IQ-53 Transcript: How To Align With Your Best Self/Universe & *Know* You Are On the Right Path

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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made. that changed my health and my entire life. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this.

Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level. I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind. And then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind and body. Your emotions and your energy to help you heal your health, yourself and your life.

Let's begin.

Hello and welcome to this week's quick IQ episode where we talk about insights and questions. And today I have a really great question from a listener and I'm going to read her email just because it has to do with aligning with your best self and aligning with life or the universe and really understanding yourself.

that to a greater level. And so that's where we're going. I'm going to go ahead and read her email. So here we go. She says, hi, I am looking for a podcast episode that might address how to align with your best self slash with life slash the universe and about making that shift. And she goes on to say, or maybe when you are aligned with your best self, then you're automatically.

aligned with life or the universe, like it's implied. And so that's part of her question. We're going to go ahead and unpack that, you know, the idea of aligning with your best self and aligning with universe. So that's part of what we're going to unpack. And her email goes on and she says to add a bit more clarity, how to know I am on the aligned with life path in my vision of health, love, smiling, Et cetera, are all part of my vision that I'm wanting.

But I'm looking for more qualities that indicate one's alignment with life as a whole. So we're going to talk about that, some qualities or some signs about being in alignment with life. And so that's where we're going today is we're going to look at some of the most important things you need to know to align with the universe.

There's also some ways that you can tell. That you are aligned and also aligning with your best self. So there's a lot to unpack here and I have to say, I just love this question about, you know, aligning to the universe and being your best self. And as we dive in, I do want to say, you know, there's just, there's some different layers to this.

And so the best way to start to add some clarity to this first is to say that, you know, first and foremost, we're all connected to the universe, but. The more negativity that a person has inside of them, the more disconnect it creates. And so, to be clear, I'm not saying this means that somebody's a bad person.

I mean, if somebody has a lot of fear, that can disconnect them from the universe. Or a lot of hurt. That can disconnect them from the universe as well, or even things like being out of integrity, or anger, or malice towards others, or, um, wanting to get others back, revenge. Any of those types of patterns can all keep you from fully connecting with the universe.

And so really, any negativity that you clear from your being. will just get you more and more and more connected with the universe. You know, the more that you clear, the more connected you feel. And it just keeps getting better and better. And, you know, even if you think about in my situation, you know, basically in my own life, my goal was to heal myself.

And so I started working on clearing fear and, and different things that I had that were specific to the universe. My health issues and as I cleared them and I continue to clear my mind Ultimately, what happened is it gave me this beautiful connection with the universe now I can tell you a lot of times people aren't really clearing patterns and they don't realize it.

You know, a lot of times people will do things like meditating or they spend a lot of time in gratitude and they think that connects them more. And while it's a great thing, in some cases it can be, it doesn't ultimately close the gap on really getting rid of that negativity. And that's part of what you really want to do.

clear any of those negative patterns and of course bring in even more positivity, even more love, even more connection. And that is key. You know, the reality of it is, is even in my own situation, you know, my biggest goal was to heal myself. I was very focused on how do I heal? How do I heal? And that's one of the things that I love about healing.

and healing in this way where, you know, if you think about past episodes where I'm working with somebody to help them address the specific things that are linked to their health issues, you know, ultimately that is the biggest thing that's keeping them stock and keeping them also from fully connecting with universe and life and their best self and everything.

So any health issue that a person has is always going to keep them from connecting fully with universe and also from living their best life and their best self. So that's one of the things that I love. And so ultimately one part of that is of course going to be clearing up any health issue you have and any pattern of negativity.

that is connected with it. So that is one part of the answer. And if we really look at, you know, the top three most important things I would say that you want to do to really align with the universe would be to get rid of any negativity. Of course, definitely anything that's connected to a health issue, but to get rid of any negative patterns that you have, to also to make sure to embrace love.

So that's going to be important. And also to embrace great integrity. I mean, I can tell you that is so important and I don't feel like I would have the gifts that I do if I didn't make that such a priority in my life. And by the way, speaking of these top three things of getting rid of negativity and clearing that.

and embracing love and integrity, I can tell you that if I have a lot of emotion, like if I were to go into a lot of fear, it would definitely affect how well I can hear the universe, how well I can get information. And so that's something that you'll want to keep in mind is just in connecting more and more with the universe, the more you really get rid of.

negative patterns in your being at a deeper level, the more you open everything up. And so that's something you really want to make sure to hone in on is the point of at a deeper level, because a lot of times what happens, you know, when you stop and think about the brain, that 90 to 95 percent of your brain is all your subconscious mind.

You know, ultimately what I did was really start clearing patterns. from my subconscious mind clearing out the negativity. So the pattern was really gone. And I would say that again, unfortunately, the way that I see most everybody working with the mind is not really clearing the pattern. And so a lot of times what happens is people are trying to let go of a situation or be okay with the situation or have forgiveness for it, but none of that really.

Clears the pattern at a subconscious level. It doesn't clear the energy of it. It doesn't clear the programming of it And so it's still there or what a lot of people will do as well as they'll do things You know like meditating for a long period of time now meditation doesn't really clear patterns from the subconscious mind I mean it can improve relaxation or it can also increase Neuroplasticity which is basically saying, you know, it can increase how much your brain can make changes But it doesn't actually clear the pattern.

So if I had just done things like meditation and gratitude, I would never have gotten where I got because I didn't really change. And so I just want to emphasize that real change is key. And I know that a lot of people don't like hearing that real change is key. You know, spiritual bypass is a big thing.

People are like, but I just want to bypass change. I want to bypass this. I just, I just want what I want. But what I can tell you is this, is that the more you really change on the inside, And you let the hurt go, and you let negativity go, and you let negative patterns go, and you really embrace, genuinely embrace, love, and integrity, and feeling good, and feeling safe in life.

But really let go of that negativity. The more the connection just becomes really beautiful. And if you stop and think about it for a moment, like, let's be honest, there are people everywhere right now. who are really, really trying to connect with the universe, trying so hard to connect, trying so hard to do things with their mind and trying extremely hard and spending hours and hours and hours and hours and hours doing all of that, right?

Now, if you think about my situation, what I was trying to do was heal myself and clear negative patterns and really transform my health and my mindset. And look at my connection with the universe. It opened up exponentially. And so I wasn't doing what everybody else was doing. I was really creating that real change on the inside.

And as I did the quote unquote side effect, if you will, from me really changing inside and really getting rid of the negativity and really healing myself and really working with my mind to embrace real change. was that it did connect me with the universe. And so, if you are somebody who is working on connecting more and more with the universe, and connecting more and more with the universe, I can tell you, you're The biggest thing you'll want to do is really transform inside of you because the universe, your universal connection is inside of you.

It's not outside of you. And all the time that is so common, people are like, well, I'm meditating about this planet or that planet or the five D or the, this or the, that, and everything they're kind of thinking. thinking about, um, is outside of them or universal or anything like that. But your spiritual connection is within you.

And so when you really just clear that out, that's when everything opens up. And you may remember on a past episode, one of the things I talked about was, you know, the example of meditation, where I talked about, if you think about what a lot of people are doing. It's kind of like this is they imagine for a moment if you walked into your house and there were a whole bunch of radio stations playing, some of them good, some of them not good, some okay, but there was a ton of them playing, which is kind of like the average person's mind and subconscious mind.

You know, there's a lot of different thoughts and patterns and different things going on. Now imagine if you're walking into that house and there's all those radio stations playing and a person just stands in the middle of the house. and decides to try to calm their mind and not pay attention to any of those radio stations, to calm and just be calm despite any of the radio stations that are playing, whether they like them or not, and they just try to calm themselves.

That's what a lot of people are trying to do with, as they work with their mind, with meditation or calming things or relaxation things. And instead, what you'll ultimately want to do is Find the radio stations that you don't like, quote unquote radio stations, you know, the patterns that you don't like, and shut them off and get rid of them.

And, bring in new positive programming that you do like. Because imagine if you walked into your house, and you liked the radio stations that were playing, then life becomes a dance, and it's positive energy, and that's the energy that you need to connect with the universe, and any of those negative radio station, so to speak, are all things that will disconnect you.

So that is part of the answer. Now, the other part of the answer that she asked was also about becoming your best self. So we're going to talk about that. But another part of the question that she asked is, you know, is there an indication or sign that, you know, if you're more connected with the universe?

And I would say that there are several of them, you know, um, even just a general feeling of happiness can be a good indication. Now that doesn't mean situational happiness. So for example, let's say that you go and you hang out with family and friends and you feel really, really happy at the time. Now, yes, that is great because you're doing an activity that makes you feel happy and that's wonderful.

And you'll definitely want to do that. but also just the feeling of happiness inside of you when you're doing nothing. And you know, I can tell you that literally, I mean, as I'm sitting here right now, bringing this podcast to you, I have this feeling of just euphoria inside my body. And it's not just because I'm doing this right now.

I could walk around and be making breakfast. And I just, I have this feeling of, of glow. in my body and it feels amazing and I guess kind of a great example and I would say a great example and a terrible example, but if you've ever had maybe a drink of alcohol or maybe you've had a glass of champagne or a glass of wine or something like that and you feel like this feeling of buzz type of euphoria type of like a buzz feeling, that's how I feel in my body the majority of the time.

You know, I could be sitting here doing absolutely nothing. And I just feel this feeling of euphoria, it's like happiness going through my veins. And it's an incredible feeling. And by the way, if this feeling started going down, I would know, wait a second, there's something going on. What's happening? So that is another sign of connection with universe.

So I would say signs that you are connected with universe are happy and even feeling happy when you're doing nothing. is a great sign. And not only that, but getting more and more intuition and answers and information from universe, God, divine, whatever you want to call it. That is another thing that I see come up all of the time.

And in fact, a lot of times when I start working with people or people go through my program or whatnot, you know, as they are doing so, and they really start to shift afterwards. When they've healed themselves, all of that, people will start getting, a lot of times, they'll start getting chill bumps when things occur, and that will just be one sign or start of it, and then it continues to evolve into more and more answers, more information, more, et cetera, et cetera, as long as they're really creating change, like real change.

So that's another indicator. And I would say, you know, those are the biggest signs of really just answer and feeling it and feeling in love with life and feeling more love around you and connected to you. So it's just a really, really beautiful thing. So those are the biggest signs that you want to pay attention to.

And the biggest signs you want to strive for is really feeling amazing in your body. Now, if we add in this third part that she asked about, which has to do with being your best self, there's some key things that you'll want to know here as well that can overlap with everything that we were just talking about.

But first and foremost, let's unpack what it really looks like to be your best self, because there's different ways that you can look at being your best self. You know, if you think about it, if you show up in fifth grade as being your best self, you know, being kind, being loving, being great, that can be your best self.

And then of course, when you're 20 years old, you can show up as your best self. And that's a completely different best self. And so when you think about showing up as your best self, the way that you want to look at that is just really being willing to be your best self. every day, you know, being your best version of you showing up again with kindness, with not being in negativity, showing up with kindness and integrity.

That's the way to be your best self. Now that will continue to grow and evolve as you continue to grow and evolve. So meaning this, you know, if I look at myself personally, I can tell you that I really do show up every day as my best self. Now, I'm not perfect. Do I ever have any offness? Sure, but not very often.

And if I do, it's not very long. And so I get back in a line and because that's where I need to be and stay to do exactly the very things that I do. But point being is that I do, I spend every day really in my best self. Now, I can tell you that in five years from now. I will be an even better version of myself.

So I will continue to be more of my best self and more of my best self. And so what I would say to you, as far as aligning with your best self is really about showing up a hundred percent every day, as best as you can. And being positive, being kind, being an integrity, uh, not having negativity, but really being.

in that positive space. And as you're showing up that way, life just continues to unfold in the most beautiful way. Now, I can tell you that something you'll want to pay attention to with this is that sometimes people will have patterns of not showing up a hundred percent. And I can tell you that like, even right now, I've had this client who part of his pattern was Being lazy about things, you know, that was a pattern that he had even growing up that was something that was going on throughout his life.

Now, I want to take a moment and unpack this because this is something that I see all of the time where I'll see somebody who is not showing up really for life. And when I say for life, that might be their role as him. a boyfriend or a girlfriend or a, um, they're in their work role or, you know, um, or as a parent or whatever it is.

And they're not really showing up. They're not really trying to show up. And what happens and what I'll see is this, is that as they're not really showing up and not even trying to show up, then they're kind of out of integrity. And, you know, one way I'll see this is I'll see people who, let's say they're in a job and they are becoming more and more spiritual and they decide that their job is now unspiritual, which is something that I see all of the time.

It's like people tend to forget that, you know, even somebody who's a mechanic, they're working on helping serve others. And we, like, it's like we all as human beings, we're all working together to help each other. And so, you know, in a beautiful way, anything that somebody is doing and contributing to the whole is helpful for the whole, if it's, if it's something that helps people, you know, even somebody who owns a restaurant and, you know, when you think about it, that allows people to meet and connect and enjoy and have an experience.

And so even that is spiritual. Or people who are in real estate selling people homes where people can live. Families can have more kids, or love, or enjoyment, or fun, you know, just creating a spiritful experience. And so, sometimes what'll happen is people will get into spirituality and it's like they forget that the physical world is important.

And then they and they start to only see the energy world as important. Like the fifth dimension or the this, the that, and they just start kind of checking out. Now, what happens is when they decide that, okay, well, the physical world isn't that important anymore. And then they go to show up to work and now they start showing up, let's say they show up at a level three or a level four out of 10, you know, so they're showing up there, there's lacking.

What happens? When they're doing that, especially if they're, let's say they're making hourly income, or whatever, whatever, either way, somebody's paying them for a job. If they're showing up less, then they're out of integrity. Then what happens is because they're out of integrity, they end up attracting a bunch of negative things.

So they're attracting this problem, or that problem, or then they're having problems in relationships because this is happening, or people don't like them, or their confidence is going down, or all of these things. And so they end up then creating more negativity. So their spiritual experience actually adds negativity, and then what they'll do is then, unfortunately, in effort to be more and more spiritual, they start, you know, meditating and checking out and, and just trying to be more spiritual.

And then, a lot of times, because they have, you know, more and more hurt that's building up, then they'll say, Oh, this physical world is just stupid. And these people are stupid or less than or inferior. They don't just don't get me, or they just don't understand the importance of the energy world or, or whatnot.

And so what happens, you know, it's like this snowball, it's like, they're out of integrity with life. They're not showing up as their best self, and they're not trying to show up as their best self. So it's not that the universe requires us to have perfection. But it's like they're not showing up and, and it's creating a snowball.

Now, if somebody said, look, I don't want to show up for life and they don't have a bunch of roles. Let's say they don't have a kid to show up for or not showing up poorly at their job. They're showing up at a hundred percent or they don't have the job. Maybe they're independently wealthy or something like that.

Great. But what happens of course, is if they're showing up for a job. And they're going there, and they're getting paid for a job, but they're not really trying to show up. That's out of integrity. I mean, would you want to pay somebody money to work for you if they're not showing up? And they're not even trying to.

And they're kind of playing around, or they're just, you know, not showing up 100%. So, point being, is what happens, is that I see all of the time People will get into spirituality and for a variety of different reasons, they end up getting more out of integrity because they're not showing up at a hundred percent in their life, or they're trying to somehow meddle in other people's lives or just a variety of different reasons.

And then it's like, they get more out of integrity. And then they have more people problems, and more hurt, and more wounding, and all of these things then stack up, and stack up, and it becomes a more painful experience. And so, On that note, you'll want to make sure to show up at a hundred percent at whatever it is in your life.

Like, you know, even if you're working on healing, showing up at a hundred percent of your best ability for healing. Or if you're, whatever you're doing, showing up at your hundred percent. And of course that that's not about self sacrifice. So a hundred percent doesn't mean self sacrifice. A hundred percent means self sacrifice.

showing up as your best self. And that doesn't mean you're absolutely perfect, but it does mean making effort towards that and working on being an integrity completely, and feeling an integrity, and being kind, and being loving. And if somebody's working towards those things, really being loving, being kind, and being an integrity, and being your best self, then That is ultimately the energy that you want to have, and that feeling place that you want to have.

And even with this guy I mentioned, who had this pattern of feeling lazy, and on top of that, by the way, he had this feeling of wanting to blame others, you know? Like, oh, well, it's their fault, so I should take the day off. Or this fault, so I should take the day off. Or I should do this, or everything's messed up, but it's their fault, so I'm not going to show up at a hundred percent.

You know, that was his whole attitude. And by the way, he radically changed that and his relationships changed in his life. And of course his money did too, his confidence too. I mean, literally the amount of love and connection and respect and money and success and all of these things and, and opportunities that have opened up.

for this guy are amazing and incredible. And it started with him really showing up. And that's when everything started to change for him. And so if you can make sure to look at this without judgment, without any judgment at all, and just look at it for a moment of the patterns. So all of the time, people can be stuck in the patterns that they have.

and don't realize fully that they're in them. And so like in his case, he gets sucked into these patterns before he could even think about it. And he was in them and saying, well, so and so didn't do this. So, you know, I'm, I'm not going to do that. And I'm not going to do that. And in doing that, He was not living his best self.

And again, make sure not to judge it because it's a pattern. So what can happen is some people, they get hurt and they're like, well, screw that person or whatever to that person, or they get angry or they're upset, or they feel like somebody else didn't do something. So then they say, well, nevermind. And so.

The point that you want to know from this is that becoming your best self is not just a conscious decision. So yes, it's absolutely a conscious decision, but it also requires really getting rid of everything. patterns and continuing to notice, Oh, what pattern comes up and then letting that go. And even in his case, by the way, he has made some beautiful changes.

I mean, I am beyond impressed with him and he's taken these patterns and he really shifted them. And the way he's been showing up is a hundred percent. And as he's been showing up, What's beautiful is that everybody's been giving him accolades. Everybody's going, Oh my God, you're so amazing. You're so wonderful.

So the great thing is he's getting a ton of love and connection for it and he's enjoying it. So it's, it's funny because something that he noticed is that he felt more exhausted when he wasn't showing up at a hundred percent. So he felt more tired and exhausted and drained. And now that he's showing up at a hundred percent and cleared the patterns that he has.

He's showing up and he's doing more of the work, but as he's doing more work, he's feeling good and it's energizing him. So now he's loving his work even more and he's loving it and he's showing up and it's just this beautiful thing that's occurring in his life. And so that's what you really want to look at for a moment is thinking about how can you show up and even better every day.

And by the way, when you do show up at your best every day, that's when life continues to reward you. When you just show up. self and continue to grow. And even this guy that I'm talking about, you know, he was somebody who was on disability for a long period of time. And that's part of the reason he ended up with also a lot of patterns that he had to change as he's got, you know, used to being in doing in a certain way.

And so he really had to change those patterns. And I can tell you, he has built more than a six figure business since he's been off of disability. And an important part of doing that has been showing up at a hundred percent, which has been showing up in integrity and with kindness and continuing to grow.

And so that is key. Now, all of the time, what I'll see with people is that as they're showing up through the day, you know, somebody does hurt their feelings. So then they're like, well, nevermind, I'm not going to do that for so and so or, you know, um, or they go, Oh, I want to just take this from so and so, or that from, so it's like a lot of times, these patterns that come up from patterns of hurt or patterns of feeling unloved or patterns of anger towards somebody else, or any of those patterns that are going on in your day to day self will keep you from showing up as your best self.

But again, I can tell you that as you do continue to want to show up as your best self and you do continue to clear patterns, I see the most beautiful things. You know, I have a professor who I absolutely just love and watching her shine And continue to grow and just show up as her best self. It's like more and more and more things open up to where she's actually teaching teachers and teaching diversity and teaching higher and higher things and more and more things and, and doing incredible things.

In her life and being well rewarded for that. And another person who I work with, he's, you know, showing up in technology and, and helping support technology in a beautiful way, and also helping take care of technology with the planet and being very conscious of that. And as he's just showing up in more and more beautiful.

Beautiful ways. I mean, it's, it's showing up beautifully in his life. And so that's something that you'll want to notice as well to show up as your best self is showing up as best as you can and continuing to clear your patterns. And a lot of times patterns can be sneaky. You know, there's a person who I worked with in the past who has like a home building company, right?

And he had inside of him a lot of anger. Towards his brothers, you know, he has four brothers and He felt like they were always getting the better end of this or the better end of that So inside of him there was this part of him that wanted to take business from them And he had just this feeling of wanting to take from them and that specific energy Kept him very stuck in multiple areas of his life because it was a take energy and he was doing it Because ultimately I mean inside he was insecure And inside, he wanted to be loved, he wanted to be good enough, he wanted to be successful.

The problem was that the way that he was doing it, it was a take. And so, that didn't go well, and it kept ending him up with health issues, with problems financially, with not growing, with all kinds of things. But when he really changed it, that's when everything changed. And so all of the time, you'll see people who are wanting to take from others instead of add to life, you know?

And if you think about it for a moment, I mean, let's say if you look at Oprah for a moment. What she does Didn't take from anybody. If you look in Elon Musk, what he did, he's adding to the world. He's not trying to take from it. So some of the people who were the biggest in, you know, most successful in the world.

They're not so much taking from others, but rather adding to life. And I would say that's part of the reason that my own life has continued to elevate in beautiful ways is because I'm not taking from anybody. You know, I'm just adding my contribution. I figured out things with the mind and and so I've added to life without taking from anybody.

Now, the thing of it is, is that, you know, what I do now is literally the last thing that I ever thought I would be doing. But how did I get here is I just continue to show up as my best self every day and everything continued to change. Now, a lot of times people ask that question. Well, what about your life's path and what is your life's path?

And I would say my entire life was my life's path, if you will. I mean really what I do and the things that I figured out, I don't think that I would have ever been able to figure out without really going through a network engineering and operations because the troubleshooting mindset and the troubleshooting abilities that I really developed are huge and in figuring out the things that I figured out.

And even to this day, when I work with somebody's mind, the reason I make it look so easy and can troubleshoot things so quickly in their mind is because of those specific skills, like mixing that with energy. And by the way, even when you think about energy for a moment, I mean, I worked with telecommunications, which is basically, you know, energy.

So I worked with a different form of energy before I even did what I do now. So point being. is that whatever you are doing now, showing up at a hundred percent and continuing to grow and continuing to take the next opportunity will help your life to continue to unfold. So even after I got better, my next thing that I needed to do was work out in the gym and that was the next place I went and I showed up the absolute best that I could and that led to the next level and that led to the next thing and I needed every single one of those pieces to continue to grow and become the person that I am today and again I will be even better than I am five years from now and I just because I will continue growing and so In short, if we bring this all together, it would be this, it would be to connect with universe, divine, God, whatever you want to call it, would be to really genuinely clear patterns, let go of negative energy completely, uh, stay in integrity, come from a place of love, and really be that, and really clear anything that hinders that connection with universe.

So that's part of it. And then the second part is that showing up as your best self is something that will continue to change and continue to evolve as your life continues to evolve. So in other words, if you showed up at fifth grade at a certain way, that's, and you showed up as your best self in fifth grade.

And if you try to show up the exact same way in fifth grade. When you're in college, there's going to be a problem because your best self will continue to evolve and change. And so you'll want to continue to, of course, evolve and change and adapt to what that means today for your best self. Um, and then also be acutely aware of any patterns that keep you from showing up.

As your best self every day because as you just do that it will grow it will align it will continue I mean again, I want to emphasize that doing what I do today or even connecting with the universe in the way that I do Wasn't my initial goal per se. My goal was to heal myself and the more I just did that and showed up at a hundred percent, the more everything continued to change.

And so of course, that is my best suggestion to you is do exactly that is not try the spiritual bypass that everybody's trying these days where it's like, okay, well let me just send energy here or let me just meditate, try and do meditation this special way or that special way or whatever it is. Just show up and loving and kind and wonderful and clearing negative patterns and being your best self and really showing up in a beautiful way and really being happy and being loving and being an integrity and being connected and your best self and your connection with universe comes from that.

And so, on that note, please do make a point to be your best self today, to live in a state of happiness, to really be in that place of kindness and in love and great integrity and being conscious of the way that you're showing up and really showing up as your best self. Because, of course, that will continue to align you more and more with your best and highest self.

And of course, with universe directly. And so also on that note, I'm going to ask you to please do make a point to share this episode, you know, share it with somebody you love, somebody you care about, or somebody you don't even know. And of course, the more evolved and empowered and connected with universe and spirit, God, divine, whatever you want to call it, The more evolved everybody is, the better this world will be for all of us.

And so, please do hit the share button and have an incredible rest of your day. And I look forward to connecting with you on the next episode. We'll see you there.

Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. All of the time, people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touch their heart or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness. Of how amazing we all really are.

If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about or those, you know, who really need it. As more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point, and the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone what we are all capable of.

And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming to maintain their results. But the point is for you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life. If you really understand how to use your mind, you're incredible. And I do want to be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own.

I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made. You'll want to remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people realize. That said, if you want to send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website at

And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well. Lastly, Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you'll want to continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you're capable of with your mind.

Thank you.

About Brandy Gillmore

Meet Brandy Gillmore – World-Renowned Mind-Body Healing Expert

Brandy Gillmore is a best-selling author, award-winning podcast host, and globally recognized expert in mindset and mind-body healing. Celebrated for her groundbreaking approach to healing and life transformation, Brandy’s inspiring journey began with healing herself from disability, freeing herself from reliance on a wheelchair, walker, and cane. 

She then achieved the unprecedented: demonstrating the healing power of the mind in mere minutes, with results verified by thermal medical equipment.

Her pioneering work has been published in the Health Medical Journal and featured in award-winning documentaries, numerous docuseries, and TEDx talks

Today, Brandy inspires audiences across the globe, sharing her breakthrough discoveries with people from all walks of life—including top celebrities, professional athletes, devoted parents, and individuals passionate about personal growth—empowering them to unlock their potential, heal themselves, and transform their lives.

Discover the transformative power of mind-body healing by watching Brandy’s free self-healing online course here —your first step toward unlocking your innate ability to heal and thrive!

Ready to learn how to heal yourself?

From Illness To Wellness: Discover the 4 Easy Steps To Transform Your Health & Life With The GIFT Method™

In this self healing course, Brandy shares the exact things she did to heal (even when doctors told her there was nothing more she could do) so you too can be empowered with tools and techniques to heal yourself and change your life. Click here to learn more…

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Note: If you are hearing or sight impaired or have any other medical issues that would inhibit you from fully accessing the podcast, please reach out to our team at and we will be happy to assist you.  

Also, please remember that genuine change and follow through are key for self-healing results. If you struggle with negative thoughts or have a chronic health issue or chronic pain, please do not avoid seeing your doctor.

Instead, your goal with self-healing should be to continue to see your doctor as recommended and blow their mind with what you are capable of with your mind and with the power of mind-body healing.  Please enjoy this self-healing podcast!



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