IQ-133: Breaking Free From Perceived Selfishness For A Happier Healthier Life

Heal yourself change your life podcast

Have you ever stopped to think about what being ‘selfish’ really means to you? How often have you held yourself back, labeled your own desires as wrong, or even sabotaged your success, all because of a deep-rooted belief that prioritizing yourself is bad? These feelings, often nestled in our subconscious minds, can lead us down […]

IQ-131: Harnessing Love and Empowerment for Global Shifts In Consciousness & Healing

Heal yourself change your life podcast

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the upsetting events happening in the world, wondering how to protect your own energy amidst it all? Our brain processes negative news and positive news differently, influencing not just our mental state but also our body’s physiological responses including our health. In this enlightening IQ episode, Brandy dives […]

IQ-130: Does Menopause Have To Be Hard? Navigating Menopause with Empowerment and Grace

Have you ever wondered why so many people view menopause as difficult, sad, and challenging? You’re not alone. Most of us have been led to believe that menopause is a phase filled with hardships. Interestingly, as the conversation around menopause evolves, many workplaces are now offering classes to help team members better understand and […]

IQ-127: The Power of Perspective: Celebrating the Big Picture of Life


Have you ever found yourself quickly judging others or getting caught up in pointing out their flaws? It might seem harmless, but did you know that being overly critical can actually hurt you too? Often, we fall into the trap of being overly critical of others, unaware of the self-inflicted wounds we’re causing.  It’s easy […]

IQ-126: Cultivating a Beautiful Relationship With Money and Life

relationship with money

Have you ever considered how your feelings about money might be affecting your health or relationships? In this quick IQ episode, Brandy shares the surprising connections between our financial mindsets and other aspects of our lives. But more importantly, she shares insights on how to transform that relationship, leading to not only financial wellness […]

IQ-125: Why Can’t I Stop Overthinking: Insights Into Why You Can’t Let Go

Ever wonder why your brain feels like it’s stuck on replay, rehashing thoughts over and over? Many of us get stuck in analysis paralysis or a relentless cycle of overthinking. But why does this happen? Today’s quick IQ episode comes from a question posed by one of our incredible listeners: “How come I overthink everything?” […]

IQ-124: What is the Difference Between Feelings and Emotions

difference between feelings and emotions

Have you ever found yourself lost in a whirlpool of emotions, unable to distinguish sadness from anger, or joy from contentment? You’re not alone. At times, it becomes challenging to differentiate one emotion from another. Over time, many of us grow accustomed to carrying the weight of negative emotions, so much so that feeling down […]

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