For many of us, empathy is part of our nature where caring for others is an instinctive drive, yet if we are not careful, guilt can arise when we become too invested and try to fix everything, even when things are beyond our control.
Balancing support with freedom is key – recognizing that we cannot fix every problem and allowing our loved ones to learn from their own experiences (without us feeling guilty) and become empowered to feel capable is so important.
Our special guest, Penny, is a perfect example of this. And the beautiful thing is her self-awareness combined with understanding when it comes to these issues helps her move through her emotions and her energy in the most beautiful way as Brandy guides Penny to navigate her feelings of obligation and guilt that have been keeping her stuck in fear.
Join us on this episode of the podcast, where Brandy explores how to find a delicate balance between helping those around you and allowing them freedom in order to learn from their experiences.
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Topics: relationships, control, obligations, children, parenting, guilt, blame