165 Transcript: Hidden Guilt Patterns Can Affect Your Health & Life

Heal Yourself Change Your Life

Hidden Guilt Patterns Can Affect Your Health & Life

Click here to listen to episode 165: Hidden Guilt Patterns Can Affect Your Health & Life

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Welcome to Heal Yourself, change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made that changed my health and my entire. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this. Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level.

I will even coach live callers to free themself of physical pain using only their mind, and then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can. To master your mind, your emotions, and your energy to help you heal your health yourself and your life. Let's begin.

Hello and welcome. It is so wonderful to connect with you. I just love that you are here continuing to expand your mind, your energy, your consciousness, your healing. I just love it. And you know, it's so funny to watch. On this side, the unfoldment of volunteers and divine timing and the messages that come up at just the right time, and that is today's podcast episode.

I mean, it could not have come at a more perfect time and a more important on point message for so many people in their lives, in their fear or in. Health or in their families. And love and connection, I mean, is just divine timing for so many [00:02:00] reasons. And not only that, but our volunteer, Terry, I mean, she's just so sweet, smart, and on point and has of course some underlying vulnerability and hurt and wounds that she's able to shift.

And as she does, she shifts her pain and you know, there's this moment of where she just has a lot of tears in her eyes. Feeling the shift, feeling that transformation happens. So I just love that. And if you recall, this is a two part session, meaning that I started working with Terry on the session last week and we split it in half to work with the second half of the session.

Today just because there were so many insights from it. And if you recall, we had been talking about the election fears and things that were going on that were affecting her health, and it was so much more. So even if you're somebody who's not at all connected to politics and the election and all of that stuff, there are still so many powerful insights.

From relationships to love to healing and connectedness and fear. I mean, just so many insights from this episode as well. And of course, if you are somebody who has been experiencing the chaos and the underlying fear from politics that you've been trying to just avoid or bury or push aside, Something you'll wanna remember is that it really can affect your health and your energy.

And I see that all of the time and people don't even realize it's happening, and I see it all of the time. Now, I do wanna say as we step back into the second part of the session, again, this is completely neutral. When it comes to politics, so you could be on one side or the other side because the message from this is so much more important than, which side are you on?

It's a much deeper  level of understanding, of healing, of relationships, of connectedness. I mean, it just so many different layers to it. And as far as the political part, you wanna be able to start to see it in a different way. So it's not impacting your health, your happiness, your relationships, all of that, because again, it really does impact your energy and your life and your future and your health.

A lot more than people realize. And so on that note, we are going to dive right back in to the session where we left off. We are going to pick up, talking about really creating that shift. And as we dive back in with Terry, we're gonna step right into the feelings of creating that shift and those feelings of peace.

Really being willing to change. And so that said, let's go ahead and dive [00:05:00] back in with beautiful Terry. Here we go.

Great. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe and I want you to notice the voice inside your head that politically, where you feel like it's the end of the world and we're screwed, so to speak, . Okay? So I'm gonna ask you to breathe and I want you to, I wanna invite you to get outta fear. I wanna invite you to focus on where you wanna go and feel that and take that.

And again, beyond Brandy, notice that that is right way of thinking. That is right way of thinking and remembering. Even, you know, through my injury, I went from feeling disempowered completely. Like I had no control over my health whatsoever to feeling like, wow, I'm the power here, right? So I'm gonna ask you to breathe and I'm gonna ask you, are you willing to change?

Real change, not fake change. Yep. Can change. Yeah. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe and I'm fine. Beautiful. Beautiful. And I'm gonna ask you that again. Are you willing to change? Are you wanting to change? Not because Brandy's asking you, but because you can even see from your body that the change is your soul's direction.

Is your energy is your energy is opening up, your energy is unlocking in a great way, and I'm gonna ask you to breathe and notice that aligns with your souls being. And I'm gonna ask you to breathe. And again, I'm gonna ask you and invite you, are you willing to change? Are you willing to change? You can see your soul, your beingness is wanting that.

And I want you to think about your empowerment, your genius, your energy, focusing on where you wanna go, having that vision. And if you hold onto the negativity, are you feeding the positive vision or the negative vision? The [00:07:00] negative? Mm-hmm. , if I hold onto the negativity, So I'm gonna ask you to breathe, and again, I'm just gonna playfully say, go ahead and hold onto that negative fuel, that negative energy if we want.

But please don't. We can use some political change here going on in a positive direction. So please. Please don't . So I'm gonna ask you to breathe and again, say, go ahead and hold onto that negative energy if you want. But, but, but, but, but please don't. And I'm gonna ask you to breathe

and go ahead and put forth that political positive energy please. The positive energy, the positive. Focusing on where you wanna go, the positive energy, the empowerment, even if you have a feeling like there's nothing you can do, I wanna invite you to bring in it. I thought the same thing and I realized that wasn't true.

And so maybe there's a growing here, an expanding of being, an expanding of soul and empowerment and stepping in more into your genius or whatever that is. But I'm gonna ask you to breathe. And taking that feeling in. And by the way, with all of the chaos, with politics, that is my belief no matter what side is, is I believe that there is a, there is an empowerment of people underlying in all of this chaos that it's, it's asking for, Those of us who are spiritually aware to step up a bit more, to actually realize that we are more empowered to step into it, to at least have the vision and hold the vision of harmony, to have our energy in that direction.

So I'm gonna ask you to breathe, and again, I'm gonna ask you, are you willing to change? Yes, I'm willing to change. Mm-hmm. . And notice those tears. There's a lot of emotions here, right? So I'm gonna ask you to breathe.

All right, so let's go ahead and pause it just for a really quick moment. You know, first and foremost, I just love her self-awareness, her self honesty, just beautiful. And also, you know, she's such a strong woman with, you know, all this feelings of hurt and fear and stress and chaos and et cetera, from politics going on underneath.

And I wanna invite you if you are somebody who is experiencing the same thing, to kind of take in exactly what I'm saying to her and take that in for yourself. And you know, remember we're not going one way or another direction as far as this party or that party, but what we do want is we wanna get outta that fear.

And of course there are so many other insights that we wanna get to, but. Really starting to shift that and get out of the old and creating the new vision of what it is that you really do want, and the picture and the energy and the feeling towards that. You know, because again, it affects your health, your life, your energy, and as we've already seen, On the first half of this session that we talked about last week where we started, she's already released pain from her jaw and also is able to lift her arm that that was frozen.

You know, with frozen shoulder. She's already been able to lift it significantly higher. So we're of course gonna continue with that shift, but again, just wanting to invite you to take in this shift as well for. To get this negativity out of your energy and start moving towards the positive. And by the way, as we continue going, you'll notice I'm pushing a bit.

I'm a bit strong in pushing in this just because there is so much fear and negativity, so I'm pushing a bit more. And what I love is she just embodies that change and embodies that [00:11:00] shift. And so I wanna invite you to be willing to have an open mind as we go through this next part, because again, the more we shift out of the negativity, then the more other insights about healing, about love and connection and family and all of these things are on the other side of that.

So that said, let's go ahead and dive back in with beautiful Terry. Here we go.

And I'm gonna ask you to breathe. No, don't change. Why don't you just stay the same? You don't have to like change , or you could change, you could see your souls wanting that change. And I'm gonna ask you to breathe and taking that in. And I'm gonna ask you to breathe. Bingo. I'm gonna ask you to lift your arm and notice how it feels.

Wow, it went up even more . Right? That's about 95, [00:12:00] 90 8% of the way . Beautiful. And how's your job? It feels pretty good. What's your level? Uh, probably a one. That's what I would say, as I would say about a point. At a 0.7, so right, right around a one. I'm with you right there. Okay, . Beautiful. So I'm with you and uh, alright.

So I'm gonna ask you to breathe and I'm gonna ask you to also notice a feeling of stubbornness in your relationships around you. Can you see that? Oh yeah. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. And I want you to think about the people are who are having all these political fighting with their families. And if I ask you how that looks on the outside, what would you say?

Productive. No. Mm-hmm. And it doesn't feel productive. E either. Cuz I'm one of those, I'm in one of those situations. I, I. I know, I know

so that's why I said how does that look from the outside, by the way? Okay. And so the thing it is, it doesn't get anywhere. Right? Right. So Oh no, it doesn't. It doesn't. This is part of the problem. Is it like never before. People have been triggered to a point of fear.

All right, so let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, thinking about this fear that's going on in politics or even in life or the world for so many people, really genuinely shifting this fear. Is so important and what you'll want to think [00:14:00] about coming into this next segment are two specific things.

Not only your fear regarding the situation or life or what has been going on and acknowledging that, but also thinking about the fear that other people are experiencing. You know, family or friends or you know, people you may. Had disagreements with, regarding this whole topic or even people in our world who are going through this period of time and acting out and having this behavior that's erratic or this, that the other, noticing and thinking about the awareness.

That a lot of people are in fear, and so instead of judging the other side as being stupid or ignorant or seeing them as a threat, instead, you'll wanna make sure that you're looking through the eyes of understanding what's going on for several reasons. And I wanna unpack this [00:15:00] further as we go because I wanna make sure that you are.

Creating a shift in this area for your health, your happiness, your life, all of it. And so that said, let's go ahead and dive back in with Terry. Here we go.

Like the world's gonna end as we know it, that your life is in danger, your being, your rights, your everything, your vitality, your everything is in danger. So everybody is operating from a place of the world's going to end. And not everybody, but there's a lot of. Fear that's never been seen in politics before.

And that's the problem, is that people aren't wanting to fight against their families. They feel like they're fighting to save. It's like, um, It's a fight or flight, different type of feeling, and that's what's going on with politics. And I wanna [00:16:00] invite you to not join into that because even when you think about your family members, that's part of the reason there's been such a disconnect is because normally people would say, okay, well family, we can set our differences aside and still be family now because there's been such a messaging of the world's gonna end on each side.

You know, there's just, there's all this feeling of, of. And I'm not saying that the really, the world's good, but it's like a, it's such a fear based messaging now. And protect your life, protect yourself, protect. So it's, it's gone to a whole different level than it's ever been. And that's why it's also breaking up families and connection.

Right. And so at the end of the day, That on the other side of this, you still wanna have your family and I would have compassion for them that they're not fighting against you. They're not necessarily stupid or smart or either one, that they at their core are in [00:17:00] fear or in fight because they feel like they need to for it's a survival type of feeling.

Does that make sense? Yes, it does. Mm-hmm. . And so I'm gonna ask you to breathe. And by the way, can you see that part of you that feels that fear of survival? Inside of you of that fear? Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. . And if I ask you zero to 10, how much you see that inside of you? There's probably more in shadow than I realize.

Mm-hmm. . Yeah. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe, if I ask you zero to 10, how much you can see it? Probably five. Mm-hmm. . I would've said about a seven, but we'll go with year five. But either way, if I told you your family member is in in survival mode at a five or seven also, and that now you've been pitted against each other, how does that feel to know that [00:18:00] external sources of media and advertising.

Has you pitted against each other in survival mode at a five or seven or 10 for some people? How does that feel to know that external influences are messing with your mind at a level of your very survival and has families pitted each against each other in survival mode? Wow. It feels awful. Yeah. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe.

All right, so let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, first and foremost I wanna invite you to really take this in that there are politicians and advertisers that for their own benefit, are pitting families against each other and putting [00:19:00] people in fear. A lot of. and that it's easy to get sucked into it, and then you start seeing your family members or your friends as being the enemy or feeling like the whole world is gonna fall apart or it's all gonna end, or blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

All of this stuff, and I wanna invite you. To really make sure that you're not getting sucked into all of it. Now, I do wanna say that I'm not saying that you need to avoid all politics or not. You know, I think to each their own, I think that, you know, during my injury I was in a place where I was not watching a lot of political news and this, that the other.

Instead, I was really just working on creating a radical shift inside, and that is exactly. What I needed to do was take fears, shift them, and also shift my own mindset. And so I was very focused on that. Now in my life today, do I pay attention to political news, [00:20:00] et cetera, et cetera? I do because I like to know what's going on.

And so that said, you'll really wanna notice where you are in that whole mix of things. And of course, make sure that in your nervous system, in your energy, in your being that you are, Genuinely feeling good about it, taking care of your energy, your mindset, and so that might mean a break from politics or it might mean doing exactly this, looking at the awareness that you're not going to get sucked into the fear, but instead, Just observing what is happening from a different lens.

Now, some people as they listen to this, they may feel like as they listen to this, they might think, oh, well, it's just negating all of your desires or your concerns or the efforts that you wanna make. But that's not it. Remember, on the first part of this session, we were also talking about being in a [00:21:00] state of feeling empowered and doing something.

From a positive mindset and feelings of empowerment. Now, this part of that session is also to help her get out of fear and the stuckness. So it's not all about let's negate it. Let's pretend like it's not there, but instead, It's about not getting sucked into all the fear. And when you stop and think about it, her pain, the fact that it's already shifted and she's lifting her arm, tells you that we're heading in universal direction of the right way of thinking.

And so another analogy that you may have heard me use before on past episodes as far as the Great Depression is saying there were more millionaires created during that time. Than any other time in history and. It's not about money per se, but it's about not getting sucked into all of the fear or the problem.

So why a lot of people were [00:22:00] sucked into all of the negativity. There were other people who were not, who were focused more on solutions. And so when I say making sure not to get sucked into the negative, I'm not saying negate everything you've ever thought or the vision that you're wanting instead. I'm saying make sure not to get sucked into the fear, but instead making sure that you're holding the vision in a positive place of the direction that you're wanting to go, and focusing on that specifically.

You know, again, thinking about our country. You know, again, thinking about the awareness, there are so many families who are so divided and at odds and hurting and wounded and fighting because of politics. And what happens is that makes you start to look at your old friends or family. As enemy, as stupid, [00:23:00] as hating them, as feeling like they are unsafe, they are the enemy, you know, and just food for thought on that, you know, as Terry so Wisely said that, you know, she knows that she's got that chaos and, and the disagreements going on in the family.

She's, she's well aware of that and most people do these days. And she also mention. That some of these emotions, I think she used the words, you know, that were in her shadow a bit, but that feeling of they were suppressed and in the subconscious mind and buried. And so genuinely changing that because again, as we can see,

This can and does affect your health, your life, your relationships, your pain, your happiness. It does. So it's not only that it affects your relationships and your family. But also your [00:24:00] health in a variety of different ways. Terry is definitely not the only person, just the one who came up as divine timing to help bring this message forward.

So I love that. And we're gonna go ahead and dive in because there's a few more key insights, but just something I wanna invite you to think about as we dive back in with Terry. Here we go.

And I want you to bring in your feeling and your awareness that you're gonna survive and you're gonna thrive, and that you have that knowingness in you, despite the media, the advertising, the political manipulation, the blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You're gonna survive. And I want you to take that in for a moment and breathe and feel that.

And like you said, it's a shadow, so it's subconscious. But now when you put light on that and you see that it's there, you're like, wait a second. I don't know, like I'm gonna [00:25:00] survive. Right? Yeah. Yeah. So I'm ask you to breathe and I want you to take that in for a moment. And taking that in, that yes, you're gonna survive and you are gonna thrive and you know it, that you are going to not only survive, you are going to thrive.

Your thoughts help create your life. And you're not letting this media stuff and political stuff hijack your energy and your consciousness and your being, right? So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. And also observing your family members who are also in fight or flight and survival and all of that. And instead of pushing up against each other's fight and flight, owning your energy inside yourself.

Does that make sense? Yes. Great. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. And could you also have compassion that your family members have just been fed media and messaging that has put them in fight or flight, and that you can have compassion for [00:26:00] them? Yes. It's just different brain programming. It's an interesting time, right?

Mm-hmm. . So I'm gonna ask you to breathe, and what I also wanna invite you to notice about your family members. Do you think that either a. They are bad people, or B, they just have messaging and they're believing messaging that is exactly opposite of yours. Oh yeah. It's definitely the messaging. Mm-hmm. . So I'm gonna ask you to breathe and I'm gonna ask you to bring in the feeling of compassion.

Compassion that you love, who they are, you love them, you love your family, and have compass. Instead of being stuck to the messaging, I wanna invite you to own your own messaging, which is thriving your own messaging that you know above all your thoughts, help create your life. And I want you to just for a moment, embody your own messaging, your thoughts, help create your life, your thoughts, your emotions, your energy helps create your life.

And I'm gonna ask you to breathe. And taking that in, your thoughts, your emotions, your mindset helps create your life. And I want you to own that with every part of your being. And if I ask you and say, go ahead and fight with your family, go ahead and be rigid and push against their fight or flight and their survival mode and, and their beliefs, and let me know how that goes for you if you want to.

Not so great, right? No. Okay. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. And if I said you could push up against them, you could be upset. You could be in survival, they can be in survival, or you could choose to see it for what it is and get yourself out of the fear, the fight flight, the survival, and get yourself [00:28:00] in your empowerment.

You're focused on where you wanna go, your vision, your harmony, your empowerment, and your genius. And I'm gonna ask you to breathe. Bingo. And I'm gonna ask you to breathe and take that feeling in. Are you willing to change? Bingo? Yes. Great. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. Bingo. I want you to notice a level in your jaw.

What's your level? Zero to 10? I would say zero now. Right. And if I ask you, who's doing that, ? Me. You. You? Great. And I'm gonna ask you to breathe and I'm gonna ask you to raise your arm. Nice. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. And I'm gonna ask you to breathe, great job with your energy. Beautiful, beautiful job with your energy.

And, uh, bingo. And I'm gonna ask you to breathe. Bingo. And gimme one second. If I ask you to notice zero to 10, what's the pain in your shoulder? [00:29:00] Zero. Great. And so this is what I love, is I want you to think about this message. And I want you to just for a moment, notice your body responding to it, and it's been stuck for six, nine months and all of that, right?

Mm-hmm. . So if I ask you, do you feel like you can really embody this change? Yeah, I think I can. I'll, it's, I'll, I'll have to work at it, but yes. Right. I love that. Thank you Governor Terry. I really appreciate this

Just playing friend who knows

you're beautiful. It has been such a pleasure connecting with you. Great, great job with your energy. I love your self awareness, your insight, your sense of humor. You're, you're just, you're beautiful. Oh, thank you so much. You're so welcome. It's been a pleasure.[00:30:00]

All right, so let's go ahead and unpack this even more, because I love to make each episode actionable, and there are two specific insights or takeaways that I wanna invite you to pull from this episode. Now, before we go there, I just wanna take a moment and acknowledged Terry. I mean, what an amazing job she did shifting her shoulders, so she was able to move it all the way again.

Straight up where it had been frozen for about nine months. You know, she couldn't even lift it halfway up and now suddenly lifting it all of the way. And she was also able to release her pain in her jaw. Now, what I also love about this episode is you'll hear me say all of the time, you know, this episode is divine timing.

And as I mentioned in part one on this episode, literally my team had tried to move this session with Terry to a different day, to a different time, to [00:31:00] somewhere else on the calendar, but it was just stuck, you know, no matter what happened, something came up. So it couldn't get moved and it was perfect and divine timing for many reasons.

You know, of course, number one, because you know, we just had the midterms and so it landed in the middle of the whole midterm election. So that's number one, of course. And second, because we're coming into the holidays, and so this second part of the session was all really. Looking at relationships and not being caught in fear and having compassion and really starting to observe what is going on and not being sucked into it.

You know, you don't wanna do that to your energy, your health, your happiness, any of that. And so that said, the two takeaways that I wanna invite you to look at is first and foremost, to see if you can spend this next. [00:32:00] Not in political fear at all, or even fear at all, but especially looking at politics and even thinking to yourself, I'm not gonna get sucked into the anger, the upset, the fear towards any of it.

Because a lot of it's all stemming from fear and feeling attacked or feeling threatened or feeling unsafe. And so I wanna invite. That if this is something that has been affecting you, that I wanna invite you to stand on the outside of all of that and just observe what it would feel like. To not be caught up in it.

So kind of looking at it from a different lens. So there's that. And then the other takeaway I wanna invite you to pull from this is that if you have somebody who you love, who you've been connected to, Who has gone through this phase of all of this political stuff, I wanna invite you to see if you might be able to navigate your relationship differently, maybe from a place of compassion or love, or even reaching out to the person and you know, not talking about politics, but just instead working on connecting over different things and really being in a place of compassion and just.

Seeing if you can find that joy and connection again in that relationship. And of course, if you're not somebody who's been sucked into politics at all and neither has your family, then maybe there's something else in life you could practice looking through the lens of compassion with, so you're not taking on somebody else's.

and you're also not judging them for it either. All right, so those are the takeaways from today's episode, and as always, I'm gonna ask you to please do hit the share button on this episode. You know, share it with somebody you love, or even somebody that [00:34:00] maybe this has happened in your life and you guys have both been off on different sides of the aisle, so to speak.

Or a friend or family who you know is having a hard. With this topic. So whoever that is, I wanna invite you to please do hit the share button on this episode because the more empowered and happy and healthy and positive that every single person is in our world, the better this world is for all of us.

And so on that note, it has been such a pleasure connecting with you, and please do make it a most wonderful, fantastic. And I look forward to connecting with you on the next episode. We'll see you there.

Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself, change Your Life. All of the time people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touched their heart, or helped them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness of how amazing we all really are.

If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about or those you know who really. As more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point and the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone what we are all capable of.

And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming, to maintain their results. But the point. For you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life. If you really understand how to use your mind, you're incredible. And I do wanna be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own.

I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made. You'll wanna remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people. That said, if you wanna send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website@brandygilmore.com slash podcast. And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well.

Lastly, Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you'll wanna continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you are capable of with your mind. Thank you.

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Also, please remember that genuine change and follow through are key for self-healing results. If you struggle with negative thoughts or have a chronic health issue or chronic pain, please do not avoid seeing your doctor.

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