219: Breaking Free: The Power of Your Mind in Overcoming Pain

 Are you feeling stuck in the cycle of physical or emotional pain? Ever wonder if there’s more you can do to overcome this barrier and truly break free? Our minds hold immense power. The thoughts we nurture and the beliefs we hold about ourselves can significantly influence our experiences and shape our reality. Sometimes, […]

218: Getting Rid of Unwanted Relationship Patterns to Heal

This episode is truly enlightening as it uncovers intriguing, obscure, and counterintuitive aspects of healing. It reveals that the very things we consciously try to avoid can actually manifest in our lives due to hidden subconscious programming. This episode is part 2 of Brandy’s session with our wonderful volunteer, Amy. Like everyone, she has her […]

217: Navigating Counterintuitive Mind Programming to Evolve Your Mind & Consciousness

Have you ever pondered the potential impact of subtle negative emotions in relationships on your overall well-being? Have you considered that your own actions might also be contributing to the problem? When considering the impact of emotions on our health, we often associate it with feelings of victimization or hurt. Surprisingly, even the act of […]

216: Restoring the Magic in Your Relationships, Health & Life

Have you ever felt like you’re just going through the motions in life, especially in your relationships? Are you feeling overwhelmed with health challenges? Do you feel guilty taking time off for self-care? In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s all too easy to feel as though we’ve lost the magic. We get […]

214: Flourishing in Life: The Power of Self-Love and Letting Go of Self-Judgment

Feeling overwhelmed by self-criticism and the relentless pressures you place on yourself? You’re not alone. Many of us are our own worst critics, holding ourselves to impossibly high standards and feeling defeated when we fall short. Imagine, instead, a life where self-love reigns and your inner critic is replaced with an inner cheerleader, celebrating your […]

213: Spiraling Upwards Into Hope and Healing

Have you ever felt trapped in a downward spiral, wondering if there’s a way out? In life, it’s easy to get stuck in patterns of negativity and hopelessness. We often find ourselves caught in emotional reactivity, which can lead to feeling stuck, blocked, and without a way out. But what if we told you there’s […]

212: The Hidden Power of Subtle Emotions On Your Health & Life

Have you ever stopped to consider if the emotions you barely notice are quietly influencing your health and directing your life? It’s not just the intense emotions or those we express openly that matter. The ones that whisper just beneath our consciousness can have a surprisingly strong impact, too. These barely noticed feelings can profoundly […]

210: Invaluable Insights We Can Learn From Other People’s Mistakes

 Ever felt a twinge in your neck or a throb in your head and wondered if it’s more than just physical? Could our life choices, the guilt we harbor, or the mistakes we regret be manifesting in our bodies in ways we never imagined? In today’s heartfelt episode, Brandy works with Sally, our courageous […]

209: Getting Unstuck from the Past & Crafting a Healthier, Happier You

Have you ever felt trapped by your own past? Maybe you didn’t even realize it. The truth is, many of us are unknowingly stuck in old ways—habits and behaviors that feel comforting, protective, even beneficial. However, these same patterns can limit our potential, tying us to old stories and stopping us from truly moving forward. […]

205: Flourishing Together: Transforming Criticism & Blame Into Love & Abundance

Are you caught in the cycle of criticism and blame, (from Self or others), wondering how it’s impacting your relationships and financial stability? In this heartfelt and transformative episode, Brandy continues to work with Scott and Sarah. You may recall from the previous episode that they are a lovely married couple who are working on […]

204: Transforming Financial Guilt: Do You Feel Guilty After Spending Money?

Money and emotions are intricately linked. Many of us, at one time or another, have indulged in retail therapy or splurged on something we’ve desired, only to be overwhelmed by a rush of guilt later on. If you’ve ever experienced feeling guilty after spending money (especially on yourself), you won’t want to miss this episode. […]

203: Embracing Love and Connectedness To Heal Your Relationships and Yourself

Are you feeling disconnected or unfulfilled in your relationships? Do you crave a deeper connection with both yourself and others? These feelings are common for many people and can be directly related to one’s happiness and health. In this week’s episode, Brandy works with our sweet volunteer Lindsey, who is experiencing physical pain and feeling […]

202: Liberate Yourself From Guilt & Allow Great Things To Happen

Have you ever felt like your past mistakes just won’t let you move on? You’re not alone. We all have our own set of past mistakes, guilt, and regrets that haunt us. These subconscious patterns, often elusive to our conscious mind, hold a profound sway over our lives. They can sabotage opportunities, relationships, and even […]

201: Cultivating Worthiness: Embracing Deserving and Receiving

Have you ever felt like something is holding you back from receiving the good things life has to offer? Do you ever catch yourself thinking, “I don’t deserve this” or “Good things don’t happen to me”? In this week’s podcast episode, Brandy works with a sweet and lovely volunteer, Jamie, who is experiencing many health […]

200: Break Free from Defensive Triggers for Better Health and Happiness

Ever wonder how some people break free from their old habits affecting their health and happiness while others remain trapped in a cycle of resistance or the need to defend oneself? In this week’s episode, we’ll shed light on this very question with our courageous volunteer, Barbara. As we continue with part 3 of Barbara’s […]

197: From Overwhelm to Empowerment: Building a Strong Foundation of Trust and Support

Has your need to feel in control of everything left you feeling overwhelmed and burned out? In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. We often find ourselves juggling multiple tasks, responsibilities, and deadlines. The pressure to handle everything ourselves can be immense, leaving us feeling stretched thin, stressed, and burnt out. But what […]

193: Align Your Mind And Heart: Reshaping Relationships for Health & Harmony

Have you ever found yourself pulled in different directions, yearning for something, but feeling stuck in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions – focusing on what you don’t want instead of aligning your mind and energy for what you *really* want? Whether it’s with family, friends, or romantic partners, our relationships can have a profound impact […]

192: Embracing the Power Within to Ignite Healing and Lasting Transformation

Feeling stuck and unsure of how to move forward? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. The good news is that the power to change your situation is already inside you. Join us for this eye-opening episode as we explore the incredible potential each of us has to make significant changes in our lives. In this […]

190: Healing Your Relationships…to Heal Yourself

 Relationships, whether with our partners, family, or friends, have the power to uplift and bring immense joy. Yet, they can also lead to pain and hardship, affecting our overall well-being. In this episode, Brandy works with our lovely and sweet volunteer Cat who has navigated various health issues stemming from the stress and emotional […]

188: Liberating Yourself From Cycles That Keep You Stuck

 Do you feel stuck in a cycle that you just can’t break free from? Are you tired of repeating the same patterns and not seeing a way out? In this transformative and insightful episode, Brandy works with a beautiful volunteer to liberate herself from cycles of stress, guilt, and fear. Brandy also shares powerful […]

186: Letting Go Of Old Energy To Step Into The New

 Are you ready to step into the best version of yourself? Join us on this week’s episode as we explore the power of letting go of old energy to create transformational change in your life. On this week’s episode, Brandy works with a lovely volunteer, Amy, who is incredibly self-aware and caring. As they […]

184: Beyond the Surface: Looking Within To Manifest In A Different Way

Have you ever felt like life has passed you by or that it’s too late to start manifesting your dreams? Maybe you’ve convinced yourself that you’re too old or too young, or that you just can’t do it. These types of “stories” we tell ourselves can have a direct impact on what we manifest, and […]

183: Hidden “Everyday” Actions That Can Be Surprisingly Linked To Illness

Did you know that our subconscious actions and daily activities can have a significant impact on our health and well-being, and many people are not even aware of it? Unfortunately, illness is increasing exponentially around the world. It’s easy to overlook, but the rise in illness and disconnection in our world is evidence of its […]

182: The Importance Of Receiving & Perspective To Heal

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be easy to get stuck in our own ways of thinking and become closed off to new ideas and viewpoints. However, sometimes it is necessary to step outside of our comfort zones and consider alternative perspectives in order to heal, move forward and grow. And today’s episode is full […]

181: Embracing Self-Value for Healing and Growth

In today’s uplifting episode, we delve into the vital topic of self-value and its undeniable impact on the healing process. In this episode, Brandy works with a beautiful volunteer, Gabby  to embrace the life-changing power that arises from truly valuing oneself. You won’t want to miss this heartwarming and inspiring episode that could very well […]

180: Breaking Free From Hidden Relationship Patterns & Cultivating More Self-Love

In today’s powerful episode, we wrap up our three-part series with our beautiful volunteer, Lily, and explore the hidden patterns that shape our lives and how we can cultivate self-love to overcome them. Brandy shares the importance of recognizing interconnected patterns that we often can’t see and how doing so can help you escape the […]

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