
Empowering. Mind-expanding. Radical Healing!

We’ve all heard of the placebo, so we know with certainty that our minds have healing abilities. That’s a fact. However, Brandy takes this common awareness to a whole new level! She coaches live volunteers to use their own mind to achieve radical healing results in just minutes! Brandy is not “healing people” instead she is showing people how to heal themselves so you can witness her unique process. She then provides you with a combination of practical tools and spiritual insights to help you take your health AND life to the next level! If you are looking for insights on self-healing, chronic pain, mind-body healing, metaphysics, consciousness, spirituality, psycho-spiritual, or self-help, then you will LOVE this podcast! Come join Brandy Gillmore on this incredible journey!

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227: Uncovering Hidden Complexities – Insights to Break Free and Heal

Do you ever feel like there are unseen forces holding you back from healing and progressing in life, despite your efforts to improve your health and well-being? In this episode, Brandy explores the intricate depths of our minds and emotions, unraveling the concealed patterns and emotional ties that subtly impact our well-being, relationships, and healing journey. While many of us strive for growth and healing, all too often people find themselves stuck, facing barriers that ...
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IQ-147: Beyond “Belief” – Tapping Into the Body's Subtle Signals for Deep Healing

 During Brandy's period of injury, she experienced certain events and profound realizations that played a crucial role in providing her with the clarity and understanding necessary for self-healing. In today's episode, Brandy not only shares some of the most significant insights but also presents a simple yet impactful exercise designed to help you create a shift in your mindset, awareness, happiness, health, and overall life quality. View episode transcript Topics: paying attention to the ...
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226: Unmasking The Hidden Emotions Connected to Physical Pain

 Have you ever considered how deeply your emotions, hidden away in your subconscious, can influence your physical health? In this episode, Brandy delves into the fascinating connection between the mind and body, revealing how unresolved emotional patterns can manifest as physical symptoms and pain. All too often, these subconscious emotions, including those we may not even realize we're harboring, keep people stuck in their healing journey. You won’t want to miss the powerful insights ...
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IQ-146: Is This Common Barrier Blocking Your Power To Heal or Transform Your Life

 Many times, even when people are aware of the power of the mind to transform their happiness and health, they find themselves stuck. They may feel like they've exhausted all options, but they don't realize that a big part of the problem is that they have “hidden” misconceptions that are holding them back. That's why today's podcast episode is crucial. It illuminates a very common barrier that can impede transformation and provides valuable insights ...
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225: Unlocking the Overlooked: Transformational Keys to Happiness, Peace, and Wellness

 Ever wonder what you're missing on your path to happiness, health, and peace? Join Brandy as she unveils the hidden secrets that hold the key to profound health, happiness, and transformative mental shifts. Today’s episode is all about the subtle but powerful things we often overlook that can dramatically shift our health, life, mindset, and happiness. Brandy shares key insights that are often right in front of us, but we dismiss them, not understanding ...
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IQ-145: Surprising Subconscious Influences Affecting Our Relationships and Connections

 If you have been focusing on self-healing or transforming your life, you probably understand that certain aspects can be challenging. One such aspect is the subconscious mind, which, as the name suggests, lies beneath consciousness. Because it is below consciousness, it can be elusive and difficult to identify the patterns impacting your life. That's what makes today's IQ episode profound: this episode sheds light on a growing pattern that most people are unaware of. ...
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224: Creating an Empowering Mindshift to Transform Emotional Pain Into Joyful Healing

 One thing that I love about today's episode is seeing our volunteer go from upset and in emotional pain to laughing and lighthearted. Of course, creating real change takes real follow-through and understanding the mind, and that is what is key about today's episode. It can help you understand your mind at a deeper level. Do you ever feel like your mind is trapped in a repetitive cycle, making it difficult to break free ...
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IQ-144: Hidden Keys to Healing: 2 Key Insights for Self-Healing, Loneliness & Transformation

 An increasing number of people are awakening to the awareness that our thoughts and emotions can have a profound impact on our health, happiness, and lives. In fact, even traditional research has provided more studies revealing the covert effect our minds have on our health. While it's great that more people are becoming aware, it's just one piece of the puzzle. The other key part is how to use this information to create real ...
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223: Overcoming Negativity and Reclaiming Happiness and Safety

 Have you ever felt as though your mind was wired for negativity or found it difficult to experience happiness? If so, know that you are not alone. In today's episode, Kristen, our volunteer, shares her journey of spending years in therapy. Despite her best efforts, she has felt stuck and weighed down by trauma. However, this episode will show you how our minds can become stuck if they are programmed to do so. It ...
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IQ-143: Are You Unknowingly Blocking What You're Manifesting?

If you've been working on manifesting new things in your life, such as a relationship, business or career change, or a life change, you're probably aware that there are blocks that can keep you from manifesting what you're wanting. However, what makes this episode truly thought-provoking is that  Brandy highlights a hidden block that is simple but pivotal and yet often goes unnoticed. What's even more intriguing is that, for many individuals, this particular obstacle ...
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222: Rediscovering Joy and Connection in Your Relationships

 Relationships can be some of the most rewarding and beautiful parts of our lives where we connect with people, feel loved. Or they can also be the most painful where we feel triggered and hurt. And of course, these triggers and hurts can impact our health, and our life and our happiness which is exactly what's happened with today's podcast guest Our special guest for today's episode is Lori, a volunteer whose journey is ...
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IQ-142: One Thing Everyone Should Know About Medicine Journeys/Psychedelics

 If you're like many people, you've probably heard the growing buzz surrounding psychedelics and medicine journeys like ayahuasca and ketamine, among others. Over the years, I've been frequently asked for my opinion on this matter. Until now, I have avoided the topic, as I didn't want to endorse or criticize it. However, recently there has been a buzz that has compelled me to speak about it… because I believe there are some crucial insights ...
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221: Releasing Self-Blame and Stepping Into Your Power to Reclaim Your Health, Relationships and Your Life

Today's episode is incredibly insightful! As Brandy works with our wonderful volunteer, Lori, it brings attention to an often overlooked aspect of mind-body healing – the awareness of what resides in the subconscious mind. If you find yourself stuck in this area, I highly recommend listening to this episode. Not only will it provide clarity on your subconscious programming, but it will also reveal the necessary changes required to achieve tangible results! Come join us! ...
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IQ-141: Two * Very * Simple… (But Potentially Profound) Insights for Love, Happiness, and Healing!

Are you seeking a moment of clarity and calm in 2024? If so, you'll find this episode to be a comforting companion. In a world often overwhelmed by complexity, we're bringing you an experience that revels in simplicity. This isn't just about uncomplicated ideas; it's about finding depth and insight in straightforward thoughts. This episode is for those who find beauty in the basics, who understand that sometimes, the most profound truths are hidden in ...
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220: Taking Your Healing and Your Relationships to the Next Level

 Join us for today’s podcast episode where Brandy takes us through the often unspoken aspects of relationships and their impact on our physical and emotional well-being. Relationships can be a “sore subject” in ways that may not be immediately apparent. When people think of healing from relationships, they often focus on feelings of loss, abuse, rejection, or abandonment, while overlooking other, less obvious emotions that affect them. Maybe you have experienced the same? Brandy ...
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IQ-140: Crushing Your Goals: Master Your Mind and Energy to Manifest Your Best Year Yet

Have you ever stopped to think about how your hidden feelings might be guiding your life? In today's IQ episode, Brandy shares the everyday ways that our emotions, often the ones we don't even realize we have, can influence our health and happiness. As Brandy sheds light on how these hidden emotional patterns affect our lives in ways we might not expect, you may be surprised how these common misconceptions have affected you in your ...
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219: Breaking Free: The Power of Your Mind in Overcoming Pain

 Are you feeling stuck in the cycle of physical or emotional pain? Ever wonder if there's more you can do to overcome this barrier and truly break free? Our minds hold immense power. The thoughts we nurture and the beliefs we hold about ourselves can significantly influence our experiences and shape our reality. Sometimes, all it takes is a shift in perspective to start the healing process. And that’s exactly what you’ll witness in ...
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IQ-139: Deep Connections: Mastering the Mind to Manifest Happiness, Love, and Success

 Have you ever stopped to think about how your hidden feelings might be guiding your life? In today's IQ episode, Brandy shares the everyday ways that our emotions, often the ones we don't even realize we have, can influence our health and happiness. As Brandy sheds light on how these hidden emotional patterns affect our lives in ways we might not expect, you may be surprised how these common misconceptions have affected you in ...
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218: Getting Rid of Unwanted Relationship Patterns to Heal

This episode is truly enlightening as it uncovers intriguing, obscure, and counterintuitive aspects of healing. It reveals that the very things we consciously try to avoid can actually manifest in our lives due to hidden subconscious programming. This episode is part 2 of Brandy’s session with our wonderful volunteer, Amy. Like everyone, she has her own patterns, and despite them being unwanted, she bravely confronts them with honesty, authenticity, and vulnerability. If you have ever ...
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IQ-138: Why Can It Feel So Hard to Release Trauma?

Do you ever feel like you're pouring your heart into changing and growing, but somehow, the results just don't seem to show up? Or maybe you sense that a big breakthrough is right around the corner, but it's just out of reach for some reason? In this week’s special IQ episode, Brandy opens up about a topic that affects many of us  – the lingering effects of trauma and the journey towards healing. We all ...
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