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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made. that changed my health and my entire life. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this.
Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level. I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind. And then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind and body. Your emotions and your energy to help you heal your health, yourself and your life.
Let's begin.
Hello and welcome. It is so wonderful to connect with you. I just love that you are somebody who is here, who's continuing to expand your mind and your heart and your consciousness and your healing and your energy. I just love it. Love it. And welcome to today's quick IQ episode, where we talk about insights and questions, and I love the question that's coming up today that I've been getting the universal nudge to share.
And it's a question that comes up all of the time for people. And it has to do with. So all of the time people are asking, you know, what are my thoughts on body work? And let's be honest, there are so many different types of body work, you know, everything from massage and hands on therapy to reflexology and all kinds of things.
And first and foremost, I want to say that I love to go get a massage or even go spend a day at the spa, even enjoy the watsu pool. I mean, to me, it's a wonderful experience. I love to go with a friend and just go hang out and enjoy. And so, you know, if you are somebody who loves to relax, the pampering of a massage or reflexology or watsupool or whatever it is, then I do, I strongly recommend going to just enjoy it, to have fun, to pamper yourself, to feel good, to just, you know, again, if it's something that you enjoy, but I strongly recommend being very cautious if it comes to just going for health issues alone.
And the reason for that is because all of the time, I have seen cases where it can backfire and, and can actually make the body want to have prolonged illness and continue to have the issue. Which, May sound crazy, but I'm going to go ahead and unpack this a bit more. So it makes logical sense. And I'm going to ask you to, of course, look at things with an open mind.
And likely if you are here, then you're probably pretty open minded anyway, because we're definitely looking at everything in a different way. You know, um, as far as. People releasing their own pain in minutes and, and shifting the mind and making radical shifts. I mean, obviously, if you're here, you're definitely somebody who's looking outside of the box, but this one definitely requires looking outside of the box and looking at things in a different way as well.
And so, I'm going to go ahead and provide you with a few scenarios where I have seen body work backfire and make the subconscious mind want to keep the illness. So we're going to talk about that and we're also going to expand to beyond body work and talk about positive touch links, what I call PTLs, versus Negative touch links and how those can also be important for healing.
So you're going to want to look at this in a different way and really have an open mind. And so I do want to share with you some of the ways that I see this backfire. And what you can do differently to make sure that it doesn't. And I do want to be clear ahead of time. I'm not saying don't get body work.
The answer might even be go get more body work. But just to enjoy it. And so, really, again, I do want to unpack it so it makes sense. Because, The way that I'm seeing the energy go and the trends, I do expect that this will be a growing problem that is already currently an issue that is backfiring, but I do expect that this will increase exponentially and is something that everybody should really be aware of.
And so, On that note, if we just go ahead and simplify everything, you know, I want this to make logical sense. And so again, if we just simplify everything and we look at the awareness that we as human beings need love, you know, if you've been listening to past episodes, then you've probably heard me say before on a past episode that we as human beings need the energy of love.
Just like a plant needs the energy of the sun. And just like with the plant, the energy of the sun creates food for it, if you will, you know, through the process of photosynthesis. Love and human connection creates a biochemical bond. response, like a feel good, healthy response in the physical body as a response to having touch.
So even medical research shows that touch and hugging, you know, even just non sexual Human touch can release things like oxytocin in the body and other feel good hormones like serotonin and dopamine, all of which can help you feel more positive and feel more happy. And so just human touch has the ability to do that and it can also reduce stress.
stress in the body and stress hormones like cortisol and norepinephrine. And so when you think about it for a moment, touch has all of these positive feelings to it because of the biochemical release that's occurring in the body. So that is a wonderful thing, typically. Now when we unpack this a bit more, and again looking at it with an open mind, What I see happen a lot of times for people, where this can backfire with body work, is that they'll get linked up being sick.
to then going to get a massage or going to get body work or going to get reflexology. And then those two things get linked up together. And I'm going to go ahead and explain a bit more and bring this to clarity of what you will want to do. But if you think about it for a moment, you know, you've probably heard me talk about on past episodes where there's a cutter, which is in medical research, and it's well known where somebody who unfortunately goes through a trauma could develop a tendency to want to cut themselves and you know what can happen is they can experience feelings of relief or euphoria from cutting themselves and of course this doesn't make logical sense but that's what gets linked up and part of that has to do with the biochemical release that's happening in the body.
in the body so they can cut themselves and get a release of endorphins. And what happens is then they get addicted to cutting themselves where they feel that sense of relief or even a feeling of high from doing that. And of course, they don't consciously want to do that, but it gets linked up. Now, if we unpack this a bit further, when things get linked up in the mind, anytime something is happening that creates a lot of emotion and somebody's doing some type of action at the same time, those things get linked up together.
So in other words, maybe you're out with friends and you're having an amazing time and you're listening to a particular song and it's very, very, very intense. That song can get linked up for you. You know, where you hear that song again and you think about that exact memory you have. Or another common example of that is somebody's wedding song where they hear the song and immediately.
they think about their wedding and they experience all these wonderful feelings towards their wedding. So that is a very common occurrence in our culture where somebody does get that linked up that wedding song because they have all those emotions at that moment so it gets linked up to that particular song.
Or you may have even seen this on a negative note before where you had a breakup and You listen to a particular song after that breakup and then even years later, as soon as you hear that song, you remember that breakup and all those feelings that came with it. And so, point being from these examples is we can see very clearly that things get linked up in the mind just because of that breakup.
They happen at the same time. So what could be somebody's Wedding song could be another person's breakup song and it just depends on how that gets linked up For one person compared to another person and by looking at the situation with the cutter We can also see that negative things, you know Somebody cutting themself can get linked up to pleasurable emotions or another common occurrence that we can see is Even drug use, you know, if you think about somebody who is on drugs who is willing to sabotage their entire life just for this biochemical response where they get this huge amount of dopamine or endorphins or, you know, depending upon what drug, but there's this huge biochemical response that happens as a result of them taking that specific drug.
And so point being is that you can see that we as human beings will do anything to get that. these chemicals, if you will, at a subconscious level. So not consciously, of course. You know, a lot of times somebody who is, you know, maybe a cutter can know that they don't want to be doing that, but There's that underlying feeling that they're experiencing that feeling of relief or a high and so they continue to do it Even though there's a part of them in their mind who knows that it's not a great thing And so point being is that when we bring this back to body work what I've seen happen is, you know One common situation that I've seen before is a woman who will only allow herself Massages if she has some type of pain or problem And, then at a deeper level, she's really wanting to go get massages more often, but the only way she can justify it to herself or justify spending the money is if she's in some type of pain.
For example, I've worked with women before. whose body didn't want to fully release the pain because that's how they were able to justify to their husband that they could spend the money to go get a massage. And so that's what came up in their energy. So just like, you know, if you've seen on past episodes where I've worked with people before who have had different types of pain and different things come up, you know, when I go to work with this person, it's like, Oh, well, the body doesn't want to release the pain because then you feel like you'd have to give up massages, but.
What if you just went to go get a massage just because? Like, what if it was a day at the spa with friends and it was a social thing? And so, you want to make sure that you're not only going just if you have some type of pain or illness. Because it's like giving an oxytocin or dopamine or serotonin hit to the body.
Each time because it's like, oh, well, I have some type of health issue. Let me go get some body work. Oh, I have a health issue or pain. Let me go get some body work. And so I've seen that really, really often with people and it's also continuing to increase and part of the reason that's happening is because more and more people are experiencing loneliness.
And when I mentioned in the very beginning that I only expect this to continue to get worse and that's what I'm seeing is because it's also happening right now. in children, where children are busy connecting with people on technology, you know, through video games or social media, and they're losing that social connection.
And of course, also with COVID, you know, stay six feet away or more or whatnot, that social distancing. And so People aren't having that same level of connection. And kids aren't necessarily out playing basketball, but instead they're playing video games. And so they're losing that connection, that even team camaraderie, if you think about them all getting out and playing baseball together, or football together, or things like that.
It's just, there's the touch, there's the connection, there's the huddle, there's the camaraderie type of feeling. And what I'm seeing more and more is that people are deprived of that human connection. So going back to the very beginning when we talked about, you know, if an infant doesn't get enough love and connection, they can actually die, you know, or have failure to thrive where they're weaker, they have more illness going on.
And so point being, is it if you have kids and you notice that they're missing that level of connection and touch with other people, then you'll want to make sure that they know how to get it and that there's healthy, positive ways in their life and also in your life to get that love and connection.
And if you're only finding yourself or your kid going to go get body work, When you have some type of illness, unfortunately, what does happen, and I'm seeing it increasing exponentially, is that people will have some type of health issue, and then they get a massage, and then it gets linked up to a biochemical response, and then they leave, and then they go back to their life, and they're feeling more lonely and disconnected, and lonely and disconnected, and then They have some type of pain, which then they justify going to get body work, and then they have that biochemical response.
And so unfortunately, what happens in their lives is that they need some type of pain or illness to be able to get these chemicals. And so what happens is that a subconscious level is that the brain links up, that it needs to have pain. To be able to get body work done and then it needs the body work to work to an extent to continue to justify it.
So what'll happen is somebody will go and they'll get body work done and they need to have some results and relief in that experience. And then as they do, then. They need to have the pain come back so then they can go again and then release and then again and release. And I see that over and over again.
And also what can happen is that the body will unfortunately want to create even more illness to then justify going more often. And so it just becomes this unfortunate loop that I see a lot of people in. And again, I do want to be clear. I'm not saying not. to get body work. What I am saying is to make sure to be conscious not to link up in your subconscious mind that pain or having some type of illness equates to biochemical response with touch type therapies or massage or reflexology type therapies.
So that doesn't get linked up in the subconscious mind because that in and of itself can unfortunately create that problem. And because loneliness and disconnect from people is really a growing issue for a lot of people, this is getting linked up. exponentially more and more, and again, if you look at the younger generations where there's more and more technology and more human disconnect, this is just going to get exponentially worse, unfortunately, if we're not conscious about it.
And, by the way, other scenarios that I have seen, you know, in the very beginning I mentioned having Positive touch links, so PTLs, and also negative touch links. And so what you want in your life is to make sure that you have touch. in positive ways. That's how you set up those PTLs, you know, positive touch links.
So there's touch and connection that's created in a positive way where you don't need to have some type of pain or issue or ailment at all. And by the way, I have worked with people before who had like negative touch links where basically they didn't want anybody to touch them because they had gone through some type of trauma where they had a sexual trauma.
in their childhood. And so as adults, they didn't want anybody to touch them. So consciously, you know, they would say that, you know, they'd say things like, you know, I'm not a hugger. And even with their spouse, they didn't want a lot of hugs and affection, or even with their children. They didn't want a lot of love and affection because they had negative touch links linked up.
Now, the reason that I ended up working with these people is because a lot of them had these negative touch links, but they also simultaneously needed to have the feeling of touch. And so what happened is at a subconscious level, their body wanted to create an illness. so they could experience nurturing touch.
And I have seen that many times as well, and I could go on and on about the things that I have seen in this area where I've literally seen people trigger backwards in extreme amount of pain or ailments or even paralyzed, where a limb will go from not being paralyzed to paralyzed or opposite. because of these touch links that get linked up in the subconscious mind and that mind programming.
And so, very simply, what you want to take from this is just to make sure that you have positive touch links set up in your life, where you do feel that human connection in positive ways. So again, this is not about not getting body work. It's just about making sure that if you are somebody who does enjoy it, have fun, do it because you love it, you know, and again, I love to go with a friend and have a day at the spa and just enjoy and relax and get a massage or a body scrub and just have a wonderful time at the hot springs or whatever it is.
So that is great. And you also want to make sure that you have positive connections and positive relationships in life. And a lot of times people let loneliness kind of just become a thing in their life where they don't fully address it. You know, they just feel like it's impossible to change or that they're stuck with it or there's nothing they can do.
Or they just purposely, even in some cases, they feel like, I just don't like people. And, and then they'll experience a lot of loneliness and disconnect from others when really as human beings, we need that. And so if that's something that you are experiencing, you'll want to change it. I mean, that would be like somebody saying, well, I just don't like water, so I'm not going to drink any liquids.
That would be an issue for your health. You know, we of course need to have food and water. And we also need love and connection. And a lot of people overlook that or don't take it as important as it needs to be, but you know, if you think about a plant and if you give a plant plenty of food and water, But you didn't give it any sun or just a little bit of sun here and there then of course if it needs more sun it's going to feel weaker and more brittle and not healthy.
You know it's going to be a sick plant until unfortunately it fades out. And so that's what you really want to take from this is make sure that you have loving connections in your life and even positive touch links and make sure that you're being really conscious with any type of body work. If you have pain and you're getting that body work, make sure that you're not just linking that to pain.
over and over and over again, because even though you'll get that temporary relief, it typically will always want to come back, or it will want to move to a different location in the body or have a different ailment. So then the body can again, get that need for connection and for touch. And so that is something that you'll want to make sure to place importance on in your life.
You know, the. Feeling of connection and love. And so a few key things to take from this is number one is of course, taking it seriously, if you are experiencing loneliness, you know, making sure to make a point to change it. And I know that for a lot of people that can feel impossible, but the key thing that you'll want to remember is that all change really does start from within.
And. Even if you think about past episodes where there was a woman that I worked with who had a lot of pain and hurt in her area of relationships. And then she cleared that and she was able to manifest her partner. And that was really beautiful and that was on a past episode and I see that all of the time.
And so, you know, If you are somebody who is experiencing a lot of hurt or loneliness, instead of feeling like it's stuck, or there's nothing that you can do, just remind yourself that all change really does start from within. And even on past episodes, we've talked about before, where there's those weird Relationship patterns where unfortunately somebody can feel hurt or negativity or anger or, you know, all different types of relationship patterns that when they clear those patterns, they feel more connected and more loving and more full of love and happier, healthier relationships than ever.
And so point being is that. If you are experiencing loneliness, then you'll definitely want to shift this. So that's number one. And number two is to keep in mind, you know, this is what I see in people's energy when I'm working with them to shift out of pain or health issues or whatnot, you know, this connection with love, and you'll want to remember that it never gets linked up with.
Consciously or intentionally, meaning that, you know, an example about getting links in the brain is if you think about Pavlov and the dog, and if you're familiar with that whole experiment, basically what happened is every time Pavlov would go to feed his dog, he would ring a bell every single time, and then he would feed the dog and ring a bell and feed the dog and ring a bell, and sooner or later, the dog got it linked up that when the bell rang, It was time to eat.
And so all he had to do was ring the bell and the dog would start salivating. So it would have actual physical responses, like there was food there, even though it was just a bell that he was ringing when he went to test this out. And so point being is that this is never something that gets linked up intentionally and.
You just want to make sure to pay attention to it. So that's number two. And number three is that if you do have kids, you'll want to make sure they have that healthy, loving touch and connection in their life, and also that they're good at creating that. in their life as well and feeling that and have healthy patterns around that human connection.
Because this is going to be so important for health and vitality moving forward even more than it is today. Just because as they continue to grow up and more and more technology is in our world, this is just going to be an area that impacts people more and more. And so just being very conscious of it is key and making sure that you have positive relationships and connection in your life.
And so on that note, please do make a point to hit the share button on this episode, you know, share it with somebody you love, somebody you care about, or somebody you don't even know, you know, the more empowered and loving that you Every person is in our world, the better the world is for all of us. And so that said, I just love that you are somebody who is here, who's continuing to expand your mind and your heart and your consciousness.
I just love it. And I look forward to connecting with you on the next episode. I wish you an incredible rest of your day.
Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. All of the time, people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touch their heart or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness. Of how amazing we all really are.
If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about, or those, you know, who really need it as more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point. And the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone.
What we are all capable of. And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming, to maintain their results. But the point is for you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life, if you really understand how to use your mind, you're incredible.
And I do want to be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own. I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made. You'll want to remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people realize. That said, if you want to send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website at And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well. Lastly, Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you'll want to continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you're capable of with your mind.
Thank you.