167 Transcript: 3 Common Ways People Block Their Healing & Transformation

Heal Yourself Change Your Life

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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore and after recovering from my own life changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made that changed my health and my entire life. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this.

Each week, I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level. I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind. And then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind, your emotions, and your energy to help you heal your health, yourself, and your life.

Let's begin.

Hello and welcome. It is so wonderful to connect with you. I just love that you are here continuing to expand your mind, your energy, your consciousness, your healing. I just love it. And what I normally say is I love today's episode because I normally do, but I have to say. Today might be one of my least favorite, but extremely insightful.


So it's still my favorite, but in a different type of way, because it's extremely insightful. And by listening to today's episode, you can see why a lot of people are stuck. You'll also be able to see one of the top reasons. Why people will fail to get results and actually a couple of the top reasons that people will fail to get results and To be clear.


I love today's volunteer. So I don't want to say that she's not a favorite. She absolutely is. I absolutely adore this woman. She's so wonderful and also She's very stuck, but she is able to illustrate something So well like a stock spot just really really well But she's extremely smart and you'll feel that from her.


However, what can happen is this, is that people who are very smart can get very stuck in their analytical mind and it can keep them from getting results. And I'm not criticizing her at all. If you've been listening to past episodes, you know, I'm a former network engineer in operations and very stuck in my analytical mind.


And I was very disconnected from my emotions. And. That is very much where today's volunteer is, you know, very stuck and disconnected from emotions and it provides so much insight. And so before we step into today's episode, I want to highlight a few things, you know, first and foremost, Remembering to remember that your emotions control your consciousness.


And you know, you've probably heard me say on past episodes, you know, if you're really, really, really in love, you'll see everything you love in somebody. You know, we've all heard that phrase, blinded by love. You know, or even in a negative way, where if you're really upset and really, really pissed off, At somebody, what do you see?


You see all of the negative, you know, and the thing of it is, is what I've found in my work is that it's not just in relationships and love, it's in life. So if somebody is feeling fear, they see that in the world. If somebody's feeling like life is beautiful, they see that in the world. And so it really depends on what it is you're feeling.


And this is what I call emotion controlled consciousness. Now, if we think about it for a moment, so if we have that awareness that our emotions help control our consciousness and also help attract our situations and circumstances into life, then if you think about it for a moment, if a person is very stuck in their analytical mind, And they're just analyzing and just analyzing. 


Well, then they're stuck because the only thing they can analyze are the things that they're already attracting. So, in other words, if they're not shifting the emotions, then they're not going to shift what they're attracting, they're just stuck in analyzing it. And if I say this another way, imagine for a moment that unfortunate example where a woman who has an abusive father Leaves him and finds the abusive boyfriend, boss, spouse, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.


You know, she keeps attracting that same pattern, unfortunately. You know, and of course, it's not conscious. But imagine, instead of ever shifting the pattern, if she just analyzes it, and she's stuck in analyzing it, and analyzing it, and validating it. Well, unfortunately, what happens is if she just analyzes it and validates it, It's just going to remain the same.


But imagine if she says, I really have to heal these emotions and I have to radically feel differently, then that is a key that's going to help her to change, to heal, to transform her health and transform her life. And so that's what you'll want to keep in mind as we go through this episode. Now, part of the reason I said that it is definitely not perfect is because you'll notice as we step in.


That I'm pushing her. I'm pushing. And that's what I'll do, by the way. I'm sure you've heard on past episodes. If somebody's not changing, push. And kind of the way that I look at it is, you know, if you have a friend or somebody you love or care about is standing in the middle of the street, and there's a car coming, and they're not moving, then you push. 


You want to push them out of the way. So I'll tell people, you know, all the time, Hey, you know what? All right, if it feels like I'm pushing, push. I am. And so on this episode right here, if it feels like I'm pushing, I am. Because I want her to feel something different because that's the only way she's going to make the change.


Now, part of the reason that I said it's not perfect is because you'll notice she doesn't really shift that much in this episode. She has a huge epiphany at the end. But she doesn't really shift her way of thinking that much. Instead, she's validating and again, I absolutely love this woman. I just absolutely adore her.


She's beautiful. She's wonderful. And of course, I also want people to always get results and create that shift. And she is very stuck in validating that which she's already experienced. And again, that's also what I love about this episode is because So many people are stuck in that same exact spot. And so was I.


And so that said, as we go through this episode, I want to invite you to welcome the push. If it feels like I'm pushing a bit, I am. And I want to invite you to take that in and to be aware and to be willing to think about things in a different, new way. So invite the insight, invite. Perspective. Invite yourself to think about things and to see things in a different way because that's where the gift is.


It is, you know, the bigger the shift, the bigger the gift. You know, the more we change ourselves, the more we change our health and our lives. And so it's beautiful and beautiful. again, is our volunteer today. She's just, she's absolutely wonderful and beautiful. Her name is Veronica. And if you recall, we were actually working with her on the last episode.


So this is the final episode of her session. So her session was about an hour long and I divided it into three different pieces, just because there were so many different insights from each piece. Now, if you recall in the last episode. episode, we were talking about feelings towards greed. So she has these feelings of feeling critical of others towards greed.


And this is the thing, is it, if you have that, one of a couple things will typically happen. If you have those feelings of dislike towards others with greed, it could make it so you have a lot of financial issues or that you do have money, but it creates health issues or challenges or hardship or a variety of different things.


So it kind of makes you feel a bit better in a way about having money. And there's, it just, it can show up in a variety of different ways. It's almost like your body's way of saying, well, I have problems too, you know, kind of like that feeling, but it can show up in a variety of different ways. And so that's where we're diving in is talking about.


the topic of greed and making sure not to judge others. And so we're talking about charitable events. And the funny thing is, by the way, real quick, before we dive in, all of these episodes are always such divine timing, because as we step into this, I'm actually talking about donating or not donating and charities and all of that.


And interestingly, you know, divine timing. I'm actually traveling to attend a charity event this weekend. So just, it's so funny how the serendipitous things all occur, but that's where we're going. As we step in has to do with just not judging people with money. And then there are so many insights that come from there about being stuck about being willing to change and about seeing things in a different way.


So let's step in with our beautiful volunteer. Veronica, here we go. 


Bingo. Yeah, so, give me a different example. So, and this is why I'm saying this. Watch this. Yeah. Okay. Let's say that there is somebody who owns a chain of stores. Okay. And they don't donate anything. Okay. Now, how many people are they serving by having those stores and those employees? Many. Many. Many. So just by having a business that is serving, you're already helping, right?


Yes. Okay. Or let's say that there is somebody who owns an automotive company, and people have cars because of them, and people have jobs because of them, but they're not donating anything. Then still just having a business that is serving people. So a lot of times people go, I want to help people. Well, having a clothing line helps people having a technology company helps people having a, an interior design company helps people having a shoe company helps people.


Everything that we really do. If you have a business, You are helping people because people if if they're buying your services in one way or another you're helping them do something Or they wouldn't be buying your services, right? Yeah, okay So even if you think about an investor somebody who may seem like they're doing nothing Invest the money into a company and then people are able to use that money and to then build and grow It still helps people.


I'm with you. Okay, I can I can disconnect these two Okay, great. So notice, whenever you're saying that you didn't like somebody, it wasn't because of the greed, it was because of who they are in the world. Yes. Amen. I give ya. Okay. Great. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe, and notice how your mind linked it up, one of the same, one and the same.


You were like, oh well then greed, oh it's because they're a bad person, okay let's just put them all in the same basket. Right. Okay. You're kids, you have multiple kids, right? Two. And so they're both kids. We'll just put them on both in the same basket. They're just both kids, right? They're both the same thing. 


Oh, you treat them like individuals, right? Okay, great. And all people that just have possessions, you know, they're all people, right? No. Okay, great. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. Bingo. Bingo. And by the way, do you work for a living? Yes. Okay. And does that help people? Yes. Great. So just for a moment, noticing you work and it helps people. 


So even if you're not donating everything, it still helps people. I gotta be honest, like even when I do things that are charitable, a lot of times it's, it's not just, it's wanting people to grow. Like instead of donating money for X, Y, Z, I would rather donate money for people to learn how to write a resume, to be trained to write their resume and be trained to have a job to then support themselves.


Mm hmm. I typically it's something that has a means for growth and purpose Because if we looked around and everybody felt good about themselves and everybody was supporting themselves And everybody was contributing to something to help another person that to me is beautiful I mean if we look around the world and one person's making shoes and that's awesome and another person's making pants or whatever And that's awesome.


And somebody else is making food and somebody else is farming the food and somebody else like that's what And then they're making a business of it and then awesome It's beautiful, right? So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe, and I'm going to ask you how much you're going to defend your belief around greed. 


I'm not going to. Great. So I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe, and if I ask you to go back to the analogy of the example of if I'm criticizing people with a black blazer on, and then I'm wearing a black blazer, And then I'm walking around, how much do I feel insecure about my black blazer because I'm judging other people who are wearing one?


Do you see? I can see that. 


All right. So let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, first and foremost, I want to unpack this analogy a bit more, you know, imagine for a moment, if you're walking around wearing a purple shirt and simultaneously, you're in your head judging people who are wearing purple, what's going to happen is there's a part of you that can feel insecure or bad or guilty for wearing purple.


So to speak. And so judging others becomes a problem. Now, if we apply it to this very situation, there is a part of her, if you recall from the last episode, who is feeling guilty about having possessions in life. So if you recall, even her house, she feels a sense of guilt about and a sense of feeling greedy about with her house.


And then what's happening is because she's now judging others who are greedy about It's perpetuating the problem. And so that said, you'll want to notice in your own life, if you're judging other people for anything, and I want to invite you to make sure not to do that because of what ultimately, unfortunately happens. 


Is it just ends up coming back to you in one way or another and it can affect your health, it can affect your life, it can affect you in a variety of different ways. I mean, some people in her situation would end up feeling in a place of lack or creating financial hardships to where there was all kinds of hard problems.


Or having a lot of health issues, feeling like it's not safe to be happy. It's not safe to have abundance, that sort of thing. And it perpetuates the problem. And so in short, whatever it is that you're judging people for, you'll want to make sure not to do. And by the way, I know this topic right here has to do with money, but I have seen people do that very thing with being overweight, you know, where somebody is overweight.


And they're judging other people who are overweight or even somebody who is thin and is judging everybody who's thin or somebody who feels like they're aging and they're judging all of the quote unquote Transcribed Old people, you know, so when you stop and think about it for a moment, you want to make sure you're not judging wealthy people or spiritual people or happy people or whatever it is that you want, especially, but it's also really good energy to not judge anybody.


And, you know, I know I mentioned on the last episode that part of the reason that I have this gift to be able to feel what people are feeling is because I don't have a judger. It's broken or fixed or whatever you want to call it, but it's, it's not there. So I don't judge. I just really genuinely have this overwhelming, wonderful compassion for people and the desire to see people do great and feel empowered and feel good in life.


So it's a beautiful thing. And I want to invite you. To feel the same way, to really want to see people thrive, to be happy, to be full of compassion in imperfections, to not judge, but to really just feel that genuinely, because it can also help you to not judge yourself as well. And so that's part of where we're going as we dive back in with beautiful Veronica.


Here we go. 


Great. So if I ask you just for a moment to breathe. And if I asked you just for a moment to notice what it would feel like to stop judging people for success and quote unquote greed, what that would look like and what that would feel like. And if I ask you, if that was your perspective, is that if that was your awareness and you really felt strong in that, how much do you feel like people would be judging you for your success? 


I understand the connection. Beautiful. So if I ask you if you're willing to change, what would you say? Yes. Beautiful. And, um, bingo. Bingo. And if I ask you, could you make this your new norm? Yes. Beautiful. Can you see the part of you that this felt very, very subconscious to you? Yes. And so, I'm going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. 


Okay. And then I also want you to notice the part of you who may at times be a little bit judgmental. Can you see that? In other words, where I'm going is I'm saying, could you be nice to yourself on this? Could you be nice to yourself on this? I want to be. Great. Can you? Could you be okay noticing something inside of you that you get to change, that you get to transform without, without being judgy? 


Yes. None. I want to get there. Okay. So, and I'm asking for just none. I'm okay. No judgment is enough. Okay. Yeah, let's go. We're going there? Yeah, we're going. Let's go. Alright. Judgment is self. Great. So I'm going to ask you to breathe. Or you could absolutely, totally judge yourself, and then never actually get to the solution because you're so busy judging yourself that you don't get to really change it anyway.


You're just kind of like moving, like. 


Alright, so let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment for two really important insights. First and foremost, judgment isn't necessarily a thought. It can be a feeling. Meaning this, meaning that all of the time, people will think, Oh, well, self criticism must mean in their head that they're saying, I'm criticizing myself, or how dare you do that?


So they have this belief that it's auditory, that there's some type of specific thought with it. However, let's say somebody does something. And they feel embarrassed or bad about it where they're feeling critical. Like they feel like, Oh man, I can't believe I did that type of feeling. So they feel bad about self feeling bad about self.


is a form of feeling self critical. Now the same is true with judgment is also a feeling. And so when you take that into awareness that self judgment can be a feeling, judging yourself as being bad, or something that you're doing is bad, that can also create a domino effect of then also feeling guilt, because now you're judging yourself for something, and then it's guilt, and then it perpetuates the cycle.


And so, point being, number one, is that judgment can be auditory, where you are hearing a voice in your head of thinking, but it can also just be purely kinesthetic, where it's purely a feeling that you're feeling, of feeling judgment. towards self. And so that is number one. Now, number two is this, is that if your mind is judging others, it is coming back to you in a negative way, in one way or another, whether it is self judgment itself Or whether it is feelings of insecurity or feelings of guilt or holding you back or even keeping you from living life to its fullest.


You know, if you think about for a moment, if somebody's got a very judgmental mind, then all the time what'll happen is that they become afraid to live fully themselves for fear of judgment. And so that can come up at a subconscious level, so then they'll feel a need to be perfect and it just perpetuates.


So point being, again, just identifying and becoming aware of self judgment or judging others, it really does a lot more damage. then people realize and genuinely shifting this pattern is so important. Making sure to step into a place of feeling self love. And that's what I'm talking about with her right now in this episode, of course, is to make sure not to judge herself, but instead to feel really good.


about herself and to genuinely shift it. And by the way, you'll see coming up in the next insight that she has a breakthrough where she really gets it at a deeper level. And so that's where we're going as we step back in with beautiful Veronica. Here we go. 


I don't want that. Great. So if I ask you, could you not judge yourself at all? I can not judge myself at all. Great. So I'm going to ask you to breathe. And by the way, if I ask you how long this pattern has been here, how long would you say that is? My entire life. Your entire life. Yes. So, just for a moment, noticing it makes complete sense Like, when you think about your kids, and they have certain beliefs that maybe started as, you know, when they were like two or three years old, and if they have them, it makes complete sense to judge them and be mean to them if they have them, right?


No. Well, you would, you would do that to your kids, right? You would judge them, laugh at them. Right. Call them stupid. Oh, okay. So you've had this your entire life and it would be like, makes sense for you to judge yourself, call yourself stupid. I mean, I don't, but yes, right. Like I feel like, and I'm, I, I feel terrible because I feel like I'm a hard case because I've buried this so deeply, but I feel like in my life I'm grateful and I have a lot of wins, I have a lot of success, things are easy, things go well for me and I.


98 percent I'm appreciative and happy. And there is this 2 percent that is deep inside me that is, that person doesn't have the same talent or success or X, Y, or Z. And that makes them feel bad. And I feel guilty. And that, and this is the thing though, I would say, do you know what makes the difference between a hard case or an easy case?


No. So notice for a moment, how quickly did we identify this? Like, you like sat down and you're like, okay, like right off the bat, right off the bat, right? So it's not hard to identify the difference between an easy case and a hard case is the number of times that people want to validate and justify their old emotions to stay in the old.


Okay. Yeah. I get bingo. Bingo. There you go. Okay, so it just depends. So if you want to be a hard case, that means you're justifying your old way of thinking and you want to keep it and validate it and say, but this, but this is the reason why it's white. But this is the reason why it's right. But this is the reason.


And notice, by the way, I've never talked to you before. So how would I know that you have this guilt that you're And this underlying feeling of, of feeling or even greed that you're judging greed and all of these things. So notice all of these things in your energy. Right. Come up. It's not like we sat down and had a conversation about all the greed and this and that and the other and blah, blah, blah.


You can see it though. So, yeah. My point is, I'm going to ask you to breathe. And I'm going to ask you one question. Yeah. Are you going to validate the pattern? No. Are you going to change it? Yes, and what if I notice it at that moment instead of validating I notice the pattern then I work on noticing it and Like doing what at that moment? 


Optimally what you would do is if you're if you have a pattern that's there and you're noticing it Then you're not in a place for healing Okay, and this is the reason why, okay, is because for healing to occur, you must change your subconscious mind, which means it can't even be a thing anymore. Okay. So that means that you're programming it and programming it and programming it and programming.


You've changed. You don't even feel the same. All right. Okay. I got it. So if I ask you, if I ask you, are you willing to change? Yes. If I ask you how much you're going to validate the old. I'm not going to. Bingo. And if I ask you, could you listen to this recording over and over again and really embody the change?


Yes. Beautiful. It has been such a pleasure connecting with you. And by the way, make sure to monitor your medication because all the time I'll work with people to change the very thing and then their blood sugar changes, their thyroid changes, their this changes, their that changes, and then they don't need the same thing.


So really being willing to change completely. Does that make sense? Yep. Beautiful. It has been such a pleasure connecting with you. Thank you. I'm very grateful. for your time. You're absolutely so, so welcome. 


All right. So let's go ahead and bring everything together. And, you know, first and foremost, I have to say, I just absolutely love this woman and I adore her and she's sweet and wonderful and precious and also. Stuck until the end where she really starts to get it. And it is so profound. And so that said, I want to share with you three key things that you'll want to do to not be stuck, that you can see from this session.


And first and foremost, notice that you've really got to change your perspective on something that you have or believe you've really got to make sure to change it. That is key. And. proactively. So you've got to change it before you're triggered because let's think about this for a moment. You know, in the very beginning, we talked about how emotions control our consciousness.


and how we also manifest or attract things with the same energy. And, you know, I use the example all the time that unfortunately the woman with the abusive father who leaves him and finds the abusive boyfriend, boss, spouse, et cetera, et cetera, that pattern continues. Now imagine for a moment in that situation, if one scenario is if I said, Hey, look, you'll want to heal this pattern so you can attract somebody who's loving and caring and wonderful and fabulous.


Okay. And so it's healing it proactively to change her health, to change her life, to change her relationships and what she's attracting, right? So that's one scenario. Now imagine if she said, okay, well, the next time I attract this negative pattern of an abusive guy, how do you want me to handle it? What should I do?


And of course, the goal would be change it and let it go and not attract that situation. Now of course, you know, obviously that's a whole situation of, you know, going to safety and, and everything else. But then, making sure to change the pattern so you're not attracting the same thing. So you're not even feeling the same way.


You know, for me to really transform my health, I had to Change it all of the way. Like, the old version of me, I don't even feel the same. And that's a place where people get stuck, where all of the time they think reactively. They go, if this pattern comes up, I'm just going to be okay with it, or I'm not going to react. 


But real change, real healing means you really have to change what I call your emotional reflexes. So your automatic emotional reflexes, how you genuinely feel. Not the afterthought, not the, Hey, I'm going to think positive after you're feeling negative, but genuinely changing the emotional reflex, the trigger, the way you feel, so it is positive.


And when you really change that, you also, of course, attract different things. So you don't want to be triggered in a negative way. Instead, you're attracting positive. Positive things. You're attracting wonderful things. So, that's number one. And you can see, changing that perspective, that was one place she was very stuck because all of her perspectives, she wanted to validate.


With the greed, or even with not being able to be happy, or, you know, there's a lot of things that she was working on validating her current way of thinking. Which is the number one reason that she was very stuck. And then you see number two at the end where she said, Well, what should I do when I Run into this pattern and that's the second way you won't want to think is Reactively, but instead you want to reprogram your subconscious mind proactively That is the key to making real change.


So then you shift your emotions and you radically feel differently. So you attract different situations and circumstances. And so you genuinely feel differently, which is what allows your body to heal. So that is number two. And number three, we talked about in the very beginning, and that has to do with being willing to radically feel differently, that you've got to really feel. 


And so if you notice yourself being very stuck in your analytical mind, where you are thinking a lot or analyzing a lot, then likely you're not going to get those results. And that's why you'll hear me on all these episodes being silly or being ridiculous or crazy, or pushing a bit or this, that, the others, because I got to create some type of emotional shift because that's what's going to get me.


That real shift, you know, if we go back to that unfortunate example again of the woman with the abusive father Who leaves him and finds that pattern continuing? It's not like she purposely put those emotions there of abuse and it's not like she Drew a vision board of an abusive father and an abusive partner What happened is she got those emotions stuck and programmed into her subconscious mind.


And so, really genuinely eradicating them and radically feeling differently is going to be key for making it health changing and life changing. And so, that said, I want to invite you to to hit the share button on this episode. You know, share it with somebody you love, somebody you care about, or somebody you don't even know.


And it is perfectly imperfect. You know, I know on other episodes, we'll take somebody who's experiencing physical pain and you'll notice them actually get rid of their neck pain or their back pain or knee pain or all kinds of things. I mean, we've had people on past episodes bring back their eyesight, which is awesome, or move paralyzed limbs.


I mean, it's awesome and wonderful and profound. And, so too is this episode in that it really highlights a stuck spot, and again, it's not just our volunteer. I was so stuck in a lot of the same places as her, and that's what I also love about this episode, is it highlights that in a most beautiful way, and she's just a perfect, beautiful being to bring that forth.


So, I love that, and, of course, I want to see her do this, to follow through, to make the change, and I'd love to see you do that in your life as well. And so on that note, please do make sure to have a most wonderful, loving, happy, beautiful day in feelings of self love and no self judgment or judgment of others.


But instead, take care. being in the positive and really feeling that genuinely and embracing that transformation. So that said, it has been such a pleasure connecting with you and I look forward to connecting with you on the next episode. We'll see you there.

Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. All of the time people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touch their heart or help them stay positive in hard times or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness. Of how amazing we all really are.

If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about or those, you know, who really need it. As more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point, and the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone what we are all capable of.

And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming to maintain their results. But the point is, For you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life. If you really understand how to use your mind, you're incredible. And I do want to be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own.

I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made. You'll want to remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people realize. That said, if you want to send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website at brandygillmore. com slash podcast.

And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well. Lastly. Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you'll want to continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you're capable of with your mind.

Thank you.

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Heal Yourself, Change Your Life

From Illness To Wellness: 4 Easy Steps To Transform Your Health & Life With The GIFT Healing Method™

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Also, please remember that genuine change and follow through are key for self-healing results. If you struggle with negative thoughts or have a chronic health issue or chronic pain, please do not avoid seeing your doctor.

Instead, your goal with self-healing should be to continue to see your doctor as recommended and blow their mind with what you are capable of with your mind and with the power of mind-body healing.  Please enjoy this self-healing podcast!

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