260 Transcript: Powerful Keys to Breaking Old Patterns: Letting Go of Guilt and Embracing Change to Heal

Heal Yourself Change Your Life

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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life changing injury, it's become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made that changed my health and my entire life. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this.

Each week, I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level. I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind. And then I'll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind and your body. Your emotions and your energy to help you heal your health yourself and your life.

Let's begin.

Hello and welcome. It is so wonderful to connect with you. I just love that you are here continuing to expand your mind, your energy, your consciousness, your healing. I just love it and I love today's episode for so many reasons. Just as you hear me say all the time. Each episode has its own unique insights and twists and turns and awarenesses that are just really powerful.

Now, today's episode can be really good for multiple areas of life, for multiple aspects of life, even. Uh, first and foremost, if you are somebody who has been struggling with childhood patterns and clearing those, or even how they might be affecting you, this is a great time to Today's episode can be very powerful and insightful for that.

So that is one thing. Another thing, if you're a parent, today's episode can also be very helpful to expand your mind and also for this reason is let's be honest, having parental guilt, you know, guilt for this reason or that, or asking your children to do things or whatnot, you know, There can be a lot of patterns to parenting that, you know, a lot of guilt patterns when it comes to parenting.

And so if you've been struggling with any of those, then this episode can be very helpful as well. And not only that, but just really Having a open perspective, having a bigger picture perspective with parenting and looking at things in a different way that could be helpful in, you know, just helping these younger, beautiful beings coming into our world.

So I love that. Another thing that I love is I really love. Love, our volunteer. She's just incredible. I love her heart. I love her brilliant questions. I just, so many things. I just, I want to hug her. She's just so beautiful inside and out. Just a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful heart. Beautiful being. You're absolutely going to love her.

And actually, correction, you probably already do love her. And the reason I say that is because. Today's episode, I'm working with Myla, and if you listened to the last podcast episode, then you know, this is our same beautiful volunteer. The reason being is of course, when I worked with her and we had a session, it was over an hour in length.

And of course, by the time I ended it, Add in insights and information to it. It would make it like over two and a half hours long. So instead I broke it into pieces and with this particular session, I broke it into three parts. And so as you recall, on part one, we were talking about the awareness that she had had a lot of feelings of overwhelm, feeling overwhelmed of always needing to do everything herself.

And it was affecting multiple areas of her life from work and not only that, But in her household, and it was just an ongoing feeling that she's experienced for her entire life, that it's just been this feeling of feeling like she has to do everything and a lot of struggle and overwhelm and frustration with that.

And so we talked about that, but then we also talked about on the next episode, we talked about part of her felt guilty for asking her children to do things. And not only guilty, but feeling like it was a bad parent and she shouldn't. And. You know, if she was asking them to help out. And so part of what was happening in that is of course, then she would have to do everything herself and she feels guilty for asking them to help.

So that has very much been her awareness, and she's been stuck in that. Now, another thing that we had seen on the episode up until now is this, is that whenever she goes back into the guilt. Or the feeling of fear of asking them or feeling bad about it, her pain has gone back up. But when she goes into a place of not feeling guilty for it, of not feeling bad about it, just really being willing to change, her pain goes down.

back down and gone. And so we've been able to see it go up and down and up and down as her thoughts go up and down and go into the overwhelm or the guilt, it goes back up. When it goes back into the feeling of not feeling guilty and moving it forward in a more beautiful way, then that changes. And so then there's zero pain.

And by the way, That's what you'll notice is throughout today's episode, she keeps her pain and she does that. So that's where we're going. She keeps her pain gone. But what you want to notice is there's a depth to that change. And so that's where we're going on today's episode is going into that Now, one thing I want to just note before we dive in is this.

She has wonderful sons, two very wonderful, beautiful sons that she loves very much. And something that I say is, is I'll say, you know, notice the part of you that's afraid of asking your son for help and asking your son to do things. Now, not afraid like her son's going to beat her up or be mean or abusive or anything like that.

So I want to make sure that To point out that I'm not in any way implying that her sons are abusive or mean or anything, but just that she's afraid of them being upset at her. And she's this being that doesn't want to upset people and wants her sons to love her and wants their approval and that connection.

And so it's just an emotional upset, which of course, is important, but I just wanted to be clear that it's not like her sons are abusive. She's just in this place where she really doesn't want to disappoint them or be mean to them or be a bad mom. In fact, you'll hear me say, as we start wrapping up this episode near the very end, that I just love how much she loves them because it's, it's beautiful.

I love how much she loves them. And also. Creating that change is going to be really important. Now, as we step in, you'll notice there's some resistance to making that change, but she's open to making that change, to being willing to ask them to start helping out a bit, but looking at it in a different way.

So she's not feeling guilty for it. And so that's where we're going as we step back in with our beautiful volunteer, Myla. Here we go.

Yeah. And then can I add, I don't want, I mean, if it's not the right way, then that's fine, but like, even like, I guess part of why I don't like to ask my kids is cause, uh, that's not their job. Like I. I want them to have a good childhood and not be like doing all this stuff like maybe I had to, so that's my excuse of why I don't.

I feel like just school is important and your room and that's pretty much it. Okay, so I have a question for you. So if I ask you how much you feel like he has great habits of cleaning up after himself and helping to contribute, what would you say? Um, like a three or two. Okay, so that's what I would have said.

Bingo, about a two. Now a question for you. So let's say he grows up and gets married and he has habits of helping out at a level two. Does that affect his marriage? Yes or no? Yes. In a positive way or in a negative way? In a negative way. Okay, so when do you think he should learn to establish those habits?

Now, but I want it to be easier. Okay, so the thing of it is it can be easier and it can be fun. And this is what I mean. By the way, like growing up, this, like with my siblings and I, like we would literally, we would have like cleaning Thursday where we clean the entire house and we would turn up the music and we would all actually have a lot of fun doing it together.

That's what we would do. What? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So. And if even to this day, like if I'm working on cleaning, like if I want to clean something, it's funner to even ask my housekeeper, Hey, come, I want to help clean up my closet. Come help me do that. Blah, blah, blah. Like it's still like, I, it's fun to kind of do together.

And I obviously do things without her and whatnot, but as well, but point is. is that if you want it to be easier, make it fun. Say, Hey, let's cook together. Hey, let's do the dishes together. Hey, let's blah, blah, blah together to help start establishing those habits. And of course, then he can do it by himself sometimes too, but make it fun.

I have a question real quick. If you go to clean the house and you just have to clean the house, or you go to clean the house and you turn up the music, Which do you like better? With the music. With the music. So make it fun, right? Teach him the habit. Do exactly that. Teach him how to have fun doing it, right?

Yeah. Yes. Okay. Yeah. Great. Yeah. I just don't want to put too much on him. Okay. So if I ask your level of pain right now, zero to ten, what's your level? Zero. Okay. Bingo. So notice for a moment the, the difference right now is here. Is you're not feeling guilty about doing it. You're realizing that you're, it's, it's something that could be good for him.

Right. So, and by the way, this is the other thing, watch this. When was he first reactive when you asked him to do things? Um, probably like eight. Okay. So notice for a moment, starting at eight years old, there's a part of you that has, uh, has an excuse about it. Right. So watch this. Let's say, how often do you guys eat dinner together?

Um, two or three nights a week because he has games and stuff. So like three or four times. Okay, so imagine for a moment, two, three, four times a night, or a night, a week, let's say you guys finish eating and you say, Hey, let's, let's, can you help me just pop into the kitchen real quick and let's load the dishes or do the dishes real quick and let's, let's just get them done and real quick.

And you guys took five, 10 minutes to do that, the team at whatever it was, you took, you did it together real quick and you knocked it out. Even if he's just helping a little bit, what would that look like? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That would be nice and fast and easy like wouldn't it? Yeah

All right, so let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, first and foremost, the thing that I want to point out is this is she is just so loving and sweet and caring towards her children, wanting them to have a great life and this and that and everything she didn't have. So her heart is just so much in this really, really beautiful place.

Absolutely. A thousand percent. And I think we can all see that and we can all agree. Now, what we're doing is we're also looking at things in a different perspective because remember the issue that we started with was this, was that she's also always feeling overwhelmed, overwhelmed, like she has to do everything.

That's one issue. Now the other thing is this, now imagine her wonderful, wonderful son who's smart, he's going to college, she's a great kid, she's like all of these things. And also since eight, since age eight, he has been reactive when he's been asked to help out and do something. So imagine if he grows up and he's 20 or 30 or 40 years old, and he's in a relationship and he still has that pattern.

It is literally going to be his kryptonite. He's going to be this amazing, wonderful, incredible man. who cannot be in a successful relationship unless it's with somebody who is willing to do everything for him, which as long as he's got a permanent housekeeper or butler or somebody who's always cleaning up after him and helping out, or he has a wife who, or whomever, a spouse, who really doesn't care, this is going to be his unfortunate pattern that's going to stay stuck with him that will likely create some problems.

And maybe not, maybe he finds somebody that is, that wants to clean up after him all of the time, and that could be great for him. But if not, You know, when you think about even just the process of going to college and having roommates or, you know, whatever it is for his trajectory, having a pattern of being willing to clean up and in a household is a really good quality to have now, especially also making it fun.

And that's the key. So notice I give an example of making it fun. And I have to tell you, if you ever saw my team meetings with my team, we laugh. Always, like, I can't think of a team meeting where we weren't somehow being silly and laughing about something. And also at the same time, uh, we have another saying that's called GSD.

That is about get stuff done. Well, we call it get sprinkles done. So it's like, hey, let's get stuff done, you know, and You know, of course we've got to get things that we have thousands and thousands of people in video courses and we have workshops and Live calls and workshops and I mean all kinds of things that we're doing behind the scenes and of course You know podcast and whatnot.

So there's a lot of things and of course having fun with it, laughing and connecting and enjoying and having positive energy ourselves. And so it's a wonderful flow of just getting things done and also feeling happy and incredible and good and loving life. It's just, it's just a beautiful, beautiful feeling.

Also at the same time, I mean, GSD gets stuff done, which if you think about the term where we say get sprinkles done, that can tell you how much we're laughing and being silly and also simultaneously. Get stuff done. Hey, we have a checklist of things to do. We want to make a bigger difference. We want to do this and that.

And, you know, and so it's, it's that exact energy. It is GSD, get stuff done, but get, it's, it's a silliness. But that's my point in life is we can have that feeling of saying, Hey, we really need to get stuff done. We have checklists. We have things to do. We have a difference to make, or we have this to do, or that to do.

Hey, there's a checklist. There are things, but by the way, smile while you're doing it, laugh while you're doing it. And so having that energy towards whatever you do, enjoying it and having fun, you can create that. And you can create that, of course, for yourself. And also noticing in this moment, the example is also creating that with children and having them set patterns up that don't just set them up for the academics.

Because let's be honest, There are a lot of people in life who are very book smart and yet also not as good with being people smart and relationship smart, or maybe have patterns that sabotage their relationships. And so also if you're a parent, you could ask yourself that question, what Patterns. Would I want my children to have, to grow up with, that could help them be incredible beings in life and have amazing relationships?

So that could be another question. Now, another insight. that you'll want to notice is this, is you'll notice that growing up Myla has felt like she needed to do everything. Like she had to do this and that and that. And so there's a part of her from her own childhood who's had this feeling of feeling like, but I don't want my kids to have that same thing.

Like she wants her children to grow up in a different way, but it looks like the pendulum may have swung a little bit too far in the other direction. And so food for thought, As we dive back in with our beautiful volunteer, Myla. Here we go.

Now, by the way, if he grew up and got married and did the exact same thing, do you think that that would be appreciated in his relationship? Yes. Right? Is that going to overwhelm him if he has to do that? No. It's not, right? So notice you have some resistance right now to asking him because it's coming from the fear.

Does that make sense? Like, it's fear, like, oh, it's going to be too hard on him. You don't want him to have, like, your life, be evil on him. Bingo. And also the fear of bingo. I would say also the fear of his reaction. You can see that, right? So do it in a fun way. But then also the thing of it is, is this, is if I asked you growing up, how much you feel like you had to do all these things, what would you say?

Always. Plus more. Exactly. Now, if I ask you, have you swung the pendulum too far in the opposite direction? Probably. Yeah, you can go. It's the only way I know how to make it work. Like, yeah, it is the only way that you've done it, not the only way how it works. It's the only way you've done it in the past, right?

Okay, but if we only ever did everything we only know how to do, we would all be doing nothing. Yes. Right? Okay. So, bingo. Alright, so if I ask you your level of pain, 0 to 10, what's your level? It went up to a one and then it's, it's like going back and forth between like barely there, barely not. Yep. The great thing is, is you know where that's coming from.

So I want to invite you to look at this, to think about it and to think about what you feel like is right for you in your life. But I just want you to know. what controls the pain. And the great thing is you can see it. You can see when we were talking about it initially, it was going up and up and up.

Then you see it went down. Then you see it went back up. So the great thing is you can see that you have the power, but notice the one thing I do want to say is this, you ready? You have to think in a different way. So that's, so your key for breaking through this is you must think and feel in a different way.

Okay, and so that's what I want to invite you to look at. And the, the thing of it is, is this. Is notice the part of you that doesn't want them to have to do anything. Is the part of you that is feeling bad for yourself for having to do something. Oh, okay, yeah. By the way, If I said, I'm feeling bad about myself for having to do something, if I ask you to notice how much you still feel that sense of feeling bad for yourself for having to do everything.

That is part of the pattern. So if you're acting from that place, it's still the pattern. Does that make sense? Yeah. Yeah.

All right. So let's go ahead and pause it just for a very quick moment. You know, I love her self awareness. I love her self honesty. She's just brilliant. She's brilliant. She's beautiful. I love her heart. Just so, so, so good. And notice for a moment, That her pain just came back up a little bit. But if you recall, when we first started working, as soon as she was talking about this, her pain had gone up to a level eight and then of course, when she was going, moving into a direction of the new, it went down to a zero.

And right now you can see that it went up to a little one and that's the part of her. That keeps going, but I don't want them to have to do this. I don't want to have to do this. So it's the part of her that's, that's feeling the guilty or bad. Now, the thing is, is again, pointing to the awareness that part of it stems from a feeling, a feeling like she had to do everything for herself.

So when I said feeling bad for herself, It's that feeling of feeling bad for you. Now, by the way, I do want to note simultaneously why there is that feeling of her feeling bad for self for needing to do everything growing up. I think you can also gather from her that she is a very strong, independent, beautiful, empowered woman as well.

So there's another part of her that doesn't feel sorry for herself. There's another part of her that is just so strong and empowered and like a go getter and just, just a beautiful, beautiful being. And of course, There is this other part that feels bad for self for needing to do everything growing up.

So both are true. Now, a lot of times people overlook the importance of mixed emotions, meaning this. We can absolutely love somebody and we can also simultaneously feel hurt or resentful or upset towards somebody as well and also love them. So we can have mixed emotions. So in her, she can feel like an absolute rockstar, which is part of her energy.

Who has that? Who is that? Who embodies that? And then another part of her who had this feeling of feeling like, well, I don't want my kids to have to have to do what I did growing up. So there's this other part that feels like she was wronged and sorry for herself for having that. So it's like this, this mixed feeling.

And, of course, getting rid of that all of the way to genuinely transform is going to be key for creating that change. And so that's where we're going as we step back in with our beautiful volunteer, Myla. Here we go.

So, When you literally are not in that place anymore where you say, look it, I don't feel bad. I don't feel bad. Like I have to do everything myself. And then you can just genuinely ask yourself, what do I feel like are good habits for my son on how I want him to grow up and be and can establish great relationships, not just school.

School is great, but let's be honest, love, relationships, connections, dorm, friends, all of this stuff, whether it's roommate, whatever it is. is important. That's, that's a love in life, the connection, the happiness, right? So just as much as school is very important, so too are establishing the habits to have a happy marriage, and a happy life, and a happy love, and connection, or children, or whatever it is.

And so, and whether he gets married or not, or whatever, I don't want to put any beliefs on him of what he should or needs to but people. However, peopling looks in his life having healthy habits will be good for him without you coming from a place of feeling poor me or Feeling bad for me or wounded and just say what is good for him to be have a great life.

Does that make sense? Yes Fantastic. So and I like yeah, I like I can do that like I can say like what is good for him? Like that makes me feel good. Like as a parent like okay, this is good for him Um But you're saying like I bring in like, oh, I don't want him to do it all because I had to exactly comments which If I said I don't want my kids to have to do this because I had to blah blah blah blah blah How much would you say then i'm i'm continuing to come from a mindset of poor me.

I was wrong Yeah, um, it just doesn't I guess I didn't look at it like that To me, that's why i'm doing it. I'm like, oh, I want my kids to have a better life So i'm not gonna do Make them do all the things I do. But in that, like you said, I'm going way over. Yeah. Like if I said, I don't want my kids to do this because of what I had, but instead I asked the question that says, What do they need to grow up to have a healthy balance?

I like that. Yeah. Good. And notice, by the way, when I said that for you to really create this change in your life, you've got to be thinking and feeling in a different way and seeing things in a different way. Right. Yeah. And we're doing exactly that, which is beautiful. Like before it was just like, Oh, I feel bad for them.

So I'm going to do everything that was coming from like an old me or a different it's about me. But when I say, what do I need to do for him? It's and that it's help really helping him. Yes, exactly. And you, and not only that, but then you don't feel sorry for you, and you don't have to keep coming from that place because if you're always coming from the place of poor me, I was so wronged, then you have to keep that perspective as well, but instead, if you instead realize that you've become empowered and responsible, and now you can take that skill that you've had to become empowered and responsible and capable, and then expand it beyond needing to do everything yourself.

Does that make sense? Yeah. Yes. Bingo.

All right, so let's go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. You know, first and foremost, again, I just, I love her self awareness. I love her heart. She's brilliant. And also what I want you to notice is this, is the issue that is affecting her ultimately started from her childhood. And yet We're only talking about it right now, but her pain is already gone.

So her pain, she's already been getting, been able to get it from an eight to a zero. And technically speaking, notice that I'm going in deeper and deeper and deeper towards her son and, and, and expanding her consciousness on that and having her look at things in a different way and saying to her, you need to really have a different way of seeing and thinking and perceiving that allows her to ask for things and ask for support and to feel that way.

And so notice, my point is, that noticing I'm asking her to change her mindset now, the reason that I point that out is this, is I can't tell you how often I have seen people who have been so buried in childhood patterns that they're spending years and years and years and years and years and years and years in childhood patterns trying to fix those when really ultimately, they're not.

What we really want to do is change our patterned way of thinking and feeling and being right now. And so a lot of times people can get stuck and buried in childhood patterns and not understand that the change that really can help to start making the immediate shift in your health, in your life, in your happiness is changing your mindset in the now.

And so what you could see is this very thing right here, is that The problem does stem from what happened in her childhood, but her actions on it now and how she's feeling now and her perception now are the things that are influencing her health. And ultimately what she's needing to do is really changed her patterned way of thinking and feeling and perceiving and being now.

And by the way, I cannot tell you how many times. On another note, where I've seen people who think that childhood patterns are the key, and so they go change their childhood patterns, and they clear out their childhood patterns, But they never changed the way that they're thinking and feeling and perceiving in the now.

And so they still have the health issue. They still have the illness and they'll say to something like, wait, but Brandy, I've cleared up all my childhood patterns. How come I'm not healed? And it's because there's something in the now. And so that, that's exactly my point is that you'll notice on episodes, Time and time and time again, when I'm working with somebody and I'm working with them, what's going on their life right now.

And I can tell you all of the time people say, well, what about the childhood patterns? They literally think that childhood patterns are the key. But what you notice Is a lot of times what I'm just talking about is, okay, well maybe a childhood pattern shaped them, but right now is the key. And so what I love is you can see in this very moment that her pain is gone and that it's, that yes, it'll be great for her to clean up her childhood pattern, but healing starts in the now.

Healing starts with what she's doing today, tomorrow. And so, and how she's feeling. Today, tomorrow. That is the very reason that I call my method reverse emotional processing is because it's really about doing things reverse from what people have learned reverse from what most people do. I mean, because if you think about it, most people when there's some type of if issue or problem, what do they do?

They go to the past. But notice what have I been focused on? How she's going to feel moving forward with her son. How she's going to change moving forward. So it's opposite of what most people do. But as we can see, it's already worked to help her to release her pain. But then when she has resistance, she says, but I don't want to ask him to do anything.

Boom, goes back up. So again, we've got to make sure that we're moving things forward in a beautiful way. And that is key for creating that change is really, really important. the emotions that are happening moving forward, both at a conscious level and of course at a subconscious level as well. All right.

So that's where we're going as we step back in with our beautiful volunteer, Myla. Here we go.

Beautiful. I love that. And if I ask you your level of pain, zero to 10, what's your level? Yeah, it's still pretty much gone. And who did that? It's like I'm looking for it. I'm like, right. And who did that? Yeah, you did. You did. Fantastic job. Notice how you're looking at things in a different way. You're not looking through the lens of feeling afraid of him, but instead, okay, look at Being able to communicate to him in a way that's helpful to him.

So you're, so you're breaking through that and you also have the car right now. So you have that layer, but then also coming from the perspective. So you're not feeling bad or guilty because you're not feeling like you're doing something to him that was horribly done to you, but instead you're looking at it in a way that says, what does he need really to have a great life?

And you're helping him to establish that. And then also. Simultaneously then changing the pattern of feeling like you need to do everything yourself as well. Does that make sense? Beautiful And by having him do that that will help with that one exactly and Also, you'll need some to be able to receive and feel good about it And and so there's there's also an emotional change in there for you as well Which includes not feeling bad for self Instead, feeling good about self and capable.

Does that make sense? Yes. Yeah. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Uh, bingo. Give me one second. That. Give me one second. Yes. Another way to think about it is like this, is that I mentioned early on that I, like I said, what I do today, I couldn't do by myself. Like, there's no way. But what the great thing, what I do love, is that when I was first starting out, I did need to do everything myself.

Now, the reason that's, so I don't feel sorry for myself. What's great now is that Everything that I'm doing like I know how to guide my team and say hey, I need help with this Hey, I need help with this So knowing how to do everything but then also not needing to do everything is like the graduation if you will So in other words, and that's what I want bingo.

So instead of feeling bad for yourself in your life You could instead look back on your path and say, Gosh, I'm so grateful that I've established habits of being responsible, handling things, doing all of that, so I have the skill, I have the know how, I have the ability, I've established that, and now I can go to the next level of not needing to do everything myself, but instead, Do all of these things.

So now you become capable and empowered, but then graduate to the next level of also being able to receive help and delegate so you can continue to expand. Does that make sense? That's exactly what I want next. Fantastic. So, you would need to get rid of the feeling sorry for self, poor me for having to, like if I said poor me for having to do everything, well that's not the energy, but instead empowered capable me for needing to do everything and now how can I use this to expand?

Does that make sense? Yeah, and then if I can go back, but, so it's almost like, it's like I need to do everything while feeling this horrible way, like sick or. Anxiety, headache, whatever I've worked on. What I would say is you also didn't realize how much you were suppressing the guilt. And if you felt worse, then it's like you didn't feel as bad for asking for things or even for not doing things when you felt overwhelmed.

So, uh, so in other words, what's that? That one for sure. Like that I didn't feel, um, Guilty for feeling overwhelmed or something and I didn't get anything done. Bingo. Exactly. So what happened? Is it help? Have being, being injured and being ill or having a problem made you feel less guilty? And that's a big part of the pattern that we worked on today.

Does that make sense? Beautiful. So I want you to digest this and notice from this, you have both, uh, both internal changes and external changes. So changing the feelings on the inside, because this is the thing is if you start approaching him and you're doing it from a place of guilt, Chances are it's gonna backfire, because that is the reason that it has been backfiring in your life.

If you've been, you've been like, oh my gosh, if I'm asking him to do things and help out, I should feel guilty. My parents did that to me, and it was wrong, blah, blah, blah. So you've been asking from a place of guilt, and so when you ask from a different place, And then you also can communicate that. And then also now, if you're not feeling bad and guilty about asking him for things, now you're saying, Hey, help out real quick, by the way, let's listen to music, take five minutes, 10 minutes, get it done, blah, blah, blah.

So now you're literally saying, what are the skills? How can they be fun? It's a whole different how to do it. Does that make sense? Yes. Bingo. So notice, there's an internal change where you're not asking from guilt, you're asking from a different place, which means you're then, you're getting a different response and a different flow.

So there's, so there's both internal and external actionable changes to make in, in it. You see it? Mm hmm. Yes. Yeah. Because I like, now my motivation is like, I, well, I always wanted them to be good people, but now it's like, okay, I can directly help this. So I'm doing it to make them better people. Exactly.

And you know, do you know why I pushed on that button? Because I see how much you want the best for them. I see that. So I was like, okay, I know how to get you. It's when, for one thing, it's me, my kids. Yeah. Uh huh. You have a beautiful heart and I love how much you love them. It is very, very, very sweet. And I see how much you want the best for them.

And so, helping you to see that this is the best for them. So beautiful. I love your heart. I love your self awareness and a fantastic job with your energy. Beautiful. Yeah. Thank you so much. I'm glad that I finally got to talk to you and then I'm going to digest all this. Like you said, like some things are clicking already, but some, it went so fast.

I'm like, okay, I need to go back. Exactly. And you'll get the recording, listen to it, digest it, integrate it. Okay. Perfect. It has been such a pleasure connecting with you. Okay. You too. Thank you so much, Brandy. You're so, so welcome, beautiful.

All right. So let's go ahead and bring everything together. And first and foremost, I just love her awareness. I love her heart. By the way, on that note, something I want to point out is this, is that as I said to her, I could see how much she absolutely loves her kids. And so that's the direction I went.

Meaning this is what I meant by that is let's say. She was somebody who was really, really overwhelmed and upset and stressed with her kids and all of that, and that was she had this more conflict or whatnot. Then instead, I might have gone to a direction that said, look at, you know, if you are In a place where they're helping out, it's going to create more love and connection and more flow.

So I would go a different direction or a different angle to say, look at, if you can create that harmony, if you're doing things together, maybe it's a way to connect and you could do it with music and you could connect and flow. So in my point being, is I would have went with a completely different direction.

But in her case, I can see how much she wants the world for her sons. Like, I could just see she wants them to be the best human beings and give them everything and do these things for them and all of that. And so, the reason that I said, and I went this direction of saying, well, Who do you want him to be growing up?

And what does that look like? And giving him great relationship skills too, and all of these things. So the reason that I went that direction is of course, I can see her heart and I can see just how much she loves these kids. And so that was the direction. It's just, it just beautiful. So just wanting to acknowledge that I love her heart.

I love how much she loves her children. It's just absolutely beautiful. So I love that. And just this episode, just very powerful that you can see also how much parents can have guilt for no reason. You know, a feeling of guilt for asking him to help out. Of course, she shouldn't feel guilty and that it's also good for him.

So just that new, Perspective of being willing to look at it in a different way. And what I also love that she said was this, she said, okay, well, I'm going to need to digest this. And of course she is spot on. So I love that she said that because when you stop and think about it, I mean, you saw her pain go up to an eight.

You also saw as we were going through this session, how her mind, kept wanting to go back to the old, and when it did, the pain would come back. So she would go back to the old way of thinking, and it would come back, and back to the old way of thinking, and the pain would come back, but then she would come into the new way of thinking, and and the pain would go away.

And so you saw that back and forth and back and forth. And so from this, what I also love is you can see that it really does take real change. You know, if you think about it, you hear me all of the time. I use the example that people with different personalities, you know, somebody with multiple personality disorder can have different illnesses.

in different personalities. And what's also really insightful about that is that it's consistent. You know, it's like personality Bob might always have the same illness, whereas personality Jim might always have a different specific illness. And it's consistent. If he's in the personality of Bob, it's one illness and you go into personality of Jim, it's another, or Jane, or whatever personality.

But that's my point is that from that, you can see that the specific mindset. is key to the illness. And so in this situation, as we were going through this, you could see how when she was thinking in a certain way, the pain came back. And when she started thinking in a different way, the pain was gone. Now, the reason I really emphasize that is because It's so spot on where she said, I'm really going to need to digest this.

Absolutely. And also reprogram her mind to think in a different way. So I always want to emphasize, I make this look very easy and you can also see that it does take real change. We really have to rewire the mind to not really just let the past go. Sure. That could be great, but we actually really need to think, to feel, to and perceive and be in a different way.

We really, really need to change and make a real change bigger than most people realize. We're different and it's not that it's hard. I mean, if you think about it, you see me get results and show people how to get results on every single episode. So you see that. So it's not that it's hard, but it does take a real change and it does take follow through to rewire the mind.

To make that real change. So it's not hard, but it does need to be genuine. It does need to be follow through. It does need to create that authentic change. Change of heart, change of perception, change of thinking and feeling and being to really create lasting results. But that of course, is is also the gift.

That's when it becomes, that is when it becomes absolutely life changing. And so I love that. I love this episode. I love our volunteer. It's so, so, so good. And I want to ask you to please do take a quick moment to hit the share button on this episode. You know, share it with somebody you love, somebody you care about, or somebody you don't even know, because the more that every single person who you know, can feel empowered and loved and loving and good, the better this world is for all of us.

And of course, the more every single person and parent can feel guilt free also, the better this world is for everyone. So that's a good thing as well. So either way, I want to invite you to please do make a point to hit the share button on this episode and please do make a point to have a most wonderful, fantastic, loving, happy, healthy rest of your day.

And I look forward to connecting with you on the next episode. We'll see you there.

Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. All of the time people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touch their heart or help them stay positive in hard times or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness. Of how amazing we all really are.

If today's episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about, or those, you know, who really need it as more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point and the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness by showing everyone.

What we are all capable of. And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming to maintain their results. But the point is for you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life. If you really understand how to use your mind, you're incredible.

And I do want to be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own. I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made. You'll want to remember that there's so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people realize. That said, if you want to send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website at brandygillmore.

com slash podcast. And if you're currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well. Lastly, don't forget to subscribe to my channel, and I'll see you in the next video. Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won't want to avoid your doctors.

Instead, you'll want to continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you're capable of with your mind. Thank you.

About Brandy Gillmore

Meet Brandy Gillmore – World-Renowned Mind-Body Healing Expert

Brandy Gillmore is a best-selling author, award-winning podcast host, and globally recognized expert in mindset and mind-body healing. Celebrated for her groundbreaking approach to healing and life transformation, Brandy’s inspiring journey began with healing herself from disability, freeing herself from reliance on a wheelchair, walker, and cane. 

She then achieved the unprecedented: demonstrating the healing power of the mind in mere minutes, with results verified by thermal medical equipment.

Her pioneering work has been published in the Health Medical Journal and featured in award-winning documentaries, numerous docuseries, and TEDx talks

Today, Brandy inspires audiences across the globe, sharing her breakthrough discoveries with people from all walks of life—including top celebrities, professional athletes, devoted parents, and individuals passionate about personal growth—empowering them to unlock their potential, heal themselves, and transform their lives.

Discover the transformative power of mind-body healing by watching Brandy’s free self-healing online course here —your first step toward unlocking your innate ability to heal and thrive!

Ready to learn how to heal yourself?

From Illness To Wellness: Discover the 4 Easy Steps To Transform Your Health & Life With The GIFT Method™

In this self healing course, Brandy shares the exact things she did to heal (even when doctors told her there was nothing more she could do) so you too can be empowered with tools and techniques to heal yourself and change your life. Click here to learn more…

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Note: If you are hearing or sight impaired or have any other medical issues that would inhibit you from fully accessing the podcast, please reach out to our team at support@brandygillmore.com and we will be happy to assist you.  

Also, please remember that genuine change and follow through are key for self-healing results. If you struggle with negative thoughts or have a chronic health issue or chronic pain, please do not avoid seeing your doctor.

Instead, your goal with self-healing should be to continue to see your doctor as recommended and blow their mind with what you are capable of with your mind and with the power of mind-body healing.  Please enjoy this self-healing podcast!



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