IQ-96: Creating More Understanding & Love In Your Relationships

In this short but powerful IQ episode, Brandy shares a perfect reminder that relationships can blossom to new levels when we strive to truly understand…and be understanding of one another. Brandy also uncovers the counterintuitive nature of not feeling understood in your relationships. You’ll discover key things you can do today to create real change […]

IQ-95: What If It’s Easier To Heal Yourself Than You Think?

What If It's Easier To Heal Yourself Than You Think?

Many times people overwhelm themselves on their healing journey. They think they have to be “perfect” to get real healing results. And that they have to work through every painful childhood trauma or wound they’ve ever had. Or in other cases, people try to avoid their real feelings and they attempt to check out. But […]

IQ-94: Stepping Into Confidence While Maintaining Harmony In Your Relationships

When someone finds the courage to build their confidence, truly wondrous things can follow – fulfilling relationships, better health, and greater success. It’s truly beautiful.  However, embracing your confidence isn’t always easy- sometimes, it can be met with resistance from those around you. In this IQ episode, Brandy shares two important steps that will help […]

IQ-93: What Message Is My Body Giving Me?

Is your body trying to tell you something? It truly is remarkable how much information our own bodies can reveal to us, especially when we know how to truly tune into them. In today’s quick IQ episode, Brandy answers a profound question from a beautiful listener and shares 3 key insights into understanding the valuable messages […]

IQ-92: The 5 *Hidden* Factors To Fear In Your Subconscious

Are you feeling overwhelmed and held back by fear? All too often I hear from people who feel overwhelmed and weighed down by negative news and other areas of negativity in their life. but it doesn’t have to be this way! Join us on a journey to make change easier through powerful insights and takeaways […]

IQ-91: Parenting With Love & Boundaries (Without Feeling Guilty)

Being a loving parent doesn’t mean foregoing setting boundaries for your child’s safety. It is important to remember that children are still learning and developing and that setting healthy boundaries are essential for their emotional and physical safety. In today’s quick IQ episode, Brandy shares a listener’s question about how to parent from a place […]

IQ-90: Letting Go Of Struggle And Stepping Into Ease In The New Year

letting go of struggle

 Welcome to the start of a new and exciting year, where great change is possible! Each new year is a chance to start anew and make positive changes in our lives. It can be a great time for introspection and the motivation to try something new to step outside of your comfort zone to […]

IQ-88: A “Hidden” Type Of Mind Programming For Self-Healing

Our current ways of thinking may not always serve us optimally. Many of us are unknowingly stuck in negative, unhealthy patterns that can have a serious impact on our physical and mental health, and keep us from living a happy and healthy life. In today’s quick IQ episode, Brandy shares key insights into how our […]

IQ-87: Are You Feeling Stuck In Life? The Top 7 Reasons Why…

top 7 things keeping you stuck

Have you been feeling stuck in life? Maybe you’ve been working on healing or changing your life, and you find yourself procrastinating. Spacing out? Feeling distracted? Or like you have no energy. Or maybe you feel like you have good intentions, but you just can’t get yourself to follow through. If so, then you won’t […]

IQ-85: Hidden Energy Issues Regarding The Holidays

One of the hardest parts about working with the mind and energy is being able to identify the problem and navigating all of the hidden aspects that we don’t see because they are not yet in our awareness. I know when I was going through my injury, there were so many things that I couldn’t […]

IQ-79: Getting Unstuck From The Emotion-Consciousness Cycle™

Many of us experience pain, suffering, or disappointment in our lives, And when that’s occurring, you can feel as though there is no way out. You may feel trapped by an illness or pain, and it can be impossible to break free from this situation. The pain and suffering that we experience can feel like […]

IQ-78: Transforming Painful Relationships To Have A More Harmonious Life

All of us have various types of relationships in our lives, and even the best of relationships have ebbs and flows. Some are harmonious, and others can be painful and very difficult. Sometimes, you can’t get the person out of your life so it’s important for your health and well-being to transform the relationship or […]

IQ-77 – Identify and Transform Painful Spiritual Patterns To Create Genuine Growth

 When people start working with their minds or they get into spirituality, oftentimes, they end up unknowingly creating patterns that are not serving them. This common mistake can affect your health, your relationships, and all areas of your life. In today’s podcast episode, Brandy shares two very important insights to help you identify and […]

IQ-76: Asking The Universe To Delete Old Programming & Struggles

If you’ve ever wondered how or what to ask the Universe, today’s quick IQ episode is for you. In it, Brandy answers some thought-provoking questions from a listener on Instagram. Brandy shares some powerful insights about working with our minds and asking Universe/God/Divine (whatever that is for you) for help. This could be asking for […]

IQ-74: Creating An Empowered Life With Genuine Self-Love

Self-love can often be seen as a selfish act, but nothing could be further from the truth. When you love yourself, you are empowered to be better able to show up for those around you, and it’s so important to healing and health. In this quick IQ Episode, join Brandy as she shares a powerful […]

IQ-73: Identifying Hidden Emotional Patterns

In this quick IQ episode, Brandy shares her insights on the importance of identifying hidden emotional patterns. She provides key examples that illustrate how these patterns can affect everything from relationships to health–and why radically transforming them is so important for living a happy life!  She also takes a question from a listener about common […]

IQ-72: A Simple Way To Start Transforming Relationship Patterns In Your Life

People have ongoing hurts they experience from their relationships. Some of these patterns begin from our childhood or through childhood wounding. Others develop later in life. However, the way you relate to people in your life can have a big impact on both the quality of those relationships and your health. In this short episode, […]

IQ-70: How To Navigate Your Relationships With Others Who Are Negative

Do you find yourself trying to fix others who are negative? What if there’s a better way?  If you’re like most people, you’ve probably had the experience of being around someone who is negative and finding yourself trying to fix them. In this quick IQ episode Brandy answers a listener’s question about how to talk […]

IQ-69: In Some Cases, A Certain “Type” of Faith May Be Needed for Healing

As you can tell by listening to past episodes when Brandy works with a volunteer to help them radically release their pain or heal their body, our minds are truly incredible. And what Brandy is doing is really helping them to change their mind programming and their specific emotional-energetic connections in the mind. However, a […]

IQ-68: Commonly Overlooked Factors You *Need* To Know When Working With the Mind

Real change and determination are so significant when transforming your health and life. But unfortunately, when working to shift their health, depression, or other emotional patterns, most of the time, people will try to use logic and reason to heal. But that’s not enough- and this is where many people get stuck. This can be […]

IQ-67: The Hidden Key To Healing… (It’s Different Than Most People Think)

Most people don’t realize that multiple key factors in the subconscious mind can be linked to illness, and the longer that you have an illness, the more hidden components there can be.  In today’s short IQ episode, Brandy answers a really great question from a listener about understanding how healing works with the mind. If […]

IQ-66: Ways to Avoid Manifesting Negative Problems

There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to manifesting negative things in our lives. And in fact, some of them can actually keep YOU from manifesting the very thing you are wanting. Today’s question comes from a listener and is a very powerful topic that is truly divine timing. Her question is around […]

IQ-65: A Simple But Profound *Pivot* That Changed My Life (And Can Change Yours Too!)

Today’s IQ episode is short but profound, and if you’re willing to listen with an open mind can help many people get unstuck when it comes to self-healing. There’s a really great question from a listener which demonstrates a common place where most people get stuck. Brandy personally experienced being stuck with this very same […]

IQ-64 Is This *Belief* About Life Keeping You Stuck?

This one *belief* is often cited as one of the most valuable aspects in life. But could there be something missing in that way of thinking that could leave you stuck, and unable to move forward in life? In this quick IQ episode, Brandy shares powerful insights from a comment that came in from a […]

IQ-62: 5 Reasons Something *Negative* Can Come Into Your Life

A lot of people are really struggling right now. It can seem that everything seems too difficult or impossible, but what if you held the power within to shift and create a more harmonious life? You won’t want to miss this week’s IQ podcast episode as Brandy reveals five reasons something negative can come into […]

IQ-60: How To Shift Negative Conversations To Create Radical Change In Your Health & Life

In last week’s IQ episode, we talked about how to avoid negative conversations altogether to transform your relationships. And today’s topic comes from listener follow-up questions and asks, “What if I like to talk about the negative?” Listen in as Brandy discusses how addressing the negative can be a good thing, but you’re not going to want […]

IQ 59: Transforming & Elevating Your Relationships For More Love & Harmony

Today’s Quick IQ Episode is a quick dive into relationship transformation. So, if you’ve been experiencing hurt or frustration or upset or negative conversations or even just wanting to take your relationships to the next level then I would strongly recommend listening to this particular IQ episode. The initial question for this topic had started […]

IQ 58: Confidently Stepping Out In Faith & Getting Into Energetic Alignment

 Is there something inside that you need to shift in your energy or take action to manifest in your life? In this episode, Brandy explores what it means to step out into faith and what you could be overlooking. This short IQ episode is a must-listen as Brandy shares 2 key insights that could […]

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