IQ-103: Transcript: Breaking Negative Habits & Overcoming/Preventing Addiction: Key Insights for Transformation

Heal Yourself Change Your Life

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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life-changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made that changed my health and my entire. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this. Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level.

I will even coach live callers to free themself of physical pain using only their mind, and then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind, your emotions, and your. To help you heal your health yourself and your life. Let's begin.


Hello and welcome to this week's quick IQ episode where we talk about insights and questions. And today I wanna share with you on the topic of habits and pain mitigation and also, Addictions. So it's kind of an interesting mix. But these are questions that I get all of the time from people that I want to bring together in just a quick IQ episode to provide you with some insight on making radical change in your life.

Now, first and foremost, one of the questions actually just came through social media. And it is a question that I get all of the time and people say, oh my gosh, Brandy, how did you go from being on pain medication and all that pain medication? [00:02:00] How'd you get off of it? How did you not get addicted to it?

How was that even possible? And so people ask that question. All of the time. And of course, if you're not somebody who's on pain medication, that may not seem relevant to you. However, of course, establishing habits and also looking at addictions, all of these topics really kind of can come together at one point.

It has to do with really understanding your mind programming and the awareness that every single thing that we're doing is really driven by our subconscious minds. And once we get that and we understand how to make radical shifts, In the subconscious mind and really reprogram the subconscious mind. It allows you to navigate your life on your terms the way that you want.

And what I also love, by the way, and I just have to say, it helps you to establish a feeling of trust. And a stronger relationship with self [00:03:00] because the things that you want to get yourself to do are easy and easy to follow through with. And so that's what I wanna look at on today's episode. Now as we start diving into this topic, I have to share with you, you know, divine timing.

But just this morning I went to go to the store and I ran into this guy that I knew and I haven't seen him for many, many years, and I happened to run into him and we were just talking and catching. And he happened to mention the topic of smoking somehow came up and he mentioned, you know, he used to smoke a long time ago and he mentioned that he'd quit and he said, you know, the very reason that I quit.

Is the very reason that I started in the first place. He said, you know, when I was growing up, it was cool to smoke. I wanted to fit in. I didn't feel like I fit in, so I wanted to be cool. And I started smoking. He said, now, you know, everywhere in LA you gotta have a cigarette and nobody wants you around.

You stink. It's [00:04:00] uncool. And he said, you know, it was easy to quit because. It was just so uncool. It was the very reason that I started, was also the very reason that I stopped. Of course we're gonna take this to a deeper level of awareness here, but everything that we do is really driven at a subconscious level, even when we don't realize it.

And that's what you'll want to think about in terms of habits or pain meds or addictions or anything that you find yourself repeatedly doing. And by the way, we're gonna talk about another aspect of pain medication, but. First and foremost, just kind of looking at that top layer that everything that we.

Is really about what is wired in the subconscious mind and you know, something that I have seen with pain meds. Now, b by the way, before we dive too much into this topic, I wanna tell you that I am in no way obviously telling you to go off of pain medication or any type of [00:05:00] medication. So if you are on any type of medication, That is something that you wanna discuss with your doctor before going off.

I know me personally, I was on certain medications that if I had just abruptly stopped them, it could have put me into seizures or different things like that. So I, again, I, I have not actually taken any medication and well over a decade now, uh, since my injury, and I love that. But my point is, is that I'm just sharing with you some key insights that were very helpful for.

And that I have seen help a lot of other people as well. And I'm not in any way giving you any advice to go off of your pain medication or any medication for that matter. You know, again, that's something you talked with your doctor and your pharmacist about. All right. So unpacking this a bit though, with pain medication, what I've seen.

Very frequently or any type of different types of medications or muscle [00:06:00] relaxers or different things like that. What I've seen happen is I've seen people who can start to take them for emotional reasons and a variety of different reasons. I've worked with people before who've had things linked up in their mind that says something like, oh my God.

I would probably. Abuse my kids if it wasn't for being on pain medication. That just makes me relax and. What do you think happens? What happens is this, is that they get to a point where they wanna go off pain medication and it's linked up in their brain. It is not safe to go off medication because you will probably abuse your kids.

Now, obviously in this specific person's situation, it didn't make logical sense. She wasn't an abusive person. Because she had joked around a lot about it. Like, oh my God, thank God I got these medications. I'd probably abuse my kids. I'd probably strangle my kids. Right? [00:07:00] She would joke around and say things like that.

So when she had this problem, hard time quitting and addicted and saying, okay, wait a sec. Like beyond her health issue, you know, she was healing her health issue, but she's just like, I can't get off these medications. That got linked up in her mind again, even though it wasn't true, there was no way she was gonna strangle her kids.

But she'd said it so many times and joked around about it that it was something that was very ingrained. Now, point being is that whether it's a habit or an addiction or smoking or whatever it is, There's something that's always linked up at a deeper level. And by the way, speaking of habits, I've seen people before where they want to really establish a habit for working out, but on the other side, they might joke around with people like, oh, you know, the gym is a horrible place, or et cetera.

They kind of joke around about their weight or this, that the. [00:08:00] And it becomes a joking matter that then they have all of these things about working out. They get linked up in their subconscious mind about working out isn't cool, or it isn't fun, or it's horrible, or it's gonna be really, really, really hard.

And they're trying to get themselves to get a habit of working out, but it feels. Impossible to do. So. That's exactly what you'll want to note is that if you are trying to establish a positive habit, In life, you wanna make sure that you don't have a bunch of negative things linked up to it, and you have a bunch of positive, wonderful things that are linked up to it, and then it makes it easy.

So you get that connected in your subconscious mind and it makes it easy to follow through. And it feels good. All right, so now specifically on the topic of pain medication, I would say this, I would say part of the reason it was so easy for me to just go off of it, [00:09:00] I would say that there are two primary reasons.

Number one, because I specifically took it for pain. And so as I mention, People can end up taking it for stress or emotional issues, or they get overwhelmed by something. And when you start taking a medication for emotional issues, then what happens is this, is that, you know, in my case, I took it because of pain.

When the pain went away, it was easy for me to stop taking the medication because the very reason that I was taking. Was gone. You know, the, I was taking it for the pain, and by the way, I was on all kinds of medication and opioids and morphine, various forms of morphine every day for many years. So it was quite a lot of medication that I was on.

But I would say, again, that is one of the reasons that it was easy for me is because of the reason that I was taking it. And it was specific and it. I didn't link it up to any other stresses [00:10:00] in my life. So that is one thing. And the other reason I would say is because I really, really followed through to radically shift my mindset.

You know, I was on Cloud nine just by genuinely eliminating negativity and stress. Any negative emotions by genuinely eliminating them and really getting myself elevated and happy and euphoric. I had so much dopamine going through my system just that I was creating on my own. I didn't need any type of outside substance.

And I'd say that was a huge key also in really saying, okay. Let me make myself euphoric, and I would literally just call, you know, I would say I, I'm above cloud nine. I'm at Cloud 10, like the level of euphoria and happiness just towards life. Was huge and still is huge. And so point being is that biochemically, it [00:11:00] felt easy to go off of as well.

And so point being is that biochemically, it also felt very easy for me to go off of. So I didn't have any type of problem going off of pain medication at all. It was easy, it was done. It was a non-issue. There was no hard part of it. It. That easy and so point being here is that if you are somebody who is working towards that, who has been struggling in that area, again, I wanna say whatever you're doing, make sure to let your doctor know and make sure it's under the approval of your doctor.

But if I were in a situation where I was having a hard time getting off a pain medication, that would be what I would be doing, is I would be making sure to be very self. As to what emotions were connected to it. So that would be one thing. The other thing I would do is I would purposely program intense.

Euphoria in the mind and how do you do [00:12:00] that? You really program in emotions. I mean that's, that's what helped me to heal is exactly that, is programming and really changing my emotional, energetic state in a massive way because of course, our emotions. Emotions are energy and emotion. And so I changed my energy in a massive way, and that made it easy both to heal my body and also change my life and also go off medication.

So that's what I'd strongly recommend is really, really programming a strong feeling of euphoria in. Now, to do that, you really have to. Very, very, very positive emotions and you also need to change the programming in your mind. That is key. Now, I mentioned that previously, you know, the woman who said without the medication, you know, it keeps her from strangling her kids.

And she had been joking around about it, but [00:13:00] that got linked up in her mind. And so that's something else that I would look at is if you have. Emotions around the me. For example, some people get linked up, they say over and over, gosh, I don't know what I would do without pain medication. Or, oh my God, I don't know what I would do without it.

Or they start to feel like it's cool to take pain medication, just like, you know, I mentioned the man who quit smoking, you know? But people will have that towards medication because then they'll be talking to three other people or 10 other people who are on medication and then they say, oh, what are, what are you taking?

Oh, I'm taking this. What are you taking? Oh, I'm taking this. And it starts to build a bond of feeling cool to be taking some type of medication or even like a badge of honor as far as how horrible their pain is. Where somebody might say, oh, I'm taking 500 milligrams of this, and somebody else might say, [00:14:00] wow, my doctors have me on a thousand milligrams of this, or whatever.

It's, so, in other words, there's a connection there, a fitting in just like. The smoking example, and so I could go on and on about all kinds of examples because I see them over and over again. The point is behind any of these topics, your habits, your pain, meds, addictions, is that you wanna be honest and really look at what emotion.

Is driving your behavior and transform that because all of the time I've seen people fight up against habits or addictions or trying to get off pain medication and they can't. And they're pushing themselves. And they're pushing themselves. And what they're not really looking at is how do they feel inside?

What is linked up in their subconscious mind and what do they need to change? To make a real shift. And so that said, I wanna invite you to look at this in your life. You know, is there some [00:15:00] type of habit, maybe a positive habit that you're working on creating? Or maybe there is pain medication that you've been stuck to and you say, okay, this is the emotional pattern that is stuck to it.

Or maybe there's seral emotional patterns that are stuck to it that you really need to change. Maybe you feel like work stresses you out, or your kids stress you out, or whatever it is. And you realize, oh my gosh, you realize that you've been taking some pain medication because your work is stressing you out, or your kids are stressing you out, or life is stressing you out.

And then you say, okay, I see this reason and this emotional connection, and I'm really going to. Transform it, and so maybe that's it. Or some type of addiction. And you realize like with the smoking, you know, maybe there's some type of addiction that you've been stuck in or some type of bad habit or negative habit, so to speak, that you really want to break.

And you start looking at why is it there? [00:16:00] What is the connection? What do I need to genuinely change to feel good about transforming this, about getting yourself to do it or not. Whatever that is. All right, so that is today's quick IQ episode is exactly that. I wanna invite you to look at something that you are wanting to transform, a habit, an addiction, something, or other in your life.

Again, I know I've said it before, but if it has to do with medication, make sure to talk to your doctor. I don't wanna feel it all like. I'm telling you to go off your medication cuz I'm not. But I also know, and I think as we all know, there are so many people who went on pain medication to try to deal with nagging pain that is somewhere showing up and ruining their lives only to then get addicted to pain medication.

And then have a whole nother problem. And I've seen so many people who then end up in a worse place because [00:17:00] they start out with pain and the pain is nagging. So then they try to take some type of medication to then feel better so they can at least get through the day. And then before you know it, They're addicted to pain medication and then they know they're addicted and then they're stuck and then they have shame around it and guilt around it and all of these things.

And what's tricky about it is this is I've seen people who they would never in their life ever touch any type of drug. You know, they never wanted to get addicted to any type of drug. And then they have some type of surgery or injury and then the pain medication, and then they find themselves addicted.

And I've seen people in so much shame. Saying, how did I get here? I can't believe this is who I am. I don't understand it. I'm stuck. I can't believe this is my life. I'm not somebody who does drugs, and here I am addicted, and I can't tell you how many times I've heard people. With that story. And of course, as you've seen from past [00:18:00] episodes, by the way, when I'm working with volunteers and you see people change their mindset, they're able to release their pain, which is obviously incredible, to be able to use your mind to release your own pain and it, it's incredible.

And, but they'll also then feel like, oh my gosh, well, what am I supposed to do now with this? Pain medication, addiction, et cetera. And of course, this doesn't just happen with medication people, with habits or addictions or all kinds of things. They feel that exact same way in feeling that your own actions or your behavior, or even the ability to start a new habit and establish a positive habit in your life.

Can feel out of control. And so that said, don't think in terms of beating yourself up, criticizing yourself, berating yourself, or shame or all of that stuff, letting that go and instead, Thinking in terms of reprogramming yourself, reprogramming your mind, what mind [00:19:00] programming do you need to radically change yourself?

Your actions, your behavior, and your life. All right, so that's what I wanna leave you with, is I wanna invite you to maybe just write down one or two things that you could do to make a change in your life, or if you've been struggling with one of these topics, just write down whatever comes up for you.

And. Work on genuinely transforming this to get it in your subconscious mind. All right, so that is today's quick insight from our quick IQ episode. And as always, I wanna ask you to please do make a point to hit the share button on this episode. Do you know, share it with somebody you love, somebody you care about, or somebody you don't even know.

Because the more empowered and happy and healthy that every single person is in our world, the better this world will be. All of us and so on that note, please do make a point to have a most wonderful, fabulous rest of your day, and I look [00:20:00] forward to connecting with you on the next episode. We'll see you there.

Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself, change Your Life. All of the time people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them, hope or touched their heart, or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness. Of how amazing we all really are.

If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about or those you know who really need it. As more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point and the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing every.

What we are all capable of. And of course each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming, to maintain their results. But the point is for you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life if you really understand how to use your mind. You are incredible.

And I do wanna be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their. I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made. You'll wanna remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people realize. That said, if you wanna send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my slash podcast.

And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well. Last. Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you'll wanna continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you are capable of with your mind.

Thank you.

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