IQ-120: Interconnectedness: The Transformative Power Of Human Connection For Healing

Heal yourself change your life podcast

 Are you feeling alone and looking for a deeper sense of connection and well-being? In a world where connection often seems to be fading into the digital ether, loneliness is becoming more common. This enlightening quick IQ episode explores the often overlooked and complex issue of loneliness and its subtle yet significant impact on […]

IQ-119: Embracing Authenticity To Uplevel Your Relationships For Growth & Happiness

Heal yourself change your life podcast

Are you tired of wearing masks and hiding behind facades in your relationships? Yearning for more meaningful connections and genuine happiness? In this eye-opening quick IQ episode, Brandy shares key insights into the power of authenticity and its transformative effects on your relationships and your health. Discover how unleashing your authentic self can lead to […]

IQ-117: Stepping Outside Of Your Comfort Zone To Heal and Elevate Your Life

Heal yourself change your life podcast

 Ever wondered how stepping outside your comfort zone could be the key to healing and taking your life to new heights? In this quick IQ episode, Brandy addresses listeners’ questions on whether or not it’s good to push ourselves beyond our comfort zone. Join us as Brandy shares unique insights, dispelling the fear of […]

IQ-115: The Healing Power of Compassion And How It Affects Your Health

Heal yourself change your life podcast

Can acts of genuine care and understanding lead to a healthier, more fulfilling life? Discover how viewing others through a lens of compassion can have profound effects on our physical and mental health. In this quick IQ episode, Brandy answers a listener’s question on how we should look at others who are dealing with their […]

IQ-114: Embrace Your Body’s Messages To Shift & Transform Your Health and Life

Heal yourself change your life podcast

Have you ever felt the powerful influence of your thoughts, emotions, and mindset on shaping your life? If you’re facing health issues, your body may be delivering a message, urging you to make a change. In this quick IQ episode, Brandy reveals three game-changing insights on how you can actively work with your mind and […]

IQ-113: 3 Powerful Insights to Help Transform Feelings Of Not Being Good Enough

Heal yourself change your life podcast

Do you find yourself repeating the same negative relationship patterns over and over again? Today’s quick IQ episode is all about breaking free from those detrimental cycles and using that transformation to uplift and enhance your relationships.  Listen in as Brandy shares key insights from listener questions such as: How do you know if someone […]

IQ-112: Transforming Patterns to Transform & Uplevel Your Relationships

Heal yourself change your life podcast

Do you find yourself repeating the same negative relationship patterns over and over again? Today’s quick IQ episode is all about breaking free from those detrimental cycles and using that transformation to uplift and enhance your relationships.  Listen in as Brandy shares key insights from listener questions such as: How do you know if someone […]

IQ-111: Creating Parent-Child Bonds That Kids Can *Feel* and Learn From

Heal yourself change your life podcast

As parents, we have the amazing opportunity to shape how our kids respond to their fears, and create positive patterns that help them feel safe and secure, and one important piece to that is the bond we create and the outcome our kids *feel* from that bond. In this week’s episode of Quick IQ, Brandy […]

IQ-110: Breaking the Fear Cycle: Empowering Children (And Ourselves) to Thrive

Heal yourself change your life podcast

 Have you ever wondered about the profound influence we have on shaping children’s perception of the world? In this quick IQ episode Brandy shares how our unconscious behaviors might be instilling patterns of fear and anxiety in our children—patterns that could persist into adulthood and significantly impact their health, happiness, and overall ability to […]

IQ-108: Are You Subconsciously *Fueling* The Wounds That Are Keeping You Stuck?

Heal yourself change your life podcast

Have you ever felt like you’re “fueling the wound” instead of “healing the wound”? This is a common challenge that many people face on their journey towards healing and self-improvement. In this quick IQ episode, Brandy shares key areas that keep people stuck and what you can do to truly transform them. Whether you’re new […]

IQ-107: Overcoming Loneliness: Recognizing Your Worth To Find Love And Connection

Heal yourself change your life podcast

Tired of feeling alone and disconnected? Join Brandy in this quick IQ episode as she uncovers the connection between loneliness and deservingness–giving you practical tools to take your life from “blah” to blissfully connected. Dive into inspiring insights on how we can move towards a love-filled existence with deep, meaningful relationships that will make us […]

IQ-106: Why Does It Seem Like Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Heal yourself change your life podcast

Ever wondered why it often seems like bad things happen to good people? In this insightful IQ episode, Brandy shares common subconscious patterns and beliefs that may be contributing to this common belief. Are you holding onto negative beliefs in one of these 4 categories Brandy shares in this quick IQ episode? With Brandy’s guidance, […]

IQ-50: Empowering Insights on Manifesting

Heal yourself change your life podcast

There are so many misconceptions about manifesting that can keep people stuck and not creating the changes they want in their life. Further, all of the time people ask things like: How can I manifest more in my life? More love?  …more happiness? …more health?  or take my life to the next level? In this […]

IQ-102: Not Getting Sucked into Fear – Immerse Yourself In The Solution

Welcome to this episode of IQ, where we dive deep into managing fear and anxiety that is so prevalent in today’s world. It’s true that more and more people are getting sucked into the fear story, and it’s not just limited to adults. Even children are experiencing fear and anxiety, which can be detrimental to […]

IQ-100: Tapping Into Your *Real* Feelings To Manifest Love & Health

Do you feel like you’ve been searching for love for what seems like forever, only to come up short every time? Maybe you’ve tried everything you can think of, but nothing seems to work. The truth is, there is an abundance of love available to all of us, but we need to tap into our […]

IQ-99: The Top 2 Keys to Self-Love & Self-Care

Self-love and embracing self-care aren’t always easy to come by.  While it is crucial for our well-being, many people struggle to create genuine self-love, particularly those with impostor syndrome or feelings of guilt. These subconscious beliefs can hinder our ability to create meaningful changes in this area, especially for women who may feel like they’re […]

158: Self-Love, Self-Acceptance, And Approval

Heal yourself change your life podcast

What if a lack of self-love and a lack of feeling of approval or acceptance was holding you back or affecting your health?  The feeling of wanting approval or acceptance is a very real and common human experience. Many people experience feelings of wanting approval or acceptance, whether it be from parents, a caregiver, spouses, […]

157: Accepting Your Sexuality & Letting Go Of Guilt

Heal yourself change your life podcast

 Feeling the need to please others can lead us down an unhealthy path of self-judgment. In this podcast episode, Brandy continues working with Dave, who has had some guilt and shame-related struggles that affect his health and sleep. This episode takes an unexpected turn and provides some insights you won’t want to miss. Listen […]

156: A Deeper Understanding Of Your Brain

Heal yourself change your life podcast

Your mind is a powerful tool, and understanding how your brain works can be life-changing. In part two of Brandy’s session with her wonderful volunteer, Dave, Brandy helps him go deep to identify key programming that has been counterintuitive and affecting his health and happiness. This is the perfect podcast episode for anyone who wants […]

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