My name is Brandy Gillmore, and after recovering from my own life-changing injury, it’s become my mission to share with others the same discoveries I made that changed my health and my entire life. Our minds are truly incredible. The placebo is proof of this.
Each week, I will take this simple awareness to a whole new level. I will even coach live callers to free themselves of physical pain using only their mind. And then I’ll provide you with a combination of practical and spiritual insights that you can use to master your mind, your emotions, and your energy to help you heal your health, yourself, and your life.
Let’s begin.
Hello and welcome. It is so wonderful to connect with you. I just love that you are here, continuing to expand your mind, your energy, your consciousness, your healing. I just love it. And I just love today’s episode. It is hugely insightful in so many areas of life—from healing to relationships and love, to manifesting and also processing emotions from COVID.
And I’m not talking about getting COVID, though that can relate as well. I’m also talking about a lot of the emotions that people buried and suppressed throughout those years of COVID. When you stop and think about it for a moment, we know when we really think about it, I mean, there was a baby boom from that period of time. There were also a lot of people who lived in fear, or even a higher divorce rate, or even a lot of people who ended up in “COVID relationships” where they ended up basically living with somebody during that time. There was a lot of nesting and closeness and cuddling and connecting.
Suddenly, COVID was over, and then that changed. There were a lot of people that I’ve worked with who have had feelings they suppressed, of suddenly feeling like the rug was pulled out from under them, so to speak. So they’ve lost their certainty or their feeling of confidence in life—not intentionally, but because it was such an emotional time for a lot of people. Even if somebody’s strong and they suppress it, those emotions can get stuck in the subconscious mind.
Exploring Emotions from the COVID Era
That is part of where we’re going today, but we’re also looking at relationship aspects and, of course, coming back to healing—healing emotional patterns, but also healing health issues and looking at what changes need to be made at a deeper level. So no matter where you are, likely there are some emotions you’ve had about COVID. Even if you suppressed them, what most people don’t realize is that, on some level, for a lot of people, they’re coming up. They’re showing up in one way or another. I see it all the time.
People might initially say, “COVID? I’m fine. We all survived.” And they’ll feel strong on the outside, which is definitely the case for our beautiful volunteer today. She has this outer strength, but you’ll also notice she’s got these inner tears that she’s really been trying to suppress. Those are there.
So wherever you are in the mix, you may have a mix of different emotions. For some people, a lot of their emotions have been toward the vaccine. By the way, I’ve seen people who felt like they were still experiencing side effects from the vaccine. They were trying to get rid of them, didn’t understand what was going on, and then realized there were some type of suppressed emotions actually tied to COVID. And over and over again, I’ve seen this—whether it’s hurt, wounding, or illness—that is somehow, in some way, connected to that time period.
Uncertainty, Scarcity, and Fear
[That time period] wasn’t just about the virus. There was the economy, the vaccine, Black Lives Matter, and a lot of uncertainty. There was no toilet paper. Scarcity in grocery stores led to empty shelves. It was just a lot of uncertainty and not knowing for a period of time.
Even for people who felt strong, that emotional upheaval impacted lives in ways they didn’t expect. And for some, it has led to lingering distrust—towards life, government, or people in general. These feelings of distrust, anger, or resentment can impact health over time. And this is something we all need to be mindful of because it’s easy to think, “Those emotions can’t affect me. I’m stronger than that.” I used to feel the same way.
I didn’t really understand, initially, how much these buried emotions could impact us. Even if we hold onto a strong, hard shell on the outside, the subconscious mind still holds onto those feelings.
Meeting Our Volunteer: Senya
Our volunteer today is an absolute beautiful being. You’re going to love her. You’re likely going to laugh with her, as she has this infectious, precious laugh. She’ll be laughing and crying at times—sometimes both at the same time. She’s got some deep, deep feelings inside, but she’s also such a beautiful, joyful person.
On that note, let’s go ahead and dive in with our beautiful volunteer, Senya.
Session with Senya Begins
Brandy: Hello! It’s wonderful to connect with you.
Senya: Hello. It’s good to be here. Thank you for having me.
Brandy: Absolutely. So, I have a quick question. How do I pronounce your name? Because I’m seeing it. Can you say it?
Senya: It’s Senya.
Brandy: Senya. Beautiful. Beautiful name. I love that. Beautiful. What can I help you with today, beautiful?
Senya: Yeah, so I’ve been having these really bad feelings in my body. Especially in this neck and shoulder area. And also, I’ve had this pain in my lower stomach, like in this left hip location. I started having that after my last relationship ended. And then I also had hair loss and hives all over my body.
I couldn’t get out of bed for a month, and every time I get stressed, I get the hives. It’s less now, but I feel like it’s still there. The hives were like a rash, and it was connected to a thyroid issue—thyroid toxicosis or something like that, with too much histamine. That caused the rash. My heart was beating super fast, and I couldn’t get out of bed for a long time. It’s better now, but I feel like the cause of it is still there.
Brandy: Okay. And how long ago was that breakup and everything that followed?
Senya: That was in 2022. The reaction was maybe like a year after that.
Brandy: Okay. And how long were you in that relationship?
Senya: It was two years.
Brandy: Two years. Okay. Would you say it was a serious relationship?
Senya: It was not really a serious relationship, but… yeah.
Brandy: Okay. More like a “COVID relationship”?
Senya: Yeah.
Brandy: Got it. There were a lot of COVID relationships. I’m going to ask you to breathe. If I ask you right now, as far as the current pain in your neck and shoulder area, what level is it at on a scale of 0 to 10?
Senya: It’s not a lot. I’m so used to it. It’s maybe, I don’t know, a four?
Brandy: A four. Okay. And how about your abdomen—your stomach and hip area? What’s the level there?
Senya: I don’t feel it right now.
Brandy: Okay. So I’m going to ask you to breathe and notice—bingo—that the discomfort there is about a level four or five. Now, if I ask you, zero to ten, how much hurt you experienced from that relationship ending, what would you say?
Senya: It was a lot at the time. I’m really not sure anymore. I thought I processed it, but maybe there’s something there.
Brandy: Okay. What I want you to notice is when I said it was a COVID relationship or when you said it wasn’t serious, there was a shift in your energy. Did you notice that? And it’s okay if not. But if I ask you, at the time, how serious it felt to you, what would you say?
Senya: I felt like it was never going to happen. But it was just something to experience. Part of me was hoping for something, I guess, but it was never really…
Breaking Down the Session
Brandy: Let’s pause for a quick moment. First, I absolutely love her. I love her laughter, her heart—she’s just so beautiful. As you can see, there’s a lot going on here. She’s been suppressing tears for so long, and they’re still very present.
What’s interesting is that while she says the relationship wasn’t serious, deep down, she was hoping for something more. That hope led to her feeling used and deeply hurt. This emotional energy has remained stuck, and it’s contributing to her physical symptoms.
The Role of Emotions in Healing
I’ve worked with so many people who have had similar experiences—whether it’s suppressed emotions about relationships, COVID, or other life events. What most people don’t realize is that these emotions can stay trapped in the subconscious mind and show up in unexpected ways.
In Senya’s case, it’s showing up as pain, hives, and thyroid issues. The body and the mind are deeply connected, and healing often involves addressing these emotional patterns.
Shifting Forward
Brandy: If I ask you to notice how much hope you had for that relationship, how much would you say?
Senya: Honestly, I made myself believe that it would work out. But deep inside, I knew it wouldn’t.
Brandy: And how much of yourself did you feel like you gave to that relationship?
Senya: Everything.
Brandy: And if I ask you, how much did you feel used in that relationship?
Senya: Totally.
Brandy: Totally. Okay. So I’m going to ask you to breathe and notice the hurt still there. Can you see it?
Senya: Mm-hmm.
Brandy: That hurt is still strong. You’re like this badass who’s been suppressing it, pushing through, and telling yourself you’re fine. But inside, you’re tired of carrying it, right?
Senya: Yes. I’m tired of it.
Finding Hope and Moving Forward
Brandy: Now, if you knew for sure—for sure, for sure, for sure—that you were going to have an even better relationship moving forward, how would you feel?
Senya: Amazing. I’d feel amazing.
Brandy: So I want you to breathe and really feel that. If you knew that for certain, how much could you let go of the old relationship?
Senya: Completely.
Brandy: Completely. Exactly. But notice how much you’ve been telling yourself that you don’t know if you’ll have that, or if the next relationship will work out, or if he’ll leave too. That uncertainty is keeping you stuck. Can you see that?
Senya: Yes.
Clearing the Blocks
Brandy: Let’s pause the session here for a moment. First and foremost, I just love her heart and energy. But there’s something important to highlight here. Notice that she keeps going back to the past—thinking it might be something from long ago that’s holding her back.
This is something I see very often with people who feel stuck. They get caught in a pattern of revisiting old wounds without moving forward. But healing requires us to create a vision of what we truly want and move toward it. Without that vision, it’s like trying to walk while only looking backward. You can’t take new steps forward if you’re focused solely on releasing the old.
Why Hope is Essential
If you think about walking, one foot takes new ground while the other lets go of old ground. That’s how we move forward. But if someone is only trying to release the old without creating something new, they stay stuck. This is why hope is so important. It gives the mind a direction—a positive future to work toward. Without hope, it’s hard to let go of the negativity.
I can see this pattern in Senya. She’s hopeful on the surface, but deep down, she has doubts about whether she’ll find the relationship she truly wants. These doubts create resistance, making it harder for her to move forward.
Reprogramming the Mind
Senya: I don’t know how to let this go. It feels like I’ve tried everything.
Brandy: I know. You’re incredibly strong, and I can see how much effort you’ve put into suppressing these emotions. But here’s the thing—suppression doesn’t equal healing. What we need to do is reprogram your mind with new information. If you knew, without a doubt, that you were going to have an amazing relationship, wouldn’t it be easier to let go of this one?
Senya: Yes, completely.
Brandy: Exactly. So let’s start there. Breathe and imagine that future—an amazing relationship where you feel loved, cherished, and supported. What would that feel like?
Senya: It would feel amazing.
Brandy: Good. Hold onto that feeling as we continue.
Breaking the Cycle of Pressure
Brandy: Now, let me ask you something. How much pressure are you putting on yourself to hurry up and find the right person? To get married and have children before it’s too late? On a scale of 0 to 10, how much pressure would you say?
Senya: I try not to pressure myself. I really do. But maybe… maybe I suppress that too.
Brandy: That’s okay. If you knew you were five years younger, would you feel the same pressure?
Senya: Maybe a little less.
Brandy: Exactly. So there’s a part of you that’s feeling the clock ticking, even if you’re trying not to. And that pressure is creating stress, which only makes it harder to attract the relationship you want.
The Power of Certainty
Brandy: If you were 100% certain that you were going to find an incredible relationship, how much could you let go of the stress and the old relationship?
Senya: Completely.
Brandy: Beautiful. Now, notice the part of you that’s been telling yourself, “I don’t know if it’s going to happen. What if I never find the right person?” That part of you needs to be reprogrammed. When you replace those doubts with certainty and positive expectation, everything changes.
Key Insights
Brandy: Let’s pause again for a moment. There are two key insights here that are incredibly important—not just for Senya, but for anyone listening.
- Don’t Wait for Divine Timing Without Taking Action
Senya mentioned that she’s been waiting for “divine timing” to bring her the right relationship. This is something I see often with people on a spiritual journey. They wait and wait, but what they don’t realize is that their emotions—feelings of loneliness or unworthiness—are creating a pattern that attracts more of the same. Yes, divine timing is real, but it’s also important to actively clear the emotional patterns that are holding you back.
- The Importance of Moving Forward
Healing and growth require creating a vision for the future. It’s not enough to focus on releasing the past. You have to take new steps forward by building new neural pathways in the mind. This is what creates real transformation.
Moving Forward with Senya
Brandy: Let’s dive back in with Senya.
Brandy: So, if I ask you again, how much of yourself did you feel like you gave to that old relationship?
Senya: Everything.
Brandy: And how much did you feel used?
Senya: Totally.
Brandy: Okay. I want you to breathe and notice that hurt. You’ve been carrying it for a long time, but you don’t need to anymore. If you knew that an even better relationship was on its way, how much could you let this one go?
Senya: Completely.
Brandy: Beautiful. Let’s work on holding that feeling of certainty. You’re not just letting go of the past; you’re stepping into a future that’s full of love and possibilities.
Navigating Resistance to Change
Brandy: Let’s continue. If I ask you, zero to ten, how much you were truly hopeful that the old relationship would work out, what would you say?
Senya: Honestly, I made myself believe that it would work out, but deep down, I knew it wouldn’t.
Brandy: Mm-hmm. And if I ask you how much of yourself you felt like you gave to that relationship—chasing after it, hoping for it—what would you say?
Senya: Everything.
Brandy: And if I ask you how much a part of you felt used in that relationship?
Senya: Totally.
Brandy: Totally. Okay. Now, notice this for a moment. You’ve done an amazing job of suppressing those tears, haven’t you?
Senya: Yeah, I guess I have.
Brandy: Exactly. You’re like this badass warrior who’s been saying, “I’m strong. I’ll just push through.” But inside, there’s still hurt, right?
Senya: Yes. I’m so tired of it.
Brandy: I understand. And here’s the thing: It’s okay to let it go. If you knew, without a doubt, that you were going to have a beautiful, loving relationship in the future, how much easier would it be to let this go?
Senya: It would be completely gone. I wouldn’t hold onto it.
Creating New Neural Pathways
Brandy: Beautiful. Now, I want you to notice the part of you that has been telling yourself, “I don’t know if I’ll ever have that kind of relationship,” or “What if the next one doesn’t work out either?” Those doubts are keeping you stuck. Can you see that?
Senya: Yes, I can see that.
Brandy: Great. What we’re going to do is start shifting those doubts and creating new neural pathways—new beliefs—so your mind knows, without a doubt, that you’re moving toward something amazing.
Take a deep breath, and imagine yourself in a beautiful, loving relationship. One where you feel cherished, supported, and truly happy. What would that feel like?
Senya: It would feel incredible. Like freedom and joy.
Brandy: Perfect. Now, hold onto that feeling. That’s what you want to start programming into your mind every day. It’s not about “waiting for divine timing” or hoping—it’s about actively creating that future by aligning your energy and beliefs with it.
The Role of Pressure and the “Clock”
Brandy: Now let me ask you again. How much pressure have you been putting on yourself to find the right person and settle down before it’s “too late”?
Senya: I don’t want to feel like I’m pressuring myself, but… maybe I am. A little.
Brandy: If you were five years younger, would you feel the same pressure?
Senya: No, not as much.
Brandy: Exactly. So there’s a part of you that’s aware of time, and that awareness is creating stress—even if you’re trying to suppress it. But here’s the thing: That stress is only making it harder to attract the right person. What if you could let go of that pressure completely and trust that everything will work out perfectly?
Senya: That would feel so much better.
Brandy: Beautiful. That’s what we’re working toward.
Shifting Beliefs
Brandy: Now, let’s look at the core belief that’s been holding you back. If I ask you, how much do you feel like you’re “not good enough” or “not worthy” of the relationship you want, what would you say?
Senya: I don’t want to feel that way, but maybe… maybe I do. Deep down.
Brandy: That’s okay. Awareness is the first step. What I want you to realize is that those beliefs are not true. You are more than good enough. You are worthy of love and happiness. The only thing that’s been holding you back is those old patterns and beliefs. And the good news is, we can change them.
Take a deep breath and imagine yourself in that beautiful relationship again. Feel how loved and supported you are. Can you see how that’s possible for you?
Senya: Yes, I can.
Brandy: Amazing. Now, I want you to hold onto that vision and start aligning your energy with it every day. Let’s clear out those old doubts and replace them with certainty and confidence.
Closing Thoughts on the Session
Brandy: Let’s pause here for a moment. What I want to emphasize is this: Healing and transformation require new information. If we keep going back to the past, we stay stuck in those old patterns. But when we start creating new beliefs and aligning our energy with what we truly want, everything changes.
Senya’s journey is a beautiful example of this. She’s been holding onto hurt and doubt, but as we’ve started shifting her focus toward the future, you can feel the change happening. That’s the power of reprogramming the mind.
Next Steps
Brandy: To everyone listening, I encourage you to take a moment and think about your own patterns. Are you holding onto old hurts or doubts? Are you waiting for “divine timing” instead of actively creating the life you want? If so, start shifting your focus today. Create a vision for your future, and start aligning your energy with it.
And remember, healing isn’t about being perfect—it’s about progress. Take it one step at a time, and trust that you are moving in the right direction.
Final Insights and Reflections
Brandy: Let’s take a moment to pause and reflect on what we’ve covered. One of the most important takeaways from this session with Senya is the role of hope and certainty in healing and moving forward. When we don’t have a clear vision of the future or we’re weighed down by old doubts and patterns, it’s like trying to walk while dragging a heavy anchor behind us.
For Senya, the key to moving forward is creating new neural pathways—new beliefs that reinforce her worthiness and the certainty that a beautiful, loving relationship is on its way. This isn’t just about letting go of the old; it’s about actively creating the new.
Addressing Patterns of Waiting
Brandy: One of the things Senya mentioned was waiting for divine timing. And while divine timing is real, it’s also important to recognize when we’re stuck in a pattern of waiting. Waiting for something to happen without actively addressing the emotions or beliefs that are holding us back can lead to stagnation.
For example, Senya’s pattern of waiting may have been influenced by deeper feelings of loneliness or unworthiness that she’s carried for a long time. By clearing those emotions and replacing them with a sense of joy and fulfillment, she can begin to attract the kind of relationship she truly desires.
Shifting Into Action
Brandy: Now, as we move forward, it’s important to understand that healing and transformation aren’t passive processes. They require action and engagement. For Senya, that means actively working on reprogramming her mind with new, empowering beliefs. It means visualizing the relationship she wants and aligning her energy with it every day.
This process applies to all of us. Whether we’re healing from physical pain, emotional wounds, or life challenges, the key is to create a vision for the future and take steps to align our minds and energy with it.
Looking Ahead
Brandy: To everyone listening, if you’ve been holding onto old patterns or waiting for something to change, I encourage you to take a moment and ask yourself:
- What is the vision I have for my future?
- What beliefs or emotions are holding me back from aligning with that vision?
- How can I start reprogramming my mind to create the life I truly want?
These are powerful questions that can help you begin to shift your mindset and energy. Remember, healing is a journey, and every step you take brings you closer to the life you deserve.
Closing the Session with Senya
Brandy: Coming back to Senya, I want to highlight how far she’s come in this session. She’s gained awareness of the emotions and patterns that have been holding her back, and she’s begun to create a vision for the future. As she continues this work, she’ll see how much lighter and freer she feels—and how quickly things begin to shift in her life.
Senya, thank you for your beautiful energy and vulnerability. You’ve inspired us all with your courage and your heart. I’m so excited for the amazing future you’re creating!
Final Words for Listeners
Brandy: Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Heal Yourself, Change Your Life. If today’s session resonated with you, I encourage you to share it with someone you love or someone who might benefit from it. The more we share these insights, the more we can uplift and empower each other.
And remember, if you’re experiencing physical pain or emotional challenges, you have the power to create incredible change in your life. By understanding and working with your mind, you can unlock the healing potential that’s already within you.
If you have questions or would like to volunteer for a future episode, visit me at And as always, continue to see your doctors, but make it your goal to blow their minds with what you’re capable of.
You are truly incredible. I look forward to connecting with you on the next episode. Until then, take care and have a beautiful day!