019 Transcript:  Podcast Episode 019

Heal Yourself Change Your Life

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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life-changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made that changed my health and my entire. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this. Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level.

I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind, and then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind, your emotions, and your. To help you heal your health yourself and your life.

Let's begin.

Hello and happy, wonderful day to you. I love that you are here and really, I know I've said this before, but I really love that you are somebody who is continuing to expand your mind and your energy and your consciousness. You know, I love that. And that's part of what we're going to talk about today is, you know, just simple things that you can do.

to help increase your aptitude or ability for your mind to really open even more to mastering your mind and your energy and, uh, and really using your mind in incredible ways. You know, if you've been listening to past episodes, you've seen what our minds are capable of. You know, you've seen people as I've coached them to release pain in minutes, or, I mean, even like people who are bedridden running marathons, or, you know, it's just Truly incredible what all of our minds are capable of.

And you know, if you think about where I started, I, I was a train wreck. You know, if you've heard my story before then, you know that I was like wheelchair walker, cane morphine every day for almost seven years, you know, in extreme pain. And that was my life. You know, on a good day I could get around using my wheelchair or walker or cane, and on a bad day.

I didn't make it out of bed. And there were times that I didn't even want to breathe. I was in so much pain and just, I mean, every movement hurt, thinking about moving hurt. I mean, it was terrible. It was terrible. And I won't go into my full story here. You know, if you haven't heard my story, you can check it out on my TEDx talk or whatnot.

But as far as using my mind, I mean, that was the last thing on my mind. Uh, you know, I thought. When my doctor said that there was nothing they could do, I really thought, okay, somebody is going to discover or invent some new procedure. That was my hope is that somebody would invent some type of new procedure or surgery or something that would help me get my life back, you know, or, Then, you know, when that wasn't working, it was like, okay, well, maybe there's some type of diet or supplement or herb or something in the middle of the rainforest that somebody is going to find and it's going to heal me.

I mean, point being is that using my mind to heal myself was the absolute last thing that I would have thought was possible. And the only reason I really started down this road is because of the placebo. And it really started making me look at our mind and then our energy. And, and I mean, it was mind, mind expanding.

And You know, but point being is that I had no ability to work with my mind. I was not in touch with my emotions at all. I grew up thinking, you know, it was strong if, if you got your feelings hurt or something bad happened or whatever, you just kind of tuck it away and you keep going, you put a smile on your face and that's what strong meant, you know, being a strong woman meant not letting anything even affect you and, and that's what I believed.

And so I was stuffing emotions left and right and didn't. care and, and thought it was fine. And, you know, I had no idea about my energy in my mind and my subconscious mind and any of that, you know, I didn't really realize that emotions or energy could affect my body. I mean, none of that, you know, and now, I mean, I coach people to get the most radical healing results, life changing results, all of that.

And my point is, is if I can go from where I was, with my mind and with my energy to where I am now, you know, we all can. And I see people do it all of the time where they really create that shift and use their mind in a different way to heal themselves and change their lives. And it's truly incredible.

And so part of what, you know, motivated me to really step out of my own comfort zone and be willing to step out and share this information and what drives me day to day. is because I don't want people to suffer or live in pain and miss out on their lives. And, and whether it's physical pain or even emotional pain, you know, there are a lot of people who are struggling.

And then of course, there are also people who are in a place where their life is good and they're wanting to continue to expand their mind and energy even further, which I love. That's a big part of what motivates me to do what I do. Now there's another part that motivates me that I want to talk about as well.

And this has been kind of a more recent motivator, especially in the last few years, which is part of what has also motivated me to want to do today's episode is, you know, I think that last week I read this article. And I won't say that article scared me. That's not the right emotion. Um, I would say it's concerning and it motivated me.

You know, this article just kind of like when you read something and you feel this feeling of, okay, I really got to make this change. I got to make it faster. Um, that's the feeling that I had. And so, you know, really, it's not a bad thing to feel that way. I mean, if, if I look at my injury. That's what woke me up to really make the change.

And, you know, a lot of people don't change until they hit like a rough spot. And so sometimes things that motivate us to make the change are a good thing. And I mean, in my life, I had, obviously, I mean, I had two really hard life lessons that woke me up. I mean, of course there was my injury. And then there was, you know, that story that I shared with you in episode nine on my journey.

And so that was the second. Two by four lesson and, you know, I call them my two by four lessons. And, um, that's because they felt a lot like being hit over the head with a two by four, you know, it was really challenging. And by the way, if you don't know what a two by four is, um, it's like a thick piece of wood and it really, I mean, they were both, um, jarring and, um, And made me need to change, which is a good thing.

You know, I don't think that I would have ever really woken up. To what it is that I do now without, without a really strong wake up call. You know, um, I was much too analytical and kind of stuck in, stuck in, in my way of thinking, I was very stuck in my way of thinking and, um, and not really looking outside of the box, or at least not this far outside of the box.

And, um, and just very, very stuck in an analytical mind, which I You know, which by the way, I know all of this might seem like more esoteric or even woo woo at times, but there is a very strong analytical side to all of this as well. I just don't typically dive into all of that just because it could sound a bit textbook ish.

Um, but for me, because I was such an analytical mind and did network engineering before, that was something that I needed. I needed both the mind expanding, but I also needed to understand logically how it worked. And so. And so it was a challenge. It was something that required me to open my mind and to really change.

And I'm grateful to this day, and I can laugh about the two by four lessons. And, um, but it really made me have to change. And so point being is that when I read this article, it was just that feeling of feeling like, you know, we need to change and we need to change. faster and, um, and wake more people up and really create this shift of empowerment of everybody really understanding how powerful their mind is.

And, you know, the article that I'm talking about, it was this article regarding putting microchips in people's brains. And this article came out last week and basically there has been like a breakthrough and without going into it too much, um, basically they're able to put like microchip type things into a monkey's brain and have a monkey, control a computer using this neuro technology.

And it is, it's concerning, you know, it's concerning on many levels. I mean, as far as turning people bionic and, you know, even the late Stephen Hawking, who was a brilliant man, theoretical physicist, and, you know, he warned in several ways against. AI saying, you know, if we're not careful with AI, you know, artificial intelligence and all of these things, that it could really be the end of humanity.

And unfortunately, I have to agree with him. And there are many other people who have also said this, you know, people like Elon Musk, who said this as well. And, you know, a lot of different people are concerned about how we roll out. AI. And when you start to think about it for a moment, if a monkey, when it's connected to this microchip, basically, can use its mind to control a computer, where does it stop?

I mean, what happens as we build technology and keep going and people are able to control robots using their mind and, you know, what are they doing? Robbing banks with them or worse? I mean, where does it stop? I do agree, of course. that we need to be able to do more with our minds, but I think we're looking in the wrong place.

I mean, when you stop and think about it for a moment, our thoughts create our lives. And you think about that and you go, well, why are we spending millions and millions of dollars trying to figure out how to control a computer when we really need to be looking at how to use our minds to really. change our lives, to create happiness, to heal our bodies.

Or even, you know, if you look at my situation, once I got better and I started doing this work, people have been amazed at what I'm able to do with my mind. And so there have been a few situations where I've ended up in a lab with electrodes on my head and people studying different brainwaves and different things going on with my mind.

And this one lab experiment that I was in. Basically, the scientist on it set up a photon beam with a photon splitter, and then at the end it was like a photon counter. And I guess the easiest way to really illustrate that and simplify it would be to just think of like a laser beam, you know, like a laser pointer or something like that.

And think about if there's a counter at the end, that's counting how much of the light makes it to the end. So that could be like a simple illustration of it. And so if you think about that being set up in one room and in an adjacent room, I was locked in like this freezer style. box, if you will, like a, like a walk in freezer.

And my goal in this freezer, so to speak, was basically to use my mind to influence the photons that were coming out of this photon beam. And so this like voice would come on inside my box, my freezer, and it would say, okay, go, and I would use my mind. And then it would tell me to stop, and then a few minutes later it would tell me to go.

And so I would do it like a few minutes on and a few minutes off, and I'm not sure about the exact amount of time, because I wasn't allowed to have anything on me, a cell phone, or a clock, or anything like that. But, I did this for a while, maybe 25 minutes or something like that, and then at the end, the scientist was able to pull the data from it, and could see the results.

the times when I was using my mind and when I was not. And you could see fluctuations in the photon counter. And so point being, you know, our minds are truly incredible and we're just beginning to scratch the surface of what we're capable of, our minds, you know. And not only that, but I know obviously I'm not the only person who has this ability.

I believe that we all. have this ability to do it. It's just that I have figured out in working with my mind, how to be able to do this consciously. But that we all have this ability and it's truly exciting and you know on so many levels I mean, even if we think about remote viewing or psychic capabilities or things like that I mean those were proven even at Stanford with the CIA back in the 1970s You know, they're documented through research of a variety of of different things.

And so, you know, when you start to really look at what our minds are capable of, it's truly exciting. And even, you know, really, again, if you think about it, I started out this journey. just wanting to heal myself. And, you know, I had no idea it was going to lead to the mind. And so when you start to really take this journey of being able to use your mind, it opens doors that maybe you didn't even realize.

We're there. And it's, it's truly exciting. But even if we look at the awareness of our mind's ability to heal our body or change our lives, you know, you think about operating a computer. I mean, would you like to operate a computer with your mind or would you like to create your life and heal your body and do all of these incredible things?

And just when we start to look at putting microchips in the brain that can interfere with different things. I mean, it's just. It's concerning. And my hope is that it motivates more and more people to really want to use their mind to create their lives. You know, if you've seen people on this podcast be able to release pain in minutes, or even on, what is it?

Episode number 10, the woman who had a tumor in her throat and literally got an MRI scan of the tumor, then worked an hour, hour and 15 minutes with me. And then. The tumor was gone the next day when she showed up for surgery. Like when you stop and think about that for a moment, even in the Bible, it's written that a merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but ill thoughts.

will dry the bones. And even if you think about what I've been doing and working with people, you know, taking an ill thought, like a negative thought, negative emotion, and helping them to shift it to the positive. And my point is, is that we have not figured out how to use our minds. And this information has been around for thousands of years.

You know, and again, if you've seen, you know, taking people and coaching them out of pain in minutes, and even, you know, if you've seen the video of me doing this under thermography, and if you haven't, I'll go ahead and, and post it in the comments of this episode on my website so you can watch it. But even taking people under thermography and you can see where there's pain in their body.

Like if, you know, if you're not familiar with thermography, it's basically like a heat scan. of the body. And so let's say that somebody has pain in their neck or pain in their shoulder or something like that. What would happen is if you scan the body, you would see excessive heat, like a big red spot over the neck or the shoulder, you know, wherever that pain was, it would show up as this big red spot on the scan.

And so what I've been able to do is just like I've been showing people and coaching them to release their own pain. on these episodes. Uh, basically what I do under these scans is that I'll take somebody who's in pain. Let's say they have a level eight of pain. And I sit there and coach them to use their own mind.

You'll literally see that red spot on the scan go from red to green as their pain goes away. And so not only are they, you know, releasing the pain, but you can see like the heat and that pain spot is literally. Leaving the body and of course, you know, I've seen people that needed surgery that no longer need surgery Because our minds are so incredible And so my point is is that this information has been around for thousands of years and yet here we are Thousands of years later and we haven't mastered it or even if we think about our thoughts Helping to create our lives.

You know, Einstein, his famous quote, imagination is the preview of life's coming attraction. You know, our thoughts help create our lives, and whether you look at Einstein or quantum physics, or even if you look at the Bible, it talks about, you know, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe you have received, and it shall be yours.

You know, that's Mark 11, 24 from the Bible. So again, our thoughts and what we put into our mind, come into our lives. And so whether you want to call it prayer or manifesting or, you know, conscious creation or imagination, whatever that is, you know, however you want to label it, our thoughts help create our lives.

And we have not mastered that at all. And so what's concerning to me is this. You know, we look at technology and we're in awe with a monkey being able to use its brain to navigate a computer, but we're more than monkeys being able to use our mind to be able to control and navigate a computer. I mean, if you think about it for a moment, we're human beings that can use our mind to heal our body and create our lives.

And we have not mastered that. And unfortunately, because there are a lot of people who don't know how to do that or really get results who haven't really, you know, mastered it and, and been able to really create change. Or even a lot of people who don't even know about it. Unfortunately, when it comes to like a microchip, being able to move a computer or something like that, people are awestruck, like, wow, a microchip can do that.

And so really when I said this article moved me, it's because my passion is really to wake people up to this awareness that has been around for thousands of years to show people, Hey, we can get results. We can change our health. We can change our life. It's not that hard to do. It does take a different understanding.

It takes doing something different with your mind than you've been taught to do. So it's totally something different. Absolutely. It's doable. And as you've seen, you know, on these episodes where I've taken people out of pain, every single episode you've, that I've worked with somebody. you've been able to see them actually get results.

It's not like I'm only posting and sharing the episodes where somebody gets results. Every single one where I've taken somebody and worked with somebody to release pain, every single time it's worked, you know, and it's not like I'm filtering through which ones work and which ones don't, and then just posting those, you know, our minds are truly.

Incredible. And really what it also reminds me of is this, is that in 1975, so back in the seventies, it was proven that stress affects the immune system. You know, there was so much data for it that there was a terminology coined from that time, which was called psychoneuroimmunology. And if you think about psycho Neuroimmunology, it's basically the cycle of the mind, neuro, nervous system, and immunology, the immune system.

Uh, basically that's when it was proven that stress affects the physical body and stress affects the white blood cell count or the immune system. And so it was proven in the seventies and then it was something like two or three short years later that the first blockbuster drug made it into the U. S.

And when I say blockbuster drug, basically that means the first billion dollar drug made it into the U. S. And after that point, it became like this race to find the next billion dollar drug. You know, there were all these different drugs and I won't go into them. I don't want to, you know, talk negatively about anything.

And I don't want to talk negatively about pharmaceuticals either. I don't want you thinking, okay, if you're on pharmaceuticals, you should stop taking them. I'm not saying that at all. You know, definitely if you're on any medication, that's between you and your doctor and all of that. So I'm not trying to say anything about getting off of medications or anything.

Like that, you know, uh, you've heard my story. I was on a lot of medications. during my injury until I was able to figure out how to heal myself. I mean, I've mentioned morphine every day, but I was on a lot of other things. Neurontin, lidoderm, uh, Vioxx before it was taken off the market for killing people, um, but I was on that, um, naproxen.

I mean, so there was a whole lot of different things that I had been on to try to, um, support people. my being, um, until I was able to figure out how to heal. But my point being is that it felt like when I went back through research and data, it felt like we were on track where research was actually showing.

that stress affects the body. I mean, for the first time ever, and psychoneuroimmunology was formed, and there was all of this study regarding stress and how it affects our body and all that, so it felt like we were starting to have major breakthroughs in that area, and then everything shifted to pharmaceuticals.

And I guess the way that I represented it in my mind was it was kind of like the planes towards for 9 11. It's like they were going one direction, and then they got hijacked. And went into the trade center. And if you think about it, it just seemed like things were on track with making actual breakthroughs and discoveries.

And then. Things got hijacked towards solely going to pharmaceuticals and the rest got left behind. And so I guess my concern is when I see this article and I see different things, you know, with putting microchips in people's brains and all of that, I feel like we're more and more people are waking up to the power of the mind and what we're capable of and healing with the mind and creating our lives and all of these things.

And then when we start to look at technology. technology coming in and going, Oh my God, we could be monkeys who move a computer with our brain and, and we get so caught up and distracted with technology. And so my concern is that, you know, a lot of people will be amazed at the idea of being able to be like a monkey and put a microchip in their brain and being able to, you change and, you know, control a computer or something like that, but never fully wake up to the awareness that their mind is amazing.

They don't need technology to make their mind amazing. That we all are amazing. That our minds are incredible. That we can use our minds to literally create our lives and heal our body. And, you know, it's, it's interesting because a lot of people will look at somebody who is very successful and they think that they just get lucky.

You know, even if you look at Benjamin Franklin, for example, I mean, he had his 13 virtues that he practiced regularly. And I have had the honor of working with some really incredible people, leaders who do a variety of different things. And, you know, even if we look at Benjamin Franklin, I mean, in his, I He basically set up his life and 13 virtues that he wanted to live by and regularly practiced getting them in on a regular basis.

You know, he practiced who he became. And, you know, a lot of people will look at others who are successful and just think, Oh, they got lucky. And so, you know, that, that is my concern is that a lot of people won't wake up to the awareness. that they are incredible. And so my concern is that people want to look outside themselves for the answer and not see that Their minds are amazing.

You know, they won't wake up to the awareness that they're incredible. And what's exciting though, right now is that we are in a time when people are waking up with more spirituality, more self help, more mind expanding. I mean, even Harvard opened up a center for happiness. They spent something like 22 million.

For a center for happiness to start researching going, Oh my God, you know, happiness and how that affects our health. Or even, you know, we're looking at times when laughter therapy is being introduced to cancer treatment and different things like that. And, you know, and, and definitely I would say that they're, they're doing it different ways than I would necessarily do it, but at least there's some progress there and there's some advancement, but unfortunately.

There's also been some advancement on putting microchips in the brain, even for health. And when we stop and look at it for a moment, what we're doing, when we try to shortcut things, or bypass the real solution, to put a fake band aid on there, and we try to bypass the real solution, it fails. miserably. I mean, if we look at antidepressants for a moment, they became really big during the eighties and nineties.

How'd that work out? Well, we have created a culture that feels powerless when it comes to things like depression in our minds. And I mean, there are more people that are in depression than ever and more people on antidepressants and the suicide rate is outrageous. So if you think about it, how did that bypassing work out for us?

I mean, obviously, not so well. If antidepressants worked so great, we'd have happy people everywhere. Just take a happy pill, and you're happy. No, we have antidepressants, more and more and more antidepressants, and more and more people who are depressed, and suicide rates, and all of these things. I mean, it didn't create.

Let's just put it that way. We can all look at that and agree that it didn't create the fix. But what if people started learning how to use. their own minds and what if people start realizing how incredible we all are. And so in the beginning I mentioned that there were simple things that you could do to help open your mind up and basically kind of speed up the process and make your mind at a subconscious level want to expand Consciousness even faster.

And so I'm going to go ahead and give you two specific things that you can do that are very simple. And you could do one or the other or both, whatever is best for you. And both of them are very easy, but very powerful. if you use them fully. And so also I am going to recommend that when you do set them to do them, that you make sure to do them every day or practice them very frequently to get them in.

You know, if you think about Benjamin Franklin, I mean, he did his virtues every day and they're simple. And it's not because he was stupid. He was smart enough to realize that he needed to get them in to really create. A better life. And so, and by the way, that doesn't mean you need to become Benjamin Franklin or be as successful as Benjamin Franklin.

You know, success is different for each one of us on what that is. But of course, happy and healthy. is key. And so whatever that is for you, maybe it's happy and healthy and a family, or maybe that is happy and healthy and wanting to take a different level of success in different areas or whatever that is for you.

But point is, here we go. You want to make sure to get it in each day. And so the first one is to simply spend a few minutes each day to remind your mind that it is. Powerful to get it in there. So, so you remind your mind that you can do this. You know, and what you could do is to remind your mind is you could think, okay, okay, look, I know that the placebo works.

I know that other people can do it. Or Einstein's quote, imagination is the preview of life's coming attraction or the Bible quote, or whatever quotes that you can remind yourself and go through the same ones. So you don't want to, you know, pick maybe four or five different things and go through it and remind your mind.

that you can do this, you know, or even you can say, you know, if Brandy did it, I can do it. Or you can think back to different people in past episodes. You can think about, you know, Andrea or Zena or Alomar. And even in, Alomar's episode, if you remember, that was what, episode eight, where, I mean, she's just a beautiful being.

And she says, you know, I've been listening to the episodes and I saw that other people could do it, but I still didn't believe that I could really do it. And she says that in there and, and so maybe you go, okay, well, if Alomar could do it, then I can do it or whatever that is, but remind your mind and get it in over and over again to really bring it in to a deeper level.

And of course, you know, if you think about it, it's not that you need to believe you can for it to work. Because as you've seen, again, even going back to Alomar, she didn't believe that she could get results or even Xena, the one. who got rid of the tumor. She didn't think it would really work. I mean, and she spells that out clearly in her episode.

And so, you know, if you need a refresher, go back and listen to that even, but these people didn't believe they could get results, but either way they, they did. And so it's not required. However, if you believe that you can do something, your mind starts noticing. Key things like if you believe it's possible mind goes, okay Well, here's this and here's this and and yet, you know You have more your your brain wants to pay attention more which of course is the reason for doing the exercise Is to speed up your brain?

Your mind expansion, your consciousness, you know, where you're going with your mind. And so, um, and so just simple things just go, you know what the placebo works and we know that that's been tested and done over and over again. Or the fact that. Our thoughts help create our lives. And Einstein said that, or William James said that, or, you know, it's written in the Bible.

And so it's written in all of these places for thousands of years. And it's been written over and over and over and over again. And so we have this ability. And I'm going to start building it. getting my mind even more aware of this. And so whatever that is for you, but getting it in, feeling it really strong, and getting emotional about it.

Which leads to the second one, and that is to get yourself really passionate about something. You know, emotions really do actions and whether it's negative emotions and preferably positive emotions, but from an, from an emotional state, we follow through even more and you know, I mean, even if we think about the awareness that you've probably heard before, most people don't change until they hit rock bottom, you know, that's when they feel like they have to change and they're more motivated than ever to change.

Now, of course. You don't want to have to hit rock bottom and it would suck to have to hit rock bottom to make a real change each time. And the reality though of it is, is that the more passionate that you are and the more excited that you are to make a change, and you have that in your nervous system and in your subconscious mind, the more that your brain will open up to change.

to new levels of awareness. And so this one's fun, you know, it's just about really getting it in and feeling that, you know, where you'll see a lot of people who might want change. And so they, they continue to study and they follow through and they start to make some changes and then they don't really make the change fully or a little changes here and there, or they learn more information.

And by the way, maybe that's you. Maybe that's you where you've dabbled and you've started to, and you kind of see yourself going up and down and you know, and so maybe it's about getting it in even more and getting excited about it just like, you know, also, you know, when we have a higher aptitude to want to learn something, our ambition to learn something, um, it can also help fuel us to do more.

open our minds and want to learn even more. And so if you just take that awareness, like, you know, if somebody said you could learn about electrodes in the bottom of some electrical component that you don't even care about, and you think about the idea of studying that for 12 hours and you want to yawn compared to, you know, something that you're passionate about learning about, that you want to learn about, you know, obviously.

Your mind keeps and retains the information that much faster because it's something that you love. Now, if you take that and you next level that, if you just amplify that each day to get it into your mind and your energy and your subconscious mind, it opens everything up for you. even more. And so even things that you could do to get yourself amped is you could say, you know, Oh my God, like, as I learn how to really use my mind to heal my body and, and change my life, I can do this and I can do this.

And you can list all of those things, or maybe what you could do is say, okay, the time is now, you know, if you think about it for 3000 years or more, this information has been around. And I want to be part of the era, you know, of generation of people to actually make it doable, to make it the new norm to where we actually do it.

And part of that is actually getting results in my life to where that change is created. Or maybe you have kids and maybe in your life, you look at the fact that you go, wow, wait a second. I have kids and they're going to be growing up. And if I really look at this. and the awareness that this information has been around for thousands of years.

And how empowered do I want my kids to be and go, Oh my gosh, you know what? I really got to make this change in my life. To make it the new norm, so that the next generation, it just becomes a thing, where they can heal themselves, they change their life, they really feel empowered with their minds, and that's what I need to do.

Or, maybe you have a drive to create a better world, and you consider it doing your part of being the change. You know, you think to yourself, you know, do I want to be part of the change, or part of the past, part of the problem? I want to be part of the problem and I've really got to get going and create some results.

Or, you know, maybe it's just a feeling of connectedness and unity with people and you bring in this feeling of going, you know what, I want to really create a better world together. And so this is my. Stepping up and really getting results in my life is, you know, whatever motivates you, whether it's bigger picture, you know, looking at the awareness that this has been around for thousands of years.

and saying, okay, the time is now to make this the new norm. People are actually using it and getting results and I'm going to be part of that change. Okay. So maybe you big picture it and you look at that. Maybe you look at your kids and you do that. You think, okay, I've got to make this change because, or maybe you look at your health and your health has been in a really bad shape, or you've been in pain every day and you're, you know, struggling and frustrated with that.

And you say, you know what, I've got to do this to create a better life. Or maybe you look at the fact that you're 40, you're 50, you're 60, you're 30, or whatever it is, and you're going, you know what, I'm not going to spend another year of my life like this. I don't want my life to pass me by. I'm ready to really embrace this change and really open my mind to a new level of awareness now.

You know, whatever that is. for you, but the more you can get yourself excited about it and just say, you know what, this is so exciting. The more I learned to use my mind to really create that change in my life, you know, the more I learn how to use my mind, to heal my body, to create my life, the more exciting my future is, the more exciting our world is, the more love and hope and happiness and connection, and that's exciting, you know, so whatever that is for you, but even as you listen to this and you think about it right now, if you're noticing yourself getting amped up or even feeling an emotional shift of feeling, okay, I've got to do this.

I've got to do this now. If you notice that feeling, that's what I'm talking about. So the more that you can create that feeling inside of you, and the more that you can get that feeling in. over and over and over again, the more that will help open up your mind. And again, I could refer back to, again, you know, Benjamin Franklin, who had his 13 virtues that he lived by and that he practiced regularly.

And even though they were simple, he lived by them and he practiced them regularly, because that's what he did. What helped him to become them and so that would be my suggestion is again I know these two exercises are very simple But if you can really bring in the emotion and follow through with them They'll help you open your mind to an even deeper level of awareness And that is key and that is really What I would love in this lifetime that we live during the time period where this really becomes something that we live by, that is in our culture.

I'd love to see that. And so, you know, that said, play with it, have fun with it, enjoy it, get it in, one or both, whatever feels good to you. Let me know how it's going for you. Even get a friend in on it with you. So you guys are doing it together, you know, just kind of, um, accountability buddies or whatever that is, but really start bringing it in and creating that change.

So that said, so much respect for you. I love that you are somebody who is here, no matter what level you are. You know, if you are somebody who's here, that's new, who's just expanding your mind, or if you're somebody who has been expanding your mind and working with energy for a long time, And it just looking to take your mind to the next level, wherever you are.

I hope you're able to get it in. I know it's simple, but it's expansive. And so that said, you know, have fun with it. Maybe do it with a friend, enjoy it and, uh, write to me, let me know how it's going and I'd love to hear. So it has been such a pleasure connecting with you today. I look forward to connecting with you.

On the next episode, have an amazing rest of your day.

Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. I love connecting with you. And if you love the show, or you learned something, please be sure to hit the subscribe button. And make sure to share it with the people around you. The more you share it, the more we can change our world for the better.

Also, I love hearing from you. If you'd like to send me any questions or comments, please visit me at brandygilmore.com/podcast. And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well. Lastly, please remember, if you have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctor.

Instead, you'll want to continue to work with them and make it your goal to blow their mind with what you are capable of with your mind.

Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself Change. All of the time people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touched their heart, or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness of how amazing we all really are. If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about or those you know who really.

As more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point and the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone what we are all capable of. And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming, to maintain their results.

But the point. For you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life if you really understand how to use your mind. You are incredible. And I do wanna be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own. I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made.

You'll wanna remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people. That said, if you wanna send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website brandygilmore.com/podcast. And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well.

Lastly, Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you'll wanna continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you are capable of with your mind. Thank you.

About Brandy Gillmore

Meet Brandy Gillmore – World-Renowned Mind-Body Healing Expert

Brandy Gillmore is a best-selling author, award-winning podcast host, and globally recognized expert in mindset and mind-body healing. Celebrated for her groundbreaking approach to healing and life transformation, Brandy’s inspiring journey began with healing herself from disability, freeing herself from reliance on a wheelchair, walker, and cane. 

She then achieved the unprecedented: demonstrating the healing power of the mind in mere minutes, with results verified by thermal medical equipment.

Her pioneering work has been published in the Health Medical Journal and featured in award-winning documentaries, numerous docuseries, and TEDx talks

Today, Brandy inspires audiences across the globe, sharing her breakthrough discoveries with people from all walks of life—including top celebrities, professional athletes, devoted parents, and individuals passionate about personal growth—empowering them to unlock their potential, heal themselves, and transform their lives.

Discover the transformative power of mind-body healing by watching Brandy’s free self-healing online course here —your first step toward unlocking your innate ability to heal and thrive!

Ready to learn how to heal yourself?

From Illness To Wellness: Discover the 4 Easy Steps To Transform Your Health & Life With The GIFT Method™

In this self healing course, Brandy shares the exact things she did to heal (even when doctors told her there was nothing more she could do) so you too can be empowered with tools and techniques to heal yourself and change your life. Click here to learn more…

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Note: If you are hearing or sight impaired or have any other medical issues that would inhibit you from fully accessing the podcast, please reach out to our team at support@brandygillmore.com and we will be happy to assist you.  

Also, please remember that genuine change and follow through are key for self-healing results. If you struggle with negative thoughts or have a chronic health issue or chronic pain, please do not avoid seeing your doctor.

Instead, your goal with self-healing should be to continue to see your doctor as recommended and blow their mind with what you are capable of with your mind and with the power of mind-body healing.  Please enjoy this self-healing podcast!



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