Podcast Episode 039

039: The Next Level of Consciousness for Love & Healing

If you are working on healing OR if you are someone who has been experiencing a deep feeling of loneliness, then this episode can be very helpful for you! In this episode, Brandy coaches a live volunteer, Catherine, who has been suffering from migraines for over 30 years. As Brandy coaches her to heal herself from the pain of her migraine, Catherine is surprised to find that, after all of these years, the trigger has to do with feeling unloved. (Now, if you are here, then likely you know that nothing is really as it appears to be on the surface. That is true in Catherine's case). As Brandy continued to work with her, they uncovered another layer to the issue that was really underneath it all..

Are you ready to learn how to do this?

Heal Yourself, Change Your Life

From Illness To Wellness: 4 Easy Steps To Transform Your Health & Life With The GIFT Healing Method™

In this course Brandy shares the exact things she did to heal (even when doctors told her there was nothing more she could do) so you too can be empowered with tools and techniques to heal yourself and change your life. Click here to learn more.

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Note: If you are hearing or sight impaired or have any other medical issues that would inhibit you from fully accessing the podcast, please reach out to our team at support@brandygillmore.com and we will be happy to assist you.  

Also, please remember that genuine change and follow through are key for self-healing results. If you struggle with negative thoughts or have a chronic health issue or chronic pain, please do not avoid seeing your doctor.

Instead, your goal with self-healing should be to continue to see your doctor as recommended and blow their mind with what you are capable of with your mind and with the power of mind-body healing.  Please enjoy this self-healing podcast!

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Heal Yourself, Change Your Life