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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made. that changed my health and my entire life. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this.
Each week I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level. I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind. And then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind and body. Your emotions and your energy to help you heal your health, yourself and your life.
Let's begin.
Hello, and welcome to this week's quick IQ episode, where we talk about insights and questions. And today I want to cover a topic that comes up all of the time, and it has to do with affirmations. I mean, All of the time, people ask me what I think about affirmations and if they should do affirmations. And, in truth, I don't like affirmations.
And I'll share with you why that is and also something that you can do instead to help you to really start creating a real shift. And there are also, there's some things that could be good, in some cases, about affirmations. And we're going to unpack why. All of that today. So that said, diving in first and foremost, let's talk about why affirmations are not my favorite thing.
And the easiest way to really start looking at this is if you think about the last episode with Jeanette, I mean, just such a beautiful, beautiful being. And, if you recall from that episode, there was a part in the session where I was working with her and if you recall, you know, she's got neck pain and jaw pain and, and things going on that she's working on releasing and that's what we'll do with that episode is ultimately help her to release her own pain.
If you recall, as I was working with her, there was a phrase that she said that was kind of like an affirmation in the negative, if you will, and it was, you know, she said, I'm so tired of that, with things that were going on in her life, basically. Now, when you stop and think about this for a moment, this quote unquote negative affirmation, if you will, you know, where somebody says, I'm so tired of that, you know, and again, you know, she's, I'm emphasizing this, so she's a beautiful being, but I just wanted to take this moment.
to highlight this specific point. And, and so when she said that, you know, I'm so tired of that. If you think about it for a moment, all of the time, people will say things exactly like that. Like, Oh, I'm so tired of that. Now, if you think about the emotion. That comes with that particular phrase and you think about it for a moment.
There's a lot of emotion. There's frustration or there's feeling, you know, just I want things to go away or stop. It's just, you know, that feeling of feeling exhausted of something that keeps happening, you know, that type of feeling. And of course, again, I'm emphasizing it from the last episode, but if we take this awareness and And we look at somebody then saying instead, a positive affirmation.
Where somebody goes, I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm so happy. How much is that feeling of happy really there? In most cases, it's not really there. It's somebody trying to convince themselves that they're happy. Because let's be honest, if they really felt happy, they really felt happy, they wouldn't necessarily be pushing it in, you know, saying it over and over and over again.
I'm so happy. I'm so happy. And further, all of the time, what I've seen people do where they've done affirmations and affirmations and affirmations is they actually start to create this feeling of like distrust with their self, with their own brain. You know, if I say, um, I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm so happy.
And there's not, I don't know, It's not authentic. It's not really there. And not only that, but what happens is I've seen people, and I even did this myself, but where I've seen people You know, it's like your, your brain's gonna try to link up a, like the, oh, this is what happiness feels like. And especially if you don't feel that great, it's like, oh, well, this is what happiness feels like.
Oh, I want to be happy. Well, your body's like, this is, this is all there is to happiness. You know, happiness is an incredible feeling. And even prior to my injury, I thought the definition of happiness was, you know, if you are okay in life, you're not crying, you're not upset, you're okay, you're going throughout life, and, uh, you know, you can go hang out with friends and laugh and, and have a good time and, and then work and all of these things.
And I thought just happiness, uh, you know, kind of meant lack of being upset. But what I now realize and realized after my injury or going through it is that happiness is a feeling. It is a state, like I can just sit here and vibrate happiness and, and feel happy for no reason. It's, it's a feeling. It's like, I don't know, just like this euphoric buzz of a feeling, happiness.
And it's wonderful. And that's what I experienced. Now I'm happy. So even though before I thought I was happy. Prior to my injury now my entire definition of happiness has changed. So anyway, there's there's that note But point being that's the reason that I don't see Affirmations as working. Is it negative affirmations?
It's a feeling, a negative feeling, and people state it over and over, so unfortunately, for that reason, negative affirmations tend to work a lot more than positive affirmations, not for any other reason other than the fact that those feelings with the negativity a lot of times are so much stronger, they're more intense.
And so there's, they're real also, and so there's like these real negative emotions that are getting stuck. Inside your nervous system, inside your being. And I have seen all kinds of things, not in a positive way, manifest. You know, there was even this guy that I worked with several years ago who had lost a family member and whatnot, and not to go into too many of the details, but, uh, long story short, he had this phrase that he said so many times, you know, When I lost my parents, it left the biggest hole in my heart.
It left the biggest hole in my heart. It left the biggest hole in my heart. And he said that over and over and over again, and he ended up with a hole in his heart. And so, point being is that our words are very powerful when they're also mixed with emotion and the right emotion. And of course, they're also unfortunately powerful when they're mixed with the wrong emotion as well.
You know, with negative emotion as well. They can still unfortunately be powerful. powerful, you know, but in a negative way. But the problem is, is a lot of times with affirmations, it's not the actual feeling itself. A lot of times people are just trying to convince themselves, you know, I'm so happy. I'm so happy.
I'm so happy. Does that really create that euphoric buzz feeling inside of you? Well, it didn't for me when I did them, um, and I know it doesn't for a lot of people. And of course, maybe you are somebody who can get that happy euphoric feeling just from saying that. And, you know, unfortunately I know that a lot of people, most people who have been in a very negative state or in a hard state or feeling unhappy can't just say, I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy, and suddenly be flooded with real feelings of happiness.
It just doesn't happen, you know? And so on that note, what you'll ultimately want to do is work, of course, to create those feelings. And so instead, a simple thing that you could do is instead of just saying, I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm so happy. You could instead just list off some things that make you happy.
You know, if you said, Oh my God, I am so happy when I listen to music. Oh my God, I am just so happy when I see the beautiful sunrise in the morning, or I'm so happy when I see a beautiful waterfall, or I'm so happy when I see a beautiful sunset or whatever that is. And then you could say that specifically and.
Simultaneously, of course, bring in the feeling and feel it, feel it, feel it. And so instead of just doing it, affirmation, affirmation, affirmation, this is a simple, quick exercise that, uh, designed that you can just do very simply to start bringing in the emotions. And of course, I mean, there are a lot of other ways to program in positive emotion to the mind, but just all of the time, people say, you know, What about affirmations?
What about affirmations? And so that's really what I wanted to look at on this episode is exactly that just because I mean honestly I did affirmations for a few years in addition with meditation and binaural beats and phantom phase frequencies and Reiki and you know You know, acupuncture and acupressure and you name it and all of those things.
And it didn't work for me. And so I know that a lot of people, if you're here at this point, then chances are, you've probably been down that road just like I did with all of those things. And so point being is just very simply. Creating the feeling with the words genuinely. So, you want to remember that authenticity in life is so important, but also authenticity with self is so important, and your body.
And so, when you're working on programming something in your mind, you really need to authentically feel the feeling and cultivate that feeling and get it in. And that can help you start to create a positive shift and at least start in the right direction and helping you feel even more lifted and genuinely happier.
And so that is the topic for today's quick tip. IQ episode, and I'm going to ask you to please do make a point to hit the share button on this episode. Spread some happiness, you know. The more that every single person in our world is empowered and happy and healthy. The better this world is for all of us.
So please do hit the share button. Let's not leave anybody behind on the message. And of course, on that note, please do make sure to have a happy, wonderful, fabulous rest of your day. And I look forward to connecting with you on the next episode. And on that episode, we're going to continue. second half of Jeanette's session where she's able to release the rest of her pain.
And so that's where we're going. I look forward to seeing you there. Have an incredible rest of your day.
Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. All of the time, people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touch their heart or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness. Of how amazing we all really are.
If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about or those, you know, who really need it. As more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point, and the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone what we are all capable of.
And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming to maintain their results. But the point is for you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life. If you really understand how to use your mind, you're incredible. And I do want to be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own.
I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made. You'll want to remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people realize. That said, if you want to send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website at
And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well. Lastly, Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you'll want to continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you're capable of with your mind.
Thank you.