226: Unmasking The Hidden Emotions Connected to Physical Pain

Have you ever considered how deeply your emotions, hidden away in your subconscious, can influence your physical health? In this episode, Brandy delves into the fascinating connection between the mind and body, revealing how unresolved emotional patterns can manifest as physical symptoms and pain.

All too often, these subconscious emotions, including those we may not even realize we're harboring, keep people stuck in their healing journey. You won’t want to miss the powerful insights that unfold as Brandy works with our wonderful volunteer, Julie.

This episode not only illuminates the crucial role our emotions play in our overall health but also offers practical insights to uncover and address these hidden emotions to release pain and take your healing and transformation to the next level.

This episode of Heal Yourself, Change Your Life explores the profound connection between emotions, the subconscious mind, and physical health. Brandy Gillmore works with a volunteer, Julie, who has been suffering from chronic foot pain for seven to eight years. Through Brandy’s guidance, Julie experiences a remarkable reduction in her pain, showcasing the potential of mind-body healing. Brandy emphasizes the role of subconscious emotions in physical ailments, such as feelings of guilt, hurt, or rejection, and explains how these deeply buried emotions can unknowingly impact the body.

The session demonstrates the power of reprogramming the mind using what Brandy terms “reverse emotional processing,” a forward-focused approach to creating new neural pathways and emotional patterns, rather than dwelling on past traumas. The episode serves as both an educational and inspirational example of how shifting emotional patterns and embracing positivity can result in profound healing.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Power of the Mind in Healing:

    • Emotions stored in the subconscious mind, even those we are unaware of, can significantly affect physical health.
    • Releasing negative emotions and reprogramming the mind can lead to rapid physical changes.
  2. Reverse Emotional Processing:

    • Rather than focusing on past traumas or problems, this approach emphasizes creating a positive vision for the future.
    • Building new neural pathways aligned with optimistic and empowering thoughts makes it easier to let go of negative patterns.
  3. The Importance of Subconscious Awareness:

    • Many physical ailments are tied to subconscious emotions that go unnoticed.
    • Bringing these emotions to light and addressing them can result in significant shifts in both emotional and physical health.
  4. Celebrating Small Wins:

    • Acknowledge progress and integrate positive changes into daily life to reinforce the new emotional and mental patterns.
  5. Consistency is Key:

    • To maintain results, it is essential to consistently reinforce new thought patterns and emotional shifts.
  6. Mind-Body Connection is Scientifically Supported:

    • Brandy encourages skeptics to explore the results of mind-body healing under medical imaging to see tangible, physical changes.

This episode offers hope and practical steps for anyone looking to harness the power of the mind to heal their body. It underscores the importance of emotional awareness, proactive mindset shifts, and consistent practice in achieving lasting results.

View episode transcript

Topics: hidden emotions, mind-body connection, self-healing, physical pain

Full Episode Transcript

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Welcome to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. My name is Brandy Gillmore and after recovering from my own life changing injury, it’s become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made. That changed my health and my entire life. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this.

Each week, I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level. I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind. And then I’ll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind and your energy to help you heal your health, yourself, and your life.

Let’s begin.

Hello and welcome. It is so wonderful to connect with you. I just love that you are here, continuing to expand your mind, your energy, your consciousness, your healing. I just love it. And I just love that each episode has such, you know, just unique insights and awarenesses. And that is so true. for today’s episode.

And the thing that I love, or rather one of the things that I love about today’s episode is that our volunteer releases her pain so fast that she’s awestruck. She’s literally like speechless because she’s able to release her pain so quickly. Now, that’s what I also want to warn you about ahead of time is that If you are somebody who is new to mind body healing, likely you’re going to listen to this episode and you’re going to think.

This is impossible, or this is ridiculous. There’s, there’s, this can’t make sense. And so I want to break this down for a moment before we go into it. And if you are new to my work, I want to invite you to even watch a video where I work with somebody under medical equipment so you can actually. See the results.

And in these videos, I work with people under medical thermal imaging. So you can see somebody going from having a lot of pain to then using their mind to release the pain. So it’s not just mind over matter. It’s not just placebo analgesia, et cetera, et cetera. You can see that there are actual physical changes taking place.

And so I love that. And also building. on this awareness of the mind and how it can impact our physical body. Now, part of the reason that I emphasize this is because I know me personally would have been world’s biggest skeptic. I mean, I would have thought this is impossible. It doesn’t even make sense.

And so, of course, that’s the reason that I’ve gone to such great lengths to show it under medical equipment, because it does seem impossible. And so just wanting to emphasize that, and, you know, one way to look at this, I want to kind of give you an illustration, a way we can start to look at mind body healing.

And a simple way is this, is that if you take a moment. And you imagine somebody who is having panic attacks, and let’s say this person has several panic attacks throughout the day. Now, let’s say that they don’t know that their emotions are linked to panic attacks. And so they’re running EKGs and they’re going, you know, what’s wrong with my heart or my lungs?

Cause they’re having racing heart and, and shortness of breath. And so they’re having all of these symptoms and they have no idea that it’s connected to emotions. And so they’re, you know, on all these medications and they’re not sure what’s going on and they’re doing x rays and scans and all of these things, but they have no idea.

that the emotion of panic or anxiety is causing it. They’re just, they’re having these intermittent heart and lung and breathing problems throughout the day. If we stop and think about it for a moment, of course, we know that panic attacks or anxiety attacks are connected to emotions. Now, if we expand on this simple awareness and we think about for a moment, you know, somebody is embarrassed and their face turns red or sexual thought and sexual emotions, there’s a physical response.

Obviously different for men than women, but there’s a physical reaction. Or we can think about severe cases where somebody can have a broken heart. They can die from broken heart, broken heart syndrome, or somebody can be so scared that their heart can skip a beat. Or of course, somebody can be scared to death where somebody can be so scared that their heart actually stops.

So we can see all of these ways that emotions affect our physical body. Now thinking about this at, of course, another level, we have other emotions that people don’t realize are affecting the body, like patterns of guilt, patterns of hurt, of self criticism, of abandonment, of rejection, all of these other emotions.

People just think, oh, well those aren’t affecting the body, but these other ones do, but that’s not true. All of these emotions and emotional patterns going on do impact the body. We just don’t realize it. And so here we are running all these tests and doing all these things, just much like somebody who’s having panic attacks, and we’re running all these tests and doing all these things, not realizing that.

The emotional component is affecting the physical body. And so that’s the way I want to invite you to look at this. And again, if you are somebody who’s new, I invite you to really look at this under medical equipment, and I’ll have my team leave a link in the show notes for that reason, so you can see it.

Now, the thing of it is, is that really dissolving these emotions at a deeper level is key. Now, another thing that I really love about today’s episode is that in some ways, our volunteer. It kind of reminds me of myself because she was having emotions that she didn’t even realize she was feeling. And that was very much me.

In my case, I was very out of touch with my emotions. I had no idea what I was feeling at a subconscious level, which may sound weird or impossible, but again, emotions can get stored in the subconscious mind. So we don’t even know that we’re feeling them. And I know this sounds odd or impossible because as human beings, a lot of human beings think they know themselves or they think they know what they’re feeling.

But when we stop and really analyze it for a moment, that’s impossible. We cannot know what we’re feeling all of the time for one specific reason, and it’s this. It is in our subconscious mind. So even the name itself, subconscious, unconscious, we are not conscious of that. And again, that is just one of the things that I really love about this episode, is that it illustrates it so clearly.

And I also love, I have to say, I just love that our volunteer, she’s so sweet. She’s just so sweet. She has a great heart. She’s so loving. Her husband is so sweet. It’s just, it’s beautiful. It’s a love fest. It’s just so sweet. And again, she just does a really great job. at creating that change and releasing her pain.

And so again, I love that also. And so on that note, I feel like I have thoroughly warned you about this session and it’s going to be fun. And so our volunteer today, again, her name is Julie, and let’s go ahead and dive in on Meet, our beautiful volunteer. Here we go.

Can you hear me? There we go. Okay, good. My husband had to fix this for me because I’ve never done this before. So I’m like, hello, how do I do this? Wonderful. What a wonderful guy. Thank you. Yeah. Right. Thank you. for meeting with me and talking with me. Absolutely. It’s so wonderful to connect with you. Thank you.

Absolutely. What can I help you with beautiful? So I have been dealing with feet release, um, pretty severe feet pain for, I would say the last seven, eight years and have been to lots of podiatrists, um, everything I can think of and nobody really knows what’s wrong with my feet. Um, and I’m just sort of at a, my sister sent me your information and she goes, why don’t you check her out?

I mean, you have nothing to lose. And I’m like, yeah, you’re right. I don’t. So that’s why I got ahold of you and contacted you because I’ve been dealing with this for quite a while and it’s, and I’m 59 years old and I’m feeling like it’s debilitating my life. Like I get really sad thinking about going, doing things, going on trips.

Um, walking anymore, working out is just very painful for my feet. You know, honestly, I, I understand. I get it. And let’s, uh, let’s definitely talk about that. If I ask you right now, zero to 10, what is the level of pain in your feet? Right now I’m not on them. Um, I would say about a four or a five. Okay. All right.

So, um, give me one second. Okay. And, uh, and if I ask you how many children do you have? Okay. And, uh, can you give me their initials, please? CJ and CJ. Okay, great. Can you say them again, please, CJ? Can you say it both again, but this time slower? CJ, CJ. Bingo. And, uh, give me one second. Okay. And, um, and can I ask you also, give me one second.

Okay. And if I ask you your mom’s initial, um, what, what would you say her initials are? J O. Bingo. Okay. And, um, all right. So, uh, so I’m gonna ask you just for a moment to breathe. Okay. And, uh, and then also, could you give me your husband’s initials, please? T V. And can you say your mom’s again, please? J O.

Okay. All right. So, uh, so let’s go ahead and dive in. Um, and so I’m going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. Okay. And, uh, and there’s some feelings of hurt towards your mom. Are you familiar with those? No. Okay. And, um, and if I ask you, when was the last time you spoke with your mom? What, when was that?

Oh, my mom has passed away. She, um, has been gone for about 11 years. And, uh, and so I’m going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And if I ask you to notice, um, if I ask you to notice just for a moment, the feelings, the old feelings of hurt that were there. Can you see those? Not towards my mom, no. So, uh, okay.

And when you say that, who would you say that you see them towards? Um, feeling old feelings of hurt. Um. Okay. All good. And, and let’s go ahead and actually go back to your mom if we could. Okay. Okay. Um, so, uh, give me one second. Let me go ahead and, uh, and put a different. Okay. So, uh, so if we go into another feeling that’s below the hurt, there’s also a feeling of anger there.

Are you familiar with that? No. Okay. So, uh, so give me one second. And can you say her initials again, please? J O. And, uh, and I’m sorry, can you say it one more time, please? Her initials? J O. Bingo. And if I ask you, how old is your youngest child? 29. And. If I ask you zero to ten, how much there’s a part of you that feels, um, upset or angry at your mom for dying?

Zero to ten, what would you say? Okay. So, I’m going to ask you just for a moment to breathe, and I’m going to ask you to take in the feeling that, of course, you’re not angry at all with her, correct? That’s correct. Great. So, I’m going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And you’re not angry at all with her, none, zero, nada, just absolutely none, not at all.

No, I’m true. No, really. No. Uh huh. Great. So I’m going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And if I ask you to name one thing that you loved about her, what was that? She was very, very loving. She was my best friend. I mean, I just have nothing but good feelings about my mom. We had a really close relationship.

I mean, of course I was sad when she passed, but not anger at all. I mean, she had a stroke and she, you know, there was nothing she could have done. So I’m going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And I’m going to ask you just for a moment to just take in the feeling that of course you’ve let go all of the hurt.

Of course, right. You’ve let that go. You don’t have any more. I don’t really, I don’t think I have any hurt towards my mom. Great. So I’m going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. So there’s none, right? Right. Great. So I’m going to ask you just for a moment to breathe and take that in, that there’s none.

And it’s really, really, really, really great. And I also want you to notice for a moment that, uh, as you mentioned, she was your best friend, right? Mm hmm. Yes. Okay. And, uh, you’ve moved on from that and you have other people that you’re really, really close to, right? I do. Yes. Mm hmm. So I’m going to ask you just for a moment to take that feeling in that you’re really grateful in life, that you’ve, you have really close people and it’s really great.

It’s really, really, really wonderful. And I’m going to ask you to breathe. And of course you’re not upset about anything that happened with her and you’re not upset at life or anything like that for what happened. And I’m going to ask you just for a moment to breathe and I’m going to ask you to just take in the feeling that you’re absolutely 100 percent at peace with everything.

And it’s great. You loved her. It’s great. You’ve moved on. You have a wonderful, wonderful community of friends around you. It’s really great. And you’re good. And there’s no upset about it towards life or her situation. None of it. You’re good. You’re completely, and I’m going to ask you just for a moment to breathe.

And just taking that in, just taking that in a hundred percent. It’s great. It’s really, really great. So I’m going to ask you to breathe. And I’m going to ask you to notice the level of pain in your feet. Zero to ten. What’s your level? Right now, I’d say about a two. Mm hmm. So notice it’s over halfway down, right?

Mm hmm. Fantastic job with your energy. So I’m going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And I’m going to ask you to just take that in even more, that you’re a hundred percent at peace with everything. Like you have friends now, you have a connection now, you’re safe. You like, yes, you, you’re not upset with your mom at all or towards life or what happened or blah, blah.

Like you’ve moved on. Everything’s great. You had a lovely mom. You have wonderful friends. You have a wonderful community. And you’re good. You’ve, you’ve really, really, really, um, embraced and, and healed that. And you’re, you’re great. You’ve, and it’s beautiful. And I’m going to ask you just for a moment to breathe and taking in the feeling.

Of course, you’re a hundred percent great. You’ve processed it. You’re good. You’re happy. You’re at peace. It’s just beautiful. And I’m going to ask you to breathe. And I’m going to ask you to take in the feeling that it’s just really, really, really great. And I’m going to ask you to breathe. And I want you to notice the level of pain in your feet.

Zero to ten. What’s your level? It’s, I, I don’t feel too much pain right now at all. Beautiful, beautiful. I mean, that’s the truth. I’m, it’s kind of bizarre because I’m sitting here laying just on my bed and I’m not on my feet, but I was like, they were, my tops of my feet hurt really, really bad. I have a lot of aching and soreness, but now, like right now they feel very, just kind of good.

Good, good, good. I love that. All right. So, so now we’re going to do the next level. You ready? Yes. So usually when you walk is when they hurt, right? Yes. Even more. Okay. So I’m going to ask you, I’m going to say a couple more things to you, and then I’m going to invite you to also Um, just walk around a bit.

Okay. So I’m going to ask you to breathe. And I’m going to ask you to take in the feeling that you’re grateful. You had a great life in connection with your mom. And now you’ve moved forward. You have these friends and, and, and it’s great. You’re not upset at her or the situation or life or anything. You just, you feel grateful.

You had a really great relationship and even moving forward and, and feeling that feeling of. of moving forward, knowing that you have friends, you’ll always have friends and you feel supported and loved and, and it’s just beautiful and you have friends and they’re wonderful and you’re, it’s just, it’s really, really, really great.

And you’re a hundred percent at peace with everything, right? Yes. Yeah. It’s beautiful. It’s beautiful. So I’m going to ask you to breathe and I’m going to ask you to take that in. And I’m going to invite you to even just. Stand up and just, and just take a few steps and walk around and, and just knowing how great it is that you’ve moved on from that.

And of course you’re going to be fine a year from now and two years from now and five years from now. And like you’re, you’re great. You’re great. You’re great. And it’s, it’s good. It’s so good. And taking that in. I am taking it all in. I’m listening to you. Um, I feel a little bit of pain on my left foot, still like on the tops of the foot.

But the other foot feels pretty good. Right. So if I ask you, how big of a difference is this right now? Between the feet? Yeah. Between, um, no, no. Between an hour ago and now, how big of a difference is this to you? It’s a really big difference, actually. Huge, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I’m gonna ask you to breathe.

How amazing are you? I’m very amazing. You’re very amazing. You’re very amazing. So I’m gonna ask you to breathe. You’re very amazing. And You’re great. And you’re, you’re good with everything with your mom and with life and you’re good and you have friends and you’re always going to be like, you have friends and you have a connection, you’re always going to be okay, and you’ve got this.

And it’s just, it’s just beautiful. And, and just taking that, that feeling in and, you know, and, and there’s no upset or upset about towards her or life or the situation, none of that. You like, you’ve got it and it’s great. And I’m going to ask you to breathe and you, you’ve got it. Right. Yes. Right. Great. So I’m going to ask you to breathe.

Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. And I’m going to ask you to breathe and I want you to notice the level of pain. Zero to ten. What’s your level? Um, I would say like a one. And give me one second. And I’m going to ask you to breathe. And I want you to notice when she first had her stroke, how shocked you were.

You’re familiar with that, correct? Oh, yes, definitely. Okay. So I’m going to ask you to breathe without going into it. So I’m going to ask you to breathe and, and of course you don’t need that shock anymore. You’re okay. You’re okay with life. You’re okay with her. You’re okay with your friends and your situation and your husband and your children.

Like you’re, you’re good. You’re good. And you can, you’re good and you’re happy with life. And, uh, and life is good and you’ve got this. Life is good. Life is good. There’s much more to live and do and be and move forward and, and you’re okay, right? You’re good. You’ve let it go and all of that, right? Yes. Yes.

What? Yes. Yes. 100%. 100%. Great. So, I’m going to ask you to breathe. Of course, right? Of course. Yeah. Of course. Of course. Taking that in. Of course. Of course you’ve let it go. Of course you’re safe. Of course you’ve moved on. Of course you’re good. So, I’m going to ask you to breathe. And how wonderful it is that you had a great relationship with her.

You did it right. And she moved on. And you were moving on. And great. It’s awesome. Great. Great. You did great. Beautiful. And I’m going to ask you to breathe. Good. And your level of pain, zero to ten. I would still say about a one on the left side. Okay. So give me one second. So, uh, so I’m going to ask you to breathe and I’m going to ask you just for a moment to see your husband and you, you and your husband a year from now, two years from now, three years from now, just enjoying life, enjoying life.

And you feel good. You feel secure in life. 10 years from now, 20 years from now, you, you just, you feel really, really, really good. And I’m going to ask you to breathe. And, uh, 10 years from now, 20, just you and your husband, you guys feel great. You feel in a beautiful relationship. You, you love it and you feel loved by him.

And it’s a beautiful, beautiful feeling. I do every day. What? I feel loved by him every day. What’s that? He’s a wonderful man. I feel loved by him every day. Uh huh. Great, so I’m gonna ask you to take that in.

All right, so let’s go ahead and pause it just for a quick moment. Now what I want you to notice is that right now I’m moving her vision And I want to emphasize that this may seem very insignificant, but it is very important. And I’m going to expand on this even more, but something you’ll want to think about is this is that all of the time when people find some type of problem, the first thing they want to do is they want to delve into the problem.

They want to look at the negative or they go back to childhood wounding. They immediately want to say to themselves. Where did this problem start? When did it start? And all of that, which I understand, but. To create a shift to get healing results, we need to work with the mind in a different way. It is so, so, so, so important.

And for that reason, I actually call my process reverse emotional processing, just to remind people that it’s important to do reverse from what everybody else is doing. From what you may have learned, you want to make sure to process your emotions in reverse order, which means Instead of going directly into the problem, and instead of going directly to childhood, you want to move it forward, which is exactly what I’m helping her do now, is moving the vision forward.

And, because this is so important, I’m actually going to break this information down even further coming up, but first, I want to go ahead and just have you watch and notice moving it forward. Just thinking about that awareness, and then of course, we’ll go ahead and unpack this even more at the end of the episode.

And so that said, let’s go ahead and dive back in with our beautiful volunteer, Julie. Here we go.

Great. And I want you to notice your level of pain. Zero to 10. What’s your level? Uh, it’s better. I would still a little bit there, just not gone, gone, but better for sure. I would say about a point, about a 0. somewhere it’s fluctuating a little bit. Give me one second. It’s fluctuating just a bit. And, um, okay.

So I want you to also notice the part of you that feels like your husband is very loving and caregiving and caring and kind. Can you see that? Oh yes, definitely. Mm hmm. And even if you have zero health issues at all and you’re a hundred percent healthy, healthy, healthy, and wonderful, he’s still just loving, kind, sweet, and great, right?

He is. He is, right? Mm hmm. Yeah. So I’m going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And if I ask you to name three things that you could do if your feet felt better and they were great. What are three things that you and your husband could go do or be? Definitely travel more together. Um, take long walks together with our little puppy, go dancing, just be more active.

Like I feel like, I really feel like my feet have stopped us from Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, don’t go back there. Okay. Interrupt. So I’m going to ask you to breathe. And dancing. Yes. And more traveling. Yup. And going for morning walks or evening walks or daytime walks, but walking the sunset or the park and taking a little puppy.

And so I’m going to ask you to breathe and thinking about the love, the connection, the joy, the things you guys can do and be, and the connection and just the love and happiness and laughter and sweetness. And I’m going to ask you to breathe. Bingo. There we go. And I want you to notice your level of pain.

Zero to 10. What’s your level? Still a little painful on the left side on the top foot, but it’s, it seems like that’s a spot that’s really hard for me. Okay. So give me one second. Okay. So what I’m feeling into is about a point, about a 0. 3. Are you feeling something different? I would say maybe a little higher than that.

Okay. Um, and it’s on the top of the left foot. Yeah, by like below my big toe. It’s just achy, very achy in that one spot. Below. Okay, so give me one second. Okay, I got you. Give me one second. Okay, so I’m going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And I want you to notice for a moment, um, again, uh, and I’m going to, I’m going to kind of just, um, I’m going to, I’m going to push a little bit.

Okay. Just so you know. Okay. And notice how there was some shock when your mom had her stroke and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, right? Yes. Okay. So I’m going to ask you to breathe. And I’m going to ask you, and I’m going to, again, just kind of going to say blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, because you’re letting that, you’ve let that go and you’re okay and you’ve regulated and you’ve changed and you’ve let it go.

And I’m going to ask you to breathe and you let it go. And you’re not upset with life and her or the situation, like you, you let it go and you’re safe. Your sense of safety has been restored. You feel good. And I’m going to ask you to breathe and you feel. Safe, again, you feel safe, you feel like you’re back on solid ground, you feel safe, you feel good, and I’m going to ask you to breathe, and, uh.

And you feel like you got your footing back. And so I’m going to ask you to breathe. You feel like you got your footing back in life. And I’m going to ask you to breathe it. Okay. That happened and blah, blah, blah. And you’re okay. And you’ve processed and you feel like you’re grounded. You feel like you’re good.

You’re, you feel like you’re back on your feet. You feel like, okay, that you’re solid. You, you have this trust again towards life. You feel really, really, really good. And I’m going to ask you to breathe. And I’m going to ask you to just for a moment take in the feeling that you trust life and that you’re good.

You’ve got your footing. You have your friends and your connections and your kids and your husband and it’s just good. Like you’re safe. You’re safe. You’ve got it. You’re good. You’re good. Right? Yes. Like, of course, right? Of course, yes. Great. So, I want you to notice a level of pain there in zero to ten.

What’s the level? Maybe, uh, uh, it’s better, better, it’s better on that left foot, definitely. I feel like a little bit less sharp, a little more dull pain now. Which is great, which is great. Yep, yep, yep, okay. Okay, and uh, bingo. And so if I ask you um, alright, so if I ask you to give it a number, what number would you give it?

Like a 5? Okay, and so I’m going to ask you to breathe and give me one second. Okay, so I’m going to ask you to take in the feeling. I’m going to ask you to take in the feeling that You’re safe. Of course, right? Yes. Great. And, uh, you’ve got your footing back. You’ve got your footing back. And, uh, and I’m going to ask you to breathe and even, uh, notice for a moment when that first happened with your mom, it felt like it kind of knocked you for a loop, if you will.

And, uh, but you have your footing back. You, you, you, you did it. You’re great. You’re back on your feet. You’re good. Um, and you’re okay. You’re, you’re, and I’m going to ask you just for a moment to breathe. And if I ask you to give me the initials of one of your closest friends, can you give me the initials of one of your closest friends?

FN. FN. And so I’m going to ask you to breathe and, uh, give me one second. And I’m going to ask you just for a moment to bring in the feeling of how great it is to have FN in your life. And then of course you have friends and then of course you have connections and of course you’re loved. And of course, you’re safe.

And of course, you’re good. Good, good, good. And even seeing you and your husband five years from now, 10 years from now, 20 years from now, 30 years from now, but it’s just beautiful. All of the walks and the, the park where the sunset or dancing and traveling and, uh, and the fun things of just living life to its fullest.

Great. And I’m going to ask you to breathe and living life to its fullest. And I’m going to ask you to breathe. Great, great, great. And I’m going to ask you to take in that feeling. Great, great, great. Great. And I’m going to ask you to breathe. And I’m going to ask you to take in the feeling of just the feeling of feeling like you’re back on your feet.

Like you’re good. You’re great. You’re good. You’re great. You’re focused. You’re centered. You feel great in life. You feel secure in life. And I want you to notice the level of pain, zero to 10. What’s your level? It’s kind of different. I don’t know how to explain it. It’s kind of a, um, the level on the tops of my foot has really changed a lot.

Like almost like, I would say like maybe a 0. 2, but my feet on the bottoms are a little bit, a little like we’re burning almost like hot. And uh, great. Uh, if I ask you what’s the level on the bottom of your feet, zero to 10, what’s your level? I don’t even, I don’t even know if I would say it’s like pain.

It’s just more like heat. I feel like my feet feel hot, like, like a five hot. And usually my feet are really cold. It’s weird. Okay. And, um, great. And if I ask you if it’s discomfort or is it actually good? Uh, it’s not discomfort. It’s just different. Uh, good. I don’t know if I would call it good or bad. It’s just different.

Okay. It’s hard to explain. It’s just like my, like I said, I naturally have like really cold hands and feet, even with wool socks on. And now I’m like, Oh, my feet feel kind of hot, different. Yeah. And that’s what I would say is I would say that as you’re making these changes, like if you ask me if it feels like a negative thing, uh, No, it feels like, uh, feels like feeling backgrounded, like getting back in your body.

Uh, it feels, it, it actually feels like a good thing. Um, uh, and so I would, I would say that because they’re normally so cold, uh, that it may feel hot to you, but, but you’re noticing that like, you would say that they’re normally colder than they should be, correct? Yes, I would. Yeah. And so I would, I would actually say this is a good thing.

Um, and, uh, so give me one second, like if I check into the, the, a negative problem of it, it doesn’t, it doesn’t feel like that at all. It feels like, um, uh, a good thing. Good. Yes. So, uh, bingo. So give me one second. Great. So, uh, this is what I, this is what I want to invite you to do is that, so normally on a day to day, you said your, your pain in your feet is about a level seven, correct?

Yeah, it’s been my, yes, I would say definitely, yes. Okay, and right now it’s about a 2, right? Yes, yes. Okay, and who did that? I did. You did, right? So what I want to invite you to do is actually take this in. And so we can push and push and push, but the truth of it is, is what we’re doing is we’re just kind of more integrating it and getting it in.

And so, uh, instead of pushing, I would love to actually celebrate what you just did, uh, and celebrate that and reinforce that to your mind. Great, great, great job. And then have you get this in every day and fully really embody this in your life. Does that make sense? Yes. Beautiful. Beautiful. Fantastic job with your energy.

Oh, thank you. You are absolutely. Thank you. I mean, really, thank you. I mean, it’s pretty amazing. It really, it really is. I mean, I’m like a little shocked and amazed right now. I don’t even know what to say, it’s weird.

Isn’t it? Yeah. Especially when it’s, it’s been there for, it’s yeah. It’s bizarre. What’s that? It’s bizarre is what it is. And I’m really happy right now that I’m not, it’s, I’m really happy. It gives me like hope or my feet. Yep, absolutely. And by the way, it’s going to take, if to, in my experience, all you, as, as long as you just reinforce, reinforce, reinforce it, reinforce it, and keep this mindset, that’s exactly what you’ll want to do is embrace the change all of the way.

Make sense? Yes. Beautiful. It has been such a pleasure connecting with you. Fantastic job. Oh, you too, Brandy. I mean, really, thank you so, so very much. I’m flabbergasted right now, honestly. I really am. I get it. I get it. Just, just, just beautiful. So I love that. And, um, and yeah, and following through and just, uh, just beautiful.

All right. So let’s go ahead and unpack this even more. And I have to say, first and foremost, I just love her heart. She is so sweet. She’s so wonderful. I love the love fest with her and her husband. Just so sweet. I just love it. And I also want to unpack some really important insights. You know, first and foremost, again, when we stop and think about the subconscious mind, in my own life, my emotions, my mind programming was so subconscious that I did not know I was even experiencing the emotions that I was feeling.

And just emphasizing that none of us can say that we know what’s in our subconscious mind because it is, again, Subconscious, it is below consciousness. And so that is one of the things that I just love about today’s episode. Now, another thing that I want to emphasize is that this all seemed very, very, very, very easy.

However, I want to emphasize that to be able to maintain these results, she will really need to embrace this change. She will need to make sure that this change. is programmed in her subconscious mind so that it sticks. You know, when you stop and think about it, she has had this pain ongoing for seven or eight years.

And so it tells you that there has been programmed ways of thinking and feeling in her subconscious mind that have been repeating and, and feeling emotions that she’s feeling at a subconscious level. So just wanting to emphasize that it does take real, real, real change. And so this looks really easy.

Embracing that change is very important. Now, I also mentioned previously the insight about reverse emotional processing and to really break this down even further so it makes simple sense, I want to provide you with an example. And the easiest way to think about reverse emotional processing is this.

Imagine for a moment, there is a woman who’s gone through a really hard time, you know, her husband left her and cheated on her and was not fair, and she feels hurt and wounded, and she feels like men, she can’t trust men, it’s just not fair. And she’s been in this feeling of just feeling hurt and really wants to be loved, and it’s just not possible.

She just feels like she can’t trust men. Her ex husband was just unfair. And there’s all of this wounding. Now, imagine if I said to this woman, I said, I want you just to let go of this hurt, just let go of this hurt, this wounding, let this problem go. Okay. Or if I said to her, okay, well just let this problem go.

And by the way, this problem started in your childhood, so I want you to think about this wounding and think about this pattern, and I just want you to just let this go. Okay? So, if you think about it for a moment, that’s one example, and that’s what a lot of people do. They look at the problem, they look at the hurt, they look at the wounding, they try to just let it go, they want to cut cords or cut emotions, etc, etc.

They look at the old pattern, they see that, okay? That’s one thing. That’s what a lot of people do. Now with reverse emotional processing, this is how we would do it a different way. We would instead say, okay, we’ve seen the problem, but we want to go reverse. Instead of just looking at the problem, and instead of just looking at your childhood, I want you to think about your future.

And so using the same example, if I said to this woman, all right, I want you to start picturing that men are great, that they are wonderful, that you’re seeing yourself in love, that you’re seeing yourself, that you’re starting to shift your patterns moving forward. And so you see that you can have love again and you see that you can connect and that you can trust men and that you can start creating different patterns, a different patterned way of thinking and feeling.

So now she starts to instead see there is hope for another relationship and she’s really feeling. Okay, there is hope for a new relationship, and I am seeing things forward and I see how this can be different. And then if I said to her, okay, now I want you to let go of the negative. Now I want you to let go of the hurt, the trauma, the wounding, the old pattern.

Well now it’s much easier because she can see how that can be possible. And she’s starting to actually change her patterned way of thinking and feeling and all of that. And so now it’s realistic, but the other way, if she’s in a negative state, she’s hurt, she feels like she can’t trust men, she’s never going to have a relationship again, she doesn’t seem like it’s possible, it’s frustrating, she’s not, and then just say to let, let go of hurt, let go of wounding, let go of the pattern.

Well, that’s nice to say, but it’s not realistic. It’s not really something that’s realistic, but the more she instead Uses reverse emotional processing, which reverse is kind of funny that it’s forward, but it’s reverse of what we do in our culture. That’s what everybody else is doing is they go, okay, well, let’s look at the problem.

Let’s talk more about the problem. Let’s think more about the problem. Let’s try to talk about the problem. Let’s talk about childhood wounding. Let’s talk about the childhood. It’s, it’s all of the negative, but to get real results, we must make a genuine change to make a genuine change. We must start changing our patterns.

We must see hope for a better future. We must start getting this information programmed into our minds to create a real shift. So you’re feeling it. You’re. Thinking it. You’re really, really, really starting to get this. Not at a surface level, not like hope. Hope’s great. Don’t get me wrong. But you really start getting this information in.

So you’re moving it forward. You’re feeling good. It’s programmed in. You’re creating new neural pathways. You’re really amplifying it. Then it becomes so much easier. A billion times easier to let go of the old pattern because you’re creating new neural pathways and new positive ways of thinking and feeling.

Then it becomes a genuine shift. So then using the same example, if I said to this woman, if I said, okay, well now that you’ve created this real feeling moving forward and it really feels possible and you’re really feeling differently moving forward, now can you work more on letting this negativity go and freeing yourself from it completely?

You don’t need it. It’s not serving you now. It’s much easier, it’s much more realistic, and that can create a genuine change. Now, of course, in this scenario, her emotions are subconscious, but either way, you’ll notice that I’m using reverse emotional processing to move it forward with her husband, and the picture moving forward, and her friends, and, and, and feeling that, and Emphasizing though, just re emphasizing that yes, she’ll need to follow through to really get this in.

And there are key things for her that I mentioned in this, but just emphasizing, it looks really easy, but there are so many things in every episode that I’m doing that most people don’t even realize that I’m doing. But as a strategy to getting results to working with the mind. And this is one of them from this episode is exactly that, is using strategies to be able to get results.

All right. So that is the key insight from this episode. And the takeaway that I want to invite you to is this, is that making sure that you’re building new neural pathways moving forward, not just thinking positively, but programming your mind and focusing on that. And also that you’re not just getting stuck in analyzing and releasing because I just can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people who have delved into the negative over and over and over again and are looking at the problem and trying to release the problem and cut cords and releasing and working on childhood wounding for years, 10, years, more or longer.

Working on childhood wounding, and they’re just doing it in a way that’s not effective, and so they’re staying stuck. And so just emphasizing that, it’s so important. And so I want to invite you to look at this in your life, and also I want to ask you to please do make a point to hit the share button on this episode.

You know, share it with somebody you love, somebody you care about, or somebody you don’t even know. We’re somebody who’s in pain and just share it with them. You know, the more empowered and happy and healthy that every single person is in our world, the better this world is for all of us. And so please do make a point to hit the share button on this episode and please do make a point to have a most wonderful, loving, happy, healthy rest of your day.

And I look forward to connecting with you on the next episode. We’ll see you there.

Thank you for listening to Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. All of the time people reach out and say how much these episodes have given them hope or touch their heart or help them stay positive in hard times or even woken them up to a completely new level of awareness. Of how amazing we all really are.

If today’s episode touched your heart or expanded your mind in any way, please do me a favor and be sure to share it with those you care about or those, you know, who really need it. As more and more people become empowered, it really will change our world for the better. That is the point and the power of these demonstrations is to create a radical shift in our world consciousness.

By showing everyone what we are all capable of. And of course, each volunteer will really need to follow through to reinforce their programming to maintain their results. But the point is for you to see that you really can create rapid results in your health and your life. If you really understand how to use your mind, you’re incredible.

And I do want to be clear though, that most people will not get results this fast on their own. I make it look very easy because of the discoveries that I made. You’ll want to remember that there’s so much more going on in our minds at a deeper level than people realize. That said, if you want to send me any questions or comments, come visit me on my website at BrandyGillmore.com/podcast. And if you’re currently experiencing physical pain and would like to be a volunteer on the show, you can sign up there as well.

Lastly, Please remember, if you do have any health issues, you won’t want to avoid your doctors. Instead, you’ll want to continue seeing them and make it your goal to blow their minds with what you’re capable of with your mind.

Thank you

About Brandy Gillmore

Meet Brandy Gillmore – World-Renowned Mind-Body Healing Expert

Brandy Gillmore is a best-selling author, award-winning podcast host, and globally recognized expert in mindset and mind-body healing. Celebrated for her groundbreaking approach to healing and life transformation, Brandy’s inspiring journey began with healing herself from disability, freeing herself from reliance on a wheelchair, walker, and cane. 

She then achieved the unprecedented: demonstrating the healing power of the mind in mere minutes, with results verified by thermal medical equipment.

Her pioneering work has been published in the Health Medical Journal and featured in award-winning documentaries, numerous docuseries, and TEDx talks

Today, Brandy inspires audiences across the globe, sharing her breakthrough discoveries with people from all walks of life—including top celebrities, professional athletes, devoted parents, and individuals passionate about personal growth—empowering them to unlock their potential, heal themselves, and transform their lives.

Discover the transformative power of mind-body healing by watching Brandy’s free self-healing online course here —your first step toward unlocking your innate ability to heal and thrive!

Ready to learn how to heal yourself?

From Illness To Wellness: Discover the 4 Easy Steps To Transform Your Health & Life With The GIFT Method™

In this self healing course, Brandy shares the exact things she did to heal (even when doctors told her there was nothing more she could do) so you too can be empowered with tools and techniques to heal yourself and change your life. Click here to learn more…

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Also, please remember that genuine change and follow through are key for self-healing results. If you struggle with negative thoughts or have a chronic health issue or chronic pain, please do not avoid seeing your doctor.

Instead, your goal with self-healing should be to continue to see your doctor as recommended and blow their mind with what you are capable of with your mind and with the power of mind-body healing.  Please enjoy this self-healing podcast!



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