
Empowering. Mind-expanding. Radical Healing!

We’ve all heard of the placebo, so we know with certainty that our minds have healing abilities. That’s a fact. However, Brandy takes this common awareness to a whole new level! She coaches live volunteers to use their own mind to achieve radical healing results in just minutes! Brandy is not “healing people” instead she is showing people how to heal themselves so you can witness her unique process. She then provides you with a combination of practical tools and spiritual insights to help you take your health AND life to the next level! If you are looking for insights on self-healing, chronic pain, mind-body healing, metaphysics, consciousness, spirituality, psycho-spiritual, or self-help, then you will LOVE this podcast! Come join Brandy Gillmore on this incredible journey!

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Podcast Episode 034

034: Is perfectionism (unknowingly) linked to your physical pain and illness? Or manifesting negativity in your life? Many people struggle with perfectionism and yet few people ever really fully address it. Instead they have beliefs that it helps them follow through or keeps them from making a mistake.  But, as you will see with our volunteer, Merilee, perfectionism (and then being hard on herself for not being perfect) is the root energy that is connected ...
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Podcast Episode 033

033: Changing Your Patterns with Money (and lack) to Help Heal Your Body! During this time in the world, where so many are worried about both the economy and health, this is an episode you won't want to miss. It's a bit long BUT it keeps you on your toes! It's so VERY insightful on a lot of levels. In the last episode I began working with Linda, a volunteer who has had ongoing patterns of ...
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Podcast Episode 032

032: Money: How to Change Your Stress & Energy Around Money to Heal Your Body & Your Life Would you be surprised if you found out that stress about money was directly linked to your physical pain and ailments? My volunteer, “Linda” was shocked to find that it was affecting her ability to walk. She was also surprised by her ability to shift her own health using just her mind! Listen in while I work ...
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Podcast Episode 031

031: The Top 5 Most Important Insights for Relationships & Self-healing I love this episode. It has so many powerful insights and heart-touching pieces to it. Today's volunteer, Renata is so sweet and fun, despite having some deep relationship wounds that have been causing both emotional and physical pain. As she and I dive in, the issues that come up for her are the most common issues I see that come up for a lot ...
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Podcast Episode 030

030: Is COVID a “gift”? …Or a Loud Wake-up call? (Spiritually speaking) Spoiler alert: I don’t see COVID 19 as being a “gift”…HOWEVER, as you’ve probably heard before, “Every adversity brings with it the seed of opportunity.” BUT, the only problem with that is, as we all know, most people don’t turn adversity into a gift. Instead they spend years struggling in hardship. The reality is that – if you want to harvest the “seed ...
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Podcast Episode 029

029: Breaking Through Past Limitations & Negative Beliefs. What is holding you back? …Or keeping you stuck? In the last episode, I worked with Connie, our wonderful volunteer. She was suffering from a lot of physical and emotional pain and utterly stuck in the hurtful and negative thinking. In this episode, you will witness her struggle and her tears and then ultimately …her insightful breakthrough! Most of us have been stuck before, and in many ...
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Podcast Episode 028

028: The #1 Most Common Place People Get Stuck When Working on Self-Healing. When we are working on self-healing or personal growth, we can get stuck on the journey (which will keep you from getting the results you want). Personally, I got stuck several times during my own healing journey though in most cases I didn't even realize I was stuck which is the case for today's volunteer, Connie. She is such a sweet woman ...
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Podcast Episode 027

  027: Feeling Empowered in the Middle of a Pandemic & …The Results Are in!  On the last episode I worked with a volunteer who had been diagnosed with COVID-19. I coached her to use her own mind to begin healing her body.  She was able to shift her physical symptoms of fatigue as well as loss of taste. After our work together she went to get re-tested… and now the results are in!  On ...
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Podcast Episode 026

  026:  How to use your mind to get your body to naturally start healing the symptoms of Coronavirus. Today's volunteer has been diagnosed with COVID-19 (Coronavirus).  On this episode, we discuss her experience of getting tested and being diagnosed. Then I coach her to use her own mind to shift her physical symptoms to get her body to start naturally healing itself. This is the website to schedule the coronavirus drive-up test in LA. ...
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Podcast Episode 025

Tired of feeling stuck in the heaviness and uncertainty of the coronavirus?  Unfortunately, most people will stay stuck there. But, there are those of us who know that if you want a different result, then you must do something different. If that's you, and you are someone who wants to talk about changes that are needed in moving through this mess and keep your mind and energy in the positive and focus on feeling empowered and ...
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Podcast Episode 024

  024: Coronavirus: The Top 3 Reasons why you should social distance/self-quarantine now People keep asking me if I think if they should self-quarantine/social distancing- EVEN if they have not been diagnosed with the coronavirus? I am also hearing many people who are in spiritual communities or mind/body healing communities who are feeling like this is just a hype. And that they don't need to do anything. But here's why you will want to do ...
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Podcast Episode 023

  023: Your Money, Your Energy & the Coronavirus. How they are energetically connected…. Everything happens for a reason…That said if you look at what is manifesting in our physical world other than the fear about the coronavirus itself is the negative impact on money! In this episode, we specifically cover the “money energy” that is linked to the coronavirus.  What the problem energy is, and what you can do to help change it (in your ...
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Podcast Episode 022

   022: Coronavirus. How to use your mind/energy to help protect you… I have received a TON of questions about the coronavirus. Questions people have asked are things like: what is the energy of the Coronavirus? How can I protect myself/my energy? In today's podcast, I discuss the energy behind the coronavirus and things that you can do to protect yourself.   ** Also, here are some of the quick links I mentioned in ...
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Podcast Episode 021

  021: Are you subconsciously holding on to hurt? …Holding on to hurt can be unknowingly holding you back from a better life. Today’s volunteer, Kim, states, “I don’t know whether to dance or cry.”  There’s so much in this episode that it’s hard to give it a specific name other than heartfelt and transformational. There’s a gift in this episode for pretty much everyone! … and likely several helpful gifts. Maybe it's letting go of ...
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Podcast Episode 020

    020: When you expand your consciousness to these deeper levels of healing, you can free yourself to “FLY”! (Literally). Inside this episode, you will meet Olivia, a beautiful and sweet woman who has been struggling with identifying the patterns that are continuously holding her back from making real changes in her health and her life…If you are someone who has been struggling with making real changes in your health and life, this episode ...
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Podcast Episode 019

    019: 2 Simple things that you can do to expand your mind and your energy. When it comes to the power of your mind, there is so much that our culture is overlooking. And now, more than ever, it is important for each of us to really understand how to use our minds for self-healing and personal empowerment. In this episode, I talk about we discuss the reasons that you will want to ...
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Podcast Episode 018

    018: As you will see with today’s volunteer, cheating on your spouse can impact your health… This episode will not only provide you with incredible key insights for self-healing, but it will also touch your heart. Let’s be honest, we all know that infidelity cheating in a relationship can be emotionally painful for everyone involved…but did you ever think that cheating on your partner could be linked to physical pain? Today I work ...
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Podcast Episode 017

  017: Identifying Blocks on Money, Self-Worth and Subconscious Links to Alcohol In this episode, today's volunteer, Jeremy, has been following through with spiritual practices and has great self-awareness, yet he has been feeling very stuck in life. He is struggling financially and also having issues with alcohol and self-worth.  As we all know, life can be very stressful if money is an issue. It is something that can also impact people's health and overall ...
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Podcast Episode 016

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]   016: Many people are (unknowingly) blocking their own healing, happiness and success! …Are you? There are so many powerful insights in just this one episode! But, if I narrow it down to one theme, it would be clarity!  In this episode, I work with a volunteer who you are just going to love!  She has been on a path of trying to heal for over 30 years! As I work with her, you ...
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Sometimes the actions that we genuinely think are helping us to heal are actually fueling the problem… – Podcast Episode 015

One of the things that is most profound about this episode is something that I see quite often, and yet most people don't realize it's occurring: When it comes to healing, it is common that people will be drawn subconsciously towards actions and mind work that is linked to the problem or even reinforces the problem, not the solution. That is the case in this episode. I work with Vanessa, a woman with a big ...
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