

Empowering. Mind-expanding. Radical Healing!

We’ve all heard of the placebo, so we know with certainty that our minds have healing abilities. That’s a fact. However, Brandy takes this common awareness to a whole new level! She coaches live volunteers to use their own mind to achieve radical healing results in just minutes! Brandy is not “healing people” instead she is showing people how to heal themselves so you can witness her unique process. She then provides you with a combination of practical tools and spiritual insights to help you take your health AND life to the next level! If you are looking for insights on self-healing, chronic pain, mind-body healing, metaphysics, consciousness, spirituality, psycho-spiritual, or self-help, then you will LOVE this podcast! Come join Brandy Gillmore on this incredible journey!

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169: Transforming Loneliness & Disconnectedness

If you are someone who has experienced a lot of feelings of hurt or disconnect or feeling as though others don't understand you, then you definitely won't want to miss this episode. In it, Brandy continues with Part 2 of working with a beautiful volunteer Charlene, who has great self-awareness and also, unfortunately, a lot of hurt hidden in her subconscious mind. As Brandy works with Charlene, she begins to see the core issue of ...
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IQ-89: One Simple Thing You Can Do To Expand Love And Connection Right Now In Your Life

 Love and connection are one of the most beautiful experiences we can have in life, and sometimes we forget to make them a priority except for the holidays. And for others, love and connection can seem to slip to the side, leaving the holidays feeling lonely (even when you’re surrounded by others). In this quick IQ episode, Brandy shares the importance of love and connection and one simple thing you can do today to ...
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168: Stepping Into Personal Empowerment & Healing The Need To Seek Approval From Others

Are you feeling disempowered and like nothing is ever quite enough? The unfortunate truth is, these feelings can be so overwhelming they prevent us from experiencing the love, happiness, and health that life has to offer. What if we could break free of this pattern – liberate ourselves from seeking validation outside of our true selves? All the time, Brandy sees people who are stuck in patterns with their parents or even seeking approval from ...
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IQ-88: A “Hidden” Type Of Mind Programming For Self-Healing

Our current ways of thinking may not always serve us optimally. Many of us are unknowingly stuck in negative, unhealthy patterns that can have a serious impact on our physical and mental health, and keep us from living a happy and healthy life. In today’s quick IQ episode, Brandy shares key insights into how our mind can be counterintuitive and how a miswired mind can contribute to things like illness and getting stuck in patterns ...
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167: 3 Common Ways People Block Their Healing & Transformation

Are you unknowingly blocking your healing and transformation? Unbeknownst to us, we may be limiting our own progress. All of the time, Brandy works with people who get stuck in certain areas of their life, and often the answers are buried deep within our subconscious mind, so much so that we can find ourselves justifying or trying to validate our beliefs and mindset instead of shifting how we feel about it and creating lasting change. ...
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IQ-87: Are You Feeling Stuck In Life? The Top 7 Reasons Why…

Have you been feeling stuck in life? Maybe you’ve been working on healing or changing your life, and you find yourself procrastinating. Spacing out? Feeling distracted? Or like you have no energy. Or maybe you feel like you have good intentions, but you just can’t get yourself to follow through. If so, then you won’t want to miss the insights from this IQ episode. In it, Brandy covers the top 7 reasons that people feel ...
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166: Happiness, Success and How it Can Affect Your Health

So often, people may have underlying feelings of judgment towards greed or even feel guilty for feeling happy or feeling as though others will be jealous if they're happy or successful. Unknowingly, these feelings can impact your health and your life.  In today's episode, Brandy works with Veronica to help her identify subconscious emotional patterns linked to her health, happiness, and success. As you'll notice in this episode, Veronica is successful, and that's part of ...
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IQ-86: One Of The TOP Most Common Mistakes/Misconceptions In Self Healing & Manifesting

The mind can be tricky to figure out, but in today's quick IQ podcast episode Brandy shares one key mistake that many people make, which keeps them stuck (most people don’t even realize it’s holding them back) when trying to self-heal or manifest something in their life.  Plus, Brandy shares an important insight on what you can do differently to succeed. Tune in to this quick and profound podcast episode. You’ll be so glad you ...
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165 – Hidden Guilt Patterns Can Affect Your Health & Life

Are your hidden guilt patterns affecting your life? Even if you are *happy*, your patterns and how you feel about others (and even your own self-identity) can directly affect your health, happiness, and even your finances. And…it doesn’t have to be this way. In today’s podcast episode, Brandy works with a beautiful volunteer, Veronica, who is a very happy person, and yet, what comes up for her is something that has been affecting her health ...
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IQ-85: Hidden Energy Issues Regarding The Holidays

One of the hardest parts about working with the mind and energy is being able to identify the problem and navigating all of the hidden aspects that we don't see because they are not yet in our awareness. I know when I was going through my injury, there were so many things that I couldn't see. Energy felt elusive, and for that reason, results felt hard. It felt like trying to navigate a world where ...
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164: Letting Go Of Fear & Embodying Compassion In Your Relationships (Even if you have political differences)

Have your relationships been negatively impacted by fear or political differences? No matter what your political views are, love and connection is very important to your health. And, when you can have compassion for your family or friends who share different views than you, whether it’s politics, religion, money, or any other topic you’re passionate about – it can create a real positive shift in your health and your life.   In today’s podcast episode, Brandy ...
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IQ-84: Recognizing The Hidden Symptoms of Burnout To Shift Your Energy & Create Change In Your Health and Life

Could you be experiencing burnout and not even realize it? Feeling burned out can look different for everyone, and it's important to be able to recognize the signs in your own life. Sometimes it can be difficult to tell if you're experiencing burnout. Although initially, it may not feel like anything at all, there could be hidden symptoms of burnout showing up in your everyday life that could be affecting your health and happiness. In ...
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163: Accessing More of Your Power/Letting Go of Subconscious Disempowerment

Is there an area of your life that you feel disempowered in? Whether it is your health, relationships, finances, or any other area of your life. These types of feelings can have a direct impact on your health and happiness. As you may know by now, our thoughts create our lives, as you’ll see with our lovely volunteer Terry. This episode is divine timing because so many people in the world now are experiencing these ...
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IQ-83: Overwhelm: The 3 Hidden Factors That Keep People Stuck, Feeling Overwhelmed

Are you doing any of these things that could be keeping you feeling overwhelmed? In this week’s quick IQ episode, listen in as Brandy shares the top 3 things that could cause you to be stuck feeling overwhelmed in life – a couple of these might surprise you. Whether you’ve been stuck in overwhelm or you want to make sure you don’t make this miss-step, join in to share these powerful insights that will help ...
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162: Releasing Subtle Hidden Patterns to Achieve Incredible Results! (As you will see in this episode)

Have you ever felt as though you’ve had fear of the future, or worry, and that you cannot see the road ahead in life…  or stuck in life?  Or like it takes “forever” to get real healing results? If so, then you’ll definitely want to listen in to today’s podcast. Many times people can feel stuck in “hidden” patterns that make it feel hard or even impossible to move forward in life.  But, as you lift yourself and ...
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IQ-82: The Mind-Body Connection To Your Self-Identity & Multiple Energetic Ingredients To Healing

 The mind-body connection is powerful, and it's not hard to see why so many people are looking for ways in which they can heal themselves.  And when you add in the energetic connection as well, our self-healing capabilities are profound. In today’s quick IQ episode, Brandy answers a listener's question about the difference between popular healing methodologies and why they don’t always work for everyone and there’s good reason. Listen in as Brandy shares ...
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161: The Importance Of Restoring/Empowering Feelings of Safety In Life

Feeling safe and having positive expectations about life and the future can have a dramatic impact in our health and our lives. And that awareness that more and more people are waking up to their true power is exciting. But how do we start feeling safe? What does it mean to be in the moment and experience life with love rather than fear? In today’s podcast episode, Brandy works alongside beautiful volunteer Monica who has ...
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IQ-81: Stepping Into The *New* You: Making New Connections & Navigating Changes In Your Relationships With Friends & Family

The gift of change can be so exciting, especially when you really learn how to program your mind and see how much you have the power to heal yourself and change your life. And sometimes, when we make changes in life, it can feel as though the people in our lives do not like the new you. However, that might not be the case. In today’s quick IQ episode, Brandy answers a listener's question about ...
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160: Shifting Your Consciousness For More Ease & Making The Most Out Of Life

Creating a genuine shift in your consciousness can open the doors to an amazing life. In this week’s podcast episode, Brandy continues part 2 with our beautiful volunteer Andrew who has been experiencing pain and struggles for many years. As Brandy continues to work with Andrew, she helps him uncover an area of pain and anger he didn't know he had, which was linked to his pain. (Something very common with a lot of people.) ...
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IQ-80: The Hidden Key To Manifesting That Can Help You Improve Your Health, Abundance & Life

When it comes to manifesting, there are key things many people overlook that can affect their results. And even in difficult times, it’s important to stay out of fear and stress – these emotions can affect your health and your happiness – plus they can hinder your manifestation goals.  That said, there is plenty of abundance for everyone. In today’s quick IQ episode, Brandy shares powerful insights into these key things you could be missing ...
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