that I first started doing is I I started volunteering at a homeless shelter for single women with kids and I would help watch the kids and interact with the kids while their mothers went to go work on their resumes and work on getting jobs and, and things like that.
And so it was really sweet and it was really good for my brain to be out and around more commotion and more things going on and, and still be busy. Present and not overwhelmed by people and, and different things like that. And, you know, so it was this process of getting my mind used to everything again.
And at the time I was also working on starting to get ready to go back to network operations and engineering and all of that. So I was working on my certification for convergent network technologies and, you know, getting recertified in different things and all of that. And of course. That was the easier part, you know, all of the analytical stuff.
And I would say that was the easier part just because going through my injury during that whole time, I had been researching neuroscience and psychoneuroimmunology and the brain and, you know, metaphysics and quantum physics and all of these things. So my analytical mind had definitely stayed sharp. So renewing all of that technical stuff was the easier part, but.
Getting out and being around a lot of people again, that part felt overwhelming and a bit foreign to my brain and you know, it wasn't that I wasn't around people at all. It was just limited and slower and smaller, you know, it's just like if somebody came over to my house or something like that was a majority of that interaction.
And so definitely being out was something that I had to get my brain used to. Now, if you think of this in different ways, you can see how the brain can get foggy when it hasn't done something for a while, just like with high school math. I mean, most people, if they tried to go back to do high school math, they've forgotten most of it, unless It's something that they still do in their profession to this day.
For most people, going back to do geometry or trigonometry or calculus or any of that stuff, that would feel very challenging to do, again, if you're not doing it in your current day job. And similarly, Even being around people socially and connecting with people and all of that can feel a lot If it's something like high school math that you've stopped doing for a while, it can feel very overwhelming.
Now, this is the awareness that I want to expand on just because what I'm seeing a lot from people who are working with their minds is that they're spending a So much time where they're not present and they're not grounded that they're losing some of their brain Processing in other areas of life, you know where they're spending so much time in their head or meditating or, you know, sending energy, receiving energy, things like that, or, you know, kind of even just doing a like a mental escape where they're picturing themselves somewhere else, but they're spending so much time in their head or in energy or in meditating and kind of checking out in a different place that they're having a harder time being in life.
And again, also this has happened from COVID lockdown as well, where people who have been inside a lot, a lot, a lot, and haven't been out much are also feeling that same way. And what you want to do is make sure to notice how your brain is working and be consciously aware of it and make sure to optimize it.
Now, Part of the problem is, is in our spiritual communities. All of the time, you'll hear people who actually think it's a good thing. And the problem is then it continues to go in the wrong direction. And unfortunately, it's kind of like almost disabling them mentally. And maybe you've seen somebody do this before or heard somebody.
in our spiritual communities say this, but you'll hear people say things like, you know, I've just reached such a level of spiritual consciousness that I just can't be around a lot of people anymore. I can't do a lot of things anymore, or this is just way too much. too chaotic for me and too many people just because I'm so sensitive to energy.
And so they kind of chalk it up to being so sensitive to energy that they feel like they can't be around people or life or do a lot of things. And again, it's like they're linking it up to it being a sign of being more spiritual. And unfortunately it just creates more of that same thing. And, and it's a.
problem. You won't want to go in that direction. I mean, the reality of it is, is that we all have the ability to connect with energy. We all have the ability to feel energy. And one way to look at this is if you stop and think about the awareness of the sun, you know, if somebody's walking around in the sun, you may not notice how the sun feels on your skin.
But if you stop and you really just focus on how the sun feels. On your skin and you start getting very acutely aware of that feeling of how the sun feels on your skin, then you've become very aware and connected to solar energy. And the reality of it is, is that as we go through life, there are all these energies all around us.
And so, you know, a lot of times they'll chalk it up to being more and more and more spiritual. And unfortunately the brain then thinks that. Being unable to process everything around you that it's it's like a good thing to not be able to be around More people and do more things and so what happens is it's like the the brain is going the opposite Direction as you would want and if you think about that with even kids, you know If you have kids who are into mindfulness Ultimately, what you would want is, you would want them to be able to do great at life, you know, to be happy, to be healthy, to be present, to feel like they can live a full life, to be, you know, in their state of happiness and joy and, and, uh, Um, and feeling good at life.
Like that's ultimately what you would want for them or even a senior citizen. Somebody, let's say somebody who's in their nineties. I mean, if they are sharp and aware and able to think clearly, that's a really good thing. And so that's what you want to notice is just, again, that I'm seeing more and more people in the spiritual communities who are using their brain in a way that's kind of essentially disabling themselves.
in ways where they, you know, then have this experience where it's like too much to be around people and too much to be around city life and too much to be around, um, computers and too much to be around anything. And, and so it just becomes very, very overwhelming to their brain. And what you want to really keep in mind is that it's not actually The energy, it's the brain processing, and this is how you can make the distinction, is because if you think about just being overwhelmed by energy, if that were the problem, then what would happen is just the Sun in itself.
If you think about how much energy The sun creates a ton of energy. You know, we have solar energy, but you can walk around and you could feel energy from the sun. I mean, a lot of times if we're walking around in the sun, you may not notice the sun on your skin, but if you stop and just feel it. You can definitely feel the energy of the sun on your skin.
You can feel that there, you can feel the heat from it even. So this right here is a ton of energy from the sun and there's also gravitational energy All around us too. And so point being is that a lot of times when people are saying, I'm just so sensitive to energy, I can't be around a lot of it. What they don't realize, I mean, is that our world, everything is made of energy.
So it's not. the energy that's the issue, so to speak, it actually has to do with the brain processing and being able to process a lot of things. And, you know, I can tell you it's typically different for each person in what area that is, meaning that I have worked with people who have gone off of disability after being on disability for 20 plus years and Their analytical mind may be the part that they haven't used much, and so going through a day or typing on a computer or working with people who have started a job again, initially, they can feel a bit overwhelmed by that.
And I have people, even right now that I work with, Who were on disability for a long period of time, who at the beginning of going back to doing some type of job felt like, wow, this is a lot. And now they own their own business and some even have people who are working for them. And so they came a a long way from being able to do a few tasks and work on the computer again to again, running their own business or, you know, being successful in what they're doing.
And. It was like running a mile for the first time. If you haven't run a mile in a long time, at first it can feel a bit challenging and you got to put some effort into it and then sooner or later, if you've been doing it every single day, you start to do it and it becomes easy and even energizing. And so that is the difference.
And notice in my situation, my analytical mind was very, very strong, but being around a lot of commotion, a lot of people, that was the part I purposely had to redevelop And get used to that again, and A lot of people are in that space right now from after the lockdowns with COVID. And so what you want to take from this is you want to notice what's going on with your brain, you know, what areas of your brain feel very, very sharp and what areas of your brain feel easily overwhelmed or like it's more challenging.
And instead of saying, Oh, you're less than, or you don't have that ability, or you can't do it, or even avoiding it. Instead, you want to make a point to. Develop your brain in that area. So you have basically essentially a super brain, you know, so you feel like you're sharp with energy and you're sharp with the mindset and you're sharp with being able to be present and even your analytical mind.
You know, you want to develop the parts of you that you want to develop. And again, going back to our spiritual communities, if you notice that there's an area that's easily overwhelming, you want to make sure that you're not linking it up to being more spiritual because I'm seeing this create a lot of problems in people's lives and in their health and you know, just that feeling of being overwhelmed by life itself, you know, it makes you feel.
And so on that note, again, weaving in young adults or kids, you want to make sure That your kids, of course, feel empowered and so kind of on the COVID note of this all, you know, if you are somebody who has spent a lot of time inside with your kids, and even if your kids have been spending a lot of time on the computer and games and stuff like that, then as you're ready, feeling COVID safe, all of that, it would be good to get your kids and even yourself out out around more people again, even if that's, you know, like a nice outside environment, such as being in a park, you know, and just having life go on around you where there's other people and things going on again, just really good for the brain processing information around you and getting used to all that again.
And by the way, I have even worked with people, you know, who are writers on film or books or different things like that. who have gone and kind of shut themselves in to work on a project for a, an extended period of time that even when they come out of that, being around people again, can feel like it takes some acclimation of getting used to it.
And it can feel overwhelming at first. And so it just, again, becomes a time to get acclimated. And by the way, I'm even seeing this a lot with people just in from COVID with travel. You know, all of the time I'm hearing people say, Oh my God, I used to travel all the time. Now, it feels overwhelming to even go on a single trip.
And, if that's you, what you'll want to remind yourself is that it's just like running the mile, or something like that, or doing math again, or whatnot, that it's just like running the mile. if you just do it again and you get used to it, that it'll feel easy again. And so just, I see some people who are just kind of going the opposite direction where they're just shutting down and they're saying, you know what, travel feels overwhelming.
I'm just not going to do that. And you know, going out with people, it feels overwhelming. So I'm just not going to do that because they're not enjoying it. And you'll want to make sure that your life isn't becoming small unconsciously, where you just feel like everything is becoming overwhelming. So you just want to be very conscious of this, because there will be a certain percentage of people who, their life becomes just smaller and smaller because it's like they, they feel like doing things again isn't fun and it's overwhelming.
And they just kind of let that mindset win instead of redeveloping and reprocessing and getting themselves to enjoy life again. So you want to notice that on that post COVID, post lockdown, all of that note. And, of course, as far as meditating, you'll want to be consciously aware of that. So if you're somebody who has gone through long periods of time of going through like a silent retreat, or who is frequently meditating and doing so in a way that's checking out a lot.
Again, it can feel like your brain is going on vacation all of the time, and then life itself can feel extremely overwhelming. And again, unfortunately, what I'm seeing is that people will then label it as being very, very, very spiritual and overwhelmed by energy. But you won't want to think about it in that way, because again, we are surrounded by energy of all kinds.
You know, just the sun and gravitational energy is a lot of energy that's constantly with us. And so it's not just the energy, it's the brain processing part. And if you think about this in terms of a kid, if there was a kid who felt overwhelmed by learning, or overwhelmed by being around people, and overwhelmed by being a part of life, that kid would probably be be not empowered and enabled in life, but unfortunately disabled in life.
And so a lot of people in the way that they're using their brain are basically kind of disabling themselves in life unknowingly, and then chalking it up to being more spiritual, but instead the way you want to think about it is like having a super brain, you know, being able to, yes. Absolutely connect with energy and have a good analytical mind and also be able to connect with people and have a wonderful time because you know, if you think about people on an energetic note, you know, we need that connection of love.
And I'm sure if you've been listening to past episodes, you've heard me say before, or you may know this already, that if an infant doesn't get love and human connection, they can actually die. And so we do need that human connection. And so. On that note, the simple to do from this is I want to invite you to do the same thing that I did with my mind and look at what area of your brain you would like to expand or what area of life feels overwhelming and see what you can do.
how you can get more used to that. In other words, let's say that being around people does feel overwhelming to you. And so you make a point to purposely walk around in a park around people or times square or something like that for maybe 20 minutes a day and just start getting used to being around people and notice what happens.
It actually starts to feel really good. in just being present and not overwhelming at all. And that's coming from somebody who, you know, if you've been listening to past episodes, obviously, you know, that I'm very connected to energy and getting information and all of that. So I'm not saying don't continue to connect with energy.
I'm saying, make sure to stay connected to energy and also feel like you can be around people and that you're not overwhelmed by it at all. Because you've allowed your brain to acclimate to it. So you have, again, like a super brain. You can do each thing and it feels good, not overwhelming. And by the way, you may have heard this before, that a lot of times you hear neuroscientists even say, you know, if somebody from like the 1400s was alive today, like their brain would go on overload by the amount of information that is in our world.
And if you think about it, while you can look at it as a victim and say, Oh my God, this is just horrible. You could look at it on the other end of it and say, wow, that means I really need to make sure to nurture my brain and make sure to keep the processing speed up. on my brain. And that is true. Like our brains can process so much information.
And so making sure to keep your brain optimized is of course going to be important for being able to live a full and happy life. And on that note, I also want to invite you that if you are somebody who has spent a lot of inside with the whole lockdowns and whatnot, if you feel like certain areas that you used to enjoy feel overwhelming now, then I want to invite you to look at those and consciously decide if you want that to be a part of your life again.
For example, with travel, as I mentioned, some people used to love travel and now they're feeling very overwhelmed at the idea of travel and so they don't enjoy it anymore. But if they're conscious about it and they say, okay, well, wait a second. I used to enjoy travel. And I used to love it. And I would love to get to that place where it just feels easy again because if it's easy again, I would love to be able to see more of the world.
And so maybe that's the mindset that you want to have towards something in your life. But ultimately, that's what you want to look at is what is it that you want to do to really live life to its fullest and bringing it back again to kids. If your kids have spent a lot of time in lockdown or even, you know, even if you have kids that you're working with them as far as mindfulness and tuning in and whatnot.
Awesome. And you want to make sure, of course, to empower them to also feel like they can be around people and that it's not overwhelming. And so again, that is my invitation from today's episode is to look at what area of your life and of your brain and your being feels overwhelmed by something in life.
The end. Make sure to decide consciously how you want to feel and if it's a part of your brain and your abilities that you want to develop to be able to live a full and happy and healthy life. Because the more empowered you feel and happy and the more you're able to connect with others and feel love and joy.
and not overwhelmed and just feel good about life, the better your life will be. And of course, the more empowered everybody is, the better our entire world will be. And so on that note, please do make a point to hit the share button on this episode. You know, share it with somebody you love, somebody you care about, or somebody you don't care about.
Even know, you know, the more happiness and positivity and connection and love that we can create in this world, the better the world will be for all of us. And so on that note, I wish you a positive, high energy, loving, fabulous, beautiful rest of your day. And I look forward to connecting with you on the next episode.
We'll see you there.
Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. All of the time, people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touch their heart or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness. Of how amazing we all really are.
If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about, or those, you know, who really need it as more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point. And the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone.
What we are all capable of. And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming, to maintain their results. But the point is for you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life, if you really understand how to use your mind, you're incredible.
And I do want to be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own. I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made. You'll want to remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people realize. That said, if you want to send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website at And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well. Lastly, Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you'll want to continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you're capable of with your mind.
Thank you.