259: A “Little” Change That Can Create a BIG Healing Result

Heal Yourself Change Your Life

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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made that changed my health and my entire life. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this.

Each week, I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level. I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind. And then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind, your emotions, and your energy to help you heal your health, yourself, and your life.

Let's begin.

Hello and welcome. It is so wonderful to connect with you. I just love that you are here continuing to expand your mind, your energy, your consciousness, your healing. I just love it. And I hope that you are having a most wonderful, fantastic day and that things are getting better and better and better. And I know for some people, That they may not be there yet, and others of course are, because I see it all of the time where it's just getting better and better.

And I know for me, during my injury, if somebody told me that life was just going to keep getting better and better and better, as much as I would have wanted that to happen, it still is. Still would have seemed like a dream that it just was not realistic in some ways. And of course, the more I understood my mind and how to use it, the more everything changed.

And it's just, it's truly incredible how powerful our minds really are. And one of the things that I love about today's episode is that you see that so clearly. I mean, you're absolutely going to love our volunteer. Her name is Myla and She just has this beautiful heart. You just, I just want to hug her.

She's just so sweet and wonderful and I love the way she loves her children. It's just that you can feel the love and the care and the kindness and also You can also feel some of the things that are in her subconscious, the struggles and some things going on there as well. So it's just, it's, it's beautiful and very, very, very insightful.

And so that's what I also love about today's episode is that it is insightful on so many levels from healing yourself to the hidden complexities and really seeing those. With so much more clarity. And also if you have children, this is also great for parenting too. It's there's some incredible insights and just so many insights for healing and transformation.

So I love that. It's like, you can see it with. So much clarity. You know, when we really stop and think about it, our world is so incredible. It is miraculous. And by the way, on that note of living in this miraculous, incredible world, happy super moon to you. You know, during this month of October, the moon is even so close to the earth and we can see it and it's big and beautiful.

And I just, I love that. And I love watching people just out taking pictures. Of the moon or the sunset. And even there's this place in Hollywood Hills where it just, this, you know, where it overlooks the Valley and all the time you'll see so many people lined up when there's a beautiful sunset to even just take pictures.

pictures of how incredible it is. And I guess just when you stop and think about our world, it is just so beautiful. And that's one of the things I love watching people line up, you know, just all along the cliff and taking these pictures because it's just like stopping to take a moment to really appreciate how beautiful Our world really is.

And so I just, I love that. And so just taking a moment to acknowledge this incredible world we live in. And so on that note of living in a truly incredible miraculous world, let's dive into it today's episode with our miraculous, incredible, and neat. Ability to heal ourselves. As I mentioned, I'll be working with our beautiful volunteer, Myla.

Now, as you may recall, I actually started working with Myla on last week's episode. And so basically when I worked with her, this session was Over an hour long. And so by the time I add in insights and all of that, it would be a two hour episode. So instead of a two hour episode, I've cut this episode into segments.

And so last week we listened to segment one of Myla's session. And today we're going to dive into part two of Myla's session. And as a quick recap on that episode, you know, she was feeling this feeling of struggle and overwhelm and feeling like She needed to always take care of everything. Like everything was on her shoulders all of the time.

And where we ended is we talked about how the mind can be a bit counterintuitive, how there can be part of us that actually is holding on to the problem. Like a person can have a feeling of pride in doing everything themselves, and then also feeling overwhelmed because you have to do everything yourself.

And of course, there can be layers to it. As we talked about on the last episode, she has a strong feeling of guilt of asking her kids to do things for her. And so as we step in, you'll notice that I'm putting a spin on that in a different direction because she's felt guilty about everything. Asking her kids to help out, her teenage son to help out around the house.

She feels guilty and, and like she's bad for doing so, which is affecting her health. So now she's stuck between this place of feeling overwhelmed and needing to do everything and frustrated with overwhelm. And also between this feeling of then feeling guilty and bad for asking her son. And so you'll notice as we step in, I'm pushing a bit and saying, wait a second, wait a sec, what happens if it's actually good for him to help you?

What would that look like from a different perspective? Perspective, because of course, healing requires that we're willing to change, to see things, to feel, to be in a different way. And so, uh, that's where we're going. And by the way, what you'll notice also is on and off. When she goes to go back into the negative, you'll notice again, the pain starts coming back and you'll notice there are several times that Interrupt and I say, well wait a second, and you'll see it so clearly when she's going back and I might interrupt and say, Hey, wait a second, you're gonna increase the pain, because it's like you can see the catch, you can see the stuckness.

And so again, just it's so insightful and so. That's where we're going is really looking at things in a different way and, and asking what if it's good for her son to actually help her and she doesn't need to feel guilty at all. And so that's where we're going as we step in with our beautiful volunteer, Myla.

Here we go.

Okay. So if I ask you, not just because of the car, but because you wanted your son to establish great habits, what would that look like? If he was helping out at home with things. What would that look like to give him those house habits that could help him grow up, but either way, not feeling bad about it.

So not feeling bad at all or guilty at all, or it's just faster or better if you just do it yourself. But instead, feeling capable of asking, feeling like it's good to ask and not feeling any guilt in doing so. Yeah, that would be good. Um, and I've been working on that and it's been happening and it feels like I like it.

Um, it makes, it's been making my life easier. Um, I can tell. Great. Great. I don't have to clean up. Yeah. Great. Level of pain, zero to 10. Like a one. Like a one. Okay. So. Notice that it's going down, right? Okay. So, uh, it went from an eight to a one. Who did that? Us. Yeah. Uh, us. Correct. Correct. Us. And you did that.

And, uh, good teamwork, right? Good teamwork. I helped guide. You're the power. You, you, amazing, amazing job. So fantastic job. So I'm going to ask you to breathe. Okay. Now notice for a moment, if I ask you in the past, How much you felt guilty about asking your kids to do anything to help out. If I ask you how guilty you felt, zero to ten, in the very past, two years ago, zero to ten.

How guilty? Uh, like a nine, ten. Okay, so I would have said fifty, but we'll go with your nine or ten. Okay, so this is the thing. So when I asked you if it feels easier to ask for things. Um, when you're not feeling well, I would say it's kind of like this. So I'm going to reflect this back to you. So if I said, I feel so guilty for asking things, I feel so guilty, like a nine, 10, 50, somewhere in there, but then I don't feel well.

So I feel like I need to ask for things. Can you see how I could feel better? to ask for things if I didn't feel well. Like, I'd have a reason. Can you see that?

That I would feel guilty to ask when I don't feel good? That you feel less guilt if you're asking for things. Kind of like this. Right now, you don't feel so guilty asking him to do things because of the car, right? So, what you'll want to notice about your mindset is this. is just by itself, you by yourself, have a huge feeling of guilt of asking for help.

You can see that, right? Yeah, I know I don't like to ask for help, but I didn't realize it was because I feel guilty about it. Okay, but you can see that you felt bad in the past in asking your children to help out, right? Okay, but notice for a moment, you've also, you felt bad and you've also been afraid of them being upset with you.

And not liking it, you can see that, right? However, if you have an excuse, like a car for example, now you feel valid in doing so and like it's safer to ask because now you have a quote unquote excuse. Does that make sense? Yes, with the car it does, for sure. Exactly. Okay. So if we'll just think in this way now notice for a moment when I asked you and I said Okay.

Well if you think about the awareness of them having this habit that them Having a habit of being able to do things like them establishing habits So they can live with people growing up, you know, when they do become adults, they have these habits and it's going to be good for them. And then I asked you how guilty you would feel and you said none.

It went away. Right? Yeah. So notice that there's a part of you who doesn't like to ask and also feels guilty about asking, but when you look at it from a different perspective, you feel better. Does that make sense? Yes. Yeah. Great. So, if I told you that I was going to ask somebody for something, and I felt very guilty, but then I look at it from a different perspective and I see that it would be good for them, and now I don't feel guilty at all, I feel like I should do it, is that a little shift or a big shift?

Um, it's a little shift. Okay. That's a big shift.

All right. So let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, first and foremost, I just love this woman. I love her self awareness. I love her heart. And I also love that she said a little shift because going through my injury, when I was working with the emotions that I was suppressing, I would have said little shift too.

If we stop and think about it, her pain went from a level 8 down to a level 0 1. So, around a 1 less than a 1. Notice, when you think about it from that perspective, if her pain went from an 8 to under a 1, is that a little shift or a big shift? That's a big shift. I mean, who wants to walk around with a level 8 of pain compared to less than a 1 of pain?

That's big. But I mean, it's also big for other reasons as well. So as it, as we dive back in, I'm mentioning, you know, the trajectory. So we can see that really some of these changes that we make in life can seem really small in a certain light. But if we really look at them in the big picture. We realize pivotal and life changing they can be.

And so that's where we're going as we step back in with Myla. Here we go.

Okay. Because watch this. Imagine if I spend the rest of my life feeling guilty about asking people for things. Or if I spend the rest of my life not feeling guilty about asking for things, but I feel good about asking for things. Small shift or big shift? That's the big shift. Yes. Okay. Okay. So if I ask you also to notice how guilty you feel about receiving in life, if I ask you, how do you feel?

How comfortable do you feel about receiving, receiving help, receiving things, receiving good things? How comfortable do you feel about that? Um, I want to, I want to be able to receive. I think I would feel good. Okay, so if I ask you how you feel about asking, how you feel about asking. Um, and which is what I've been doing lately, so it's kind of funny, um, I just, I've been asking, um, But this is what I want you to notice.

Notice something. Watch this, okay? Watch this real quick. I mean, let me just, so if I ask you to notice, if I ask you, 0 to 10, how much pain do you have in your stomach right now? It's like still 0 1 that because I was feeling like nauseous. So that's kind of gone Okay, if I told you I went from feeling nauseous and like my stomach was painful from an 8 to a 0 1 Small shift or big shift?

A big shift Okay, so do you realize that the shift in your perspective is shifting your body? The shift in my perspective is shifting my body. So, in other words, bingo. Okay, so have you listened to past episodes on the podcast? Yes. And you've heard people where a work with them and their pain is then gone or issue is gone or whatnot, right?

They have some type of shift and their pain or problem goes away, right? Even under medical equipment, you've probably seen this, seen the scans? Yes. So notice yours just did the same. Okay. Your pain just went from an eight to a zero one. Okay. Do you know what you did? Um, I mean, I'm just talking to you and.

Um, no, I don't. Bingo. And that's why I'm saying is, yes. So when I said, is this a small shift or a big shift? So okay. So a few things. So number one, you'll hear me say all of the time going through my injury, that the subtle emotions, the emotions that I kept suppressing and burying and thinking were not important and shoving down.

When I actually changed those, that's when my body shifted. They were being suppressed. It's kind of like this. If you think about somebody, let's say somebody goes to work and they have back pain and they're going in and out of their day with back pain and they're connecting with their kids, or they're even going to hang out at a birthday party or this, that, the other, and they're continuing to have back pain throughout their day, right?

Now, would you say, um, that they have a ton of negative emotions going on, or would you say that they're probably suppressing their emotions and they don't even know what's affecting them? Um, maybe both. Okay. Well, let me ask you, you've had ongoing back pain, right? Would you say that you feel like in your life, You walk around with a ton of negative emotions going on and you know, you're in a negative state or would you say that you feel like you're generally a happy person and you don't know why it's there?

Yeah, exactly. Especially as of lately. That's why do I still say you're generally a happy person and you don't know why it's there, right? Yeah. But it's hard to be happy when I'm thinking of the pain or whatever. I hear you, but notice for a moment. You feel like you're just trying to be happy and go throughout your day.

And you don't feel like you're not walking around going, Oh, I'm so angry. And then you go, well, no wonder why am I hurting? Because I'm feeling all these negative emotions, but that's not your state, right? You feel like you're genuinely, like genuinely a happy person, but for some unknown reason, You have this pain, and you don't know why.

So notice, and that's my point, is think about the emotions that you and I are targeting are the very emotions you have been suppressing. So it doesn't feel like a huge shift because on a regular basis you don't even know you're feeling them. Does that make sense? Feeling like the pain or the good. The guilt, the feeling bad, the afraid of them being mad at you, and then also the feeling of feeling like So it's a combination.

So I would say it's this. It's number one. Part of it's the guilt and asking for help. Feeling bad, feeling guilty. Part of it's the feeling of feeling like they're gonna be mad at you. Part of it's the feeling of feeling, uh, frustrated that nobody's supporting you. You have to do this, and you have to do this, and you have to do this.

And you're always needing to do the things. And then the other part is the feeling of pride of being proud of doing it all and feeling it's best to just do everything yourself anyway because that's how it gets done and you can count on you and it's safer and it's easier and it's better and you feel proud of just doing it yourself and you like to do that to control it.

Can you see that? 100%. Yeah. So that's the combination. Okay. So I, and I love that awareness. Now notice for a moment, you and I dived in, we've never spoken before, right? So notice it's not like, uh, we checked into these beforehand and said, Hey, what are you feeling? What's your life? How many kids, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

What are your circumstances? We just said, okay, well, look, these are the emotions that I'm feeling that are connected to that. Does that make sense? So, my, my point is, is that you can see that the pain, just by addressing these emotions, you can see that the pain went from an 8 to a 0 1, right? Great. So, what it's saying then in the message that your body is giving you is this.

So notice the part of you that's been wanting to create change, to feel more supported, to feel this, but there's been a frustration and an overwhelm and a stress regarding this. And what it's saying is go deeper and change your emotions. Really shift on the inside. Shift this pattern. Notice the part of you that forever, since you can remember, as your words, words were, Throughout your life, you have felt unsupported and, and that feeling of feeling like you had to do everything yourself and that feeling has, has been frustrating.

You can see that, right?

All right. So let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, I absolutely love her. She is just a rock star. She's getting it. She's seeing it. And also this is the same thing that I would have done through my injury because just like her, where she's got this like strength to just keep going and does whatever's needed to be done.

You know, a lot of times we can end up in that place in life where we feel like, you know, whatever needs to be done, I'm just going to do it. I'm going to suppress my emotions, cetera, and just be happy and feel happy. That's where she is. You know, she feels generally like a happy. person. And yet there's these other emotions that she's been suppressing.

And that's exactly what I did. As I mentioned, you know, I was suppressing my emotions. So I didn't really even realize they were there because I had suppressed them so much. And so all of the time, even if you think about what past episodes, all of the time, people will say that they're shocked that this is what comes up.

You know, that is so common. Now, by the way, on that note, I know some people who are listening right now might think, wait a second. So now I just need to have Brandy to help me figure this out. But please keep in mind, if you are working on healing yourself, I do have a video course that also has a database inside of it to help you to understand the links that are linked up in your subconscious mind.

So there's a database, there's training to help you understand your subconscious mind and what is in your subconscious mind and identify that. So there's all types of resources there because I don't want you to be listening and feeling like a sense of frustration that there's no way to figure it out.

Unless of course you speak with me, but there are ways. I don't want you to feel that. of hopelessness, because the truth of it is these emotions can be so suppressed, it's hard to identify them. And also, especially if we're feeling happy in life, or we think we're feeling happy in life, it can be further hard.

And, you know, in my own case, That's exactly how I felt prior to my injury. I felt like I was happy. So the idea of mind, body healing, and there being some type of negative emotion that could be affecting my physical body seemed. foreign to me, uh, and don't get me wrong. Of course, once I was injured, I had quite a negative spiral into, you know, hopelessness and depression, and then also trying to just be happy and positive, so I was, I was a bit all over the place.

But either way, point being is that these subtle emotions Can impact us so much more than we realize, but the more we identify those specific emotions, of course, the more we empower ourselves to make a change in our health and in our life. And so that's where we're going as we step back in with our beautiful volunteer, Myla.

Here we go.

Bingo. Great. So if I ask you, can you make this change all of the way? I want to, but I think part of it is like, Some things are good. So it's like, why would I change it if some things are good? But I want to always feel good. And so that's where I'm like, I know it's something else. Okay, so if I ask you your level of pain right now, what's your level of pain?

Uh, like a two. Okay, so I want you to notice for a moment, bingo. So I want you to notice the part of you that where it's going back up. You see that, right? Yeah. So the great thing is, is you see the part of your mind that might have said to you, well, it's just because we're talking and I'm calming down that maybe my stomach is feeling better.

Yes. Okay. But that's not the case because of a couple reasons. Number one, notice when we started talking about this topic initially, your pain went up or down? Which one would you say? Up. Yeah. Uh huh. So actually, as we started talking, your pain went up and up and up and up and up to a level eight. And then, as we started changing it and shifting it It went down to almost a zero and now it's going back up.

Okay. So you can see it's going up and down as we're talking about this. Make sense? So it's not just that you're easing into this topic. It's that there's, it's that there's a lot of emotions regarding this topic that are deeper in your subconscious mind that you've been suppressing. Okay. And by the way, if I ask you, how much would you say that you have on a daily basis?

Suppressed these emotions of frustration, of feeling unsupported, of feeling guilty, and feeling fearful about your children being mad at you, and whatnot. If I ask you, how many times can you think of that you've suppressed these emotions? Um, I feel like, like it goes back and forth for sure, but yeah, I do it pretty regularly.

Bingo. So notice, so if I told you I had a regular habit of suppressing certain emotions, and a regular habit of suppressing, suppressing, suppressing, suppressing, would you say maybe those emotions affecting me more than I realize? Yeah. Bingo. Okay. But it's because I don't want to feel that way anymore. I hear you.

I don't want to be frustrated with people. I hear you. So I hear you. So if I ask you to notice your level of pain in your stomach right now, zero to ten, what's your level? Two, three. Okay. So notice has gone up. Okay. Once I said, I don't want to be frustrated with people, um, it felt like that, it comes up.

Bingo. Bingo. Okay. So, but notice for a moment how much frustration is in that very comment. So if I said, I don't want to be frustrated with people anymore, how much am I actually noticing the frustration towards people? A lot. Bingo. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe and notice your level on your stomach.

Zero at 10. What's your level? Uh, three, four. Bingo. I would've said about a four. 4.2 mm-Hmm. . So I'm gonna ask you to breathe. So I have a question for you. How powerful are you? I wanna be really powerful and you are. And you are. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe.

All right, so let's go ahead and pause it for a quick moment. Now, first and foremost, I love her self awareness. I love her self honesty. I just love her heart. I just, you can't help but love, love her. She's just beautiful inside and out. And, There are so many insights from this episode. You know, one of the things is this, is that if you've ever listened to past episodes and you felt like I was just, you know, sometimes just interrupting people a lot when they start to go into the negative, you can really see the reason for that on this episode because This one's a bit tricky for me because it feels like if I were to interrupt her too soon, she could actually feel more frustrated.

And so I don't want her to feel that. And so what I'm doing instead is instead I'm letting her go where she wants to go and then just showing her. that the pain is going up. And so that's where I keep going. Now, of course, I don't want to let her go too far into it because the pain would go up and up and up.

So I am stopping and just saying, Hey, by the way, just so you know, you can see that the pain is going up and it's helpful of course, because she can see it. I mean, she's a very strong woman and you can feel that from her just very strong, very independent woman who's beautiful inside and out. And also in this case, instead of interrupting her before she goes into the pain, um, of course, letting her go there because that's what's best in this case for her and letting her go there and then interrupting and showing her so she can see what it's linked to.

And so, but, and also from that, the benefit in this case is that you can also see the very reason that you'll, All the time, interrupt people for that reason, or even push people in a direction that helps them to get away from the pain or away from the problem, especially if there's some resistance. And so that's what we can also see in this case is that she's got some resistance towards the change and that's Part of what's happening now, her resistance is coming from fear, which we've all heard the term before paralyzed by fear But to give you a clearer idea of what's happening There's this as I mentioned she had that you know That whole mix of emotions because she feels guilty and she feels bad for then asking her son to do anything So she feels guilty.

She feels like she's a bad parent And she also feels fearful that he's going to be upset. So that's one set of emotions. And on the other side, she's feeling overwhelmed and stressed. And like, she's always needing to do everything herself and frustrated. And so it's like stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Here she is on one side, frustrated, overwhelmed, too much frustration of needing to everything to do, always do everything herself. And then on the other side, guilt, feeling bad for asking, feeling fearful he's going to be upset. And so it's like this stuckness. And so what's happening is I want to push her in a way that she can see from a new perspective that says, Hey, it's going to be good for him.

So there needs to be a third option. Now that's one of the keys to my work that really sets it apart from like a huge distinction from anything else. is because of that very thing. There's the miswired mind programming, the catch 22, if you will. The, I call it the feeling stuck between a rock and a hard place, where the miswired mind programming that keeps you stuck.

So the problem is, is that the overwhelm and the frustration of needing to do everything herself is affecting her health. And then if she tries to change it, then she goes into the fear and the guilt and the feeling like a bad person for then trying to change it. And so it's this feeling of feeling stuck and vacillating between the two, which then keeps the problem occurring.

And so, of course, in that situation, especially when you don't realize what's happening, because you've been suppressing emotions so much, it can feel frustrating. And it can feel hard to get out of. And like she said, when she first came in, it's always like one illness after another, she wants to have a good day and then it's one problem or the pain shows up here or in her stomach or in her back or it's always somewhere.

And of course, taking this situation and genuinely transforming it will be the key to freedom, to freeing herself. And so that's where we're going as we step back in with our beautiful volunteer, Myla. Here we go.

Bingo. Okay, so I'm going to ask you to breathe. And would you agree that as your son grows up, him being able to be with a, uh, in a relationship and being somebody who helps out around the house will be really good for his relationship? Yes. Okay. Great. Me too. And even if he goes to a dorm or, uh, is going to be with roommates.

Growing up. Would you also agree that if he has a habit of cleaning up after himself, that that would be really good for him to do? Yes. Great. And so I'm gonna ask you to breathe. So if I ask you, would you want him to have these skills or would you feel guilty about asking him to help out? No, I want him to have the skills.

Great. So I'm gonna ask you to breathe and take in that feeling. You want him to have these skills so we can have a great life, great relationships, great connection. So that's the type of man he grows up to be, right? Yeah, I just, so I feel like I have to say something. Wait a second, wait a second. So I'm going to ask you to breathe, and I'm going to ask you to notice what's your level of pain.

Like a 2. Exactly, so it just went back from a 4 to a 2. So the reason I interrupted you is because what you were about to say was going to make it go up. Just so you know. So what I just said made it go down to where you didn't feel guilty, instead you felt like you needed to ask him, okay, but then what you were about to say, so the only reason I just wanted you to know before you put it back up, that what you, where we were going was actually bringing it down.

Just so you know. Does that make sense? Yes, so I want to invite you to follow me for just a second more. Okay. I hear you. I hear you But do you hear me? Do you hear me? Okay. Yes, so I'm gonna ask you to breathe. Okay, so I'm gonna ask you to breathe Now I want you to think about of course you want him to grow up and have great relationships great connection be a great Uh, great inter be great father, if that's his plans, or whatever it is, and so the more he knows how to clean up and help out around the house, that is a great skill or quality for him to have, even if he was a bachelor and having his own place, if he's gonna have company over, you still want him to be used to cleaning up after himself, so he needs to have the skill, so you don't feel bad or guilty at all.

You feel like this is important for him, right? Yes. Yes. Great, so I'm going to ask you to breathe, and I want you to notice your level of pain. Zero to ten, what's your level? Zero. Exactly. So, I wasn't trying to interrupt, I'm just trying to show you how to get to where you want to go. Okay? So, you can go ahead now, but I just want to be careful because what you'll want to notice is as you even noticed previously, when you said, I want to let go of this frustration towards people, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, I'm not trying to charge that, but notice, you even noticed that your pain went up as you were speaking.

Right? So I'm just trying to, so that's the only reason. So you can go ahead and speak, but I just wanted to show you how to get it to a zero because your neural pathways, your programmed response right now is the very thing that wants to drive things back up. And that's why I was trying to give you a different way of thinking.

And that's why I said it's bigger than it seems. So go ahead with whatever you want to say, but just, I just want you to see it. So you have bigger Yeah, for sure. Um, and I can see like, so it is weird to me because like, I'm trying to say like, Oh, this is important. But when I went that way, yeah, that feels good.

But I'm just so used to hearing like, you know, like, Oh, almost like people don't want to. So why would I ask if they don't want to? No. No. Why? Because there's a better time to eat ice cream later. Okay, so if they wanted to skip school every day, wouldn't you just let them? Why? Because school is important.

Okay, but having relationships and connections or roommates or dorm mates or being able to clean up after themselves are not important habits to establish? No, they are. Okay, great, great. So I'm going to ask you to breathe, and I want you to notice for a moment the part of you who has felt afraid of asking him to do things, and if I ask you 0 to 10, how high that's been, what would you say?

I'd say, yeah, it's lately, obviously better because of the car, but yeah, I guess, um, even since he was little because of his reaction so I'm like, I don't, I don't want that. I'd rather just. do it myself instead of getting a reaction. Exactly. Now this is, this is what's really beautiful is that you just got in the car, right?

Now could be divine timing for you to then implement this and say, Hey, you know what? You're a grown man now, like you're growing up, you have a car and you could communicate this very thing to him and say, look at when you grow up having a roommate, if you're the messy person, people aren't going to love living with you, having a dorm.

People aren't going to love if you're a bachelor and you have a messy place. If you have a, uh, relationship and somebody, your partner's always cleaning up after you, after a while, they're going to get tired of it. It's not going to go well. They're going to be frustrated. So on top of the car, now let's start to implement habits.

that you can build and establish for the rest of your life to clean up after yourself, et cetera, et cetera, and start building that in to that. How does that feel to you if you explain it and build it in that way? Yeah, I, I think that that's possible and I've been working on it. Um, okay. With that, I want to say like that also ties into I always have to do everything.

Exactly. Which is the reason that the dynamic is set up. So all of that's true. And the other thing is, is this. If I ask you to notice that the thing that took the pain back down from a four to a zero was what? Do you remember? Um, not really, but kind of like asking him to do. It was this. This is what I said.

The only thing I reinforced was this, was that as he grows up, for him to have, be a good roommate or a good partner, you would want him to have those skills. So it's good for him. So as soon as we took away the feeling of guilt, of feeling bad about it, like it was bad to do, but instead that it was good to actually ask him, it went from a 4 to a 0.

So what I want you to notice. is remember what I said a while back, is I said, do you realize how big of a shift this is? Big or small? And you said small. And I said, well, wait a second. If I feel like my whole life, I feel guilty about asking for things for my whole life, or I feel good about asking for things.

Is that a big difference or a small difference? A big difference. A big difference. So notice that's where we keep coming back to is the feeling of feeling bad and guilty about asking for things. So that's what I want you to work on. Does that make sense? Beautiful. Yes. Yeah. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

And so, bingo. So what, uh, that's what I want you to work in. Now there's another piece and that's the peeling piece of fear of asking him because of his reaction. And so, uh, What I would love for you to do is also figure out a way, like now that you have this car piece and, and whatnot, then saying, Hey, and helping to even communicate it to him in a way that why the establishing these habits are very important.

Just like having a habit of brushing his teeth and having a habit of taking a shower. Like if he doesn't have those habits, he's going to might grow up and have a hard time having great relationships without, you Hygiene habits, right? So similarly having healthy house habits and hygiene habits about his space will be important for him to really also have the loving relationships that he wants as well.

So, so maybe you can put it to him in that context and also use the car. as a positioning and, and, and really feel like you can get this dialed in and also start expanding in your own life because notice even before he was born, you also had the habit of feeling like you have to do everything for yourself, right?

Yeah. And so notice also what you mentioned is that even beyond him, I would say you have a fear with him and that's why it's also triggering for your health. But I would also say, Even beyond him, like you said, you want other financial things to come through and other things and bigger life things. And that's so, so the gift in it is also shifting this in your life.

So it then shifts in multiple areas of your life, which is beautiful. Exactly. And so the thing of it is, is it's tied to everything else, but the reason that he is also your biggest trigger is because there's also fear about asking him for things because of, as you mentioned, even because of his reaction, even as a young child, he was reactive when you asked him, right?

Yes. Yeah. So the reason that it's showing up, As even as he's your trigger is because it's that combination of emotions of fear then mixed with also guilt and then feeling bad And that so there's there's and fear of loss of love. So there's a combination of those emotions there with him More so than even with his brother.

Can you see that?

All right. So I'm going to go ahead and actually pause the session right here, just because, to be honest, there's a few things. First and foremost, this is a lot of information so far with several different insights. And so I want to give you a moment to really actually take some of these insights and look at how you might be able to apply them to your own life.

So that's one. And the other thing is there's still about 20 minutes left of the session. And by the time I add insights to it. And we have another 30 plus minutes or whatnot. So I figured it'd be better and easier just to add it next week, but it's very powerful also. And next week's goes into childhood patterns where you can actually see everything really come together.

And you can, it explains even more about why everything is occurring. So I love that. And also, as you can see, even in this moment, As I'm working with her, without even addressing childhood patterns, you can see that she's going in and out of pain. So she has the power with her thinking and her thoughts and emotions to shift this today.

And she has that power, but of course she needs to establish a new way of thinking and feeling. Now, what is also really powerful about today's episode is this, is that she feels guilty about it. For no reason. Like, I'm just going to invalidate her guilt right here. And I get it. I absolutely understand.

And that's why I always say to people also, is invalidating an emotion can be an absolute gift. Because when you stop and think about it for a moment, I mean, I personally, I felt, guilt. Now, what sense does it even make to feel guilty for surviving? That makes no sense at all. And of course, when you start to look at her situation from a different perspective, you would look at it and say, wow, it's great for her kids to really establish habits that will help them become a better husband or father or or person, you know, just because he's able to have good hygiene, of course, is important for relationships and connecting.

And so point being is that. Being able to invalidate this guilt and to be able to start looking at this situation moving forward in a new way is going to be key and pivotal for her process. So that of course is one thing. And of course there's, there's layers to it. As you hear me say all of the time.

That whenever there's some type of physical injury or illness, there are always multiple ingredients, and the analogy that I always use is like cake. You know, somebody who wants to make a cake, if they have flour, they can't make cake. But if they have flour and they mix it with eggs and butter or vegan eggs and butter and other ingredients, then they can make a cake.

And so different ingredients, different illness, and so We can see in this situation the combinations of emotions that are going on that are affecting her. And so, and of course we can see that it's affecting her because we can see it go up and down as she's talking about the topic. And so again, I just love this awareness.

And in your life, I want to invite you to look and notice if there is some silly reason or ridiculous reason or whatnot, whatever you want to call it, there is some reason that you are applying and feeling guilt towards self that is not good for you, doesn't make any sense, and is absolutely ridiculous, and that you're willing to let it go.

So that's what I want to invite you to look at in your life and observe that very thing. And if so, Make sure to of course, genuinely shift it. It'll take rewiring in your subconscious mind to genuinely shift that. But that's ultimately what I want to invite you to look at. And of course, on next week's episode, as we go deeper with the last part of the session, we're going to go into part three of this session.

You'll be able to see even more awareness as to her subconscious mind and what is going on in her subconscious mind. So that's where we're going next week. In the meantime, I want to ask you, please do make a point to hit the share button on this episode. You know, share it with somebody you love, somebody you care about, somebody you don't even know, or maybe somebody you do know who is maybe feeling guilty or beating themselves up or feeling frustrated because they're trying to heal and they feel really, really stuck.

You know, any, any and all of the above, please do hit the share button because the more that every single person in our world is happy and healthy and loved and loving, the better this world is for all of us. And so please do make a point to hit the share button and please do make a point to have a most wonderful, loving, incredible, wonderful rest of your day.

And I look forward to connecting with you on the next episode. We'll see you there.

Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. All of the time, people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touch their heart or help them stay positive in hard times, or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness. Thank you Of how amazing we all really are.

If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about or those, you know, who really need it. As more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point and the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone what we are all capable of.

And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming to maintain their results. But the point is, For you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life. If you really understand how to use your mind, you're incredible. And I do want to be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own.

I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made. You'll want to remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people realize. That said, if you want to send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website at brandygillmore.com/podcast.

And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well. Lastly. Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you'll want to continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you're capable of with your mind.

Thank you.

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Heal Yourself, Change Your Life

From Illness To Wellness: 4 Easy Steps To Transform Your Health & Life With The GIFT Method™

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Also, please remember that genuine change and follow through are key for self-healing results. If you struggle with negative thoughts or have a chronic health issue or chronic pain, please do not avoid seeing your doctor.

Instead, your goal with self-healing should be to continue to see your doctor as recommended and blow their mind with what you are capable of with your mind and with the power of mind-body healing.  Please enjoy this self-healing podcast!

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